Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 819: BML (booking for a ticket)

Lin Qi's eyes wide open, Feng boss can help Jianlibao get more favorable conditions? What is he based on? What is he for?

"Feng boss, what do you want?" Lynch asked very seriously.

"I am a Chinese, Jianlibao is a Chinese brand, it is as simple as that."

Of course it is not that simple, but it is the reason why Feng Yu chose to cooperate with Jianlibao. Cooperation, there is a reward for paying, Feng Yu can not help in vain, of course he wants to get something.

"Feng Boss, there is no love for no reason, even if Jianlibao is a Chinese brand, but you help, there is always nothing you want?" Lynch asked very wisely.

"Since Lin always asks, then I will also talk about my request. But after listening to my request, you will find that you are still cheaper."

The Lynch Department did not talk, waiting for Feng Yu to say the conditions. If the conditions are reasonable, then of course you can consider, if the conditions are very harsh, he will directly refuse! As for the desire to join Jianlibao, it is even more impossible, the city will not agree!

"I want to bring together China's beverage industry, set up a big beverage alliance, BeverageMajorLeague, BML for short, and then jointly attack the overseas markets such as the country. In overseas markets, Jianlibao does the best, so Jianlibao needs to share sales channels. ......"

"This is impossible!" After waiting for Feng Yu to finish, Lin Qi refused.

The sales channel is built by Jianlibao. Why is it shared with others for free?

"Don't forget, other brands, there are sales channels, everyone's channels are screwed together, your channels are shared, and other people's channels must be shared with Jianlibao. For example, coconut trees, such as Le Haha, they are on some channels, Are you better with Jianlibao?"

"But all of them together are not comparable to our Jianlibao family. If it is only part of the channel cooperation, then there may be some discussion."

"It’s ridiculous, in addition to domestic and rice countries, which channel can Jianlibao be good? Even in China, Lehaha is better than your channel. The data of how many countries are sold is your state-owned enterprise, giving Leaders look at the face project, how do I hear that many of Jianlibao’s branches are losing money?” Feng Yu sneered.

Yes, Jianlibao is sold in more than 30 countries and regions, but how much is it made? Jianlibao blindly pursues expansion, this is true, but can't we regard the channels that have not yet formed as capital? The leader will be very happy to see it, but when the eye is seen, it is a joke.

"As long as we tie these brands together, we can form a strong alliance, and then we will be qualified to have a good or awkward experience." Feng Yu continued.

"We can do it now."

"Don't deceive yourself. What are the sales of the two companies in the country? How much is Jianlibao's global sales? In China, if there is no brand like Lehaha, I am afraid that anecdotes and delicious food have developed. ......"

"Wait, Feng Bo, I only know that you are the boss of the Empire State Building. It is said that you are still a shareholder and director of Microsoft. Even if these news are true, you don't seem to be doing a beverage business?" Break Feng Yu’s words.

Even if you are rich and capable, but you don’t have anything, just three inches of bad tongue, I want to promise you the conditions? How to look at this condition is the most paid by Jianlibao.

"Forgot to tell you, I am still the major shareholder of Le Haha." Feng Yu smiled and introduced himself.

"What? You are the major shareholder of Le Haha? Le Haha's major shareholder is not Zong Qingxian?" The Lin Qi Department was shocked. The major shareholders did not manage the company and let the minority shareholders manage it.

"I need to lie to you on such a small matter?" Feng Yu said softly.

Small things? That is Le Haha, the food and beverage company that has risen the most in the past few years. If it is a major shareholder, then at least one-third of the shares may be more or even more. This kind of thing, in the other's mouth, turned out to be a small matter!

But think about the other side can buy the Empire State Building, and is a shareholder of Microsoft Corporation. It may be a small matter for Feng Bo.

"I think you should talk to Li Jingwei and let him make a decision. I have already let Zong Qingxian contact the domestic beverage company. If everyone joins together, it is possible to resist the two beverage giants. Jianlibao, totally not enough to see, Jianlibao's products are too single, this is a bit of a bad injury!"

Lin Qi, I don’t know, this is the fatal shortcoming of Jianlibao. Li Jingwei also said that the company will step up research and development of new products, but when they are a little creative, they are all taken over by others.

Originally, Jianlibao is planning to launch a tea drink in the country of rice, which is mainly for the Chinese element. However, since Lehaha, the leader of the Chinese tea drink, has come to cooperate with the door, they will launch a tea drink, which may be a little troublesome. If Le Haha wants to compete with them, isn't it cheaper for the people of the country?

The Lynch Department thought for a moment and said: "Feng Boss, then I will report it to General Li. After we have made a decision, let's talk again. It is very important. How can you guarantee that we can take Jianlibao? In good condition, enter the big supermarket chains in the country?"

“When you enter the supermarket, because of the single brand, it will not be taken seriously. But if we unite, we can focus on the concept of Chinese food, let our drinks appear together on a counter, so that our product types, Even more than the Coca-Cola Company and the Coca-Cola Company, there are some advantages when negotiating."

"And I have some connections with many big supermarkets. The conditions I can talk about are definitely better than the ones you talked about. At least I can guarantee that the conditions we can get are not worse than the two Coke companies!" Feng Yu Said confidently.

This point Feng Yu is not bragging, the wind and rain card, AIWA brand products, have entered the chain supermarkets, sales are also very good.

As long as Feng Yu reveals that he is the holder of these two brands, the bosses of those big supermarkets will definitely be willing to sit down and talk to Feng Yu.

Then Feng Yu will use Jianlibao as the main product, supplemented by other beverages in China, and should be able to negotiate with those supermarkets and strive for a relatively good condition.

Even Feng Yu believes that some other foods in China may be exported to this side, such as ham, or perhaps the rice people like it.

The Lynch Department listened to Feng Yu’s guarantee and was even more excited. If you can get this condition and enter the large supermarket chain in the country, then the sales of Jianlibao will surely climb the peak again!

And he will be more valued by General Li. When Li’s listing is mentioned, he may be able to get more original shares!

This BML, he wants to contribute now!

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