Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 135 Another Murder Case (for Subscription)


This crisp bone cracking sound was extremely strange, more abrupt than the previous two times.

The neck was pinched and broken, and the gods could not save it.

Everyone around stared dumbfounded at Ren who was pinching a girl's corpse, as if his mind had stopped thinking.

Three seconds ago, the masked girl who was still alive and kicking, Fia Lopez, the daughter of the "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce", is now like a "rainbow doll" hanging in front of the door.

She drooped her head, her eyes were wide open, and her body swayed with the wind.

It seems to be contemplating, repenting, and thinking about why he died.

The air suddenly froze.

No one spoke, only heavy breathing could be heard.

Everyone was shocked.

No one expected that Fia Lopez, who was known as a genius fighting girl in the city of Omadi, would be defeated by an unknown first-order wilderness hunter in a face-to-face meeting;

No one expected that a young and beautiful girl would turn into a gradually icy corpse after meeting each other;

No one thought that that guy really dared to kill, dared to kill a young lady of a high-ranking noble family!


The graceful and wealthy Mrs. Phoebe's face turned pale at this moment, her uncloseable lips trembled, and her gaze was fixed somewhere, on the corpse of her precious daughter.

And the guards around her were also ashen.

All of them still dare not accept the fact in front of them: their young lady was killed?

Even Bazel, who was standing in the corner, did not expect that Ren would kill people so cleanly.

He thought that Renn's shot was just to vent his anger, and he also helped him block the guard who wanted to make a shot.

After all, he felt that although Renn's fighting talent was extremely high, where was the gap in rank?

In terms of fighting skills alone, that chick from the Chamber of Commerce is not much different, at least there will never be a situation where she will lose in a face-to-face.

In terms of fighting spirit, Renn has no advantage

Even if there is a gap in actual combat experience, the two can stalemate for a few moves, and there will never be a one-sided situation. Even if there was, it should be Ren who was beaten.

However, the situation in front of him appeared.

In this face-to-face effort, under his nose, Ren coldly and mercilessly pinched the girl's neck.

After a moment of shock, Bazel also came back to his senses. Not only did he not find it troublesome, but a bloodthirsty grin appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Tsk tsk, this kid's temper is interesting now."

He naturally saw what Ren was planning to do.

The bloodthirsty instinct of the werewolf made him excited too.

This is going to make a big deal!

"However, this power is a bit exaggerated."

In the blink of an eye, Bazel was a little suspicious again. Naturally, he also saw that the pinched neck deformed grasp was not something ordinary strength could achieve.

Breaking people's necks can be done by most of the superhumans of the first-order combat system.

But if you really want to crush a person's cervical vertebrae just by grip strength, even a transcendent of the second-level pure strength system may not be able to do it.

Thinking to no avail, Bazel didn't think about it, but stared at Ren, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that his temper was more appetizing, "Hey, every shot can shock people, last time it was a mysterious martial art, This time it's 'weird power'. This kid is really a 'monster'. I'm afraid it will be terrible when he grows up in the future."

Is Feya really that miserable?

Actually no, she just underestimated the enemy too much.

If you can't kill him in the ring, even if you use strange strength, Renn may not be able to beat him. The gap in the big ranks, the gap in the attributes of one more gene chain, is not so easy to make up for.

He was able to win so easily, all because he caught the opponent by surprise.

The opponent also underestimated his ruthlessness.

Nafeya's impression of Renn is still in yesterday's sparring. She thinks that using 30% of her strength is enough to defeat this guy.

She thought it was an apple that Ryan threw to her, but she didn't think it was a shot put.

Can't she pick up that shot put?

No, afford it.

Knowing that it's a shot put, she can definitely afford it if she is prepared.

But because of the carelessness at the moment of catching the shot put, she staggered and fell to the ground.

And her enemies didn't give her a chance to get up again.

How can a noble girl who has never experienced a life-and-death struggle understand how indifferent and decisive a person like Ren, who has survived in a professional thieves group, will be when he makes up his mind to kill someone?

She didn't even display 10% of her strength, and just because of a little carelessness, she lost her life.

This is also the real gap between the real combat hunters and those young ladies and young masters who are pampered and spoiled by big families.

Cultivation techniques, martial arts, equipment...everything is the best. But the battle of life and death is just a matter of thought, and the enemy who really wants your life will not give you a chance to show off all your hole cards.

After a while, Phoebe realized the reality.

"you you you."

The noble lady's chest heaved greatly, like a fish out of water, panting heavily, as if she was about to suffocate.

His precious daughter died?

Being killed in front of his own eyes?

After a long while, she felt that her consciousness had returned to her body.

She looked at the villain who was holding her daughter's body not far away, and said through gritted teeth, "I'm going to kill you!"


Ren grinned his teeth, pinched the corpse with his right hand and threw it, as if discarding a disgusting piece of garbage, the girl's body was smashed into the pile of debris beside him.

He narrowed his eyes again and asked, "Ma'am, what did you say just now? I didn't hear clearly"

His eyes were full of cold killing intent, just like when he looked at that girl just now.

Anyway, he had already killed the first one, so he didn't mind killing this woman too.

But he knew that he had no chance to do anything, because Bazel had already reminded him that the theatergoers were coming.


There was a burst of drinking.

At this moment, a group of white-robed mages rushed over suddenly.

Coincidentally, with so many people dying last night, it's rare that the "Law Enforcement Team" can make such an organized team.

And following the law enforcement team, there was also a young man in black robes, which was of course Umm Lopez. The elder brother of Fei Ya who was killed just now!

When he saw the scene in front of him, his eyes froze, and when he looked at the corpse in the pile of debris, he stood still on the spot as if struck by lightning.

My sister was killed?

How can it be? !

Who did it? !

Before he could ask, Phoebe rushed to the corpse and burst into tears: "My poor daughter."

The doctor checked and shook his head.

No one can save this kind of injury.

Wumu's throat sounded like a beast, and he asked coldly, "What's going on here!"

Pointing at Ren, Phoebe shouted heartbreakingly, "That bastard...he killed your sister! Um, you want to avenge your sister!"


Upon hearing this, Umm looked at Ren wearing a mask, showing an expression of anger and disbelief.

How can it be? !

Although he admitted that in the ring match yesterday, this masked guy was indeed better than his sister.

But now that Fei Ya has taken the genetic potion to advance [Advanced], her strength has at least doubled compared to yesterday, how could she lose to a first-tier fighter?

Killed in such a short time? !

My dearest sister. He can bully, but others can't!

Now he was actually killed by a bastard?

Thinking of this, Wumu's eyes became colder and colder, and he could no longer suppress the violent emotion in his body that wanted to kill someone.

He was like a black panther with fried hair, looking at Ren fiercely, his eyes seemed to tear him into pieces.

Ren did not show any weakness, a sneer even overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and he said provocatively, "Yes, I killed it."

I can't beat you right now, but if you dare to attack, you will definitely die!

But obviously,

Those "Law Enforcement Team" people will not see a private fight under their noses.

The leading white-robed archmage said with a business-like attitude: "Master Wumu, I think you'd better not do anything. After all, this is a wilderness hunter's base, and everything must be carried out in accordance with Glory City's "Hunting Regulations." Unauthorized use of force, our 'law enforcement team' will not favor anyone!"

After saying this, the cold light in Wumu's eyes also subsided.

Only then did he think about the purpose of finding the "Law Enforcement Team". This kid is dead!

At this time, the white-robed archmage turned to Ren and said, "You are suspected of murder, please come with us. If you resist, we will kill you on the spot."

Ren was not in a hurry to let Bazel do it, but pointed to the corpse not far away, raised his eyebrows and said, "You mean murder, is that the woman over there?"

After a pause, he said directly: "Article 77 of Guanghui City's Wilderness Hunting Management Regulations clearly stipulates that for any use of private or automatic force in a wilderness hunting camp, the active party shall be fully responsible and the attacked party shall have the right to fight back legitimately. Everyone saw it just now, this woman almost killed my friend, I was just defending myself, how can it be considered murder?"


Hearing this, the great mage in white robe had a slightly strange expression on his face.

As a "law enforcement officer", he reflexively thought of the assassination incident of the assassin in the city of Glory last time. What impressed them the most was not because the participants had a lot of background, but that there were three interrogators who bent the law for personal gain and were severely punished by Judge Mittaby.

I heard that the reason is very strange, that is, a guy who is familiar with the law of Glory City gave them a law class

Therefore, this "enforcer" did not dare to be careless when he heard the clauses that he had memorized back and forth.

By bending the law for personal gain in public, his ending is not as easy as that of "the person subject to law enforcement".

Moreover, he has no chance.

Because at this time, someone shouted not far away.

"Yes, we can all testify! It was indeed that young lady who started the attack just now."

"Yes! I can also testify"


In fact, when they heard the movement just now, some wild hunters gathered around, and they witnessed the development of the whole thing.

Those wild hunters who often went to the training hall recognized Ren, and naturally they also recognized the masked girl.

But no one expected that the two people who were fighting inseparably yesterday would meet each other today, and one of them would be killed.

The one who died was the noble lady whose cultivation base was a big higher.

Although this was different from the kind and polite Dr. Ryan in their impression, the arrogant and domineering appearance of the noble girl had already aroused public outrage.

With this statement, everyone came out to testify.

Hearing this, even if the "enforcer" archmage wanted to give these great nobles of Omar some face, it would be impossible.

At this moment, a person came over, whispered a few words in his ear, and explained the situation just now.

He also got it all figured out.

It is common for these aristocratic ladies who are used to domineering to beat commoners. Emperor Omar had no one to do anything to them, but it was different in Glory City.

If you dare to attack, the opponent can kill you.

This is the law of the City of Glory.

Ren looked at the group of "law enforcers" coldly, and he wanted to see if these people could open their eyes and tell lies.

Unexpectedly, the archmage said blankly: "We will continue to investigate the matter here. However, we came to you this time not because of the matter here, but because you are involved in another murder case!"

"Another murder?"

When Ren heard this, he remembered that the girl who was killed by him before kept yelling that he was a murderer?

But who did I kill?

How come I don't know?

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