Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 107 Gou at the Base

The Splendor City has been clearing lands west of the Alcoron Mountains for decades, but the focus has always been pushing north.

The reason why the "Forest of Ashes" has not been discovered in the southwestern region is because there are several very dangerous foggy areas here.

The more people lost, the fewer people went.

If it weren't for the sudden news about the coal mine and the temple, the direction of land reclamation would still be north for many years to come.

The "Plague Swamp" is one of the most dangerous areas of mist that prevents hunters from exploring southwest.

The swamp here cannot pass through a large mechanical city, so it can only be accessed by a small-scale hunting team.

But the wood mist in the swamp is thicker than that on the plain, and no one knows what monsters are hiding in the swamp. There are many poisons, many monsters, and many unknown dangers.

Moreover, there are also some strange and deadly creatures that have never been recorded in the classics.

The closer you get to the "Forest of Ashes", the larger and larger the size of monsters, insects and various plants, and the weirder their shapes.

[Overlord Blood Mosquito] A mosquito with a wingspan of more than one meter, a bite can cause pustules the size of a basketball to swell up on a person's body, often accompanied by a very fatal infection

Named [Thousand-hand Vine], it is like a man-eating vine that can automatically perceive creatures like a leech. Once you wrap it around, you will find that the "grass" with a radius of several hundred meters below your feet comes alive, like tentacles pulling You drag it underground. this plant, it eats meat

[Ghost Face Moth] following the light source, once a fire is lit at night, it will cover the sky and cover the sky, and the dust will be everywhere, sprinkled on the skin, which can make people scratch the skin itchy.

The mushroom named [Temo Mushroom] is hidden in the fallen leaves, like a land mine, it will explode violently when touched by external force, and directly spray you with corrosive acid

The strange pitcher plant named [Gun Flower] can spray bullet-like fruits, which can easily penetrate human skulls


There are so many strange creatures, too numerous to enumerate.

Almost every day, new species that are not recorded in the "Encyclopedia" are discovered, and wild hunters die almost every day due to various strange reasons

This is where its name "Plague Swamp" comes from.

This swamp is a place of nightmares for extraordinary people. It is like a plague that people avoid, dissuading most wild hunters who want to explore its secrets.

But this time it was different.

The large army went out and pushed everything horizontally.

Large-scale engineering steam cars will pave the road directly in the swamp, and dig stones from other places to fill the pit. The mage's [Swamp Solidification Spell] can directly solidify the soft swamp

This kind of one-ring earth magic can fill a few meters in a day with any magic apprentice. And Glory City has hundreds of thousands of magic apprentices. When there are more people, road construction is as efficient as a bulldozer.

With a solid ground, the large mechanical city can enter the swamp area and push everything directly.

And Ryan is the first time to participate in wild hunting operations.

Originally, he positioned himself as a bastard who came to make soy sauce.

If you don't leave the base, it will be more or less boring. But he didn't expect that every day, wild hunters would bring out some strange creatures from the mist.

Ren knew that his teacher, Irubek, liked to collect samples of different organisms and study their gene sequences.

Now that the teacher is not around, he also helped to do the job first.

Every day, he would place a reward in the "mission hall" of the base to collect the strange creatures brought back by the hunters.

Then record some data, collect some living sample data, and then make a specimen.

Thinking about when to meet the teacher and give him a surprise.

Others don't know why the animals and plants here are generally much larger than those on the plain, but Ren knows it very well.

One of Irubek's research topics is called "On the Influence Factors of the Air Environment on the Size of Organisms", and the content of the topic can accurately explain the reason why the creatures in this swamp area become very large.

The high oxygen content in the air will lead to the overall larger size of organisms, which is one of them.

The fog here is thicker than the plains, which is the second most important thing.

The fog of this world has long been studied in depth by Irubek. From it, he analyzed and researched some special ingredients, including trace toxins, but also some special substances that can strengthen the human body.

Irubek confirms that the mist is both harmful and beneficial, but isn't sure exactly what's in it. Due to the development of scientific research equipment, many theories are in the stage of "hypothesis" and "inference".

The fog on the "Plague Swamp" is very thick, ordinary transcendents must wear a gas mask, otherwise, in the long run, more and more toxins will accumulate in the body, and their lives will be in danger.

But as far as Ryan knows, Udo and the Colemans don't have gas masks at all, and they don't need gas masks. Their airways are directly exposed to the air, and they can breathe with their mouths open.

It is also because they have lived in the "Forest of Ashes" where the fog is denser than that of the plains since childhood.

This also made the fighters of their tribe more burly, generally over three meters tall.

Although there is no test sample to confirm this conjecture, Ren also feels that the human toxin resistance of this primitive tribe must be much higher than that of ordinary humans. Long-term breathing of poison gas also makes their physique much higher than that of ordinary humans.

This is also completely in line with the "inference" in the research report left by his teacher.

Science is a door, open it, and you will be attracted by its infinite splendor.

After reading the research materials of Irubek, it was the first time that Ren became interested in the colorful and infinitely possible biological sciences.

Flash forward to another two months.

The progress of land reclamation on the "Plague Swamp" base is very good. Although the daily casualties of the hunters are not light, they have not encountered large-scale monster attacks.

Renn also heard that the dangerous land near the "Forest of Ashes" was almost eaten away by the wild hunters. It probably won't be long before they will directly fight the barbarian tribes and launch a general attack.

But all of this has nothing to do with him, Ren just lives in the base every day to grow up.

There has not been a large-scale war yet, and there are not many wounded. The doctors in the camp can deal with it calmly, and there are no "good jobs" for doctor apprentices like him.

Ryan is also happy to do so.

Everyone else was desperately earning contribution points because of this group hunt, but he was an apprentice doctor, and he didn't get together with people in the doctor's circle, and he didn't take the initiative to accept tasks, so the contribution points were naturally minimal.

But he doesn't care, this is the confidence that he is not short of money.

He spends several hours in the morning doing medical dissections, making potions, and collecting specimens. He spends his afternoon practicing martial arts and meditating at night.

The life of making soy sauce is also very regular.

this day.

In the practice room of the camp.

This is a bit like the indoor gym in the previous life, there are many people, practicing spells, fighting, and marksmanship

On the fighting training platform, Ren was sweating profusely practicing punching.

"2995, 2996, 29973000!"

The fist is strong, and the sound of breaking the wind is endless.

Kicking 1000 times, punching 3000 times, and various physical training such as squatting and jumping with weights. This is the training plan he set for himself, and the amount is increasing every day.

Although the skills of martial arts have been sharpened and familiarized in the dream space of the "intelligent brain", the body's muscle memory and reflexes still need to be practiced in actual combat.

Although he has been fighting for a few months, Ren's combat power is also on the rise.

In the past few months, the potion of [Stitcher] that he took when he awakened the extraordinary has almost been digested and fused.

Strength, perception, neural response speed, toughness... all attributes have doubled or doubled compared to a few months ago!

Because what he awakened was a potion of excellent gold quality, his attribute was already much higher than that of ordinary superhumans. Now just talking about the various data of the body, he is already at the top of the first-order [awakened].

On the other hand, "Breath of Thunder" is expensive and has its advantages.

At least with this method of meditation, the efficiency of fighting energy will really increase many times that of before.

During this period of time, the amount of battle energy in his Qi Hai has skyrocketed by a large amount visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, because of the strong fighting spirit, he has now condensed the third "gang line". Along with it, the progress of "Hercules" is also very impressive. I practice the thirty-six movements without slack every day, nourishing the muscles with the gang line, and I have reached the level of "first glimpse".

It is estimated that Uncle Sam, who gave him this secret method of body training, would never have thought that someone would practice this secret method in a few months!

As far as getting started with exercises, the most direct benefit is a surge in strength.

Just stepping over the threshold directly doubled his strength!

To give a very real data example, when Ryan first awakened to the extraordinary, his physical strength was about 260 kilograms. Now that he has digested the stamina of the potion, it has exceeded 600 kilograms; Break through a thousand directly!

The increase in absolute strength also means that the actual combat ability will increase geometrically, whether it is fist strength, speed, muscle toughness, or ability to resist blows, it will be greatly improved.

Moreover, the physical fitness is strong enough, and Ren finally touched the threshold of performing the "Profound Truth".

The higher the level of martial arts, the higher the requirements.

However, Renn spent a lot of money to learn the "Six Fighting Profound Techniques", which requires a high threshold.

[Shen Xing] Stepping on the air to make a bang and move quickly, in addition to the mastery of skills and vindictiveness, a minimum speed value is required.

[Sky God Strike], [Cannon Fist], and [Land Cut]. These attacking profound skills also require the lowest absolute strength value in order to meet the requirements for casting

In the past few months, Rennes has been tirelessly copying in the "Dream Space", and has almost copied the profound martial arts skills practiced by the two masters.

What he lacks now is the fusion of body and consciousness in reality.

Only through continuous painstaking practice in actual combat can the consciousness of the "six great mysteries" in the brain be transformed into the combat power that one's body can display.

Thanks to 'eaflon' for 1000 coins, 'Little Q Love Reading' 200, 'Chenyu G' 200, 'Bloody Ice', 'Yunliu Machine', 'Rose Falling', 'Gan Liliang', '20181021103213185', 'Single Hook '200,' so boring', 'footless bird'. Thank you for your support, thank you.

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