Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 136 I even suspect that I am the murderer with this evidence (please subscribe)

"Am I suspected of a murder?"

Ren was confused when he heard that, and turned his eyes, thinking that these guys probably wanted to play the trick of unjust imprisonment, trick him to go to the public security department first, and then torture him to extract a confession?

He sneered and asked directly: "My lord law enforcement officer, who am I suspected of killing?"

The white-robed archmage said calmly: "August Winster. That is, the fifth city lord of Glory City, the young master of the Winster family."


When Ren heard it, it really was the name.

But although he has heard the name of this young and old, but there is no intersection at all?

Oh no!

This guy came here last night, with an attitude of showing "Brother Liangchen face", and wanted to ask for the [Kanap's sacred glove], and then he was told to "screw" by himself?

Could it be that that guy died in the beast tide, and these people suspected him as the murderer because of this "motivation"?

Or was he not dead at all, just an unfounded excuse?

Anyway, I was going to tear my face apart today, so Ren was not in a hurry, and asked calmly: "Your Honor, my friend and I have been dealing with the beast tide last night until just now. May I ask when did I participate in a murder?" ? Where was it killed? Where is the body?"

Just want to convict with one sentence? Don't think about it!

Since it is the "law enforcement team", Ren wants to see if they dare to blatantly trample on the laws of Glory City!

"Bring it up."

But obviously, the white-robed great mage also came prepared.

With a wave of his hand, two forensic doctors in white coats walked over carrying a corpse covered with a white cloth.

The archmage said again: "Explain the current situation to this gentleman."

One of the laws said: "The time of death was 20 minutes ago. The body was found in the storage ring of a tent 500 meters away from here; the cause of death was a severe blow to the head, resulting in skull rupture, brain contusions and lacerations. Fractured occiput, subdural hemorrhage"

He gave a professional description of the injuries of a bunch of corpses.

Ren also understood.

It's actually very simple, that guy named August was punched in the back of the head twenty minutes ago and died.

Then it was probably too late to destroy the corpse, so it was put in a storage ring to prevent the corpse from being discovered.

He frowned and asked curiously, "Tens of thousands of people died in the camp, why do you all think that the murderer is me?"

After a pause, he said directly: "Could it be because the young master August wanted to grab my spoils yesterday, and you think I have a motive to kill him? Also, the people in the storage ring, You all found it, did you use divination? Could it be that you determined that I was the murderer by means of divination?"

"If I remember correctly, the laws of Glory City clearly stipulate that the results of divination cannot be used as evidence for conviction."

Ren's words did not hide his disdain at all.

If this is the reason, the level of these guys' planting is too low.

Of course, if Ryan were to reason by himself, he would also list himself as the number one suspect.

But, he didn't kill people!

However, he was also very curious, the young master of the dignified Winster family was actually murdered?

Tsk tsk, this is a bit interesting.

If it was framed, the price seemed too high.

"Divination really cannot be used as evidence."

Hearing this, the white-robed archmage's expression remained unchanged, affirming what Ryan said.

This is the brilliance of Master Kavo in formulating the law, although "divination" has miraculous effects in solving cases.

But the cost is too high, and it is too subjective, and it is easy to be influenced by the objective environment. For example: the divination is wrong, or the fortune-teller's position is not absolutely neutral.

He directly explained: "Every descendant of the Winster family has a special magic mark. Therefore, even if their dead bodies are hidden or burned, we can accurately locate the final location of the crime! "

When Ren heard this, he became interested.

So there are "magic marks"?


Suddenly, the thoughts in his mind raced, and he vaguely guessed a possibility!

The archmage continued: "The quarrel last night was indeed one of our motives for suspecting you. But the most fundamental reason is because of Master August's death."

"Let me explain."

At this moment, a muscular bald man came out. He first introduced himself, "I am the fifth disciple of Grandmaster Qiang Hu of the "Bahu Martial Arts Hall" in Glory City, Kuqi Rosas."

Self-reporting your name means you have authority and responsibility.

Ren looked sideways slightly, he knew the bald head.

Not much to say, just wait for the next article.

The bald man directly lifted the white cloth on the stretcher, then pointed to the body with the smashed back of the head, and said, "The blow to the back of the head that caused August's fatal injury was not a sharp weapon, but a fist. The traces are obvious , the crack piercing injury, this is the injury caused by the boxing method [Paoquan] in the fighting secret!"

Hearing this, Ren finally understood what the other party was going to say, and finally understood where the real murderous intent was!

He shouted in his heart: professional!

Those were really pediatric-level plantings just now, but now this is the really powerful one!

The bald man continued: "According to the results of the scar identification, the assailant used the [Cannon Fist] to kill Master August with a surprise attack from the back. Moreover, this punch did not show any trace of fighting spirit! .”

A half-smile appeared on Ren's face, and he borrowed words and continued: "It means that the murderer is either a first-order transcendent who knows [Cannon Fist], or a high-level transcendent who deliberately kills people without fighting spirit." ?”

This said, everyone understands.

Since the body was deliberately hidden, it is clear that the possibility of murder is greater.

If it is framed, there is no need to hide the body, but the sooner it is discovered, the better.

What's more, if it was framed and framed, killing the young master of the Winster family would be too costly and risky, and there was no need to just kill anyone else.

All kinds of clues will make people feel that this is a "vendetta".

Moreover, the wound was caused by [Pao Fist], so the pointing is more accurate.

There are not many people who know the secrets of fighting. Now there are less than 10,000 people in the entire base, and there are only a thousand or eight hundred fighters, but there are not one in ten who know one or two moves.

[Pao Fist] is one of the most difficult two of the "Six Fighting Styles". The circle of suspicion is even smaller, and it is estimated that there are about ten or twenty people.

Excluding high-level transcendental frame-ups, then the one who made the move might be a first-level [Awakened] who is not possessed by fighting spirit.

And yesterday's discussion, everyone knew that Renn knew at least three kinds of mysteries.

It is not surprising to think that he can [Pao Fist].

"I killed it?"

At this moment, Ren couldn't laugh or cry, all the clues were pointed at him, no wonder others came to the door.

You sophistry that you can't [Paoquan]?

Now it's not like you said whether the evidence will be used, it's enough for the "law enforcement team" to arrest and interrogate!

But in a different way of thinking, things came to light in an instant.

Because Ren himself was the person involved, he was sure that he did not kill anyone, and must have been framed by someone.

That means that the person who framed him will be able to attack August with [Cannon Fist], or be close to him, and know that he has a hidden thing like a "magic mark" on him

The circle of suspicion is even smaller.

Thinking about the previous incident again, Ren is sure that this incident is 100% related to the guys from the "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce"!

[Paoquan] Profound meaning, that Wumu meeting!

Fei Ya, who has advanced to the second level, might also do it.

These two guys are the ones who can really sneak attack and kill August.

But Renn thought about it again, and was surprised again: Hey. Didn't you hear that the eldest daughter of the Lopez family, Feya, and Young Master Wen Si are ambiguous, and there is a tendency to marry?

Isn't this murdering the fiancé?

I don't know why they did it, but they did!

Tsk tsk The aristocratic circle is really chaotic, you can't afford it, you can't afford it.

The layout guy came prepared, and it was obvious that he wanted to get Rennes into the "game".

When the time comes, he can't help it.

The purpose. Of course, it is not limited to this level, and it is ultimately aimed at Mr. Toust.

The archmage threw out the evidence and asked again: "What else do you want to say? If not, please cooperate with us to go to the security department."

With that said, the members of the law enforcement team planned to come up to arrest him.


When Ren heard the "evidence", he didn't quibble at all. Instead, he asked with a strange face: "Are you sure, that person must have died under [Cannon Fist]?"

Hearing the doubt, the bald man felt that his dignity had been insulted, so he didn't give a good face and said: "This test result is not my own conclusion, but it is judged together with the trace experts of the 'Law Enforcement Team', absolutely not There will be mistakes!"

The archmage also said at the right time: "These evidences are enough for us to ask you to go to the Public Security Department for some interrogation. If you are wronged, our [Torturist] will naturally return your innocence."


Ren laughed when he heard this.

If Master Kavo was really here, he would really dare to do "spiritual torture".

After all, if he didn't kill, he didn't kill. After torture, he still didn't kill in the end.

But these guys are obviously going to go to the "black prison", and when the time comes, they will go by themselves, and they will definitely not get out.

What's more, the method of "spiritual torture" is very mysterious, and it is indeed no problem for absolutely fair torture.

But if it is used by someone with a heart, the problem will be big.

To put it bluntly, it is a method of mental hypnosis. It can not only ask the "truth", but also tamper with memory!

If some "excess memories" are suggested to you during the hypnosis process, you may wake up and believe that you are a murderer.

The "evidence" has been firmly established. Unless the situation is forcibly arrested, it can only be followed by law enforcement.

Seeing that Renn had no intention of making excuses, the great magician of the "Law Enforcement Group" said again: "Now we have explained everything to you according to the law enforcement procedures. So, please cooperate with us to take a trip. I hope you will not Do anything irrational."

The threatening tone in the words is full, if you dare to resist, you will be killed on the spot.

Ren narrowed his eyes and smiled, and said calmly: "Wait, I still have a little problem"

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