Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 127 Desperate Situation

The "beast tide" poured into the camp like a torrent.

Instead, the three high walls made of steel turned into a big urn, trapping everyone in it.

The beast tide is like the torrent of water poured down from a waterfall, and the water level is getting higher and higher.

There are thousands of tents, large and small, behind the high wall. The crowd fled in all directions, and the herd of beasts dispersed like the tide flowing into the pebble beach.

The hunters of the "Glory City" lived in the wasteland all year round and accumulated rich combat experience. Except for the unlucky ones who died in the initial wave of impact, those who survived also found their own bunkers and started street fighting.

Large hunting groups have long developed the habit of building fortress camps.

Even within the walls, their camps were not sloppy at all, and they built solid fortresses like barracks. Being able to defend and attack is to prevent sudden crises like animal swarms.

Also because of this caution, now they have bought time to breathe.

As soon as the city wall fell, Burgos, the deputy head of the "Iron Boots Hunting Group", led hundreds of brothers into the camp.

The heavy armored shield fighters and heavy mechanical warriors quickly blocked the gap in the camp, and the lightly armored extraordinary professions frantically output from behind, starting a positional battle.

Compared with the previous battle on the city wall, the pressure of positional warfare is much less.

At least before too many high-level monsters flooded into the base, they could still breathe for a while.

Even if the base group is wiped out, they should be the last group to survive.

Not long after, the beast horde outside was torn apart by a group of well-equipped hunters.

The standard triangular sharp knife phalanx, outside the melee, surrounded by legal, popular, and medical professions, killed all the way. Obviously, this is a group of experienced hunters.

The leader was a big man with a red beard, and he roared loudly: "Brother 'Iron Boots', open the door! Our camp was sealed by the beast horde, and we can't go back."

Taking a closer look, there is another large hunting group, hundreds of people from the "Scarlet Tomahawk".

Without hesitation, the defensive circle of the "Iron Boots Camp" was opened, and hundreds of people joined in.

Even the two hunting groups that were usually in a competitive relationship, at this moment, they have put aside their previous suspicions and become comrades in arms against the enemy.

In the trench pit,

Burgos, the deputy head of "Iron Boots", and Martin, the head of "Scarlet Tomahawk", two old rivals who have competed for most of their lives, now meet each other and look at each other with bitterness on their faces.

Burgos was the first to speak: "Old brother, I'm afraid this hurdle will be difficult to pass today."

Martin also smiled wryly, and said, "Hehe, I didn't expect our two regiments to join forces today after fighting for most of our lives. If we die in the same pit, it will be a happy ending."

Burgos smiled wryly, "Don't you blame me, brother, for getting into trouble and causing such a big trouble?"

Martin looked disapproving, but shook his head: "Strange? It's just that I'm not a legend, and I couldn't kill his mother! Before this, who didn't stretch their necks to watch this wave of beasts coming? And expect to be able to send a wave of beasts?" A lot of money, but who would have thought it would be so fierce this time, with two 'lord-level' monsters"

Burgos smiled. He is also a wild hunter, so he can understand the hardships of the wild hunter. "It will be a while, let's see if we can survive the beast tide. Or wait a little longer, and the mechanical city will be destroyed." Now, forcing those noble gentlemen to go all out, we still have a chance to break through."

Martin nodded, obviously he thought the same way, "I hope we can hold on until that mechanical city is breached."

The two regiment leaders looked from a distance, and the three mechanical cities were under attack at the same time.

Especially the mechanical city that was besieged by two "lord monsters" was in danger. The vines climbed up the city wall, and the beast horde also poured into the city. The situation there was not much better than their ground camp.

The artillery and mage group attacked wave after wave, and the firepower was several times fiercer than before. High-level magic scrolls and large-scale firearms appeared one after another, throwing them into the beast tide for free.

If those people in Mechanic City had worked as hard as they did now, and would not hesitate to fight in their old places, the hunters might not have chosen to retreat.

Everyone concentrate their firepower, kill a few leading monsters, and even have a chance to defeat the beast hordes

It's a pity that those selfish dignitaries always feel that the lives of the low-level wild hunters are not as valuable as their magic items.


Now, everything is too late.

It is impossible to defeat each other, and it is impossible to defeat each other, and each depends on his own ability to survive.

Thinking of the brothers who died in his regiment before, Martin became furious again, and cursed: "Damn it! Those dignitaries in Mechanic City are really fucking no jokes. In that situation, I still want to watch the fire from the other side and let the old men die." Go and block the beast tide for them. It's all right now, everyone has to shoot and break up, and there is nothing to play."

"No one wants to see this ending, but it's a pity that the lords and ladies in the Mechanical City think that their lives are higher than the lives of our wilderness hunters."

Burgos also sighed slightly.

Immediately afterwards, he interjected: "The current 'City of Glory' is not the City of Glory five years ago. The 'Five Great Clans' are no longer the main force of hunting wilderness, but have become a group of dignitaries who enjoy themselves. In a few years, the City of Glory will probably become an aristocratic system like other territories in Almacid."

"Isn't it? There's such a big commotion this time, and there's an 'S-level national recruitment'. How many people from the five major families have you seen hunting wilderness on the front line? Aren't they all huddled in the mechanical city?"

As Martin spoke, he became more and more angry, and said indignantly: "Damn it! The whole people are recruited, and the result is that we are recruited to die, and give them territories for those powerful people?"

Burgos was also disheartened: "Forget it, if we can survive this time, City of Glory. Our 'Iron Boots' don't plan to stay any longer. I used to think that this city is fair and just, and can make a lot of money. Now, huh"

Martin: "Let's talk about it if we can get through tonight. If we stay like this, we will be wiped out sooner or later. Let's discuss the breakout plan first."


Just when the two team leaders were discussing the next breakout arrangement,

Suddenly, bad news came.

"Head, it's not good, a fifth-level [Golden Bull] came down from the city wall! Which guy is rampaging on the south wall, I'm afraid it will rush to our camp soon."

"No, it's really coming towards us."


When the two regiment leaders heard this, their expressions suddenly changed.

If they found such a bull in the wild, they would definitely feel that they made a lot of money. The skin and flesh of this thing is worth the same weight of gold, and it is one of the best leather armor materials.

[Golden Buffalo] has rough skin and thick flesh, and a single attack method. The "flying a kite" tactic is also easy to deal with. After a few hours of grinding blood, it is not difficult to kill.

But now it is positional warfare. Where is there a chance for them to "fly a kite"?

Now in the beast tide, a few hours is enough for that big man to rush in and out of the camp!

"Damn it! Such a tricky guy! Unless the 'Ten Legends' come, it's impossible to kill this big guy in a short time."

"Let's go, old brother, our two regiments will work together to see if we can find a chance to drive it away with serious injuries. Otherwise, once the camp is broken, our brothers will suffer."

"That's all there is to it, let's go."


The two regiment leaders quickly picked up their equipment and went desperately, just about to rush out, but at this moment, another exclamation came from the camp.

"Leader, come out quickly, something serious happened"

"Hurry up! Another strange thing has appeared."

"God, what is that thing, how can it be so strong!"


The subordinates yelled, as if they had seen a ghost.

"What's wrong!"

The two regiment leaders were shocked, could it be that there came some monster more terrifying than [Golden Buffalo]? Could it be that two "lord level" monsters attacked in?

The two rushed out in a hurry, but saw a scene that they will never forget.

"How can a mechanic be so strong?!"

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