Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 836: Dragging the leg (seeking a ticket)

"Guangzheng, hard work, I did not expect the European market to open up." Feng Yu and Fu Guangzheng both holding a cigar, holding champagne in their hands to celebrate.

Whether it is Europe or the Americas, all the sales of Chinese beverages are entrusted to a company, a company called BML. Of course, the owner of this company is Feng Yu.

This company is not a company that focuses on profitability, but is intended to help Huaxia beverage brands to promote to Europe and the United States, so Feng Yu did not let Fu Guangzheng shares.

However, Feng Yu has acquired five canning plants in the country and Canada. Fu Guangzheng has also acquired several filling plants in Europe. He is also optimistic that those drinks can stand in Europe.

If dairy beverages can also stand in Europe and the United States, they will continue to acquire manufacturers of dairy products.

"The hard work is second, but those Chinese beverage manufacturers can stand up, at least this year they must lose money, and even next year may lose money." Fu Guangzheng reminded.

Market development has paid a lot of money. Not only advertising costs, but also the cost of entering those supermarkets, high transportation, storage costs, promotional expenses, and so on.

When new products are squeezed into the market, there is always a price to pay. And this kind of effort does not necessarily pay off. Stronger than Coca-Cola, haven't all the tea drinks promoted in China in the past failed? Advertising costs are not less, there is a strong sales channel of Coca-Cola, and it is still not the opponent of Kang Shuaifu, the same tea beverage company, and has to admit defeat.

"My BML company doesn't earn their money at all. It is already kind enough. If they still don't want to stick to it, then I am definitely not reluctant. At least Jianlibao, Kaili and tea drinks are not bad enough. Brands can be operated, and we are worth the effort."

Loose alliances are prone to problems, and it is clear that those companies are taking advantage of it, and they always feel that they are losing money.

"The mistake is that you don't make money. The more you don't make money, the more they will get in. They don't care what you think. After all, you are the shareholder of Le Haha and Jianlibao. You said that in order to promote China. Beverage brands, they think that you are using their brand to enhance the competitiveness of Le Haha and Jianlibao. Otherwise, why do you have a big promotion, they can't have electrical appliances, can't have a car?" Fu Guangzheng shook his head and said.

"The appliances and cars are privately sponsored by me. I didn't spend a penny for everyone. I am willing to sponsor them. It's my business. I don't have anything to do with them. Why do they pay so much for them?"

Feng Yu is knowing what is called Sheng Mien, fighting rice hatred. While there are indeed meanings to enhance competitiveness through those brands, those brands receive significantly more benefits.

But those companies do not value the development of the European and American markets. They originally thought that when they sold products, they would be able to make money. Sell ​​more, earn more.

But now, it is more to sell, more compensation. Although brand awareness is improving, what is the use of not making money!

This short-sighted look makes Feng Yu quite helpless. Fortunately, Zong Qingxian and Li Jingwei are supporting Feng Yu. They know very well the importance of the market and brand.

It doesn't matter if you start to lose money. They are all planning to pay for one, two or even three years. As long as they stand in the European and American markets, the money will be earned sooner or later.

And their domestic profits are enough to ensure that their capital chain will not go wrong. The most fierce thing here is Kang Shuaifu and the same from Baodao. They think that their tea drinks have not been better promoted. This is Feng Yu’s deliberate and different treatment, just because they are from Baodao. .

Discrimination? If it is not treated differently, based on the size of the beverage business of the same and Kang Shuaifu, can it be included in the list of beverage major leagues?

Instant noodles are really successful, and at the same time, it is the largest instant noodle company in the world. In terms of beverages, both of them are still doing well. Kang Shuai Fu is new.

The two have only tea drinks at this time, and they don't do much better than Le Haha, Happy Things, and Jianlibao. The two don't have much money at all. It's not bad to promote in supermarkets. Do you want newspapers to promote? Let you get another bottle of promotion, why don't you do it?

According to the meaning of the two, they do not make such promotions. Lehaha, music and other companies can't do it, otherwise they will become their own people to fight with their own people.

At this time, the two companies increased their production capacity and began to seize the market in the country. They adopted the strategic means of encircling the cities in the countryside and sold the products to towns and counties. As for the city, they did not care. The price, of course, is five cents cheaper than the tea drinks of Le Haha and Happy Things. You sell two pieces, we sell a piece of five!

Such a means of sales, Feng Yu certainly can not manage, and everyone to open the grade, in fact, is also a good thing. The problem is that the country is going to have goods here, and the two companies have reduced their shipments!

Their reason is also very simple, is not to supply European supermarkets, our domestic sales have suddenly increased, capacity can not keep up with the moment, but guaranteed to recover next month.

The rice country does not make money. Although the price of the Chinese market is low, it has less transportation costs, storage costs, etc., and it is still profitable. In particular, the price of their products in the country is also lower than that of Le Haha and Le.

One side is making money, the other is not making money, not stupid × know how to choose? What's more, they also accounted for the light in the European and American markets, at least in the chain supermarket sales, sales have not increased.

They want to wait for the market in the rice market without advertising fees, and when they can have such sales, then they have profits.

If sales can be improved again, it would be even better.

Now their method is to drag. Continue to maintain brand exposure, then refuse to continue advertising costs, and reduce the supply of products, thereby reducing losses and continue to expand visibility.

Next to the hot products, their brand awareness will definitely improve.

As for the agreement, if the supply requirements are not met, the terms of the European and American markets will be voluntarily withdrawn, and they will not comply at all, with less supply and no exit.

This kind of rogue behavior makes Feng Yu quite angry, and it seems that he has to give some warnings to these two companies. There are many types of tea drinks, not bad for both of you. Since you are not willing to abide by the agreement, don't blame me for cracking down on your tea drink at home!

Feng Yu called to discuss with Zong Qingxian and Li Jingwei, and let them finally give the two companies the next night. If you want to comply with the agreement, you must ship the goods when you want to ship them. Otherwise, it will completely withdraw from the European and American markets and pay liquidated damages.

When Feng Yu did not sanction the two companies, he found that the two music companies had their actions.

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