Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 106 Plague Swamp

The next day, the weather was fine.

In the outer city square of Glory City, thousands of steam locomotives are densely packed and ready to go.

Ghoul-level mechanical city, war elephant-level mechanical city, and all kinds of strangely shaped personnel carriers, individual motorcycles, flea vehicles, and engineering vehicles.

The roar of the steam boiler is endless; billowing white smoke rises into the sky, covering the sky; the towering chimneys are scattered everywhere, looking as far as you can see, it looks like a forest of steel.

The call for a civil war has been issued, and within three days, hundreds of thousands of wild hunters will set off from the city to fight in the "Forest of Ashes". The hunt has begun

Early in the morning, Ren came to the meeting point outside the city that he had reserved with Carl's grandpa and grandson.

From a long distance, he saw Karl standing in front of a strangely shaped steam car, twisting some parts.

Ren walked over, and his eyes fell on the steam car unconsciously.

This is not your usual four-wheeled, boxy steam car.

It has five rows of wheels, the largest in the middle is two meters long, it seems to be used to stabilize the body and provide power; the front and rear are slightly smaller, probably used to control the direction and balance.

There are wheels, but there are also four thick mechanical legs, and a decorative big-eared dog-face hood and a dog's tail.


The overall shape looks like a large dachshund with a length of six or seven meters!

Although this car does not look very stylish, but if you look closely, you will find that there are mysteries everywhere, and it is full of technology. Different from the ordinary steam cars on the street, this is more like a "concept car" with cutting-edge technology.

Ren stroked the body and exclaimed, "Carl, you designed this steam car? It looks very functional."

Designing the shape of a dachshund, it is estimated that only Karl has such a childlike interest.


Carl seemed to be quite satisfied with his work, and pointed to some designs on the car, and said, "Grandpa can't stand violent bumps, otherwise it will shock the brain and cause fainting, so this car has added a lot of shock absorbing designs. There is a special suspension system. Those mechanical legs are designed to cope with complex terrain and ensure smoothness during the entire journey.”


With that said, Ren looked intently in the direction of Karl's finger.

Looking through the not fully wrapped iron sheet, he discovered that the internal structure of the sausage steam car was very magical, and the five rows of wheels were not as simple as it appeared on the outside. They are all linked to a very sophisticated suspension damping system. Large and small brass gears are intertwined and look very complicated. No matter in terms of function, material, or structure, it is very different from ordinary locomotives.

Carl introduced here, and couldn't help but said: "Brother Ren, let me tell you, don't look at my 'Sausage' is small, but many technologies on the car are unique and the top technologies on the market. Whatever A bearing and an air valve part are all the kind that can apply for a patent!"

"The Dachshund?"

Ren's eyes twitched, and with such an expression on his face, he praised: "Carl's mechanical technology is naturally very powerful."

Toust was lying in the cab taking a nap when he was awakened by the voice.

He waved the mechanical arm covered with gloves, and greeted Ren: "Boy Ren, you are here."

Ren smiled and waved at the old man, "Grandpa Toust, good morning."

Ren helped Carl and hung some instruments that couldn't fit into the storage ring behind the "Dachshund".

After waiting for a long time, the broadcast sound was broadcast on the radio (don’t ask, it’s the steam black technology speaker).

"Go to the 'Plague Swamp' Hunter, ready to go in a quarter of an hour! Follow the 'Glory Thirteen' mechanical city, don't wait when it's out of date."

"Go to the 'Red Rock Canyon' hunter, ready to go in a quarter of an hour! Follow the 'Glory No. 25' and 'No. 33' mechanical city, don't wait when it's over."

"Go to the 'Karna Poisonous Miasma Wetland' Hunter, ready to go in a quarter of an hour! Follow the 'Glory Nineteen' mechanical city, don't wait when it's over."


Guangbo continued to reverberate in the square army assembled outside the city.

This time the wild hunters were led by Glory City, and the city also sent dozens of "Ghoul-level" and seven or eight "War Elephant-level" mechanical cities to accompany the group.

These giant war castles are the greatest guarantee for land reclamation.

Destroying a barbaric civilization is not as simple as hunting wilderness, it requires some necessary strategies.

Each mechanical city will arrive at its intended destination, build a camp, form a large encirclement of the "Forest of Ashes", and slowly erode.

In the end, they assembled into a legion, took care of each other, and pushed everything horizontally.

These mechanical cities are also the logistics support bases for the hunters.

Provide the necessary places for land reclamation, field hospitals, equipment supplies, and logistics support for mechanical maintenance.

The mission Rennes and the others accepted was to go to the "Plague Swamp" and participate in base construction.

The capable lie hunters set off yesterday, and what they received were "risk elimination", "paving roads and bridges", "drawing maps", "hunting monsters", "installing communication base stations", and "setting up sentries". front-line missions.

The risk is great, but the corresponding contribution point rewards are also very considerable.

Doctors, mechanics, businessmen like Ryan, and some soy sauce guys only started to walk with the Machinery City today.

Slow, low pay, but safe.

All in all, those who can fight have gone to the front line to open up wasteland and hunt for treasures, and the rookies and bastards will follow the mechanical city as a logistics force.

Assemble and set off, mighty and mighty.

The Machinery City opened the way ahead, and the huge crawlers pressed out deep ravines.

Hundreds of strangely shaped small personnel carriers followed the flat road behind the Machinery City, stretching for several kilometers.

Those "ghoul-level" mechanical cities like small county towns can accommodate at least a few thousand people, but Ren and the others are not qualified to go there.

It was the private property of the five major families in the City of Glory, and only the forces that had good relations with them were allowed to live there, as well as the "Mage Corps" who were the land reclamation army of the City Lord's Mansion.

It doesn't matter to Ren, the car is quite comfortable.

Anyway, in the wasteland, when such a large army goes out to fight, there are very few monsters without eyes to attack.

Even if there were, they were smashed into a sieve by various artillery and sniper rifles on the Machinery City before they got close.

Not to mention, although Carl's "Sausage" is not so cool, the shock absorption is really powerful. That slight vibration, even if you put a glass of water on the car, it won't vibrate. This is another steam locomotive, with an unimaginable level of comfort.

This has to be replaced with other steam locomotives. Not to mention the complicated road conditions that drive like a "bumper car", the chug of the boiler vibration, after a long distance, can shake people's soul out of their bodies.

Because of this, Ren can meditate normally on the locomotive and learn medical knowledge.

No large-scale battles have occurred yet, and the doctors are very idle.

But Karl, as a mechanic, has been busy since the departure.

The mechanical legion is on the march, and the locomotives break down and need to be repaired every day.

Carl seems to be short on money all the time, as his grandpa needs top-of-the-line life potions to keep him alive every week. That kind of medicine is not cheap, and the cost of a single dose is several million. Over the years, that's a pretty horrific expense.

At first Ryan didn't understand why Carl and his grandpa were struggling so hard.

Obviously they have mastered a lot of cutting-edge mechanical technologies, and they have also invented some cutting-edge mechanical technologies that can make a lot of money once they apply for patents.

It was only later that he heard about what happened to Toust when he was young, and he realized that the old man did not apply for a patent because he was disheartened by the Association of Machinists who had expelled him.

As for advanced patents, only the top dignitaries can afford them, but Toust hates the top dignitaries!

This stubbornness made Toust prefer to bury his technology with him, rather than sell it to the filthy rich and powerful who had hurt him.

Therefore, a mechanical repair shop with a good profit, the money earned after deducting the medicine fee is only enough for food and clothing.

As for Karl's grandfather Toust's condition, Rennes also checked carefully.

His "gang line" can warm and stimulate muscle growth, which is a very symptomatic method for muscle atrophy caused by this kind of paralysis. But the unknown toxin in Toust's body is very troublesome, even if the warming of the gangue stimulates the growth of the muscles, it will soon return to its original state.

Just like a computer virus, if you don't kill it completely, it will be infected again soon.

Without addressing that toxin, healing is simply not possible.

The toxin that the teacher Irubek can't do anything about means that this is a disease that the entire medical community has no solution for the time being, and Ren is naturally helpless. You can only configure [Golden Liquid] regularly to ensure Tust's basic life support.

With nothing to do on the itinerary, Ryan was meditating nearly twenty-four hours a day.

Twenty times the time in the dream gave him a lot of time to digest knowledge.

The amount of knowledge mastered in one month is equivalent to several years for others.

The progress is rapid.

He also took advantage of the time on the road to carefully read the research materials and medical records left by Irubek.

Only now did he realize that Irubek seemed to have predicted that he would be arrested a long time ago. So he had already arranged a study plan for Rennes.

In the information left behind, there is the teaching outline of the tutor of the Royal Academy of Medicine. Where to start with potions, read those books from shallow to deep, and where to start practicing.

Organized and very detailed.

Looking at the many prompts that were obviously in fresh handwriting, Ren also felt the teacher's well-intentioned efforts.

That old man really cared about his apprentice.

With these learning outlines, he doesn't have to be like a headless chicken who doesn't know where to start, he just needs to learn everything step by step.

Of course, there is also the "Six Styles of Fighting Mysteries", the hard training skills in the dream, and gradually getting started.

That's it, more than a month later.

Ren and the others followed [Glory 13] Machinery City to the predetermined location - "Plague Swamp".

This is a large swamp area in the south of the "Forest of Ashes", a well-known high-risk area.

Their mission is to establish a base on the edge of the swamp to provide logistical support for the hunters.

Transition chapter. Cover your face and ask for recommendation~

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