Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 116 Fight the Landlord?

The "Iron Boots Hunting Group" was originally a large hunting group with tens of thousands of hunters in Omar.

This time, the one who came to the plague base was a very strong unit of their team, led by the deputy leader of the fourth-rank [Demon Hunting Master] Burgos.

This kind of large-scale hunting group with strong strength, excellent equipment, and advanced mechanical equipment can always capture "opportunities" with its super keen sense of smell.

But this time they wiped out an entire tribe of barbarians and looted so many treasures. It was also the most exciting time for the hunters of this "plague base" to open up wasteland in the swamp of the ruins for two months.

At this moment, on the open space in the "Plague Base", the fur of monsters piled up into mountains.

This is the best raw material for making magic scrolls, robes, and leather equipment.

The civilization of the barbarian tribe is still in the stone age, but they have superb skinning skills. It is also because they live in the wild all year round, hunting monsters all the time, and the tribe has accumulated a large amount of monster fur.

The quality of the animal skins looted by the "Iron Boots Hunting Group" was very high, and the skinning skills were impeccable.

It is definitely a hot commodity in any chamber of commerce.

"One thousand and three hundred monster skins for the first rank, five hundred for the second rank, and 500 for the third rank"

"The dog's head gold is 1,500 kilograms."

"Nine hundred and fifty-one first-order magic beast crystal cores, second-order magic crystals"

"Thirty top-grade gemstones of various colors, medium-grade gemstones."

"Three high-level potion ingredients [Snakehead Flower], nineteen [Ghost Skull Mushroom], and one fifth-order monster bone."


The steward of the "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce" is counting the value of the goods, recording while counting.

Every time the number is reported, there will be warm cheers from the onlookers.

The wild hunters sell here to the chamber of commerce. Although the price will be lower, it will save them the trouble of transporting it back to the city.

And after cashing out, the hunters can continue to hunt the wilderness, so as to maximize the benefits of this outing.

Ren is not interested in watching the excitement.

From a long distance, he saw the dark-skinned heads with totems hanging on the mechanical city.

This is also one of the main tasks released by "City of Glory", hunting down the barbarians.

Every head is a meritorious service, which can be exchanged for at least ten contribution points.

There were four to five hundred bloody human heads hanging there, which happened to be the number of a small tribe, regardless of age.

It is also a common practice to hang human heads on the mechanical city, in order to show the military exploits, to deter those barbarians, and to provoke them to attack the mechanical city, waiting for work.

Because this kind of "lure the enemy" tactic has already appeared in other bases, and it is quite easy to use.

The heads hang outside the mechanical city, and the remaining tribal barbarians nearby will hold spears, bows, arrows and stone weapons, and frantically attack the steel-cast mechanical city to snatch back the heads of the tribesmen

This is much easier than fighting guerrillas with them in the wilderness, and it is easier to reap military exploits.

I don't know if it's because of getting to know Udo. In Ren's eyes, those Coleman humans are no longer uncivilized "barbarians" like orangutans in the eyes of others.

They also have their own civilization, and they are also reasonable.

But resource plunder is bound to be bloody.

Ren is not so holy, he doesn't think he can change anything, and he doesn't want to change anything.

When encountering an existence that threatens his life, he will not hesitate to kill him.

But what you can do is not to take pleasure in it.

The "Plague Base" now has three "ghoul-level" mechanical cities. They were in the shape of a triangle, and a steel fence was built on the three sides by engineering vehicles, enclosing a wilderness hunting camp of tens of thousands of square meters.

The people of the upper class stayed in the machine city, and the ordinary hunters set up their own tents in the circled camp.

And Ren's "Soy Sauce Hunting Group" allocated a campsite of a few square meters in the corner of the camp, and relied on the sausage cart to set up a camping tent in the wild.

Ryan's laboratory and Carl's mechanical shop are here.

Back at the barracks, Toust was tinkering with a mechanical puppet with an intricate clockwork with his octopus arm.

And little Karl was lying on the small wooden table, holding a ruler, and drawing mechanical drawings seriously.

Hearing the movement, he raised his head and greeted happily: "Brother Ren, are you back?"


Ren nodded, glanced at the drawing in his hand again, and asked casually, "Carl, what are you drawing?"

Carl said: "The blueprint of the mechanical city!"

It is every mechanic's lifelong dream to design his own mechanical city independently, and it is also one of the necessary conditions for a senior mechanic to advance to a "mechanical master".

The giant steam machinery city is a product of science and technology that condenses the wisdom of mechanics. If you want to design a complete machinery city, you need an extremely deep knowledge reserve.

Power boilers, steel structure mechanics, enchanting, weapon systems... Without decades of immersion, it is impossible to succeed.

"Oh? Have you started designing the mechanical city?"

During this period of getting along, Renn already knew very well that although Carl was young, his mechanical talent was definitely considered a "top genius". Many of his imaginative designs can even catch the eyes of Ren, a time traveler.

He thought it was just Karl's hand-practice design, so he asked casually, "What kind of mechanical city are you planning to design?"

Carl picked up the sketch he was drawing and said, "I plan to design a flying mechanical city!"

"Huh? Can it fly?"

Ren didn't care at first, because he didn't understand mechanical knowledge at all.

But when he heard Karl's idea of ​​"wanting to go to heaven", he was stunned for a moment.

Hearing this, Toust put down the clockwork puppet in his hand.

The old man chuckled, and turned towards Carl, but it was more like explaining something to Ren, and said: "Imagination is the most precious talent of a mechanic. Theoretically, as long as the power is sufficient, the Mechanic City can indeed fly into the sky."

After a pause, he glanced at his grandson, and said, "But little Carl, with the current level of technology in the world, there are still many technical difficulties that need to be overcome for the mechanical city to fly into the sky. It will take at least a few decades."

This is very clever, and it probably wants Ren, a layman, to understand what the creativity and imagination of a mechanic mean.

It also has the meaning of encouragement, and it will not extinguish Karl's "sincere heart" for mechanical technology.

"no no no"

Ren shook his head and said sincerely: "I think Karl's idea is very good, maybe it will be realized soon!"

Instead of thinking that Karl is "whimsical", he agrees with it very much.

Human manned spaceships have landed on Mars in the previous life, so it’s no surprise that iron lumps fly into the sky. This is the only way for the future development of machinery.

What shocked him was that Carl's "imagination" had reached that level at this current level of technology.

In the field of science, some "pioneer-level" geniuses are often born, leaving a strong mark in history.

Their ideas are often inconsistent with those of the secular public, and they shock the world when they speak out, and they will be regarded as "heresy" by the mainstream and destroyed. But many years later, people will find that those pioneers represent the truth.

Like Copernicus in Wren's previous life

When Carl heard Renn praise him, his face was full of excitement, and he shared his sketch: "Wow, Brother Renn, do you also think my 'Flying Machinery City' is feasible? Other mechanics say that I am wishful thinking."

"Of course it's possible."

Ren nodded, his tone full of encouragement.

As he said that, he looked carefully at the blueprint in Karl's hand, and asked, "So, Karl, what kind of flying machine city do you plan to design?"

The secret of the mechanical wreckage now does not belong to him alone, but also His Royal Highness Ymir.

He has no right to divulge in advance.

But thinking about it, if he got the technology of Mech City in the future, he must let Karl and his grandfather see if they can create something new.

Carl was excited: "This is the 'Flying Crab' I drew. It can travel on land, fly into the sky, and swim in water."


When Ren heard this, his face twitched.

Except for dachshunds, which are crabs.

Can't it be a little more domineering?

Like a dragon?

There are two types of geniuses, one is ordinary geniuses, and the other is "pioneer-level" geniuses.

Karl was probably a pioneer in the mechanical field.

However, there is nothing wrong with the technology, but the aesthetics seem to be immature.

Ren felt that he needed to properly guide Carl's aesthetics.

He said, "Carl, have you ever thought of designing a more powerful shape, one that can fly into the sky?"

Carl blinked: "More powerful?"

Ren guided: "Carl, what is the most powerful monster that can fly?"

"You mean a griffin?"

Karl thought for a while and said, "A griffin like the coat of arms of the Omar royal family? It is said that it is a mythical god combining a lion and an eagle."

Ren felt that the Griffin was not domineering at all, but looked a little strange, so he said directly, "Have you ever thought about being a dragon?"

Karl's conception was a little fuzzy: "Dragon? A mythical dragon?"


Ren continued: "Haven't you heard the legend that a black dragon lived in a certain cave in the 'Alcoron Mountains'? It is said to be the absolute overlord standing at the top of the Warcraft food chain. The Flying Machinery City you designed, if A steel giant dragon, isn't that also the most powerful in the mechanical city?"


Carl thought about it seriously, and those big eyes that were as bright as a starry sky suddenly lit up, and more and more sparks of inspiration shot out: "Ah! Brother Ren, I thought of it! I The composition of a super flying mechanical city suddenly appeared in my mind."

He couldn't hold back his excitement anymore, as if he had seen a huge mechanical flying dragon in front of him, and shouted: "Oh, my God! It's so beautiful and perfect, I must design it immediately ! It is the ultimate dream that I must fulfill in my life.”

Then, the little kid seemed to forget about Ren in the blink of an eye, tore up his original draft, and began to concentrate on drawing the drawings.

Ryan didn't care either, that's the "virtue" of fanatical scientific researchers.

As soon as you invest in research, you immediately forget to sleep and eat.

His teacher Irubek is, Karl is, and so is Toust.

He felt that he was about to catch the disease himself.

Toust looked at his grandson who fell into obsession, shook his head and smiled, his eyes were full of relief. Turning his face, he said to Ren again: "I have a heart."

Ren smiled casually, and said casually: "Haha. I also want Carl to design a super mechanical city. If I want to be a lord in the future, wouldn't it just be useful?"

Toust glanced at him, and responded with a smile: "You can really be a lord in the future, how about the old man helping you design one? I'm afraid you don't have such ambitions."

"Okay! It's a deal!"

Regardless of whether it is possible or not, Ren agreed first.

Lord? Hundreds of billions and trillions of levels are needed, and a lot of small money is needed.

Toust smiled and skipped the topic.

He looked at the injury on Ren's face again, and asked with a smile: "Boy Ren, you were beaten again in the sparring today? Why do you feel that you were injured more seriously this time than usual? Did you meet a strong opponent? "

"Yes, I met a noble lady from the imperial capital."

Ren responded with a smile, and took out the pair of handsome white gloves, "Fortunately, I won the fight, and I also won a good pair of gloves."

"Hehe, the noble lady will go to the fighting arena? That's quite unusual."

Toust doesn't have much time to wake up now, and he feels sleepy after chatting for a few words, "The old man is sleepy and went to bed."

With that said, he turned around and got into the tent to sleep.

"Okay. Grandpa Toust."

Ren nodded.

Thinking about it, he took out another corpse of a monster, and practiced the daily compulsory homework-surgical dissection as usual.

But I never thought that two uninvited guests walked towards the tent.

Taking a closer look, he recognized one of them.

It turned out to be the bearded administrator who looked like Marx in the Central Library of the "Glorious City"!

This civil war enlistment, let this kind of civilian personnel also come out to participate in the mission?

Ren thought so.

Seeing an acquaintance, he greeted casually as if he was in the library: "Hey! Mr. Administrator, why are you here?"

Ren just waved his hand, but at this moment, a strong wind blew past.

There was a burly man beside him.

Except for the assassination last time, Bazel, who had never shown himself before, suddenly appeared beside him at this moment, with an extremely dignified expression.


Ren's eyelids twitched suddenly, and the gesture of greeting suddenly froze there.

He knew that things might be getting worse.

Before Bazel could speak, the man in the cloak took off his cloak and greeted with a smile, "Hey, Mr. Bazel, don't worry, I don't mean anything malicious."

It's a pretty handsome face, and it doesn't look like a bad guy except that he squints his eyes a bit when he smiles.

Ren also remembered, isn't this guy the one who played cards with the bearded man in the library last time?

Bazel didn't speak, but looked at the bearded administrator.

"I don't know what this guy wants to do, but he really has no malicious intentions."

The bearded administrator responded, and said with a deep meaning: "Probably, I just want to find this little friend next to you to play cards?"

When Bazel heard this, he narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

It was only then that Ren realized that the three of them seemed to know each other?

playing cards?

This guy is so idle?

Unexpectedly, at this time, the young man in the cloak actually took out a pair of poker, grinned his teeth, and asked, "Mr. Ren, are you going to play a game?"

Can you avoid it by pretending to be cowardly?

Obviously, no.


With a smile on Ren's face, he answered heartlessly,

He suggested again: "Will the four of us fight the Landlord?"

Ask for a recommendation ticket~ I don’t know if it will be available tomorrow, and I’m still waiting for an announcement. If there is a testimonial in the afternoon, it will be on the shelf. I don’t think it will be next Friday. Hey, I haven't been to Sanjiang, I don't know the rules, and I have a headache.

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