Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 130 I Bazel recognized his legendary strength

a few minutes ago.

And just when Mr. Toust's "Big Muscle Deer God Battle Armor" was born invincibly, the surviving hunters in the camp also discovered the existence of this six-armed steel giant at the first time .

In the fortress camp of "Iron Boots", the deputy head Burgos and the head of "Scarlet Tomahawk" Martin were stunned at the first sight.

Just now, the two of them were determined to die and planned to come out to fight the golden bull, but now they found that the beast that even a fifth-order superhuman would find troublesome was actually stopped by someone!

"What the hell is this thing?"

"It looks like a mechanical armor"

"Of course I know it's a mechanical armor! But your mechanical armor looks like this, how can it be so strong?"


The wild hunters were stunned.

Just when the wild hunters were astonished that the mechanical giant broke through the golden bull's defenses in a single encounter, the four black knives had completely submerged into its body.


The golden bull let out a whine that resounded throughout the camp, but it couldn't break free. Not only did the injury not let it recede, but it became even more violent, white air was sprayed from the nostrils, and it wanted to knock everything in front of it.

But the six-armed mechanical giant remained motionless, the antlers and horns were in a stalemate, and the flames were flying.

Although the head is wrestling, but after all, the mechanical giant has a few more mechanical arms.

At this time, the four long knives were slowly drawn out, and the scarlet blood spattered everywhere.

Another four knives, piercing the elemental armor is much easier than before.

Another four knives, there is no barrier at all.

Every time a knife is inserted, the golden luster on the golden bull's body surface will fade by three points, which means that the "earth elemental armor" is getting weaker and weaker, and the bull's invincible defense is no longer invincible.

Then, seeing the right timing, the steel giant used a shield to resist the impact of the bull, drew back half a step, and swung the sword with his right hand to slash.


The Moon Arc sword light flashed, and blood spattered tens of meters.

A huge bull's head crashed to the ground.

Tier 5 Warcraft [Golden Bull], now decapitated!

"It's really done?"

"A [Golden Bull] who killed the fifth level in person? That mysterious mechanic, after today, I'm afraid he will become famous all over the world."


Everyone saw the trans-epochal significance of this six-armed armor.

After all, a bullet fired by a three-year-old with a musket is just as deadly as a bullet fired by an adult.

Mechanics were not favored by high-level superhumans before, because no matter how high-end the machinery was, its disadvantages were obvious, and it was far from the top-level superhuman combat power, so it was useless. Even in combat, it can only be used as an auxiliary.

But if the combat power of the machine can match the top extraordinary, it will definitely drive everyone into madness!

Mr. Toust beheaded the fifth-level [Golden Bull] in one face-to-face encounter.

Ren and the others were no more calm than others, and the shock could not subside for a long time.

Ren suddenly thought of something, and asked Bazel next to him: "Senior, do you think Mr. Toust's mechanical armor combat power is comparable to that of the 'Ten Legends'?"

Bazel responded blankly: "Just saying that it can kill this bull so easily, in the 'Ten Legends', no one except Master Kavo can do it. Even if I want to kill it It also requires more means.”

After a pause, he continued: "But the worries of this kind of heavy mechanical armor are obvious, but the shortcomings are also obvious."

However, Ren felt that this machine with high magic resistance, high physical defense, and such a low attack was already invincible, so he asked curiously, "For example, what are its weaknesses?"

Hearing this question, Bazel pursed his lips, and said in a very boring way: "For example, a strong man of the mysterious department will not touch your mecha at all when killing people, and he can directly damage the main body by casting spells; another example is the element outside Blame the [Swamp Lord] and the plant-type [Gunflower Vine Demon], this mecha can't deal with it."


Although what he said was quite reasonable, Ren always felt that he heard a strong sourness from Bazel's words, which sounded like a dead end.

That mud monster, you can't deal with it either.

As I clearly said before, extraordinary abilities can restrain each other, and there is no such thing as absolute invincibility. Now I want other mechanics to be invincible

At this time, Bazel smacked his lips and said: "For other mechanics, I still hold my previous concept. In terms of combat effectiveness, none of them can catch my eye. Even the so-called "mechanical masters" of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Omar 'is also like this."

After a pause, he changed the subject, looked at the six-armed giant standing in the distance in the sea of ​​blood in the mountain of monster corpses, and said very solemnly: "However, this Toust, I, Bazel... recognized his legendary strength!"

Ren listened, his eyes lit up.

With the recognition of a true "Ten Legends", the old man's combat effectiveness is definitely top-notch!

After pondering for a long time, Bazel's expression was slightly complicated, and he said with emotion: "It's hard to say that it must be stronger than legend, but it is not weaker than ordinary legend. The glorious era of mechanics is coming."

Hearing this name, Carl's little face on the side was full of disbelief.


Top 10 Legendary Witchers?

at the same time.

Enter "Glory Thirteen" Mechanic City.

Large monsters can't get into the "refuge room", but those tiny poisonous insects have already rushed in through the gaps.

The guards have already gone out to join the mage group, and are fighting fiercely with the monsters that climbed up in the mechanical city.

Casualties have already begun to appear, and it will be a matter of time before the city is broken.

In a corner of the main refuge room, Phoebe, the vice president of the "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce", and several core executives were praying for the blessings of various gods with pale faces.

At this time, Wumu, who was wearing a chain and light armor, came over and said to Phoebe, "Mother, let's prepare to break through. 'Glory Thirty-five' can last for half an hour at most, and it will definitely be killed by beasts." Break through the tide. At that time, the two 'lord-level' monsters will shift their targets to us. Once we break through the city, we will surely die."

"Oh, that's all there is to it."

Phoebe sighed.

At the juncture of life and death, looking at the black crowd of monsters outside the window, the noble lady who is used to seeing big scenes also had pale lips.

And the younger sister Fei Ya, who was on the side, was even more frightened and trembled slightly.

Umm said calmly: "My lord, you don't have to worry too much. I have already contacted a few nobles with high-level guards. When the time comes, everyone will concentrate their top combat power and break through at the same time. There is still a certain degree of success."

Phoebe nodded, she felt that this trip to Glory City was really unlucky. He was obviously just here to discuss business, but he didn't expect that his life might be lost now.

In front of the "beast tide", human life seemed so pale. The status of nobles did not give them a little chance of survival.

But at this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed.

"Look, a very powerful steel giant appeared in the camp below!"

Hearing this, everyone thought that things had turned for the better, and walked to the observation window one after another.

Everyone looked over with high-powered binoculars, and they saw the six-armed giant killing all directions.

The rich and powerful were also amazed. Compared with ordinary hunters, they could see the meaning of wealth behind the mechanical armor.


Phoebe's mother used to be a student of the Academy of Sciences. She was more aware of Omar's current level of technology than ordinary nobles, and immediately determined in her heart: the Imperial Academy of Sciences would never be able to produce a mechanical mech of this level of technology!

Wumu also looked dignified, and was surprised: "I can kill a fifth-level [Golden Bull] independently. This combat power is much stronger than the fifth-level extraordinary. How can a mechanic be so strong?"

This is definitely a war killer!

Phoebe rolled her eyes, this professional businessman keenly grasped the huge business opportunity, and felt a little excited in his heart: "We must control that thing in our hands! Mastering this top-level technology will definitely make our Lopez family a leader in the political arena of the empire." Definitely go up to another big level!"

Together with this thought, she even forgot her fear, and had a very firm thought in her heart: "No matter what method is used, no matter what price is paid, I must get the armor and the mechanic it designed!"

At the same time, Phoebe was also very puzzled: the battle mech with such a high technological content did not come from the Royal Academy of Sciences of Omar, let alone the bumpkins of the Sid Empire. Who would have made it?

And at this time, Fei Ya, who was on the side, suddenly saw something, and exclaimed, "Hey, isn't that the guy who competed with me before?"

It will be on the shelves tomorrow at noon~ Brothers, please help me~

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