Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 115 He Has a Tiger in His Heart

"Feya is losing"

Finally, Wumu under the ring also saw something and let out a long sigh.

He originally thought that after his sister's fighting spirit broke through the first-order boundary, her soaring strength would be enough for her to crush her opponent.

But after fighting for so long, there is still no stalemate.

It was only then that Umm realized that the masked man was still "controlling the field".

This is exactly the same as the previous half-court battle, and even the previous fight with his fighter named Mike.

That guy, relying on his opponents to hone his martial skills.

"Junior Sister Fei Ya will lose? Impossible."

August on the side was puzzled, and he couldn't see anything in his vision.

Although he was very reluctant to admit that Ryan was powerful, he had to accept the reality that the two were evenly matched.

He argued again: "Although the guy wearing the mask hasn't been defeated for the time being, if the fight continues, Junior Sister Fei Ya's fighting spirit will be revealed. That kind of person will definitely not be able to win!"

"Hehe. It's true that Fei Ya has the advantage of fighting spirit. But you didn't see that the guy in the mask still has spare energy."

Today's exchange of ideas made Umm feel touched like never before.

The arrogance of the "hundred-year genius" made him not allow his younger sister to use her realm to overwhelm others to win by chance. He sneered, "If you can't win with so many realms, you've already lost!"

What's more, I couldn't win at all!

In fact, when Ren planned to expose the fact that he knew the profound martial arts, there was no suspense about the actual outcome of this competition.

Although the masked lady is not weak, Renn, who possesses "strange power", is already undefeated.

How long you can play depends entirely on whether Ren thinks he enjoys himself.

He lacks the actual combat experience of esoteric arts, and needs a hearty battle to hone his fit and integrate martial arts into his own combat power.

The two fought fiercely in the arena. Fei Ya, who was dazzled by anger, had no reservations at all, and her moves were killer moves.

I have to admit that this talented fighting girl from a well-known family really has extraordinary background.

The sequence of fighters not only includes the recognized "six styles of fighting", she not only knows the most classic "six styles of fighting", but also many special skills of the great master of fighting "Rocky Reifal".

Her reserve of martial arts library can be called luxurious

Moreover, if you don't know how to adapt, every move is just like a textbook, which makes people see it clearly.

Ren was also happy to see this, and the "intelligent brain" kept recording these "high-level martial arts" that would never appear in the hands of low-level fighters.

The two people on the stage had bruised noses, swollen faces, and bruises all over their bodies, but they still didn't stop.

This duel, in the eyes of the audience, probably won't end until either party is exhausted.


Everyone thought that the noble lady would win. After all, she had broken through that critical point, and she had an overwhelming advantage in fighting spirit.

Everyone felt that it would be an honor for Dr. Ren to be able to fight against the talented fighters in the imperial capital.

But no one thought of it.

At this moment, a white towel was thrown onto the ring.

"Stop it, we lost!"

Everyone turned to look, but it was the young master of the "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce" who spoke.

Wumu knew that if the fight continued like this, his younger sister, who had been dazed by anger, would definitely lose.

He also saw Ren's purpose, and he didn't want his sister to become a sharpening stone for others to sharpen their martial arts.

What's more, she just broke through now, and needs to take the genetic potion immediately to officially break through the second genetic lock. It's not worth it if the foundation is damaged by the battle.

With a cold face, he jumped onto the ring and stood between the two of them.

The masked girl had a face full of humiliation, relentless.

She didn't feel that she had lost, like a leopard with wild hair, she shouted hysterically: "No, I haven't lost yet! I'm going to kill this damn bastard!"

Ren looked at the white towel on the ring, raised his eyebrows, and glanced at the young man in black, his clenched fists loosened.

If he continued to fight, he would indeed have almost exhausted his stamina and fighting spirit, and probably he could only use "monster power" to end this competition.

That's it for now, more or less.

What's more, according to the rules in the arena, throwing a white towel is an admission of defeat, and people on the stage cannot make another move.

This is the basic rule.

But at this moment, "pop", there was another burst of air.

The masked girl obviously didn't admit defeat, and she didn't intend to obey any rules at all.

"I kill you!"

She overtook her brother and wanted to kill Ren.

Ren frowned suddenly, and was about to fight back, but at this moment, a figure flashed in his eyes.


There was a burst of drinking.

A faster black shadow suddenly flashed beside her, and suddenly pressed the fast-moving beautiful shadow to the ground.

With a "bang", it hit the ground heavily, without showing any mercy.

The young man who had been watching the battle calmly just now suddenly became extremely ferocious. He pinched his sister's neck, and he didn't hide his violence in his eyes: "If you lose, you lose. As a fighter, don't you even have this awareness!"

He gritted his teeth, as if anyone who dared to disobey him would be killed immediately.

Fei Ya knew that her brother was really angry, as if he was being pressed down by some terrifying monster, and her body trembled in fright.

The next moment, she seemed to have a discouraged temper, and the anger in her eyes was vented in an instant. Afterwards, that layer of vindictive gauze immediately disappeared.

This trembling is a kind of fear that comes from the bottom of the heart.

She knew that her brother looked gentle and calm, but in fact, there was a tiger living in his heart.

Now that it has appeared, if it dares to disobey it, it will really kill itself!

Ren looked at the young man in black who suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, his pupils shrank suddenly, and a sense of crisis suddenly hit his heart: "It's so fast!"

This speed is also the profound meaning [Feng Xing], but when he uses it, it is completely different!

At this speed, Ren is absolutely not sure that he can last a few more moves.

Moreover, the hostility that erupted from the young man in black just now seemed to be aimed at Ren instead of his sister!

This guy... is kinda crazy.

"You win, the gloves are yours"

Wumu carried the masked girl on his shoulders with a blank expression, and walked down the ring.

After walking a few steps, he looked back at Ren and said, "I hope I can see you in the ring next time at the 'Imperial Martial Arts Conference'. I also hope that by then, you will already have the qualifications to stand opposite me .”

With that said, he walked out of the training hall without looking back.

Forced grid, what is forced grid? !

This is!

Ren felt that this guy's words filled his chest.

This cold sentence directly overshadowed all the limelight that he had won the competition just now.

The meaning in the words is obvious: how is it better to win than to compete? You are not qualified to fight with me!

Oma is a once-in-a-century fighting genius, who can single-handedly take on a powerful character of the third-level [Demon Hunter], and his strength is his confidence.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the young man in black pretended to be forced and left

Ren took a deep breath: "What the hell, I can really pretend to be X."

If you fight now, you will definitely not be able to fight.

However, is it just a short time to bully me into the Transcendence?

Try saying this again in another three to five years?

Then put this X in front of me, and tell you every minute: This is it?

Ren rolled his eyes.

The innate sense of superiority of the nobility is a disease that can be cured!

However, the only one that is not bad, this guy's gambling is not bad, at least the famous weapon [Kanap's sacred glove] is still left.

After getting the benefits, Ren also felt that it didn't matter. He took the gloves and felt very happy.

"Wow, Dr. Ryan, you are amazing."

"You actually know the profound martial arts, my God, you usually let us?"


After the three upper-class people from the Mechanic City left, the atmosphere in the training hall seemed to suddenly relax.

Everyone surrounded Ren, chattering non-stop.

Ren knew about today's disturbance, and no one would dare to compete with him in the future.

However, this fight can be regarded as rewarding.

Not only did he win a pair of top-quality gloves, but it also allowed him to roughly determine his level of combat power.

At this time, Mike's friendly fighters also gathered around, winking and saying: "Oh, my God! Dr. Lane, you are deceiving our feelings."

"Yeah, my fragile heart"

"Ah, I need wine to heal my wounds."


A group of muscular burly men pretended to be flamboyant girls, and condemned Ren as a "heartbreaker".

Ren was also quite helpless, and said with a smile: "Tonight's wine, I treat you."


"Hahaha, I want to have a good drink tonight, and I have to make Dr. Renn bleed!"


Hearing this, everyone smiled.

This is the mentality of these low-level wild hunters. The depression they were beaten just now disappeared in a blink of an eye. There is fun in front of them, which can make them very happy immediately.

After all, no one can guarantee that anyone will survive the dangerous wilderness hunting career until tomorrow.

And when everyone was joking around Rennes, someone suddenly rushed into the training room.

The guy shouted at the top of his voice,

"Everyone, go and see, the 'Iron Boots Wilderness Hunting Group' has made a fortune! They killed an entire tribe of barbarians, and the spoils they plundered have piled up into mountains. The Chamber of Commerce is sending a decent account! There are too many, Gemstones, dog head gold, magic cores, animal skins, potion ingredients...there are too many!"

In an instant, the people in the training room scattered in shock!

Thank you for the 500 coins of "Sword and Sword God", "Mechanic", "The place is here", "20200211185557948", thank you for your support, thank you.

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