Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1963: Donald's dream (9/10)

Donald Trang ~ Pu, vice president of the Storm Holdings Group, is responsible for managing the real estate of the storm holdings around the world.

Feng Yu suddenly gave Mr. Kazuo Kazuo a one-month paid holiday, which made Donald very surprised. The company is in a period of rapid expansion. Those companies that are acquiring or acquiring in Europe are also integrating resources. At this time, how can Feng Yu give the turtle? Tian Zhengxiong's holiday?

If it is said that Kameda Masahiro is no longer trusted by Feng Yu, it seems impossible. Feng Yu’s trust in Kamen Masaru should be above Ralph.

He found that Masaru Kaita was not on a vacation, but stayed in the island country. Looking at the news of the island country, Donald found some very interesting things.

Masako Kameda has invested in Bridgestone, the world's largest rubber and tire manufacturer. This seems to be for the development of the Sixth Sense Company, but the head of the company is donating a billion yen to a mountain called Jiushan. Endorsed by Yuki’s people.

And this Jiushan Yukio is the nephew of the major shareholder of Bridgestone, the grandson of the founder, and he has to let him think about something.

Could it be said that Feng is supporting Yukio Hatoyama? It is said that the current Aso, who seems to be less popular, may resign at any time.

In the past few years, the island country has been frequently replaced, and several of them have not been retired from office until the end of their term.

Could it be said that Feng is going to influence the election of the island country?

Donald thought of it, some of the flames in my heart were ignited. He always has a total ~ unified dream, that the number of the total number of the country is always stupid x, far from him.

Even he has been selected several times, but he has only quit halfway.

Now his life has such an ultimate goal, his body is still very good, why can't he fight again?

If Feng is willing to support him, then the political contribution he can get is absolutely sufficient, although his own money is enough.

But with the support of the world's richest man, his superiority may be even easier.

Don't think that Feng is not a rice country, you can't do anything. You can donate through Ralph and others, and use the influence of Ralph, Sergey, Little Zach, Huang Zhiyuan, Bezos, etc. He became a popular candidate!

However, although he has known Feng Yu for a long time, Feng Yu also made him the vice president of Fengfeng Holdings, but his industry, and Feng Yu's intersection is not much, because Feng Yu did not invest in real estate.

Donald is a New York real estate tycoon who has the most real estate in New York. In addition to the wind and rain empire building is the wind and rain holding group, other investments are made by himself. Feng Yu did not participate in the shares at all, and there is no holding.

If Feng Yu did not support him as the vice president of Fengshui Holdings, he thought that Feng Yu was not optimistic about his ability and was unwilling to invest in him.

Perhaps he should talk to Feng Yu and talk about his dreams.


"Donald, you are not very busy recently. I bought a lot of properties at the bottom. I am looking for me to eat and chat today?" Feng Yu forked an apple and put it in his mouth. He said while eating.

"Feng, what do you think of our country?" Donald tried.

"Mi country? A good investment environment, there are many good talents, what's wrong, what do you want to say?" Feng Yu felt that Donald seemed a bit strange, why would he ask him such a boring question.

"So what do you think about the politics of our country?"

"Governance ~ Governance? I am not a rice country, get a green card of the country, just for business convenience." Permanent residency, not to change the nationality, many people mistake the green card for a passport, which is equivalent to Only an identity card.

When you look at the ID card carefully, you will find that the above is a resident ID card, not a citizen ID card. Therefore, the identity card is equivalent to a residence permit, and the passport is a truly internationally valid identification.

"I mean, what do you think of our generality?" Donald continued to ask.

Feng Yu put down his fork: "Donald, what do you want to say? I think it is very important to them. Although I have said that politics and governance are very close, but no matter who you change in the country, you can’t Stop me from doing business here?"

Donald tried to say: "I heard that you let Bezos and Sergey donate money to the Obama."

"It was their own donation." Feng Yu emphasized, "Why, what do you care about this thing, I remember that you didn't even donate a dime."

Of course, Donald will not donate to others. He thinks that these people who are competing for elections are stupid x. Who will donate money to the silly x campaign?

If he is a self-selection, then he will not be able to spend money.

"Feng, I mean, if ah, if one day I will be elected to the United States, will you let them support me?" Donald stared at Feng Yu's eyes, eager to get a positive answer.

What are you doing? Donald also wants to participate in the election of the country?

This cargo has been selected several times, and every time it is withdrawn from the middle, it will not be the opportunity to advertise as an opportunity to advertise for individuals, right?

I have to say that Donald, like Kirilenko, likes TV very much, likes to promote himself, and likes others to recognize him. This is exactly the opposite of Feng Yu.

Feng Yu seriously doubts that Donald likes to show his limelight. It is impossible to say that Donald wants to be the general manager, and it is only because it allows him to watch more TVs and be recognized by more people.

"Donald, are you serious? Wouldn't you go through the game again and then withdraw?"

Seeing Feng Yu’s look of suspicion, Donald hurriedly explained: “Absolutely not, this time I am serious.”

The previous few wins were not high, and he certainly had to quit. But with Feng Yu's help, it is completely different. It is possible to succeed. If it fails, there is a great possibility that it will become a vice president. Why should he withdraw?

At that time, he could stand in front of people all over the world, and the scenery was infinite.

As for saying that many people will be treated as a profession and a career that makes money, Donald has never thought about it. The total ~ is very profitable, but compared with his business, it is not worth mentioning.

Although Donald is not a super-rich, but at this time there are also two billion dollars in net worth, which is absolutely impossible to achieve.

"Feng, would you support me right? This time, what President Kameda did on the island side is that you arranged it right?"

I am rubbing, and Kamata Masao’s behavior is his own choice!

But forget it, there is no need to explain this matter, anyway, Feng Yu did indeed shoot.

Since Donald has this interest, it seems more interesting to control the big election of the country.

"If there is one day, I can support you."


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