Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 984: The yen opened lower (request for a ticket)

"Right, how about the Yibei website you invested in?" Feng Yu asked, thinking.

Speaking of it, Feng Yu was depressed. At the beginning, he asked Kiri Lenko to inspect the network technology company. As a result, Kiri Lianke spread the net and actually let him invest in Yibei.

Feng Yu simply forgot the company. When he remembered it, people didn’t want to invest in it. Some of the shares of minority shareholders were also bought by Kirilenko. Now Kirilenko is Yibei. Second only to the founder's second largest shareholder, other shareholders, are the company's directors and other executives.

Fortunately, Feng Yu does not think that the Amazon will be worse than the development of Yi Bei, Yi Bei is equivalent to an electronic market, slightly different from the Amazon model.

Formerly the world is so arrogant, in China is not a smashing sand? It is not Ali’s opponent at all. Yi Bei's model is not imitation, but it is only the largest in North America.

"Yibei? Not bad, but just changed a CEO, still a woman! I really don't know what Pierre thinks, what can a woman do?" Kirilenko complained.

Feng Yuxin said that if there is such a woman, Yi Bei will not be able to have such a good development. This past life, but the working Queen, in the world's top 500 executives, after the departure of Yi Bei, became the CEO of HP, you know that people are more cattle.

Some people even said that without her, there would be no Yibei, maybe it was already acquired by which company, or even worse, what was badly run down.

"If I am you, I believe her, she is a very capable one. This is not very good, you can also be a handy treasurer. Give you a suggestion, Yibei's shares, don't sell, wait a decade In eight years, you will have dozens of returns." Feng Yu reminded.

He was afraid that Kirilenko had a hot brain, or listened to someone else’s words and sold the shares, which would be a big loss.

"I know, I didn't intend to sell it. You didn't tell me that the network technology stocks listed thousands of years ago were sold thousands of years ago. After the millennium is listed, try to hold it? I am again." If you don't need money, just let it go," Kirilenko said casually.

Hey~~~ It seems that Bai is worried about him!

"How about your Amazon? You are not saying, let me get the website of Amazon. I looked at it. It seems that Amazon is not making money at all." Kirilenko has some doubts, the website is not high, ordering The lower amount is a book selling.

"How, the supermarket site is fixed?" Feng Yu was a little happy, the brother's action was very fast.

"Not yet, but the website construction can start first. Choose an office location and find a group of technicians."

"The Amazon lacks funds. They want to go public. I don't give it. Fortunately, I won. Finally, Amazon has gradually developed according to the plan. The types of goods are increasing. Just recently, I just bought an Internet movie. The database company is currently talking to several companies and intends to acquire those companies, namely database, social media and search engines."

Feng Yu’s idea is that he is investing in the lack of money, and the listing is still for a while. But I don't want the Amazon's team to go away. In the end, Feng Yu persuaded other shareholders that he divided the stock into two types. The new investment was obtained by non-voting stocks. This is similar to the listing of stocks. Only Amazon has avoided the test of the market. They also I don't know how much the stock in my hand is worth.

All of this is very similar to the pace of the development of the former Amazon, and Feng Yu did not give much advice. At present, online shopping is still in the early stage of development. The model of the previous online shopping mall that he knows is now taken out, but it is really not good, because there are not so many customers.

To put it bluntly, computers and networks are not too popular now. How can the online mall be too hot?

"You are not going to go public? So, have you been losing money now?" Kirilenko did not understand, so he could not see any hope of making money.

"After the millennium, Amazon will inevitably start making money, and the profit will be more and more. I will let you learn this business model, and let you first cultivate the customer base. When you have a broad customer base, you will naturally be able to Making money, this is the same as physical store retail." Feng Yu explained.

"Yes? This way. Then, our online mall, we must also lose a few years of money?" Kirilenko is somewhat dissatisfied, first lose a few dollars, then the return on investment cycle is too long, right?

"Two or three years, but I promise that after five years, you will get more than ten times the return, and even more!" Amazon is expected to lose five years, but Kirilenko's website can learn from the experience and lessons of the Amazon. It is inevitable that you can take a lot of detours and earn more profit. It is definitely not a problem!

Ok? Is there such a high rate of return? Kirilenko is satisfied, that is acceptable.

"I have already registered for our import supermarket company, and I am currently selecting a site. I estimate that it will be open in the second half of this year."

“Well, pay attention to product classification and shelf placement, these can attract customers, and strive to seize every customer who goes to the store.” Feng Yu said.

"Reassured, I am sure that the beautiful and beautiful, I will ask professional talents to carry out the layout design to ensure that it is better than your Taihua supermarket."

Feng Yu smiled and shook his head, the brother of this strong contrast than the heart. However, he is still very reassured to Kirilenko. After all, Kirilenko has been distributing for so long, and there must be a large number of such talents under his command. Feng Yu even thinks that he is superfluous.

"Well, tomorrow I will ask people to transfer the funds to the account."

"Don't worry, you can do it before the end of the month. You said that Soros will attack Russia and attack the ruble. How come there is no movement?" Kirilenko asked curiously.

"Because the ruble is his last hand to prepare for the attack, or he will attack the Xiangjiang again, after attacking Xiangjiang, he will definitely attack Russia. As far as I know, he should still be in the island country, and wait for the island to start. Now, we will quietly follow in and keep some, and earning 20% ​​is still no problem."

Feng Yu has also been staring at Soros's movements. Soros once again attacked Indonesia and caused Indonesia to suffer heavy losses. This time, the International Monetary Fund officially intervened, and the countries in Southeast Asia are no longer suitable to participate.

Soros is notorious, and has assumed all the nicknames for the financial crisis in Southeast Asia. Feng Yu has made a lot of money and has not been defamed. This makes Feng Yu most satisfied.

However, this time, the island nation must have participated in Feng Yu. He joined in, which will make the island country more violently affected. Once again, the footsteps of the island's economic recovery will slow down. This is what Feng Yu likes to see.

Of course, it is also very important to make a fortune. Even if only 20%, based on their investment base and cycle, it is also a huge profit.

The two are chatting, Feng Yu’s satellite phone rang.

"Hey? What? Well, I know, get ready, let's enter!"

Kirilenko looked at Feng Yu curiously: "What is it?"

Feng Yu turned to answer: "Yen, it began to fall!"

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