Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 128 The High-gloss Stage Belonging to Mechanics

In the sky above the base, dark clouds are overwhelming the city, and a storm is about to come.

The moment the golden antler helmet was closed with a "click", Ren looked at the six-armed steel giant who was slowly getting up in front of him, speechless.

That invisible coercion seemed to make people see an invincible demon god slowly walking from the abyss.

it was born to fight;

It comes to kill;

After it drew its sword, it turned the world upside down in order to kill!

The roar of guns and guns, like the sound of gongs and drums, is the magnificent movement that played its stage.

The tide of beasts has the potential of a mountain torrent, overwhelming and unstoppable.

At this time, the beast horde was approaching a hundred meters away.

Not far away, a third-order amphibious [silver-headed leopard] more than ten meters long has quietly approached. Its figure is swift, curled up, and jumped up to pounce on the targeted prey.


A black shadow passed by.

The black panther pounced on the "Deer Head Armor", bit it hard, and broke its fangs.

Just as he was about to escape, the metal tongs with a touch of luster slammed into its neck, and the three hands divided the tongs and the three legs violently tore it apart!

With a sound of "tearing", blood rained all over the sky, and the black panther was torn apart.

The third-order monster was torn into pieces of flesh and blood in the blink of an eye, how powerful is this?

Ren was too shocked to speak.

Bazel, who was on the side, also had trembling eyes, with an unbelievable expression on his face. [Silver Head Leopard] The muscles are as solid as iron, he can easily kill this third-order monster, but he can't tear it to this point.

The mechanical power is truly terrifying.

And at this time,

The mechanical giant didn't pay much attention to the corpses on the ground, but turned to look at the surging "beast tide" in the distance.

It was a group of colorful [striped spiders], densely packed, countless. They pass like locusts, where no grass grows.

click click click click

There was a crisp metal touch sound.

At this moment, the two sixteen-barrel muskets on the shoulders of the steel giant slowly turned, and the speed was getting faster and faster visible to the naked eye.

In the next second, there was a "click", and the machine bracket rang.

Bullets spewed out, and a strange green flame like a swimming poisonous snake emerged from the barrel.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely shocking scene appeared!

The bullets shot rapidly, so fast that they formed a light arc in front of the barrel. From a distance, it didn't look like bullets shot out, but a long green light whip, heading towards the beast tide. The group suddenly pulled over.

Seeing the "Green Light Whip" being pulled out, Ren and Bazel's eyes widened at the same time.

No one would have thought that this soft light whip has the destructive power to make one's scalp tingle!

It wasn't piercing, it wasn't burning, the big spider hit by the light whip exploded like a watermelon, turning into pieces of flesh and blood.

Ren's pupils shrank suddenly, and he exclaimed: "What kind of gun is this? How can it be so powerful?"

If he didn't look carefully at the bullets ejected from the muzzle of the gun, he would have thought he had seen an arc weapon from his previous life.

"High-explosive bullets?"

Bazel, who was on the side, saw this scene, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he said in doubt: "No, even a 'high-explosive bullet' will definitely not be able to cause such a powerful explosion damage!"

The two immediately realized that the bullet was weird!

Ordinary musket bullets can penetrate the shell skin of this spider, but for its fat body the size of a calf, at least a hundred or ten bullets are needed to injure it.

Even a high-explosive bullet can probably only make a blood hole the size of a fist.

But the green light bullet in front of him directly caused a large spider to explode. This is an exaggerated power that is impossible for all musket bullets on the market!

The old man drew a deep ravine not far from the camp with just this shuttle of bullets.

Those who cross the line, die!

It is so domineering.

However, the monsters in the "Beast Tide" have lost their minds and rushed over one after another. In the blink of an eye, a wall of flesh and blood several meters high was piled up a hundred meters away.

Scarlet minced meat and spider limbs flew all over the sky due to the explosion, like bloody fireworks that exploded.

When it first appeared, it was already invincible.

"That's the 'phosphorus-rich element bullet' developed by grandpa."

At this moment, Karl came over and explained.

He walked up to Ren, probably wanting to protect him, and explained: "Grandpa is not only a mechanic, he also has a deep research on alchemy. This is a special bullet created by him combined with ancient alchemy. The bullet has [Explosion]'s enchanted inscription"

Ren didn't know much about mechanics, so he was confused.

But Bazel on the side exclaimed, "Enchant bullet? Is it like a 'silver bullet'?"

As a werewolf, he knew a special enchanted bullet that made his werewolf family change their colors.

Karl didn't know Bazel, so he was a little wary, but he also responded: "Yes. The 'Silver Bullet' enchantment is [Evil Breaking], and it is also a kind of special bullet. Grandpa's inscription technology was developed in a down-and-out alchemist. I learned it from a warlock. At that time, he was being hunted down, and grandpa rescued him."


Bazel's eyelids twitched.

He remembered that the secret method of bullet inscriptions had been lost for a long time.

Because, regardless of werewolves or vampires, if they encounter these ancient alchemists, they will kill them all.

Unexpectedly, that thing can be used to deal with creatures of their dark blood, and it can be used like this.

paused for a moment,

Carl continued: "But Grandpa improved some formulas on this basis and made special bullets for different situations. This 'phosphorus-rich bullet' is just the most basic one. Unfortunately, the output is too low. I want to It takes a long time to press on the machine tool to press out a few."

It seems that in order to confirm his statement, reality responded immediately.

Da, da, da, da, da!

Although the old man's musket is super fierce, it will misfire after a few shots.

Carl shrugged his shoulders, as if he had expected it, and said, "Hey~ I'm out of ammo. I have to change the ammo box later before I can continue firing. Just wait for the barrel to cool down."

Ren twitched his face, seeing that the black beast horde had no firepower to suppress it, and spread it up again in an instant, and asked, "Aren't you worried about your grandpa?"

Carl didn't understand, and asked, "Why worry?"

Ren pointed at the beast tide: "After all, there are so many monsters"

Hearing this, Carl smiled: "Oh, Brother Ren, you think too much."

He said: "When grandpa intends to bring this 'Big Muscle Balu God Battle Armor' into the world, we are already safe. The 'Vulcan Cannon' is only the most basic function of this mechanical armor, it has many more Killer."

When Ren heard this, he was still a little worried.

Although guessing that this black-tech mecha is definitely not that simple, but the master

But suddenly, he caught something strange and asked, "Wait, what did you say your grandfather's armor was called?"

Carl said solemnly, "'Big Muscle Balu God Battle Armor', what's wrong?"


Ren's eyes twitched, "Nothing."

Sure enough, the duo's name aesthetic is a bit unique.

Because the ammo box is empty,

And at this moment, those big spiders also pouted their buttocks one after another, spraying out large webs of spider silk.

As soon as dozens of large nets came, all escape routes were blocked. This is their cobweb tactic for collectively preying on large prey. Even if he couldn't control the steel giant, he could at least limit his movements. There will be more spider webs in the follow-up, enough to make a high-level monster strong.

However, a surprising scene appeared again.

The sticky and sticky cobwebs, which were greasy like snot, sprayed on the iron giant, and fell to the ground like rain. It seems that there is no resistance at all on the armor, and it is not stained with any spider webs at all!

Ryan felt as if he had seen another high-tech technology that he was familiar with in his previous life.

Isn't splashing ink not staining a micromolecular coating technology commonly used in previous lives?

Obviously not.

This is another black technology from another world.

At this time, Carl, a qualified little commentator, explained in a timely manner: "This is also a kind of enchantment inscription [Smooth] and [Elemental Magic Immunity] in ancient alchemy. It can make the armor of the machine smooth and not easy to be stuck. , will also have super high magic resistance, mainstream elemental magic, basically this mech can’t do it.”

When Ren heard this, he was really shocked.

Iron armor, needless to say, the physical defense must be super high, and now you have a "magic immunity", isn't this thing invincible?

Bazel's face on the side also changed slightly. He who didn't take machinery seriously before, now looks more and more dignified, and seems to have a kind of anxiety that the traditional supernatural will be eliminated by black technology.

Ren was suddenly curious, blinked, and asked Bazel: "Senior, what do you think?"

The corners of Bazel's eyes twitched, like he was drinking lemon juice, and said quietly, "It's okay."

Then there was another violent and bloody visual feast.

As long as the three of Renn talked about these few words, the beast tide had already spread over.

But the mechanical armor controlled by Mr. Toust did not retreat at all, but pulled out the four black gold swords on the back, and rushed directly into the beast tide.

Four large knives and a giant sword were swung airtightly.

The big blade of the knife is five meters long, and the cutting trajectory is naturally terrifyingly long.

A knife down, like a broken bamboo. Because of the huge power provided by the steam boiler, all the monsters within a radius of more than 20 square meters were completely severed in one big roundabout.

After cutting empty, there are monsters coming.

The limbs of all kinds of monsters flew around, and the first, second, and even third-tier monsters were basically hacked to death with a few knives.

"Deer God Battle Armor" does not need defense at all, it is not afraid of poison, magic, and bite.

It is like a tank, rampage.

Chopping melons and vegetables, cutting wheat, meat grinder

Watching this old man's battle is like watching a top technology weapons expo in another world.

This is the ultimate level that no mechanic, any force, or even the Royal Academy of Sciences of Omar, which is known as the "sacred place of steam technology", can't reach.

Renn has no accurate concept of the level of combat power of the "Ten Legends".

But don't talk about combat power, just talk about his contribution to the technology of this era. This old man deserves to be called a "legend", which is enough to be recorded in the annals of history!

Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and torrential rain poured down.

In the misty rain,

Little Carl looked at the steel giant who was killing all directions, with a bright smile on his little face.

In his eyes, he not only saw an indomitable hero, but also saw the bright future of the mechanic profession.

The heavy rain of soybeans slapped the little face, but he didn't want to, and smiled, tears were streaming down his face.

With tears in his eyes, he murmured to himself: "Grandpa, this is what you once told me, your dream when you were young. Now, you have finally come true."

This dream, once persisted, is a lifetime.

With just this battle mech, this old man has raised the level of mechanical technology in this world for decades by himself!

Thirty years of dormancy, life is extremely dark.

The "God of Steam" blesses him to survive, and only machinery is the only lighthouse in his life, guiding his way forward;

Thirty years of keeping a low profile, now it is a blockbuster.

I, Toast Fuentes, today, have justified my name as a mechanic.

Belonging to the high-gloss era of mechanics

It's finally here!

Thanks to 'Qinglian Daoge' for the reward of 3000 coins, 'Qiaoyan' for 500 coins, 'Dust Jade G', '151014151729762' '20201021211250368'. Thank you for your great rewards, I am happy.

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