Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 104 Is This Your Plan To Get Me?

Signing the contract, it seems that Ymir has made a big concession, but in fact the contract also limits the room for both parties to speculate.

This is the way of cooperation that really has a big picture.

Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess knew very well the value of the "secret" that Rennes spoke of.

Her pattern and vision prevent her from doing some seemingly clever but actually stupid behaviors because of her greed. She will not be like some narrow-minded guy who only sees some small profits and crosses the river to destroy bridges.

Win-win cooperation is the right choice for the road to go wider and wider.

Because of Ymir's uprightness, this also made Ren's backhand prepared for "anti-villain" completely useless.

After the contract is signed, there are no more worries.

Ren took out Baron Morin's map and notebook and gave them to Ymir.

Anyway, this thing has been recorded in the "intelligent brain", so it doesn't make sense to keep it in your hand.

Seeing the "real" evidence makes the deal go from empty talk to real.

Ymir simply flipped it over, and the expression on his face became more and more complicated, "This"

Seeing the contents recorded in the notes, she was sure that there really was a mechanical wreck in the world that was higher than their Omar's current state-of-the-art mechanical city.

It was also the first time that Ren saw such complex emotional fluctuations in the eyes of this cold and arrogant princess. In those green pupils, it seems that people can see the majesty of the waves, the arrogance of the sky, and the infinite longing for the future

The reform of the New Deal was frequently obstructed by the old nobles in the empire; the establishment of new territories was restricted by the five major families of Glory City. Seeing this now, Ymir felt a firmness he had never felt before.

The "secret" Ren brought to her gave her confidence and a breakthrough to break the deadlock!

This notebook in my hand is as if it is in danger.

Ymir suddenly felt that she had not obtained the essence of Bobo, but seemed to have grasped the turning point of her own destiny

She glanced at the notebook, then raised her eyes to Ren, and her eyes suddenly became more complicated.

Although this man is very weak, he is not even as good as the maid beside her. But the two times he met, he gave himself a big surprise

saved her life the first time

But this time, she was given something more important.

Is there a problem with the notes?

Ren felt something was weird and asked, "What's wrong?"

With this statement, the wandering thoughts were brought back, and Ymir's eyes returned to the calmness of the old well.

"The location on the map is a little fuzzy, but it seems to be in the 'high-risk foggy area' of the Alcoron Mountains in Sid. The best way to find the exact location of the coordinates is to follow the description in the notebook from Sid Find the original route in the territory."

Rubbing her chin with her slender hands, she analyzed the wiring, and said, "However, if there are no accidents in this process, it may take a long time."

Ren didn't speak, and didn't think there was any problem with this statement.

Anyway, after signing the magic contract, he is not afraid that Ymir will play tricks of crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.

"But before that... I have a little more to do."

After a pause, Ymir showed a bit of embarrassment, and continued: "I must go to the 'Forest of Ashes' first. This trip may be delayed for several months."

Upon hearing this, Ren asked casually, "Are you going to find the 'divine power crystal' too?"

As soon as she heard that she was going to the "Forest of Ashes", probably only the matter of the "Seventy-two Temple Ruins" could make her so urgent.

Ymir raised his eyebrows and glanced at him, slightly surprised.

The existence of "divine power crystallization" is not a field that ordinary extraordinary people can touch.


After pondering for a moment, she nodded without hiding anything, "My current Transcendent rank has reached the bottleneck, and I just need the 'divine power crystallization' to step into the legend. If I miss it, I may not have the opportunity in the future."

Now the City Lord's Mansion of "Glorious City" has released the news of the temple as a task and made it public.

Now all forces are rushing there, and time waits for no one.

If the temple is found, there are many masters around Ymir, and he is definitely one of the forces with the best chance of winning that kind of treasure.

Therefore, she will never give up this opportunity.

Into the legend?

When Ren heard this, he roughly had a more accurate concept of Ymir's current strength.

"The affairs of the temple really cannot be delayed"

After all, Bazel said that such a thing is a treasure that legends would risk their lives to fight for, and Renn also expressed his understanding.

He said again: "Then you're done, let's go find the wreckage on the map. Anyway, the coordinates are very remote, so there's no rush."


Ymir also seemed to feel that he was a bit wronged, and explained to Rendo: "This trip will be very dangerous. I will take some elite men there, and try to find the temple in a short time. Therefore."

So, by implication, she didn't intend to take a rookie like Ren to go.

Ryan said it was exactly what he wanted.

He hadn't planned on going on an adventure with him. Even if he was forced to go out to "hunt for the whole people" this time, he only planned to hang out and come back after playing soy sauce.

The dangerous place hidden in the hinterland of the Forest of Ashes like the "Seventy-two Temple" is not something that a rookie like him can mess around with.

Anyway, Ryan has already got the promise he wanted,

In order not to embarrass the eldest princess, he took the initiative to say: "It's okay, anyway, I have also accepted a wilderness hunting mission, and I will probably stay in the wilderness for a long time. When your business is done, Let's think about the treasure hunt in the long term."


Ymir nodded, that was all he could do for the time being.

At this time, she turned her eyes and seemed to think of something, and took out a rose emblem ring from the drawer of the table, and said, "This is my personal seal. It can help you when you encounter some troubles." You solve some problems. If you are in danger during the period when I am not back, you can take him to General Baron and seek his asylum. Well, just say, you are my personal doctor."


Ren was also welcome, and took the rose signet ring.

He has read some literature introductions and has a general understanding of the aristocratic system in this world. Each noble will have his own exclusive noble coat of arms, which is used to sign and draw to show his identity. Aristocratic coats of arms are for public use, while private seals are for informal occasions. Giving someone away often means that the giftee has an extraordinary relationship with the owner of the seal.

Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess really has the kind of character that won't take advantage of others.

Do not owe favors, repay favors, and be considerate.

Last time, I sent "ice crystals" separately, and this time I gave another seal.

You won't lose money if you trade with her.

The matter of "Baron Morin's Treasure" was settled in a very short period of time,

Everyone takes what they need, and everyone is happy.

In the study, Ymir didn't seem to have anything to say, so Lei naturally didn't plan to stay brazen enough to eat.

Before leaving, he suddenly thought of something, took out another note, and asked, "By the way, Your Royal Highness, I have a mechanical code here. Do you think you can find the whereabouts of its key?"

The code is "S11-7-YY567#22", which is left by that barbarian chick Udo.

He couldn't help her solve it last time, but he seemed to have something on his mind. Now I met an official from Omar, and I just asked him a question.

Ymir glanced at it, recognized it immediately, and said, "This is the code of the mechanical secret box of the S-class forbidden object of the Omar military. Where did you see it?"

Sure enough, Karl's speculation was correct, this is something from the Omar military.

"It was given to me by a savage."

Ren felt that there was nothing to hide about the "sacred object" of the barbarians, so he told the truth, saying: "When I came to Glory City, I met on the road"

Some details such as "Korman language" were hidden, and he briefly explained the origin of the code.

After all, Ymir was a figure in the power center of Omar before, so she naturally knew the operation process of the Blackwater Terrace clearly.

After listening to what Ren told, she vaguely felt that the purpose of Heishuitai's operation this time was not so simple: "You mean that the people from Heishuitai went to the barbarian tribe to steal their sacred objects, and then they were killed by the barbarians again." Someone chased him back?"

As for how Ren obtained the information, this is not the point, and she will not take the initiative to ask.

Ren nodded, and said lightly: "I got some reliable information from some special channels, and I heard about an ancient legend called [Kuroshio], which seems to mean that the 'Forest of Ashes' may happen due to some accidents. 'The Great Horror'."

After a pause, he glanced at Ymir's flawless pretty face for a moment, and added, "Be careful."

After all, it was his golden thigh, so he didn't want any accidents before he could hold it firmly.

Anyway, these pieces of information heard from Wu Duo's mouth were meaningless, so they simply told them all.


Ymir listened with a slightly surprised look on his face.

This kind of news, the intelligence network of her majestic Princess Omar has no news at all, where did this guy hear it from?

However, the tacit understanding between the two would not let her inquire into each other's secrets.

After listening, she only responded lightly: "I see."

The two had a secret conversation in the study, and it is estimated that Ymir's guards and servants were very curious.

When Ren went downstairs and walked out of the hotel, he was greeted with wave after wave of eyes from those court ladies and old nuns.

Not far from the door of the hotel, a well-wrapped strong man came out.

"Brother Ryan, are you out?"

Bazel's rough sandpaper rubbed voice was very recognizable, "I just found a good person to get you out, but when I asked, I found out that you were released on bail by Princess Omar."

Then, this guy just waited here.


Ren rolled his eyes angrily.

Waiting for you to come, I'm almost cold.

If it's just an ordinary routine inquiry, it doesn't matter.

But he didn't expect to meet the interrogator playing "Black Under the Light". If I hadn't happened to look through all the law books of Glory City and frightened those guys, I'm afraid something will happen this time.

However, after Ryan thought about it, the word "make it out" sounded a little bit harsh.

He asked curiously, "Senior Bazel, who did you find to scoop me up?"

When Bazel heard this, he said quite complacently: "I contacted several former colleagues on the black market and negotiated a high price. As long as the public security department doesn't let anyone go, they will take action. Moreover, the guards have already paid off, and those who leave the city The routes are also arranged, absolutely no problem.”

He also knew that this assassination was not simple, as it involved a Blood Marquis of Sid and Princess Omar. Renn has entered the game, and there may be some accidents, so these precautions are taken.

After listening to Ren, he was stunned for a moment before he realized, and asked back: "So... your method is to rob prison?"

Bazel didn't think there was anything wrong, "Yes! If you don't rob the prison, how can you get out?"


Ren rolled his eyes.

Bazel looked at his expression, and asked doubtfully, "My brother was arrested before, and he has been doing this all the time. Is there any problem?"


Hearing this, Ren was completely speechless, and his three sentences were inseparable from the banditry of the strange thief.

As for the werewolf's thinking, I really don't want to explain it to him.

But the difference is too big, right? Ymir just swiped his face card and got him out with a few "thank you". Why are you planning to rob prisons in the city?

However, snakes have snake ways, and rats have mouse ways.

Since Bazel dared to do this, he was probably really sure of getting him out.

He didn't say much, after all, he came out anyway, didn't he?

And at this time, it was Bazel's turn to be curious, and he asked: "By the way, what is the relationship between you and that Princess Omar? She actually gave you the 'Crystal of the Law of Origin'? And personally went to bail you? "

After all, he had a sneak attack on the eldest princess by the lake before, and he was a little guilty.

If this kid is someone close to the eldest princess and knows that he has sneak attacked Ymir, wouldn't he be in an embarrassing situation?

Ren asked back: "'Law crystallization' is hard to come by?"

"Extracting the original power will damage the cultivation base, what do you think?"

Bazel gave him a blank look, and explained: "The things are not very rare, but for extraordinary people, they are not worth getting. The condensation law crystallizes, and it will cost several months of cultivation. Generally speaking, unless Those old guys who are stuck at the bottleneck and can’t break through, few people will make that kind of thing and give it away.”


Having said that, Ren suddenly felt that the "law crystallization" was a bit precious.

Cultivation is not something foreign like money. For a powerhouse like Ymir who is still on the rise, its value and significance are extraordinary.

But thinking back on the train, Her Highness the Eldest Princess had nothing, even the clothes she was wearing were her own.

Probably because she felt that she had nothing to repay the favor of one hundred gold crowns, and she felt that she would never see her again, so she condensed this "ice crystal" to pay off the debt.

He looked at Bazel and was expecting to hear some "gossip", and responded: "It's nothing special, it's just that I saved her once before."


Thinking of Ren's tricks, Bazel probably solved some difficult and miscellaneous diseases for the eldest princess, so he didn't ask much.

He asked curiously again, "Why did Sid's vampires chase you down?"

Ren: "It's a long story."

Ask for a recommendation ticket~

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