Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1962: Play so big? (8/10)

What is Kamata Masao looking for Feng Yu?

Borrow money.

According to the saying, Masaru Kaitama is the world's largest love tycoon, but also the president of Fengshui Holdings. When Feng Yu invested in crude oil futures, Kazuo Kameda also invested a lot of money in the wind and rain consultation, but he is currently the richest man in the island country. There are still many investments in the island country, but this time there is a shortage of money.

Mainly because Kamata Masao did not repurchase the stocks of the sixth sense, ancient songs and other subsidiaries during this time, and there was a large sum of money invested in the wind and rain consultation, the cash in hand is not much.

What is Kameda’s money to do, investing, investing in a company that is closely related to the sixth sense, called Bridgestone, the world’s largest tire and rubber producer, and one of the world’s three largest tire manufacturers.

The automobile industry of the island country is developed, and the development of important parts such as tires is also the world's top. Kameda Masaru is certainly not for the investment of tires, but for the rubber industry.

Sixth sense company, the demand for rubber is also very large, has been a close partner with Bridgestone.

This time, Bridgestone gave Kameda Masahiro an opportunity to invest in their company. How can Kameda Masao be missed?

Don't look at the decline of the auto industry in the past two years, but the rubber industry has not fallen much. Bridgestone is still one of the most profitable companies in the industry, and even one or two words can be removed.

Why did Bridgestone give the opportunity to Masaru Kayota to maintain a closer relationship with the Sixth Sense? There may be reasons for this, but it is not the main one.

This time, it is actually because of the relationship between politics and governance. Bridgestone wants to support the descendants of a family. It is not simply a matter of discussion, but a goal.

In the election of the island country, it is also a lot of money. It requires a political contribution, and there is a lot of money in Bridgestone. But I also hope that Masako Kasumi can make a fortune and borrow the Kameda. The influence of the richest man in Zhengxiong Island has made things foolproof.

It was sold to some of Bridgestone's shares in Kameda Masahiro, and it became a member of its board of directors, which was the benefit to Masaru Kaitama.

"Kameda, you mean, you want to support a person as the first country of the island?" Feng Yu feels incredible, and Kamata Masao is playing so big now, can affect the island's big election?

The system of the island country is somewhat similar to that of the country. The competition is very expensive. Without money, it is absolutely impossible to succeed. There is no way to promote itself in the media.

Although Kasuga Masada is not a representative of the deep-rooted big consortium of the island countries, he is the richest man in the island country on the bright side, the president of the wind and rain control, the president of the sixth sense, is still very famous in the island country.

Therefore, Kameda Masao donated money to the government, and the effect was much better.

Masahiro Kumida explained it to Feng Yu in detail. The person he wants to help is called Yukio Kyuyama. He is currently elected to represent the democratic d. After he succeeds, someone will start the country and let the current person. The first ~ Xiang Aso was resigned and pushed him to the top.

Yukio Kyuyama’s grandfather was once the first son of the island nation, and his grandfather was the founder of Bridgestone, which is why Bridgestone will support him.

Feng Yu thinks of this person, because this is against the visit to the Yasukuni God Toilet, and it is also the first island of the island country that recognizes some crimes of the island nation during the Second War. It is not a pro-China, but it is definitely not anti-China.

Face up to and recognize history, and the means are gentle, against the pro-American, this point in the past life to let him in China is still not much praised by Chinese netizens.

Masako Kameda wants to support such a person, and Feng Yu does not object.

Feng Yu suddenly felt that he could not play this in his own country, but it seems very interesting to play in the island country.

"Kameda, how much political and tax do he need to win? How much stock does Plystone pass to give you, and how much voting rights?"

Kamen Masato is overjoyed, does the boss mean this?

"With Bridgestone behind the support, plus some other donations, I am almost five million yen."

Five hundred million yen, about five million dollars? Is this enough?

"Is it enough? Not too little? If it is not enough, I will give you five million dollars, which is counted on your head. It is also my support to you, to ensure his success. You ask, Bridgestone How many shares will you give me?"

"Boss, thank you very much. I will contact you again at Bridgestone and reply to you later." Kazuo Kamata was very moved. The boss helped him and helped him to donate money. Follow this boss. It’s so lucky.

He knows that Feng Yu feels that this thing is very interesting. He borrowed his hands to play.

Feng Yu immediately called Zhang Ruiqiang: "Old Zhang, tell you a message, Yuji Yujiu is going to be in the upper position. Within a month, he will become the new leader of the island country."

Zhang Ruiqiang was shocked: "Can you confirm?"

"Almost, there is someone pushing him on the island. I also help. I heard that this is a moderate, and we are more respectful of China. Rest assured, this matter will not be related to me. Good Now, let's go to a meeting, I am busy here too."

Anyway, I told Zhang Ruiqiang about such an important news. Feng Yu felt that there was nothing, but the meeting was rushed to the meeting. This is a big deal.

After a while, Kameda Masahiro called over.

"Ten billions of dollars, 5 percent of the total shareholding ratio, 8 percent of the voting rights? The market value of Bridgestone I just checked, but $11.5 billion? Kameda, you don't Do you feel lost?"

Feng Yu feels that this condition given by Bridgestone does not seem to be very good. Although the market value may be lower than its real value because of the stock price decline, global car sales are declining. Bridgestone’s turnover will definitely be seriously affected in the past two years. The stock price will fall again.

"Boss, this is the result of my request. I want to buy more shares in some of their companies. The premium is certain, but I also refused the conditions to help them sell tires to the Chinese market."

Masako Kameda is the president of Fengshou Holdings and has close ties with Feng Yu. Bridgestone wants to use the relationship of Masahiro Kameda to enter the Chinese market and become a partner of many cars, even if it is only the exclusive cooperation of Bingcheng Machinery Manufacturing Group. Partners, then Bridgestone's turnover can be increased by more than 10%.

To this end, they are willing to give Kawada Masao the better conditions, the proportion of equity is unchanged, but can make Kameda Masao a lot of money.

Masako Kameda is trying to win more equity, and he spends more money on it. Others want to buy Bridgestone can not do it, he has this opportunity, absolutely do not want to miss.

The market value does not mean anything, not to mention that part of his money is to buy shares, and the other part is capital injection. In terms of Bridgestone's annual profit, his share dividend is no less than one billion US dollars, and he firmly believes that Bridgestone's share price will continue to grow, because the automotive industry has not yet reached a recession.

"Ten billions of dollars, I will lend you. Even if you want to change your head for the past two years, I will help you!"


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