Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 985: Tragic island country

Originally based on the economic strength of the island country, it is not easy to be defeated by Soros. Unfortunately, this year's financial crisis in Southeast Asia, no matter which country is unlucky, the island country must bear some losses.

The banking industry in the island countries is highly developed, and the currency is surplus. They invest in Southeast Asia and other countries. These countries in Southeast Asia use finance and real estate as pillar industries to develop. In fact, they are also facilitated by the island countries.

This model is not the model of the rise of the island nation.

When the island nation was pitted by the country, the economy turned back ten years. Later, they thought about it and went abroad to invest. Once the domestic economy has problems, it will be pitted in other countries. This is what it is to learn from the rice country, and it can continue to consolidate the status of their island nation's Asian economy.

But they didn't expect it, they didn't use them to start, the economies of those countries collapsed first!

And those countries, there are many island banks, and the banks of the island countries have also invested a lot of money in those countries, and have also loaned a lot.

This was originally a good investment. The economies of those countries are growing at a high speed, and their investments can also make money. Therefore, they are also investing more every year, and the investment quota is getting bigger and bigger.

As a result, Feng Yu and Soros joined forces last year and swept across many countries in Southeast Asia, causing a sharp decline in the financial industry in those countries and a large depreciation of the currency.

It is certain that those countries have lost a lot, but every country is unlucky and has been tired of the island nation.

Since the second half of last year, the island countries have started bankruptcy of banks and securities companies. In the past few months, bankrupt banks and securities companies have become more and more, because those countries continue to have bankruptcies.

Loans and investments can't be recovered, can it still go bankrupt?

The bankruptcy of the bankruptcy of the island's banks and securities companies, shrinking the contraction of business, which further exacerbated the financial crisis in Southeast Asia, and even spread across Asia.

At this time, the yen was also affected and began to fall slowly, but the decline has not been large. It stabilized at the beginning of this year. The exchange rate against the US dollar was 120:1, which was slightly lower than the 115:1 in the previous year. Acceptable.

Today, the yen suddenly fell to 124:1, which is the biggest drop in a single day!

The island nation is alert, this is definitely someone who is attacking the yen, and the most likely person is Soros!

What they expected was not bad, that is, Soros took people to slowly attack the yen. In fact, even if they do not attack, the fall of the yen is inevitable. Many of their foreign debts will not be recovered, and the economy will be seriously frustrated.

What's more, Soros is attacking the Japanese yen again. Although the effect is not as good as attacking the Indonesian rupiah, the yen has fallen, and it has become a trend.

The fall in the yen has sparked the alarm of those who invest in the island countries. They did not expect the financial turmoil in Southeast Asia to spread to the island nation.

Coupled with the momentum of Soros, the news is constantly being released in various media, saying that the island's economy will collapse again, persuading investors to quickly sell the yen, and it is better to switch to a stronger dollar.

Soros’s name is still very loud, and some people have responded, and with the operation of Soros, the yen’s decline is normal.

After Feng Yu got the news of He Zhaoji, he immediately stared at the yen curve and looked at the index of the island's stock index. He could be sure that Soros would start!

"Old, according to our plan, short the yen. Remember, you must do a sufficient hedging, this investment, must be stable." Feng Yu said.

The previous few gains were so high. He was afraid that He Zhaoji was too greedy. If he did not hedge, he would slash the yen, and if it was violent, it would lose a lot.

Futures make money quickly, but when it loses money, it is as fast.

"Do not worry, boss, we will be careful."

Hang up the phone of He Zhaoji, and Fu Rongqi’s phone call came over. He discussed with Feng Yu about the strategy of investing in the yen.

The two people's opinions are the same. They use low-leverage leverage to short the yen and reverse the hedging to prevent the yen from being suddenly pulled up and let them burst.

The last time they made a lot, they became more conservative. It really should be the old saying: the older the rivers and lakes, the smaller the courage!


“Dahe President, our stock has fallen again today.”

"I know, don't always remind me!" Dahe Dianxiong angered.

This **** financial crisis has caused economic collapse in many Southeast Asian countries. Their investments in Southeast Asia, especially factories and branches, have been severely affected.

The output is reduced, the products are unsalable, and even some foundry companies are directly bankrupt! Those companies still owe them the material cost of advance advances!

Dahe Dianxiong quickly broke through this, and their company's shares listed in Tokyo also began to fall.

Of course, not only are they monks and nuns, but many of the company’s stocks in the island countries are falling, and even the entire market is falling.

Originally they thought that they could resist it. The island’s economic recovery is not bad and should be able to withstand this risk.

But with the bankruptcy of island banks and securities companies, the credit crisis in countries such as Thailand has become more serious, and the economic collapse has once again intensified.

This formed a vicious circle that inevitably affected the island economy.

Although many of their big consortiums have joined forces to stabilize the stock market and stabilize the yen exchange rate, they have failed.

They don't dare to invest too much. If they can't hold it, and cash is thrown in, it will have a greater impact on the company.

The consortiums that own the shares of the banks suffered the most, the bank stocks plummeted, and the property shrank a lot. More than 35 percent of the loans have been determined to be unrecoverable, and many have to be repaid, and there are not many loans that can be repaid normally.

And those debts denominated in foreign currencies also caused them to suffer a lot. They know where the currencies of those countries will collapse so soon.

Especially this month, the real estate bubble in those countries has also collapsed. Whether it is Thailand or Nanyang, in countries with serious financial crisis, real estate prices have begun to dive. They have stabilized real estate for nearly a year and can no longer stand up.

Real estate has also collapsed, causing their economic collapse to become more serious, and the island countries have suffered even greater losses.

They originally wanted to boost the economic growth of the island countries through the economic growth of these countries. It is even possible to withdraw funds one day and let the economic collapse of a certain country.

But I didn't expect that they hadn't had time to start, Soros first started, and they were implicated, and suffered a great loss!


"Feng, you said that once the yen falls and cannot be stopped, Soros will aim at Xiangjiang or Russia. Is that what we are going to start preparing?" Kirilenko asked.

"No, we have to wait. If the stock market rises abnormally and the currency rises abnormally, it means that Soros has started. At that time, we will fight back and give them the biggest damage!"

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