Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 820: Li Jingwei's dilemma

When Feng Yu patiently waited for news, the Lynch Department had already flown back to China and personally reported to Li Jingwei about Feng Yu’s big drink program.

After listening to the rehearsal of the Lynch Department, Li Jingwei had other thoughts in his heart.

Jianlibao can be said to have been created by Li Jingwei, but this company has nothing to do with Li Jingwei. To put it bluntly, Li Jingwei is a part-time job!

But he is a very bully worker. It can be said that without him, there is no Jianlibao. In the local area, Li Jingwei has also been shaped into a heroic figure!

But what he wants is not these, he wants property rights. Anyone admits that without him, there is no Jianlibao, but with the awakening of property rights awareness and the shackles of government and government, he is very dissatisfied with the current situation.

According to the government regulations, Jianlibao’s employees must have at least 45 percent of locals, and then various nepotisms are filled with Jianlibao’s middle management, which seriously restricts the development of Jianlibao.

Li Jingwei believes that if it weren't for these people, the Jianlibao team he led would develop twice as much as it is now! It is said that he has always emphasized the establishment of a sound sales channel. He will not say anything about overseas companies. Speaking of domestic sales, Jianlibao’s sales channels are not as good as the ones that have been established since then!

Obviously, the money is not spent, why is the channel not established, but also rely on other dealers? Once there is a problem in one of these links, Jianlibao will inevitably experience a decline in sales. If Jianlibao’s sales channel construction is as good as Lehaha, how can these beverage companies develop?

Another government will take away the profits of Jianlibao every year, so that Jianlibao’s funds are always insufficient. According to Li Jingwei, Jianlibao should have invested in new product research and development, then Jianlibao should not be just a product.

He dreams of the same as Coca-Cola, with Jianlibao as the leading product, and other products around Jianlibao, and then form a very competitive company.

But now, Jianlibao Company still has only one product of Jianlibao. The leader of the government and government said that Jianlibao does not need other products and directly transfers all the research and development expenses of his prepared products. Originally, Jianlibao will develop in the early years. Tea drinks, but let Le Haha get cheap!

He can only let the research and development in the other side of the country, so that the funds will not be returned to the country, it will be taken away by the government.

Since the end of the 1980s, the state has not prevented private equity or even acquisition of state-owned enterprises. This has been called a policy of "national retreat and advancement" by many people, and Li Jingwei has seen hope.

He thought that he made such a big contribution to Jianlibao. When he proposed that property rights should be clarified, the government should support it. After all, many enterprises have done this, and they have given the most credit, some really Affordable! Rather than being like him, you get some of the most insignificant rewards for some labor medals and a little salary.

In this case, others have controlled the development speed of some Jianlibao, because he knows that the better the development of Jianlibao, the higher the cost of purchasing the Jianlibao equity with his team, and the lower the possibility.

He wants to build a Jianlibao building in Yangcheng, investing 100 million yuan, and then moving out the headquarters of Jianlibao from this small county. It is not only remote, but also very complicated. It has greatly hindered the development of Jianlibao!

As for how to buy equity, he also thought of a good way, that is, listing, let Jianlibao go public!

Now the leaders of the government and government do not like to see listed companies in the jurisdiction, and once Jianlibao is listed, the market value will inevitably skyrocket, which is a good performance.

Li Jingwei believes that he can rely on this to persuade the government to allow MBO to officially become one of the owners of the company from the business operators!

It is ideal and full, and the reality is too boney!

Years ago, Li Jingwei put forward a case of Jianlibao's shareholding system reform, which was directly vetoed by the government, and bluntly said that Li Jingwei wanted to "dig the socialist corner" and said that he did not talk about dedication?

Dedicating a fart, what I did in those years, isn’t it a dedication?

Li Jingwei was very angry. He thought that his efforts had not received the rewards he deserved. His two strategies of “stock listing and building landing” could not be carried out normally. He became a shareholder of Jianlibao, and it was impossible to talk about it. A deep disappointment.

At this time, the news continued to burst into various news, making Li Jingwei's dissatisfaction more and more inflated!

TCL founder Li Dongsheng signed a decentralization agreement with the local government, and the agreement stipulated that the Li Dongsheng team will ensure that the state-owned assets will increase by 10% each year. The government promises that the management layer can purchase the value-added part of the company's equity at a certain percentage.

In another city not far from Jianlibao, the company that produces small household appliances was sold to the founders and their teams.

There are also many companies that have similar news. The management that made a major contribution to the company has obtained some equity after the shareholding system reform. There are many, some, and there is no hope for him!

The main income of the local government is created by the Jianlibao company led by Li Jingwei. If those people are promoted, how can they not have the merits of Li Jingwei?

But now they have killed Li Jingwei's last dream, which makes Li Jingwei extremely angry. In the past few years, when health care products were inundated, those officials of the government and government also came to "Guidance" for Jianlibao.

Jianlibao is also required to publicize according to health care products, such as turning Jianlibao into a real “Oriental Magic” and creating the concept of Jianlibao’s “treatment with disease, no disease and physical strength”.

This point was resolutely resisted by Li Jingwei at the time. Although the turnover of those health care products has doubled year after year, even some oral liquids, there are only a few million in assets in the first year. After one year, it has become a giant with an annual turnover of 2 billion. Under this kind of temptation, Li Jingwei kept his conscience.

Later, the health care products industry was suddenly exposed by the Central Bank, and the entire industry was severely hit. At this time, those talents saw that Li Jingwei was right. The brand image of Jianlibao has also become better.

If you give Jianlibao to those people, Li Jingwei believes that, instead of reaching the current scale, Jianlibao may have already finished!

In the original health care product market, the only two large companies that survived are now making drinks, one is happy, and the other is Le Haha. Both of them are constantly reducing production, and finally completely withdraw from the health care products market. Instead, in the beverage industry, the development of the wind and water, which Le Haha has been able to threaten the status of Jianlibao domestic leader!

At this time, Le Haha’s major shareholder told him that he had to cooperate and open up overseas markets. He did not want to agree, and the two companies had a competitive relationship after all.

But now, Li Jingwei is thinking about it. He should meet with the boss of Feng and talk about other issues. If you can get financial support from this Feng boss, then...

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