Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 137 The Magical Pen (for Subscription)


Ryan had to admit that this was a good game.

The chain is intertwined, just wait for him to fall into the trap, and there may be more insidious means later on.

But he naturally couldn't go with these people, but he didn't plan to kill them out by force.

At this moment, he looked at the few people present and said, "If I say that I don't know how to [Paoquan], would you believe me?"

Hearing this, the members of the "Law Enforcement Team" and the "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce" all looked at Ren like a fool.

Archmage: "What do you think? Will it happen? Just follow us to investigate."

In this situation, you are still allowed to quibble?

"Of course, I know you won't believe it either."

Ren shrugged.

He doesn't believe it himself, because he really will.

But at this time, he said again: "If... I say that I am a [Qigong master], would you believe me?"

Although the great mage was expressionless, his eyes flashed teasingly, and he said, "You mean to say that [Qigong master] won't know [Pao Fist]? Hehe, how do you prove that you are a Qigong master? You don't practice Qigong." [Martial Daoist] under the guise of a teacher?"

Ren was noncommittal. If he just said that he was a qigong master practicing the breathing method "Thunder's Breath", it would not be convincing.

But he gave a reason that made everyone's eyes turn pale, and said with a smile: "Because... I know [Sky God Strike]!"


"What did you say?"


Others may not understand what they said, but the expressions of the bald man and those fighters just now changed drastically.

If Ren really knew [Sky God Strike], he would be able to wash away the suspicion immediately!

Hearing this, Wumu's face in the distance also changed suddenly, and his first reaction was that it was impossible!

The archmage frowned, thought for a moment, and asked, "Do you know [Sky God Strike]?"

At the same time, there was another sneer in his heart, how could it be possible?

He was already shocked when he heard that the young man in front of him, a Tier 1 fighter, could know the three "Six Forms of Fighting Profound Techniques".

Although this archmage is not an extraordinary martial artist, he has also heard that this profound technique is the most difficult skill of the "qigong master" lineage to learn, and it is several times more difficult than [Paoquan].

Without ten or twenty years of hard training, it is impossible to master it!

It can be said that it is hard to say whether there is anyone in the camp who knows this mystery!

But in the current situation, he didn't think that Ren would use such "clumsy lies" to defend himself.

Could it be that you will know it with one punch?

This is also the reason why he didn't arrest the person immediately, and explained it to Rennes after he opened his mouth.


Ren raised his eyebrows and made a vigorous movement of moving his shoulder blades, as if he was going to demonstrate on the spot.

He turned to the bald man again and said, "I've heard about you, the third-level [Martial Daoist], the esoteric art [King Kong] is perfect, and the sword is hard to hurt. Since you know boxing, then this move, mind if I try it on you Is it?"

This guy has thick skin and thick flesh. This is the best experimental subject.

After a pause, he smiled again and said, "Don't worry, I won't hit the vitals, and I won't use all my strength. I won't hurt your heart."

"You know [Sky God Strike]?"

The bald man didn't hide his contempt at all, as if he felt that he had heard a fairy tale, and said: "If you know this trick, no matter how powerful it is, if you hit it, I will cut off your head and use it as a stool for you! "

The kid's bragging really came here casually,

The more advanced a fighter is, the more he understands the difficulty of that trick.

Not to mention those fighters who have practiced the second and third ranks in the Budokan, even those veteran qigong masters who have practiced for decades, may not necessarily know [Sky God Strike].

This kid, I'm afraid he won't give up until the last moment.

Since you want to make a fool of yourself, I will fulfill you!

The bald head looked at Ren's body, and said with a sneer: "You don't need to stop, just use your full strength! You don't have to be responsible for wounding or killing!"

"Oh, so you said it."

Hearing this, Ren stopped beeping.

He set up a fighting frame, and then he was lucky with his fists. The randomness in his eyes was swept away, and he suddenly became extremely serious, staring closely at the big bald head in front of him, as if he had already begun to accumulate energy.

"Hmph, come on~"

The big bald head didn't care at all, and turned a little bit of fighting spirit, and exposed his chest, deliberately exposing the weak part of his chest as a target.

He is very confident in his [King Kong] body protection.

Not to mention fists, with enough grudge, conventional muskets are hard to hurt!

"Hey, do you think that kid really knows [Sky God Strike]?"

"Probably not. I heard that the youngest person in the lineage of 'Qigong Master' has mastered this technique. He seems to be a twenty-nine-year-old genius fighter."

"I don't think it's possible. The first-order extraordinary will [Sky God Strike], do you really think that those veteran fighters have lived on dogs all their lives?"

"But if you want that kid to brag, didn't you reveal your secrets on the spot? Didn't you see how fiercely he killed that noble lady just now, like a braggart?"

"Then I don't know. Read on."


The onlookers didn't disturb Ren, who was pumping his fists to gather energy, and everyone was engrossed in his every move.

Even Bazel had an extremely weird expression on his face. He was going to kill all directions, but he didn't expect to make so many moths, and he muttered: "That kid can't really know [Sky God Strike], right?" ?”

Others don't know about Ren, but he has been protecting him for several months, and he knows that Ren's fighting talent can be called a monster.

But even so, looking at the posture in front of him, he still couldn't believe it.

If this punch is really punched out, it will not be a question of being evil or not, but a violation of extraordinary common sense!

Suddenly, he thought of something strange: "Hey, I remember that the "Breath of Thunder" practiced by that kid is obviously a qigong master's route, why the profound martial arts that he used yesterday is actually the martial arts master of that guy Qiang Hu?" A tough way?"

Ren was not in a hurry, and he was still closing his eyes to gather energy, because he was reluctant to hit this punch now.

His battle energy was still too weak, and he was fully mobilized before he could barely unleash that punch.

In the dream, he has practiced countless times.

In reality, as long as he mobilized enough grudge, he could punch this punch skillfully.

Therefore, don't panic at all, just like an old dog.

This accumulation of energy lasted for a full minute.

Just when the bald man thought he was putting on a pose, the sneer on his face grew stronger.

Suddenly, Ryan opened his eyes!

Then he rushed forward and punched, and hit the bald head's left chest near the fifth rib with a "slap", which is also the position of the heart!

Since you said you are welcome, then I am not polite!


The strong wind hit, and it seemed that it was not very powerful.

The bald man didn't even move a muscle.

A second ago, everyone held their breath, as if they wanted to witness this "impossible" punch!

But after this punch, it seemed to hear Qi Qi's breathing.

Sure enough, there is no miracle.

No matter how evil an [awakened person] is, he can't punch that top-level profound martial art!

On the side, that woman, Phoebe, was already full of anger. Her own daughter's body was still cold, but she wanted to watch the murderer put on a show.

She wanted to stop this absurd farce, and roared: "This is a bluffing murderer, Mr. Law Enforcement Officer, don't be deceived by him!"

The archmage also shook his head slightly, as if mocking himself, how could he believe such a stupid lie just now, and watch him make such a farce in public?

But just as he was about to ask someone to arrest him, at this moment, he suddenly looked at the big bald man beside him and his face flushed strangely.

There was a "grunt" sound, as if something was blocked in his throat and he couldn't swallow it.


Finally, the bald head couldn't hold back the pungent feeling in his throat, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

The [Vajra] of the martial arts school has mastered profound meanings, its body is as hard as iron, and its body is protected by fighting spirit, so it can't be hurt by swords, let alone fleshy fists?

Moreover, in the eyes of everyone, a third-order extraordinary is still an advanced genetic potion for resilience growth. Just using fists, even standing there, it is impossible to be injured by a first-order [awakened person].

But now he vomits blood, if it is not "actor".

Then the only explanation is that this "Cookie Rosas" just now was really hurt in the heart!

Seeing this scene, the contempt on everyone's faces disappeared, and they changed to a look of seeing a ghost in daylight.

"Oh my god. Could it be that the punch just now was really a [Sky God Strike] that hurt people from the air?"

"[King Kong]'s body protection is invulnerable to swords and guns. How can it hurt Mr. Kuqi except for the mysterious boxing technique of beating cows across mountains?"

"It's unbelievable, that kid has really mastered that mystery, how old is he?"

"The legendary genius fighter over there, who is rare in a hundred years in the capital of Omar, is not as talented as this one."

"Is that masked guy a genius child secretly cultivated by a big family?"


No wonder these people were so shocked.

In the series of fighters, there is a generally accepted cognition, that is "six styles of fighting", in fact, fighters can master at most "five styles"!

Because the most difficult [Cannon Fist] and [Sky God Strike] are exclusive skills belonging to two schools!

[Space Divine Technique] requires the cooperation of the qigong master's thick and long breath. It is not only a move, but also a unique mode of exerting force and luck!

And [Pao Fist] requires a short burst of extremely strong breath, and also has a unique set of power and luck lines.

It's like Ren's Tai Chi and boxing in his previous life. The two styles of boxing and force are completely different, and they are not compatible at all!

Breathing, power, rhythm, footwork, posture... completely different!

Boxers are strong and powerful, and they cannot achieve Tai Chi's "birds can't fly in the palm"; while Tai Chi has strength in the cotton, but it can't kill a cow with one punch.

This theory is a bit of a mouthful to say, but in fact it is just one sentence: learn one, it is absolutely impossible to master the second!

It is true that Ren can also [Pao Fist], but it is a punch that is forced to use "monster power".

This is a bit like the seventy-two stunts activated by the little Wuxiang Gong. It only has its shape but no meaning. It's not that kind of thing at all.

Seeing the bald man vomit blood, Wumu was the most shocked!

Because, this plan was designed by him!

Yesterday he watched the whole battle between Ren and his sister, and he was 100% sure that what Ren used was the fist of the [Martial Daoist] lineage, and it was also 100% the profound martial arts inherited from the Qianghu Grandmaster's lineage !

But now...you actually say you are a Qigong master?

And not only did he say it, but he actually performed the magical skill of a qigong master—【Sky God Strike】!

After this punch, the faces of the members of the "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce" headed by Phoebe turned pale.

This is a perfect plan, but unexpectedly, the problem will appear here.

After Ren retracted his fist, he glanced coldly at the crowd, and then said to the bald man vomiting blood: "Excuse me, Mr. Kuchi Rosas, was the blow I just made. Was [Sky God Strike]?"

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