Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 129 Science is Combat Power

The six-armed mechanical giant was like a meat grinder stuck in the path that the beast horde must pass through, slaughtering a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood in a blink of an eye!

And at this moment, suddenly, a giant golden bull rushed down from the city wall.

Moreover, their "Soy Sauce Hunting Group" was the first to bear the brunt of the collision line!

"Fifth level, golden bull!"

Ren blurted out.

Bazel's expression on the side also changed slightly, and he murmured: "This is a big, tricky guy."

[Golden Buffalo] is a fifth-order rare monster with extremely high strength talent. Even a werewolf with extraordinary strength like Bazel is far behind.

Its skin is rough and thick, and it has been rolling mud in the swamp all year round. The skin condenses earth elements to form a thick cuticle that covers the whole body. It is as hard as iron armor and can even resist artillery.

No one dared to confront such a behemoth head-on.

Even armored personnel carriers and heavily armored fighters can directly hit the bottom of the sky.

But now, the six-armed steel giant charged forward bravely without dodging or evading!

The [Golden Buffalo] with a body length of more than ten meters and a weight of more than 100 tons rushed down from the city wall with red eyes. With the help of inertia, it made it look like a metal cannonball fired by a cannon. ribbon.

Tents, bunkers, locomotives, crowds, beast hordes...all hit and fly!

It is like a sharp knife, intending to cut the base in half from the south to the north.

But suddenly, the six-armed mechanical giant controlled by Toust pointed the pair of golden antlers at the reloaded golden bull, looking like he wanted to hit the bull head-on?

This inevitably made Ren sweat for the old man. After all, no matter how good the shock-absorbing and buffering device is, if this head hits it, the people inside will probably be bumped into it as if they were packed in a big iron box, and their souls will come out of the shock. orifice.

However, the mechanic has always been rigorous in his work, and since he did so, he must be sure.

The golden streamer comes in the blink of an eye,

However, what was unexpected was that the steel giant had no intention of head-on confrontation at all, and at the moment of the final collision, it directly dodged out of the way.

The speed was too fast, and Ren didn't catch what happened at that moment, while Bazel, who was on the side, said easily, "It's so flexible."

As we all know, the bigger the heavy machinery and equipment, the less flexible it is. This is also the biggest reason why mechanical equipment is a bit tasteless in the eyes of high-level extraordinary. It doesn't matter if you have strength, if you can't hit someone, you can only be beaten.

Although the previous action of chopping melons and vegetables was quite flexible, the speed was simply unattractive in the top level.

But now, Bazel actually saw the six-armed giant cleverly dodging the rush of the golden bull that was so fast that even a high-level transcendent might be able to avoid it.

Not to mention the operator's keen perception and timing control ability, this sensitivity is absolutely impossible for any mechanical equipment currently on the market.

Its mechanical joints are as flexible as a human body!

This gave Bazel a new understanding of the sensitivity of the heavy equipment.


The ox rushed over, and after it fell through the air, it "braked" quickly. Its four hooves plowed a ravine nearly one meter deep on the hard ground behind the fixed phone, and it continued to move forward for a hundred meters before stopping.

With this turn, the inertia it had accumulated was wiped out, and its aura and threat suddenly dropped by 80%.

But at this moment, the Iron Giant didn't give it another chance to charge and attack again. Just when the bull turned around, the huge mechanical body jumped a hundred meters.

As soon as the golden bull turned around, the horns of the bull and the golden antlers collided with each other!

The two behemoths started to compete in brute force.

The steam boiler behind the steel giant "chugs and chugs" emitting white gas, as if its power had reached its limit.

Afterwards, it is unbelievable that the Iron Giant did not lose the slightest bit in this competition of strength. Where is the stalemate between the two!

This is completely unbelievable for others to see.

Because, even if it is such a large lump of solid steel ingots, the great strength of the golden bull can easily lift it away!


Ren also felt delighted.

But the skin of the golden bull was as indestructible as the legend said, and the sharp antlers showed no sign of being pierced.

Bazel looked at it with a complicated expression and sighed: "The power and reaction speed of this mechanical armor are far beyond the ordinary fifth-order power system."

The barbaric bull has only one bull head as the killing point, but the "Big Muscle Balu God" not only has giant deer horns, it also has six arms!

Just when the antlers and the horns touched sparks and made a piercing sound of "click" and "click", the iron giant's arm moved.

The four black long knives and the giant sword slowly thrust towards the neck and abdomen of the golden bull.

Ren was also a little puzzled. In this situation, shouldn't he be "stabbed" hard?

So slow, what power is there?

What's more, the strange thing is that the five sharp blades were gently placed on the thick skin of the golden bull, and then a phantom appeared!

Ren: "Hey, the black knife is not just stabbing, but vibrating at high frequency?"

Seeing this, Bazel shook his head, and said based on his experience: "It's a pity, even if the strength is not inferior to that bull, it is impossible to kill it. Mechanical swords are not blessed with fighting spirit, no matter how sharp they are, they can't be killed." It is impossible to break through that layer of earth elemental armor. If it continues to be consumed, the burden on the mechanical boiler will become greater and greater, I am afraid."

Before he finished speaking, he swallowed the next half sentence.

A shocking scene appeared!

Although the tip of the long sword pierced on the neck failed to pierce the golden armor, although the other four black knives pushed forward with difficulty, they slowly pierced bloodstains!

But within a breath, the tip of the knife sank nearly a foot, and it continued to penetrate.

The blood was gurgling, and everyone realized that the "golden bull" that could resist the artillery attack had been broken!

Bazel's expression suddenly changed, "How is it possible! No matter how sharp a weapon is, it's impossible to pierce through the leather armor of a golden bull like this!"

The reason why this legend lost his composure was because everything in front of him violated an extraordinary common sense.


Although Ren was pleasantly surprised that the old man could hurt and even kill the golden bull, he also found it incredible.

Didn't the "Encyclopedia of Warcraft" say that this thing is invulnerable, why did it get poked in all of a sudden?

It is the cohesive ability of the earth element that the golden bull is gifted with, which allows it to have super defensive power. So in theory, without breaking through that layer of elemental armor, it is impossible to see blood.

Generally, if a high-level superhuman wants to kill this bull, he can only use a more solid grudge to attach to the weapon, and pierce through that layer of "earth elemental armor" before it can really hurt its skin.

Just like many high-level Transcendents, when they are using their battle energy to protect their body, the sword is difficult to hurt; but after they die, the scalpel can easily cut through the muscles.

It's not a matter of simple skin defense, but a matter of mysterious and mysterious extraordinary power.

So, it's not a question of whether the knife is sharp or not at all.

It's that the mechanical armor has no fighting spirit at all, so why can it cut through the elemental armor of the golden bull?

Seeing this incomprehensible scene, he turned his face, and Ren asked the legend beside him who had lived for more than two hundred years, "Senior Bazel, what is going on?"


Bazel's eyelids twitched, obviously this also touched his blind spot of knowledge.

The legend didn't speak, but rolled his eyes, with an expression of "you ask me, who can I ask".

And at this time,

Little Carl, a qualified narrator, spoke again at the right time: "That's a black knife made of 'Arc Shock Alloy', so it can break through the earth elemental armor of that bull."

Ren heard a new term that did not appear in the classics: "Arc shock alloy?"

Bazel on the side was equally confused, this question really aroused his curiosity.

Carl thought about it, and then said: "This involves a mechanical theory 'law of string vibration' discovered by grandpa."

He seemed to be organizing his language, stopped and thought for a while, and then continued: "The elemental armor looks like a whole, but in fact they are composed of some tiny energy particles, which form a very stable state under certain conditions. But Grandpa discovered that elemental armor actually has a weakness, that is, those particles are not always so stable. When a certain vibration frequency is reached, the stability between particles will reach the lowest value, and the resistance to cutting will be very small at that time. This is in the mechanical field, this theory is also used to cut some special materials, grandpa just researched it more thoroughly.”

Renn also took a few basic physics classes at any rate, and understood a little bit.

But Bazel on the side seemed to be listening to the scriptures. He tried hard to understand why the black knife broke through the leather armor of the golden bull, but found that it was beyond his ability,

At this time, Carl continued to talk about the key point, "So, according to that theory, Grandpa created a special alloy called 'Arc Shock Alloy' experimentally. Well, it is those black knives. It seems that the blades have not changed. , has actually been heated to several thousand degrees, the blade activates the enchanted free particles; and the 'variable frequency vibration cutting device' on the mechanical arm tried hundreds of vibration frequencies in a few seconds, and found its most unstable state With the combination of the two, the elemental armor can be cut easily."


Bazel rolled his eyes when he heard this complicated theory, and a feeling of nausea rushed to his forehead.

Who am I, where am I, what did I just hear?

It's the three questions of the soul again.

He instantly gave up the idea of ​​understanding the principle.

But Ren seemed to understand the principle of this black technology, and said: "So, the meaning is that the black knife is not an 'extraordinary weapon' in the general sense, but an alloy war knife that can produce special vibration frequencies and high-temperature ions ?”


Karl nodded, and said again: "In the eyes of the mechanic, no matter it is monster leather, metal, wood, or elemental armor, it is a material. As long as it is a material, it can be cut. So, Grandpa found the ox leather armor. Cutting frequency, it will be cut in smoothly.”


I heard so lonely!

Bazel's eyelids twitched suddenly, he felt that his legend had failed. Every time he gets involved in such a topic that needs to use his brain, he feels that he can't get in the way at all.

Ren vaguely understood.

After listening for a long time, Bazel only vaguely grasped that the black knife is not an ordinary extraordinary weapon, so he asked: "So...the black knife does not have fighting energy transmission, how did it cut in?"

The definition of "extraordinary weapon" is a weapon that can attach extraordinary power. No matter the enchantment, the inscription, or the material, it is all for the Transcendent's vindictiveness and magic elements to be better transmitted.

But the black knife is not an extraordinary weapon at all, it is simply a functional weapon forged for "cutting".

One is at the level of micro-scientific theory, and the other is at the level of supernatural metaphysics. They are completely two ways.

Ren didn't know how to explain it, so he could only answer: "Science is combat power."


Bazel knew that he probably didn't understand the principle, so he gave up his plan to continue to worry about it.

In the distance, the blade in the steel giant's hand had completely submerged into the bull's body, and the legendary man said with a complex expression: "With this black knife, the combat power of the mechanical giant can truly be compared with the top extraordinary."

Thanks to 'qpzm' for 2000 coins, 'Qinglian Daoge' for 1500, 'Blood Ice', 'Midnight Roaring Little Wolf Dog', 'The World Is Like Chess' and 'Impermanence 19'. Thank you for your support.

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