Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 138 A Big Wave of Experts Arrives (Subscribe)

He was punched in the heart, and the tricky force of hurting people from the air directly hit the vital heart, and the blood all over his body stagnated for an instant.

Kookie Rosas, with his big bald head, spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and couldn't keep it off his face.

But the five disciples of his majestic Qianghu Grandmaster, it is naturally impossible to open their eyes and talk nonsense. You can be ashamed of yourself, but you have to be ashamed of the teacher.

After a few seconds of delay, the feeling of blood blockage in my heart was unblocked.

Hearing Renn's question, although he was extremely reluctant, he had to admit: "Your punch just now...is indeed a qigong master's profound martial art [Sky God Strike]!"

As he said that, he also looked at Ren, who had closed his fists. A first-tier fighter who knows [Space God Strike], this is no longer a genius.

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused an uproar among the crowd.

If it is someone else, there may be a possibility of misjudgment. This Couch, who is himself a high-level fighter, said that no one would question it.

What's more, he is still an impartial officer who came with the "law enforcement team".

"Really [Sky God Strike]"

"Today can be regarded as a lot of knowledge. If such a young fighting genius does not die young, he will definitely have a place among the top extraordinary in the future."

"It turns out that Dr. Ryan is so powerful."


The people who eat melons are also interested.

Now things are fun.

Ren can [Empty Divine Skill], so he definitely can't [Pao Fist].

But since that August was beaten to death by [Pao Fist], the murder charge is naturally not established.

But this also directly proved that it was framed.

Originally, all the clues pointed directly at Ren, but now, they have become the best reliance for people to reason backwards.

Who had the motive to kill August?

It must be an acquaintance, and most likely someone from the upper class. Because of this kind of powerful young master, few civilian hunters can meet him, let alone make enemies.

Why frame Ryan?

It must be someone who has conflicts with Ren.

Who will [Cannon Fist]?

Who can easily sneak up on the young master of the Winster family?

Looking at these questions alone, it may not be possible to determine who it is.

But combined, there are not many suitable candidates.

Originally, there was a wave of beasts in the "plague base", and few people survived. It is not difficult to guess, just like before they identified Ren as the murderer.

It’s hard to say for others, but there are two of them on the spot who know how to [Pao Fist]

One was Kookie Rosas, the brawny bald man who had been punched just now.

And there is the young master of the "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce" Wumu, who is known as Oma's once-in-a-century fighting genius.

Tsk tsk, no matter who it is, this plot is very interesting.

Um didn't panic much, because he had a perfect alibi.

What's more, even if the members of the Winster family suspect him, he will not be subjected to "mental torture" because he is an Omar nobleman and the young master of the "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce".

But because of the "justice", even the ferocity of the dead sister can't break out.

Phoebe on the side died of her daughter, and the conspiracy was exposed again. Her face was pale, and she froze there as if she had lost her soul. She didn't know if it was true or just pretending.

The conspiracy froze at once.

This link was originally impossible to go wrong, but he didn't want to be reversed by Rennes at this juncture where it was impossible to go wrong countless times.

This is how the original script should have been.

When the "Law Enforcement Team" came, they saw Ren and Feya in a "fierce battle", and then made everyone in the law enforcement team realize that this Ren did have the secret meaning of [Paoquan]. place.

If the framing fails, there will be no chance for the next big drama to be on stage.

The "Law Enforcement Officer" was also aware of the seriousness of the matter, and remained silent, frowning and thinking hard.

And at this moment, a richly dressed aristocratic fat businessman walked out of the crowd.

"Haha. I didn't expect to encounter such a big show. You people from Oma, who are greedy for the technology of the great mechanical master, actually came up with such a despicable method of frame!"

The man looked unceremoniously at Mrs. Phoebe, who was not far away, who "steals chickens and loses money", and laughed loudly: "Ms. Phoebe, you are just playing around with this one-handed frame-up. Hurry up and go to the master's family." , and then become a good person yourself, and sell your favors to keep it? Do you think these dirty tricks can gain the trust of the master?"

Smart people naturally reasoned and restored the general idea of ​​the matter.

This kind of murder was actually aimed at Mr. Toust.

Others dare not make a conclusion and dare not offend the great nobles of the Omar Empire, but the people of the Sid Empire have no taboos.

What's more, whether it is the truth or not, it will be beneficial and harmless to take a shit basin first.

The noble businessman taunted his colleagues, turned his face away, looked at Toust on the locomotive, took off his top hat, bowed and saluted: "My lord, Roxy Duke, the manager of the Red Dragon Chamber of Commerce in the Sid Empire, the Empire The first-class viscount, who is also the chief secretary of the Glorious City of 'Nightingale', pays tribute to the respected Grand Master of Mechanics."

The "Nightingale" of the Sid Empire is an espionage organization as famous as Omar's "Black Water Terrace", and it is an espionage organization that directly controls the royal family.

This Duke directly showed his identity, which also showed that he spoke on behalf of the authority of the royal family.

After introducing himself, he continued: "On behalf of my Majesty Sidrogir, I would like to extend the most sincere invitation to you. I sincerely invite you to join our Sid Royal Academy of Sciences. Your Majesty agrees that once you accept the invitation, you will be awarded the Grand Master." Hereditary prince title'."

This said, everyone understands.

The root of the matter lies here, all murders and frame-ups are directed at that mysterious "Master of Mechanics"!

Everyone understands,

Top-level mechanical technology may not be too important to a small power, but to an empire, it has great strategic significance, and even concerns the fate of a country!

The Omar Empire was able to split from Sid back then and become a country of its own. The biggest reliance was that almost all the steam technology in the cutting-edge field was mastered by the Royal Academy of Omar.

Even after so many years, the gap in cutting-edge technology between the two empires has not narrowed, but has grown wider.

But...if there is such a mechanic who is more powerful than Omar's "Machine Masters", then this gap will be caught up in a short time, and even surpassed in some areas!

The direct opening is the "hereditary prince title", which also shows their determination to seek talents!

Hearing the solicitation, people from other forces actually want to make friends with a "Master of Mechanics".

But apart from the two great empires, who can come up with the conditions for the "prince title"?

In the eyes of everyone, people like Omar played poorly with a good hand. They came into contact with this "mechanic" for the first time, and they also used so many inexplicable methods. Now it's self-defeating, giving Sid's people a chance to take advantage of it.

Are these people from the "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce" really stupid?

No, the opposite is quite true. Only Phoebe knows what wronged this old man suffered in Omar back then. His family was ruined and his reputation ruined. It is absolutely impossible for him to be recruited by normal means!

However, the matter has come to this point, and it is meaningless to say anything.

At this moment, that Roxie Duke said again: "Master, if you accept the invitation, we will take care of all your troubles. You and your family will never suffer any slander or harm!"

While soliciting, this guy didn't forget to step on Omar.

It was obviously a mockery of the farce just now.

Ren was framed by this "murder", and the enmity with the "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce" was forged.

But now is not the time to pursue this matter, not to mention that it seems that they and the "law enforcement team" are also in the same nest. There was nothing he could do to make Bazel violently kill people. But that boss is a bodyguard, not a killer. This was agreed at the beginning of the agreement.

Moreover, what Renn cares most about is not the farce in front of him, but Bazel's "sense of crisis".

They must leave the plague base.

Ren knew that Toust hated nobles very much, and it was impossible for him to accept the solicitation of any force.

He looked at the meaning of the old man's ignorance, and said directly to the nobleman of Sid: "Sorry, sir. We are free hunters, and we don't plan to join any forces for the time being."

Hearing this, that Roxie Duke glanced at Toust.

The old man didn't speak, obviously acquiescing to Ren's statement.

Loxi was not sure about the relationship between Ryan and the Grand Master of Mechanics, but he was polite enough, and said with a smile: "That's really a pity. However, the door of our Sid will always be open to the distinguished Grand Master of Mechanics, If you change your mind, feel free to contact us at any of Sid's properties in the City of Glory."


Ren nodded, "I'm sorry we have something to do, we need to leave first."

He ignored those law enforcement team members.

Although he also guessed that these espionage workers are by no means as kind as they seem, and if they fail to recruit them, they may still have malicious intentions, committing some kind of murder and robbery. But with Bazel here, these are minor problems.

It would be easier for them to leave the base.

Those guys from the "Law Enforcement Team" were aggressive and wanted to arrest people, but they didn't expect to make such a farce. Moreover, judging from the current clues, they are likely to be used as swordsmen.

It is even more impossible for the "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce" to make trouble. Feya's death was her own fault, unless they did it by force, in spite of the city's hunting laws.

But now that the law enforcement team is right in front of them, they dare not be impulsive.

Ren and the others are leaving, and there is no reason to stay.

The crowd gradually dispersed.

But at this moment, by coincidence, a group of powerful people suddenly broke into the "plague base".

The leaders were all wearing red robes with holes in them.

In the City of Glory, magic apprentices wear gray robes, junior and intermediate mages of the first to third ranks gradually change from gray to white, and senior mages of fourth to fifth ranks wear red robes, ranging from light to dark.

And these people in front of them, their robes are red and dark!

In Glory City, few people could wear such a magic robe.

Suddenly, someone shouted: "Lord Kipling is here!"

Kipling Winster, the current patriarch of the Winster family, the lord of the Fifth City, a powerful figure in the City of Glory second only to Master Kavo, and one of the strongest fifth-order mages!

The sudden change caused Ren's expression to change slightly.

When he saw Bazel next to him again, he exclaimed in his heart, could this be the "sense of crisis"?

It's interesting that Lao Tzu came right after his son died.

If it wasn't for Renn's self-proving of innocence just now, if there was a conflict, Bazel might not be able to keep him.

After all, apart from the city lord Kipling and the great red-robed magician, the group of people following behind him had strong auras, and they were obviously top-notch extraordinary. The combat power of this team is no worse than the group that besieged Bazel by the Storm Lake back then, enough to make even legends hate on the spot!

Ren was also very puzzled.

Why did these high-level transcendents form a team to come to the "plague base"?

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