Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 105 The Legend of the Cemetery Seamstress

It was almost evening when Ryan returned to Carl's Machinery Shop.

He didn't expect that he would cause so many things when he went out to accept a wilderness hunting mission, and he almost lost his life in it.

But fortunately, because I met the boss Ymir, all the current problems are solved.

Reality is really real.

Those fatal pressures that make people unable to breathe, in front of big bosses of that level, are problems that can be solved with a single sentence and a notice.

Now that he has Ymir's personal seal, it stands to reason that Ren can live a happy life now.

From then on, he was also protected by the faction.

However, Ren still intends to follow the "City of Glory" hunting team to carry out the task, instead of choosing to go to [Storm General] Baron immediately.

Before the mechanical city of His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess is established, it is not a good choice to defect.

In the wasteland, without the protection of the mechanical city, surviving is really a gamble of luck. Bet that you won't encounter the kind of super powerful monster that people can't compete with, and the mysterious murderous intent from the mist that can never be explored.

What's more, Ren can trust Ymir, but he may not necessarily trust her subordinates.

Little Carl has cleaned up the shop, and he has packed up all the tools he can take away.

"Brother Ren, just now I went to 'Red Nose' Hook to inquire again, but there is no news about Grandpa Nieto."

Carl watched Renn return to the shop, looked a little frustrated, and sighed: "It seems that we have to think of another way."

Hearing this, Ren smiled and shook his head, and said, "There should be no need to worry about the teacher. I found a big person who can help. If she can't do it, it's useless to find someone else."

"Ah really?"

When Carl heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and surprise immediately appeared on his face.

He didn't expect Renn to go out for a trip and bring back such great news.

He blinked innocently with big eyes, and quickly asked: "Grandpa Nieto was arrested, the five big families in this city of glory must have no hope, did you find Master Kavo?"


Ren didn't hide anything, and said directly: "I happened to meet Omar's eldest princess, His Royal Highness Ymir Spgreen. Then I asked him to rescue the teacher, and she agreed."

"your Highness?"

Carl seemed to have heard a story in a fairy tale, and little stars appeared in his eyes, and he said with admiration: "Brother Ren, you actually know a princess?"

He has lived in the City of Glory since he was a child, and has never heard of Ymir. But this does not prevent him from understanding that a "princess" is a very high-level nobleman, the kind of big character who only appears in fairy tales about "princes and princesses".

Ren smiled, "Yeah."

"With the help of the princess, Grandpa Nieto will definitely be back!"

Karl was inexplicably convinced, and couldn't hide the surprise in his heart.

In the heart of a teenager, I always believe that the "princess" in fairy tales has some kind of magical power.

The little face that was still suffering just now suddenly burst into a bright smile, and exclaimed: "Wow, I really want to see what the princess looks like. According to the story, the princesses are very, very beautiful, and they have golden hair like a waterfall." hair, wearing crystal shoes and a beautiful skirt, exuding holy light, is the most beautiful woman in the world"

After a pause, he asked expectantly, "Brother Ren, isn't that princess you know very beautiful?"

Ren was delighted to hear it, and responded: "Well, she is indeed very beautiful, and she also has beautiful long wavy hair."

"Wow, I really want to see what the princess looks like."

Karl is sour. Every teenager who has read fairy tales has a dream of meeting a beautiful princess, which is as important as becoming a "dragon slaying warrior".

Ren looked at Carl's little boy and thought of a woman's innocence. He couldn't laugh or cry: "I will take you to meet that princess when I have a chance later."

"Okay, okay!"

Before Carl had time to be happy, he looked at Toust and jumped out from nowhere.

He hurriedly stepped forward to report excitedly, "Grandpa! Brother Renn knows a princess, and that princess promised to save Grandpa Nieto!"

"Oh, I see."

Toust nodded, showing a kind smile.

Turning around, he also confirmed to Renn with full expectation: "That princess you know can really rescue that old guy Nieto?"


Ren nodded and said, "I found Princess Omar, Princess Ymir."

"Princess Ymir? That's a real top-notch princess. An ordinary person doesn't even have the qualifications to talk to such a big person. I didn't expect you to know her."

Toust sighed slightly, as if he was not familiar with this name.

After a pause, he sighed again: "I haven't been back to Omar for thirty years, and I don't know what new princesses the Spgreen family has appointed, and I'm not interested in finding out. However, as long as Nieto can be rescued, They’ve done a good job too.”

Listening to the tone, it seems that he is not interested in the royal family of the Omar Empire, and even has a slight resentment.

When Ren heard this, his expression was slightly different.

Before, he heard from Bazel that there was Touster Fuentes who was expelled from the Royal Academy of Sciences in Orma thirty years ago.

Listening to it now, it might really be him.

Toust asked again: "The eldest princess promised to save people, did she say what conditions are required? If it's too difficult, we can think of a way together."

There is no free pie in the world, and a long princess will definitely not agree to help for no reason.

Ren responded: "It's been negotiated, and there are no conditions. His Royal Highness Ymir also seems to know the teacher. She reassures me that the teacher will not be hurt."


Hearing this, Toust's face softened a bit: "Although the members of the Omar royal family are not very good, they should keep their word. As long as that old guy Nieto is fine, he can say anything."

Ren nodded, "It should be fine. Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess has a lot of power. If she can't do it, it's hard for me to think that others can rescue the teacher."

Toust nodded.

The matter of Irubek's arrest has progressed, and the atmosphere is not so dull.

At this time, Karl seemed to think of something, and said again: "Speaking of which, I haven't heard about Grandpa Nieto from Hook the Red Nose, but I got a very exciting news."

Ren was also interested and asked, "What?"

Carl tilted his head to think about it, and said: "I heard that there was a bad security incident on York Street in the Fifth District today, and people died. But it's been a long time since I heard of any lunatic who dared to kill people in the city."


Vaguely, Ren felt that the opening chapter was inexplicably familiar.

Immediately afterwards, Carl said again: "I heard that a high-level vampire from the Sid Empire and [White Wolf] Bazel from the 'Ten Great Legends' fought on York Street, destroying half of the street."

He described it vividly, as if he had personally experienced the fierce fighting incident, "I also heard that one guy's head was beaten into a rotten watermelon, and another guy's neck was cut off leaving a layer of skin, but he actually He’s not dead yet! He righted his head on the street, picked up a needle and thread, and began to sew. It’s too scary, I heard it’s a mysterious ‘mortician’ who ran out of the cemetery.”

Toust shook his head with a smile and corrected him: "Carl, how can anyone survive with a broken neck? Even vampires known as 'undead' can't do it."

"But, grandpa"

Carl was not convinced, and argued: "That's what Hooker the 'Red Nose' said! And now it's spread all over the city, and it's said that at least a thousand people have seen it with their own eyes. The magicians went to arrest people, but they didn't dare to get close to the guy who sewed his head."


When Ren heard it, his brain buzzed.

The protagonist in the first half of the story seems to be talking about himself?

The time, place, and characters are all right. But the second half doesn't sound right.

He said to Carl dumbfounded: "It's not as exaggerated as the rumors. How can anyone survive with a neck cut? It's just an ordinary throat cut."

"Why not so exaggerated?!"

Karl tried hard to convince the stubborn grandfather and Ren, and said again: "Brother Ren, of course you don't believe it if you don't see it. But, many people saw it with their own eyes! It is said that it is a guy wearing a crow mask."

Speaking of this, Little Carl seemed to have thought of something, pointing to Ren's mask: "Probably, it is similar to your mask, but more fierce."

"That, Carl."

Ren shook his head helplessly, pointed to the centipede suture on his neck, and said, "If there is no second security incident on York Street today, the guy whose head you mentioned is probably me .”

Tuster: "."

Carl: "."

At this moment, the two looked at the wound on Ren's neck, dumbfounded.

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