Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 825: Fire in the backyard (request for a ticket)

When can I get two competitors to sit together? It was when the third opponent appeared and threatened their status. The enemy of the enemy is a friend!

Coca-Cola's North American sales director Brand and Okafor, the North American sales manager for Coca-Cola, sat together today. If this is seen by the reporter, I don’t know how to write it.

“I got a message that the contract for those Chinese drinks entering the supermarket is the same as ours!”

Brand's face looked sad, he didn't understand, the brains of those supermarket leaders got into the water, how do those Chinese drinks compare with them? Why give them such a generous condition?

"According to the data I got, in the supermarket last month, the sales of those Chinese beverages already accounted for 8 percent of the total sales of non-alcoholic beverages!" Okafor did not expect that the Chinese beverages soared. The momentum is so fierce.

It seems that 8 percent is not high, and there is still a clear gap compared with them. But don't forget, this is just the first month!

And their original 85% market share has dropped to 81%. One month, their market share has dropped by 4%, although this is only in the supermarket data, but the supermarket Sales account for a large proportion of their overall sales.

In particular, they found that in addition to supermarkets, some other retail stores began to sell Chinese drinks, which greatly touched their interests!

The cake is so big, others take a bit more, they have to eat less. Originally, they also planned to join forces in China to crush the Chinese drink, but did not expect that China did not succeed in rolling down, but its own base camp, but was inserted into a flag!

"You haven't investigated it. What is the reason for the sales of those Chinese drinks to skyrocket?" Brand asked.

Those Chinese drinks have also been drunk. They think that the taste is not like their products. Of course, there are also merits. Just like many people like coffee, there is no love for cola, and everyone's tastes are different.

Even if the taste of this drink is very good, soaring should not be so fierce! Just because of that prize promotion? Just because there is another can? Or is it because of the car's grand prize?

"In addition to the prize promotion, I really can't think of other reasons. Hey, there seems to be another reason. Some reporters photographed that when Bill Gates visited the supermarket, he also bought the power of China. It is said that this force is very Being liked by Microsoft engineers, it can make people energetic and better than coffee. These are all in the newspaper."

Okafor didn't believe much about this, but he read the newspaper. It was indeed Bill Gates who took a few cans of it in the shopping cart, and when reporters interviewed Microsoft's vice president, Ballmer, I also saw Ballmer’s table with a force.

This Chinese functional drink is said to eliminate fatigue and enhance energy. For those who need to work overtime, it is really necessary for such drinks.

These are some of Feng Yu's small means. He recommended the Chinese beverage to Microsoft, especially Kaili. Still very "passionate" sponsored a batch to taste for the engineers. As for Bill Gates to buy Kaili, it is the result of Feng Yu’s enthusiastic recommendation. At that time, Feng Yu did not sponsor Microsoft. It is natural that reporters have been notified of this photo.

Bill Gates, it was so endorsed.

Microsoft is also endorsed like this.

The newspaper claimed that this is another magic water from the East. Like the Jianlibao on the Olympic Games that year, this kind of power, for engineers, is equivalent to Jianlibao, which has magical power for athletes!

When Feng Yu presented Kaili to Microsoft employees, Paul Allen was very disdainful. The director of Microsoft is actually selling soda, which he thinks is very LOW.

The proud Paul Allen, who has always looked down on Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola, is a big beverage company. Network technology companies like Microsoft can change the world's companies, which is the future development trend.

Microsoft's profits continue to grow, and the stock price is climbing, which does not confirm this!

In its view, what a delicious anecdote to Microsoft as a middle management is progress, and Feng Yutangtang Microsoft's director, actually ran to sell soda, which is simply lost Microsoft's face! I also want to use the small kind of gift to send a drink to win over Microsoft engineers, it is a joke!

But he never thought about why the profits of Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola have always been so high. No matter how the Internet technology company rises, people always eat and drink Lazar, and people who drink Coke are definitely more than those who buy computers!

Of course, Paul Allen did not expect that Feng Yu would not rely on giving some drinks to please Microsoft engineers and win over people. This is just a commercial promotion.

Use Microsoft's brand to promote the power!

"It is said that the behind-the-scenes pushers of these Chinese beverages are the directors of Microsoft's China?" Brand heard the news and did not believe that the computer software and beverages, the industry that the gossip can't beat!

"It is the mysterious Chinese rich, otherwise there will be news that Microsoft engineers are drinking Chinese drinks? And they have too much incentives for promotion, and those appliances don't say anything, there are cars. There are already eight The car won the prize and the newspaper also reported it."

"What are you going to do?" Brand looked at Okafor, saying that they don't need a lot of promotions for Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola. They already have huge consumer groups, and if they are new, they are almost the same.

Even if they propose prize-winning promotions, the proud board of directors will not give the same promotion to those Chinese drinks. At most, there will be one more can, and even the appliances will not be there, let alone the car.

They all want the other party to do the promotion first, so that it can be said that it is a promotion that competes with the other party. In fact, they have the strength to sell at a loss, and the Huaxia drink is completely out of North America. But if you do that, you will be suspected of monopolizing, you will be subject to huge fines, and it will hurt the brand image, and will be rejected by China.

After the two studies, they decided to wait. After the promotion of the Chinese beverages, the strength of the beverage company in China is not strong, and long-term promotion is absolutely impossible. Both of them have invested a lot of advertising fees in the Olympics, which will definitely hit China drinks again.

But at this time they found a bad news, Huaxia Beverage, has actually entered the European multi-national market, also starting from the supermarket, also in a number of large supermarket chains, while distributing goods.

Such a strong sales ability, they finally felt a serious crisis. Microsoft's directors, there is no connection and influence in Europe? So Huaxia beverages can quickly enter so many supermarkets, it is very scary.

At this time, the two music believe that some counterattacks must be made!

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