Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 117 The Boss Has No Brand

People who can make Bazel feel like an enemy, even if they are not "Top Ten Legends", they are almost the same.

And Ren is very clear that he is a small shrimp, and it is worthwhile for such a big person to make a special trip to come to the door. It is nothing more than the eldest princess, or the "relic of Baron Morin".

However, with Bazel sitting beside him, he didn't panic much.

Hmm. It's useless to panic anyway.

If Bazel couldn't even protect himself, he just waited obediently to be beaten.

But obviously, Ryan guessed wrong.

Not only was the other party harmless, but he also did not come for the "Relic of Baron Morin".

The four of them didn't talk about business, but actually sat at a table and played poker.

Instead of playing poker of this world, they played Rennes Protestant four-handed Landlords.

Like a few retired veteran cadres playing cards leisurely in a teahouse, the atmosphere is quite harmonious.

"To two!"


"King bomb!"


Except for Ren, the other three looked like they were sitting on the Diaoyutai, and none of them mentioned anything other than playing cards.

This kind of silence seems to be a kind of balance, whoever can't hold his breath first, and whoever speaks will fall behind.

Ren knew that in this situation, only he, the little shrimp, had the best time to speak up.

After all, it was also for him.



Thinking that he was familiar with the bearded man when he went to the library on weekdays, he tentatively asked, "Mr. Administrator, why have you come to the 'Plague Base'?"

The bearded administrator said with a smile: "I gambled with this guy, and the winner hasn't been decided yet, so let's take a look."

Hearing this, the man in the cloak looked at the bearded man and was unhappy: "I said, you have always been with me. I didn't find out. Even if I don't intervene now, the overall situation is settled. This is not your bet lost?"

Ren was his own "little transparency" and listened quietly, but pondered again in his heart.

Bazel wanted to see the administrator's face, and the cloaked man respectfully called "You", so he confirmed that the status of the bearded man might be a bit high in the world.

"Losing? No, no, no"

The bearded man went on to say: "You know, even now, I have the ability to reverse the situation at any time. I follow you now, just want to see what your cards are."

"Is it?"

The man in the cloak was noncommittal, with a half-smile expression on his face. Doesn't seem to agree with this statement, but doesn't argue with it.

When dealing with such brainy people, you have to guess what you say.

Bazel, who was on the side, complained that his head was hurting, and he yelled unhappily: "Hey, hey, I said, you two guys, play cards if you like to play cards, and if you want to speak human words, can you explain it clearly?"

The bearded man smiled lightly, thinking that the poker players should also have a sense of participation, and turned around and asked, "Mr. Bazel, what do you think the most ideal society should be like?"

This question suddenly became very high-end.

Bazel, a bastard, can't understand this. He said with a bored face, "What do you mean by social order? It's none of my business?"


The bearded man gave a helpless smile, which meant a lot: Let me just say, this kind of topic is not suitable for communicating with you, a werewolf whose brain is full of muscles, right? You want to listen.

"Three Kings with a 4!"

But at this moment, the man in the cloak played his card, sneered sullenly, and interjected: "If you want an ideal social order, you must let the low-level civilians live like 'humans'. So, this dirty The noble class must be completely wiped out!"

When he said this, a burst of hostility suddenly burst out in his eyes, as if he had changed to a different person. He didn't have the slightest demeanor of a refined gentleman just now, but was as terrifying as a devil.

After finishing speaking, this guy looked at Ren with those needle-like gazes, as if seeking approval: "You also think I'm right, Mr. Ren?"


Ren's words were in his mouth, and the word "bomb" choked in his throat again.

This guy has a split personality?

I can't afford it, I can't afford it, this look is so frightening

These guys don't have any brand in playing cards. They are afraid of being bombed. Why are they threatening them personally?


He shrank his neck again, and squeezed the "four 10" that he wanted to blow up in his hand, fearing that he would anger this guy.

"Go ahead. Three Aces with a 7!"

On the other hand, the bearded man didn't give face, accepted the card, and shook his head again: "You are too extreme. That will make the social order even more chaotic."


The cloaked man shrugged, facing the bearded man, the hostility in his eyes suddenly dissipated, and he smiled gently: "If there is no destruction, how can there be new life?"

Ryan: "."

He feels that playing cards at the same table with these big guys has no gaming experience!

This squinting smile is obviously very easy-going, why does it make people feel goosebumps on the back?

Hearing this, he suddenly understood something.

Their gamble seems to be related to social order and the issue of the people's class?


This topic is a bit advanced.

At this time, Renn didn't expect that the white beard would ask his little Xiami's opinion, "Brother Renn, what do you think, what do you think the most ideal society is like?"

Ryan opened his mouth and came: "Prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law."

If you ask other questions, he may not be able to answer.

But if you want to ask what the ideal society looks like, he is too familiar with it.

At the end of the 21st century, most areas of the earth have entered the advanced stage of socialism. Can there be a better social order than that?

Originally, it was just a random question, but I didn't want to. The three people at the same table were stunned by Ren's answer.

Bazel looked like he was listening to a bible, confused: who am I, where am I, I seem to have heard some strange terms just now?

But the bearded man and the cloaked man understood something, and their expressions changed slightly.

"Justice and rule of law."

The bearded man was thinking about something, and suddenly felt that these words were completely in line with some of his ideas for building the "Glory City".

Moreover, there are some more complete factors.

Wealth, strength and freedom are understandable.

But democracy, harmony. What do they mean?

Now, this man, known as the omniscient [Great Polymath], is really interested.

The bearded man had already heard from the "Grand Judge" Mittabi Yarnach that this Ren was a judicial talent carefully cultivated by His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess.

Sure enough, this opening made people hear a strong sense of professionalism!

It was only then that the bearded man realized why he could see Renn flipping through a large number of books in the library management every day.

At first, seeing how much he flipped through the books, he thought that he would not learn much in the way of looking at flowers on horseback. But this question seems to be really interesting.

He thought about it, and then asked: "Little friend Ren, the descriptions you just said are very interesting, can you go into more detail? What is the meaning of 'democracy'?"

When Ren heard it, he recited it backwards, and said: "Democracy refers to the right of residents to express their opinions freely, and to participate in state affairs and social affairs. But this concept cannot be taken out alone. There must be a specific social environment, otherwise it is empty talk.”


The man in the cloak seemed to have some kind of obsession, he sneered, and interjected: "Now even the lives of commoners belong to the private property of the nobles, what are you talking about the right to freedom? Let me just say, if we want to achieve an equal society, we must first completely eliminate these things." Damn the aristocratic class, backward aristocratic centralized system!"

The white beard ignored him, and continued to ask: "Little friend Ren, what do you think the world should be like today. To achieve the ideal social order you mentioned?"

"This starts with the development of human society"

"Social form?"

"This is a long process of social development"

Ren didn't come here just by opening his mouth.

Although he doesn't understand politics, he doesn't need to understand it at all.

Social changes are written in the history books, they really happened!

Moreover, the process of social development has both chance and inevitability.

Primitive society, slave society, feudal society, capitalist society and communist society

Five social forms that develop from low-level society to high-level society, each of which has its own process of emergence, development and extinction.

He doesn't need to understand, just say it.

"Usually speaking, in the stage of primitive civilization, um, it is probably equivalent to the current Coleman tribe, that is, the barbarians in the 'Forest of Ashes'. In fact, they belong to a primitive civilization of tribalism, and the development To a certain extent, there will be the concept of 'country'."

"And then, the slave master will."

Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Steam Age.

Everything is written in the history books.

Even if there used to be gods in this world, certain social laws would not change.

Ren's operation was as fierce as a tiger, and he talked endlessly, leaving others speechless.

Don't fantasize about it yourself, everything happened in history, and it can stand up to scrutiny.

Bazel sounded like a bible, but the two guys with the beard and the cloak were stunned and immersed in it.

These two are the world's first-class smart people. They seem to have seen a vast history from Wren's theory, a glorious long scroll of the development and changes of human society and civilization.

With a few simple descriptions, a complete world can be quickly deduced in their minds.

Let them see the vicissitudes of life and the changes of the world.

Isn't this what the ideal world they have been arguing about?

One is known as the most knowledgeable [Great Polymath] in the world, and the other is a top think tank and staff member who is popular in the Omar court.

At this moment, they were shocked from the bottom of their hearts.

As if looking up and seeing the vast starry sky, this glance is endless

For a long time, it seemed that time had stood still.

No one spoke anymore.

Bazel looked at the two guys who seemed to have turned into wooden figures, his face twitched violently, but he didn't bother. He knew that these guys probably fell into some kind of "epiphany" state.

Ren finished pretending to be aggressive, shrank his neck, and didn't dare to speak again.

Although did not speak,

But the man with the beard and the cloak had to admit that what Ren said was enough to go down in the history books and bring about great changes in the world!

After arguing all the way, neither of them convinced the other of the "ultimate problem". Unexpectedly, here, they got the "ultimate answer" that was too much beyond their expectations.

Wren not only stated the future development direction of the current "semi-slave-run feudal society", but also stated what the ultimate harmonious social order would look like.


after a long time,

The bearded man sighed, "I'm not as good as that."

The man in the cloak also glanced at Ren with a complicated expression, probably thinking the same way.

There are not many people in this world who can be recognized by these two "wisdom almost demon" figures at the same time.

At this moment, the Lei in their eyes blinded titanium alloy eyes with flashes of light.

But enough theory, it's time to talk about practical operation.

At this time, the bearded man asked again: "My little friend Ryan, how do you think we can achieve that social order? The current system of Omar and Sid still belongs to what you call a 'half-slave, half-feudal society'. How do you think we can quickly achieve the ideal social order?"

This is very polite, obviously sincerely asking for advice.

"Ahem. This is a process that takes time"

Ren's expression was a little stiff.

He knows shit about politics!

The theory can be moved according to the history of the previous life, but how to govern the country. Who the hell knows how this thing works in practice?

But thinking that he has raised himself to the extreme, he can only bite the bullet and continue: "Originally, the reform of Spurgeon XV was a bit interesting, but unfortunately the old aristocratic class is deeply rooted, and it is destined to be a failed reform. Moreover, even if the reform is successful, it is bound to leave many problems behind.”

As he said that, he made up some historical fragments that he still vaguely remembered, such as the "Glorious Revolution", "Meiji Restoration", and "Eight Movement Reform".

He kneaded all those things that happened, combined with the current situation of Omar, and made a lot of nonsense.

Listen, the man with the beard and the cloak nodded frequently.

But the man in the cloak seems to be particularly pleased with the bloodshed in the reform, and his eyes are always shining when he hears it, "Indeed! Those filthy nobles are not completely destroyed, and it is impossible to completely solve social conflicts. Now they are the cancer that hinders the development of human civilization." '!"


After communicating for so long, Renn has roughly figured out the character of the cloaked man.

From his doctor's professional perspective: the patient with split personality has been diagnosed!

It sounds like this guy still has the syndrome of "anti-aristocratic social personality", and his three sentences are always about the idea of ​​​​killing the nobles.

Presumably, it was hurt.

Ren didn't dare to say that he was wrong, so he could only say: "From the current point of view, only the eldest princess Ymir's idea is the most reasonable. The failure of this reform has advantages and disadvantages. There are no old nobles Without the shackles, she will be able to re-establish a brand new territory completely according to her own ideas, and build an ideal, fair and just social order. But it will also take a time process."

He himself is now under the protection of the big boss Ymir, so naturally he has to speak well to the big boss at any time.

Therefore, the implication is already obvious: Ymir is the hope of human society, so don't have any intention of murdering her.

They are all smart people, they should understand.

Thanks for the three big rewards and support of 'food and grass can not be broken' 500 coins, '160501060605060', '20170807200601098'.

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