Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 126 I Am Legend!

Ren knew Carl's mechanical level. Although he did not have the certification from the Machinists' Association, his level was definitely higher than that of ordinary "senior mechanics".

To be able to teach such a grandson, Ren also guessed that Master Toust's standard must be very high.

But there is no precise concept of how high it is.

Because, apart from fiddling with clockwork dolls on weekdays, Ren has never seen the old man make any machinery seriously.


If Karl is on the third floor of the mechanic (junior, intermediate, and advanced), the old man should be as tall as seven or eight floors.

But now, Ren looked at the heavy mechanical armor in front of him, his eyes stared straight.

He clearly realized that his judgment was hasty,

The old man's technological level is not as high as a seven or eight-story building, but as high as a twenty-story building.

Stand out from the crowd, the kind of height that transcends the world!

Carl said that he designed a very powerful combat suit, and Ren was not too surprised.

At the beginning, when he knew that the [PMⅥ micro-motion air hammer improved version] mechanical arm he found from the Pixis storage ring was made by this little mechanic, he guessed that Karl should have made a self-defense mechanism for himself. equipment.

It can make a single-arm robotic arm, and naturally it can also make a full-body heavy-duty mechanical skeleton.

When Ren returned to the tent, he saw a "little steel raccoon" painted with brown paint jumping up and down from a long distance away, happily spitting fire and burning the poisonous bees in the sky.

This combat suit is a bit like Iron Man's armor, covering the metal skeleton that should have been exposed with metal sheets. No matter the style or shape, it is not the same as the mainstream dark wind of steampunk.

And it looks light and flexible, and it doesn't have the feeling that the wider the coverage of the external skeleton, the slower the movement will be in Ren's impression.

It is not difficult to guess that this set of full-body mechanical armor must have used many more advanced technologies than those on the market.

But it's the shape of this "little raccoon", which is a bit unpopular.

If we really want to make a comparison, the heavy combat suits on the market are like "tractors" with their engines exposed, shining like stars;

And Karl's set is a QQ car covered with iron sheets, which is as eye-catching as a bright moon.

All in all, this is a set of mechanical armor that may become the focus of the battlefield.

If there is no "black technology" on the side to overwhelm its light.

The nearly ten-meter-tall steel monster beside Mr. Toust was like a demon god descending from the sky, like the "sun" in the daytime, eclipsing all the stars and moons!

This gave Ren, a traverser, a very strong visual impact and shock.

He felt that the technology tree of this steampunk world was a bit crooked by this old man.

"Is this still a battle mech powered by a steam boiler? A purely physical operating system?"

Ren felt that tonight he was going to use up all his shock emotions for many years to come, and he said in shock, "How did this thing get designed?"

The last time he was so shocked was when he traveled to this world and saw the mechanical castle for the first time.

If he hadn't already had enough understanding of the world's steam machinery, he would have thought he saw a high-tech "Transformer" with a dark industrial style.

This is a steel giant with six arms.

There is a huge shield with a brown deer head pattern on the chest, a wide-bladed sword at the waist, and four black gold swords stuck in the back. A sixteen-barrel revolver with an exaggerated caliber stood on his shoulder, and the ammunition belt was connected to several black metal ammunition boxes under his feet.

Each arm is hung with a small artillery launcher like a grenade launcher, an alloy thorn, a pressurized air hammer, and a hydraulic booster.

There are steel tracks on the feet and spring buffers that are not well understood.

The helmet was left uncovered and made in the shape of a deer's head. There are also two large golden antlers on the top of the helmet, which are sharp and strong. They look like not just decorations, but collision horns with actual combat effects.

No matter from which angle you look at it, this is a "big killer" full of murderous spirit and vicious.

Even if it is lying quietly on the ground now, people can feel its terrifying coercion like a hell demon god.

It was the first time that Ren felt the real coercion and murderous aura from a dead object.

Of course, what was shocking was an individual steam boiler that was emitting white smoke.

This is a special model that has never been seen on the market, because it has a full eight exhaust pipes!

Anyone with a little bit of mechanical knowledge knows that there is generally only one exhaust pipe for one cylinder of steam boilers (not the number of cylinders of the engine). Especially for individual miniature boilers, there is usually only one, at most two.

I heard that the Royal Academy of Sciences of Omar designed the most advanced military individual boiler, which has four cylinders and four exhaust pipes.

But that is already the extreme, and no one has seen it yet.

But the battle mech in front of me has eight exhaust holes with independent pipes.

This also means that this steam boiler has at least eight independent power cylinders!

This set of "combat armor" is not fully covered with iron sheets, and many mechanical structures are exposed. The complex power transmission system that connects the steam boiler to the mechanical skeleton is even more dazzling.

However, it was because of seeing it that Ren felt it was unbelievably exaggerated.

"This old man has thrown away the current mechanical technology in the world by a few blocks?!"

Moreover, what shocked Rennes the most was not the eight-cylinder steam boiler, but its distinctive six-arm design!

There is no electronic control system in this world, it is purely physical control.

Although there is a miniature steam boiler to provide additional power, its operating principle still relies on human hands and feet to operate.

When you move the hand, the mechanical arm moves; when the foot moves, the mechanical leg moves.

Therefore, the general heavy armor has two hands and two legs with the same structure as the human body.

It is equivalent to a metal skeleton driving shell, and people are stuffed into it to operate.

The steel giant in front of him has six exaggerated metal skeleton arms.

Obviously, this is Toust tailor-made for himself.

Because, only he can operate eight octopus arms at the same time!

Even Ren, who had actually seen "Transformers" in his previous life, was almost speechless when he saw this black technology, let alone these natives who had never seen high technology.

Mechanical armor is very popular in the middle and low-level extraordinary, but it has never caught the eyes of top experts. Slow response, inflexible, and single attack method, except for high armor defense, great strength and ability to do coolies, it is almost useless.

But this one in front of him is completely different.

Seeing this steel monster, Bazel, the "Top Ten Legends" who lived for more than two hundred years and claimed to have seen everything, was also stunned, and couldn't help muttering: "What the hell is this? Son?"

Seeing the mechanical battle armor in front of them, the two of them walked over almost stunned all the way.

"Hey, Brother Ren, are you back?"

Carl, who was wearing the "little raccoon battle suit", saw Ren, and lifted the helmet of the battle suit, showing bright white teeth with a smile.

He didn't realize how serious the beast swarm was, so he smiled happily and said, "What do you think of my battle suit? It's amazing, right?"

Originally, Karl's battle suit can be said to be really powerful, if there is no comparison with the behemoth behind him.

Ren nodded, "Excellent."

I want to boast a few more words, but I feel that I have no words to say.

Because the six-armed mecha is too dazzling!

Ren walked over and sat next to Toust.

The army of beast horde has not attacked yet, so they can relax for a while.

The old man asked with a normal expression: "The city wall has been breached, right? I heard a lot of movement"

His calm attitude was incompatible with the chilling atmosphere of the roaring guns in the camp.

If it wasn't for that ferocious mecha, probably, this is just an ordinary old man who has given up hope of survival.

But obviously, this kind of calm is not despair, but a kind of calmness.

It's as calm as a peerless master.

When this old man who never showed his true nature took out his trump card, Ren knew that the development of today's matter was different from what he thought.

This old man who has been silent for thirty years is going to surprise people today.

Ren sat down and suddenly forgot what he was going to do when he came back.

"Boy Ren, I have caused you trouble during this time"

Unexpectedly, Mr. Toust spoke first.

He said in a rather emotional tone: "Today, my old bones can finally come in handy."

Apart from a gentle smile on this old face, there was no trace of extra panic or panic.

He looked at Ren with kind elder eyes, and said: "Don't worry too much. You will follow me in a while, and I will take you and Karl out of here alive."

Listening to the old man's tone, Ren raised his eyes and looked at him in surprise.

Is this comforting me?

Suddenly, he remembered his purpose of coming back.

I brought Bazel here, isn't it just to support Toust's grandson and grandson, and then see if there is a chance for everyone to survive the beast tide together

But now, the old man waved his hand and shot his lines?

And the old man is so sure about things that Bazel is not sure about?

The rescued party becomes the rescued party, which is very dramatic.

Before Renn could react from his stupefaction, the old man had already started to arrange follow-up.

"But wait, now is not the best time to break out."

Toust explained: "The wave of beasts is rushing into the base now, but the high-level monsters are mainly concentrated on the three mechanical cities. When the mechanical cities are breached, the battle will be the most intense. Then we will prepare Break out. It's safer to stay in the camp now than to rush into the wilderness."

Toust's plan mirrors Bazel's.

He keenly judged the current situation and made the most rational judgment.


Ren was taken aback again when he heard that.

Old man, you have finished talking, what should I say?

"Don't look at me with that strange look. Although the old man's body is disabled, his perception is still there."

Toust smiled, thinking that Ren was surprised by his control of the situation, and said: "Back then... I was also a mechanic [ammunition expert] sequence that broke through three gene locks, and my dual expertise in perception and brain domain development increased. You can still feel the movement in the camp."

Ren's expression was a little weird.

The potion sequence developed in the brain domain is weak in physical combat power, just like his teacher Irubek.

Thinking about it, Toust's confidence can only come from the battle mech behind him.

Speaking of this, Ren seemed to have remembered something, pointed at the six-armed mecha, and asked, "Grandpa Toust, is this the mecha armor you made?"


There was a sparkle in Toust's eyes when he said this.

He looked at this giant steel beast, feeling a little bit embarrassed, "It's been more than thirty years, and I thought I would never have the chance to use it in my life."

As if returning to the high-spirited youth thirty years ago, Tu Si's eyes suddenly became aggressive.

"Hehe. That's fine too."

His eyes were burning brightly, and he said with a smile that was not a smile: "Before he dies, let those self-righteous guys from the Royal Academy of Sciences of Oma see where the pinnacle skills in the mechanical field are!"

These words were domineering, and he made no secret of his contempt for the Royal Academy of Omar.

I am the "ceiling" of mechanics in this era!

At this time, the sound of gunfire was getting closer.

The raging beast tide is approaching.

"Okay, Boy Ryan, it's time for me to move around. There is an alloy shelter in the tent. If you feel dangerous, just hide."

Toust didn't say much, and the mechanical arm helped him quickly board the nearly ten-meter-high armored control room.

Then only a series of crisp "click" and "click" sounds were heard, and the eight octopus mechanical arms were completely embedded in the operation slot of the deer head mecha.

After merging, the aura of the old man became higher and higher. Let Ren seem to see the most dazzling beam of fireworks in the night sky rising into the sky, and it is destined to shine.

"Everyone in the world says that mechanics are a group of fascinated foreign object research, with weak physical combat power, auxiliary system extraordinary, and will never be able to reach the height of the 'Ten Legends'. But I never think so"

These words seemed to be talking to himself, but it was more like telling the world again.

At the moment before putting on the helmet, the old man's eyes suddenly shot out a gleam of contempt for the world.

"Today, I, Toast Fuentes, will justify the name of the mechanic."

He looked awe-inspiring and groaned softly.

"I am the mechanical legend!"

Brothers, here is a wave of recommendation tickets~~~~

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