Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1950: Can't make it successful

"Boss, you have to know a big news. The fastest update"

Feng Yu scratched his head and Ralph called early in the morning. What happened to this?

"Wait a minute, pick up the video."

Feng Yu sat up from the bed, clicked twice on the bedside table, slipped on the phone with his hand, and the display on the opposite wall lit up. Ralph's image appeared on the screen.

Ralph saw that Feng Yu was still lying on the bed. He looked at his watch. It should have been 9:00 in the morning of China.

"What big news, so anxious to find me?" Feng Yu asked a yawn.

The general work report is to send an email, Feng Yu will log in every day. When I called, I said that I was so anxious. Is it a big problem in which subsidiary's business?

"Boss, I received the news, Microsoft wants to buy a fruit company!"

"What?!" Feng Yu slammed his body, Microsoft wants to buy a fruit company?

How can Microsoft buy a fruit company, the fruit company is not low in the world's IT companies, and with the pride of Jobs, he will make the fruit company a subsidiary of Microsoft?

Besides, Microsoft's acquisition of fruit companies, the commercial institutions in the country can be approved quickly?

Wait a minute, when Microsoft was not only boycotted by p vendors, but also faced monopoly litigation. But now that you have even thought about Yinshan, Microsoft is no longer a monopoly. The acquisition does not seem to be impossible. Didn't it mean that Feng Yu did help Microsoft and helped Bill Gates?

"Is this news confirmed? Isn't it a smoke bomb released by Microsoft?" Feng Yu asked in detail.

"I haven't confirmed it yet, but some people have seen Bill Gates meet with Jobs. I also got news from several consortia. Bill Gates, Paul Allen, and Steve Ballmer have to cash in some Microsoft stocks. , isn't this what is raising money?"

"You will arrange for a detailed investigation of this news. Do you think that the organization in the country can approve the acquisition?"

Even if Microsoft is no longer a monopoly, Microsoft still has the biggest influence in Europe and the United States, and those p vendors will try their best to stop it.

"Boss, have you forgotten how you control so many top companies? If Microsoft can't buy a fruit company, but Bill Gates can. The two companies are nominally independent, but they belong to the same The big boss, the chairman is also a person, so you can avoid the obstruction of some institutions."

Feng Yu suddenly remembered that there was no Ballmerdo in the number of Microsoft stocks that Bill Gates eventually held. Some are cashed into the name of the foundation where he and his wife are co-branded. Most of the other, they have made other investments after cashing.

Before Feng Yu was born again, Microsoft’s stock accounted for only about one-eighth of Bill Gates’ wealth.

Even now, Bill Gates is a shareholder of Buffett's Berkshire, a shareholder of Coca-Cola, a shareholder of the US car rental company, a shareholder of Wal-Mart, a shareholder of Mexico Television, a shareholder of the Canadian Railways, and so on.

But at this time, Bill Gates' biggest asset is Microsoft's stock. In the past year, Bill Gates has made a lot of cash, and he has taken stocks of many other companies under the leadership of Buffett.

Bill Gates has always regarded Buffett as a good teacher and friend. Many investment philosophies are learned with Buffett.

Therefore, Bill Gates wants to cash out Microsoft's stock. This is not a direct evidence. Bill Gates and Jobs are also old friends. They can't be seen as evidence, but Ralph said this possibility, Feng Yu I have to think about it.

Feng Yu believes that even if Yinshan is not going to lose to Microsoft, there is a big relationship because there are support from electronics and electrical appliance manufacturers such as Lianxiang Group, Wind and Rain Electronics, Aihua Electronics, Aia, and Philips.

Even if there is a problem with the cooperation with other manufacturers, and these manufacturers continue to support, then even think of Yinshan will not be fiasco.

Software and hardware combined to get the most profit, this is what Bill Gates thinks. But before, not only p manufacturers and other boycotts, hardware manufacturers, but also some commercial organizations under the political axe, have prevented Microsoft from doing its own electronic brand, otherwise it will impose a high fine according to the monopoly, but also to split it again. It is not worth the candle.

Microsoft did not do this, and maintained its detached status.

In addition to the tablet, the past Microsoft had only the -bo brand, but unfortunately it was losing money, so other manufacturers did not take Microsoft. But after Microsoft acquired the 喏基亚 equipment and services business, the resistance became much larger.

However, this situation has changed. Feng Yu, an individual who holds shares in different companies, and then, by means of a single person, has made Bill Gates see new possibilities.

After all, Microsoft's tablet project has progressed very badly, and the game console has been replaced by g-bo. The set-top box is not sold.

Microsoft needs an electronic brand to expand its business advantage and earn more. It was not impossible to buy a squad in a previous way.

"Is Jobs willing to make the fruit company a subsidiary of Microsoft?" Jobs still has a high prestige in the fruit company. He does not agree with the chairman and eo, can the acquisition be completed?

"The boss, Jobs just finished the liver transplant in the first two months. He detected the cancer as early as six years ago. After several operations, he could not be treated well, and there is news that the liver transplant operation. It was discovered that Jobs’ cancer cells spread again."

Feng Yu knocked on his head. It seems that the previous life, Jobs was two years because the cancer cells spread to the whole body and died. It is said that this doctor has long suggested that he have surgery many times, but Jobs refused because He can't be hospitalized.

If he is hospitalized, the development of the fruit company is definitely not as good as it is now. Although the fruit company always lags behind Feng Yu's subsidiary, but without him, there will be more backwards.

Therefore, Jobs adopted conservative treatment, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, diet and other methods of control, which is indeed recognized by doctors, because since doing so, Jobs's cancer cell proliferation has slowed down significantly.

But all this still can't completely cure his cancer, and Jobs is now ill.

"Bill Gates is a good friend of Jobs. If Bill Gates promises, he will use the advantages of Microsoft to lead the fruit company to defeat the wind and rain electronics, and even think about the group. Do you think that Jobs will agree to Bill Gates? Fruit company, even holding fruit company?"

"Notice, after half an hour, Taihua Holdings and the wind and rain control executives to open a video conference together, this acquisition must not make it successful!"


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