Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 144 Goodbye Uncle Sam (for subscription)

"Forest of Ashes" is an endless forest, a bit like the Amazon jungle in the previous life, with rich forestry resources and countless strange animals and plants.

There are huge broad-leaved trees with trunks as high as a thousand meters, which are really towering canopies.

But the strange thing is that the leaves of those giant trees are not green, but gray. Looking around, this forest seems to be covered with a layer of burnt plant ash, giving people a strong contrast between death and vitality.

The Warcraft knights didn't seem to be from the same tribe. After they entered the forest, they dispersed and disappeared into the forest.

The four of Ryan were taken into the depths of the forest by the barbarian Udo to the "Temple Tribe" in the courtyard of the Coleman tribe.

The snow mastiff is running fast in the primeval forest.

These originally tall monster mounts, compared with the giant trees, are as small as ants.

Ren is also amazed again and again, this forest is a miracle created by nature.

Animals and plants are also getting bigger

There are countless never-before-seen plants in the forest, glowing mushrooms as big as a house, ferns of various meters, huge colorful flowers, and various strange fruit trees with heavy fruits.

The sounds of apes, birdsong, and insects flapping their wings

The sound of raindrops dripping from the top of the leaves, layer upon layer.

The sunlight penetrates down from the upper layer of the dense forest, shining strands of silver threads

The deer are leisurely looking for food in the grass, and the blue-tailed hawk also stops on the tree trunk to welcome the returning barbarian knight.

There was peace in the forest.

As soon as he entered the forest, Ren discovered a very strange phenomenon.

He felt that the pores all over his body opened involuntarily, as if he had inhaled countless coal-fired waste gas in the steel city and suddenly found the comfort in a fresh and oxygen-enriched environment.

And, there's something even weirder!

Ren found that the deeper he went into the forest, he felt that the efficiency of using "Thunder's Breath" to absorb the gene source power became higher and higher, and the growth of fighting spirit was at least several times that of the outside.

"There's something wrong with the air here!"

Ren became more certain of his previous guess: the thicker the fog, the higher the efficiency of extraordinary cultivation!

But correspondingly, the toxin is stronger.

It was so strong that even through the gas mask, Ren felt that the air he inhaled had a slight burning sensation that made his body uncomfortable.

The fog here is deeper than the Plague Swamp, and it has turned from gray to black, vaguely like a thin layer of black veil floating in the forest.

Lane has discovered this problem before.

The population base of the Coleman tribe is countless times smaller than that of the two great empires of Omahid, but the rate of their top masters is a bit scary.

Six great elders and a "Great Witch Festival", at least seven legend-level masters. Compared to their tribe's total population of hundreds of thousands, this is a very terrifying ratio.

Hundreds of thousands, not as good as the population of a medium-sized territory among humans! And the two empires, large and medium-sized territories with such a population, hundreds of them.

However, so many masters have really been born.

Moreover, the physical bodies of Coleman warriors are generally stronger than their human peers in the mechanical city!

Not only the people of the Coleman tribe, but the animals and plants in the "Forest of Ashes" are very large. From the perspective of biological science, from the perspective of biological science, the reason why the barbarians have a high probability of producing top players may be related to their physique

But it is more likely to be "environmental factors"!

Now that Ren felt the thick fog in the forest, he immediately confirmed the idea.

But he was also curious about what caused the fog in this "Forest of Ashes" to be so thicker than the wilderness outside, and what was the black pigment in the fog.

Ren, as a captive, is not qualified to choose everything.

But Udo said he would save his life, so he had nothing to panic about.

Ren was only worried about Mr. Toust. He was already very weak, and after being tied up on the Warcraft Mountain for a few days, he was now very depressed.

This trip, for the old man, is a catastrophe

During the two-day itinerary, Udo also untied Ren, instead of being tied up like a caterpillar. However, as a captive, his hands and feet were still tied symbolically.

Not long after, they arrived at the "Temple Tribe" of the Coleman tribe in the deepest part of the forest.

This is an empty valley with knife-cut cliffs on both sides. A large waterfall with sufficient water volume falls from the sky. The water is misty, and the colorful light of the rainbow can be seen faintly.

There is no towering giant tree to block, and the field of vision suddenly becomes clear.

There are countless houses built of yellow mud, thatch and stones, and there are thousands of black-skinned barbarians coming and going.

This is a very prosperous large tribe, as lively as a small county town.

It is as peaceful and peaceful as a paradise. Some people polish stone tools, some people weave ropes, there are hunters who have just returned from hunting and are making jerky, and there are old women who are mending with animal skins.

This is no different from ordinary human races.

Those dark-skinned, tall and thin barbarian children were practicing archery and fighting. When they saw Udo and his troops returning, they greeted them with laughter one by one.

The tribe soon burst into laughter.

"The three elders are back!"

"The invaders must have been beaten to death."

"Wow, brought a lot of loot."


It was like a victorious army returning to the city. Udo and the others received a warm welcome, and soon all the barbarians could be seen on the street surrounding them.

They took over the spoils carried by the monsters, and cheered for the returned soldiers.

On the other hand,

Ryan and the other four captives looked particularly eye-catching.

Here, everyone looked at the "aggressor" as if they were looking at a dead person. Even the brilliant savage kids who were laughing just now turned their faces to look at them with deep hatred in their eyes, walking around their bodies like poisonous snakes, making one's hair stand on end.

The elders are going to report to the "Great Witch Festival".

It is also impossible for Udo to keep Ren by his side at all times.

As for the treatment of "captives", Ren also saw a row of wooden cages next to a small slope in the tribe, in which several unkempt humans had been imprisoned.

It seems that Ren and the others are not the only ones who enjoy this treatment.

The four of Ryan were locked up.

But Wu Duo called a bare-bottomed child, who looked only four or five years old, but was already 1.5 meters tall.

Pointing to Ren in the cage, she said, "Hey! Otu, please help me take care of this prisoner. He is very important. Don't let you and your friends hurt him."

Bare-bottomed kid: "Ah? Sister Wuduo, is this invader going to worship a god? But he looks so weak, and he might not be able to beat me."


Ren rolled his eyes and was despised by a kid.

Udo: "No, this is the person that 'Lord Wuji' wants to see. You are not allowed to hurt him"

That little boy: "Oh, I see. Don't worry, sister Udo, I will watch him, and I won't let Abu and the others hurt him."


Someone else was arrested?

Sam felt terribly weak.

Oh, they're all dead anyway, so it doesn't matter who gets caught

I just want to sleep, and I hope I never wake up.

But those hateful barbarians will definitely not let me die. They need the flesh and blood of high-level humans to worship the evil gods they worship.

In a trance, suddenly, he heard voices.

What a genial Common Tongue, it sounds so much better than that damned Barbarian Tongue.

What is he saying?

Forget it, I'm going to die anyway, so it doesn't matter what I say. The guy who was captured a few days ago also talked a lot, but the barbarians stuffed a pile of monster shit into his mouth.

I'm going to die, I don't want to taste the smell of monster feces.

Huh. Not right.

It was as if someone was calling my name.

Could it be that I am hallucinating?

Thinking about it, Sam opened his eyelids feebly, as if it took all his strength.

"Uncle Sam. Is that you?"

Renn didn't expect to meet an acquaintance in this barbarian tribe!

Just next to the wooden cage where he was held, he saw a strong man with a scruffy beard. But whether it was the attire or the shape of the face, he still recognized it at a glance. This was the Uncle Sam who always had a modest smile on his face and always said that he was "average in martial arts"!

Sam thought he was dazzled by hunger, but when his eyes doubled together, he was sure that he was familiar with the people in the next cage.

He felt a little unbelievable, and called out tentatively: "Doctor Ren, is that you? You...how did you get arrested?"

However, as if he thought of something, the light in his eyes dimmed instantly, and he said to himself, "No, these barbarians probably won't survive. I must be hallucinating."

At this time, Ren also said pleasantly: "Uncle Sam, is it really you? How did you get arrested?"


This time, Sam didn't suspect that he had heard wrong.

He looked at Ren in surprise, and said, "Dr. Ren, have you reached the fifth level?"


Ryan didn't know why Sam asked such a strange question.

Then, hearing Sam shook his head again, he obviously felt that this was impossible, and said to himself, "Impossible. It's not the fifth level. How could those barbarians survive? How did you get arrested?"

Then, he saw Bazel who was wearing the [Magic Lock] not far away: "Hey, is that [White Wolf] Bazel?"


Ren felt that Uncle Sam's mental state was a little weak now, and his speech was completely disorganized.

After a while, Uncle Sam was really sure that the little doctor he once knew was also arrested.

And Ren understood it.

After Uncle Sam recovered from his injury, he immediately followed the marks left by Mrs. Canossa and the others, and then encountered the high-ranking priest in the forest. He was outnumbered and captured.

He was not killed because his rank was high enough.

Ren also knew that those who could be treated in the wooden cage were at least fifth-order transcendents. This is the existence of the blood sacrifice gods left by the Coleman tribe.

That's why Uncle Sam was so surprised that a low-level superhuman like Ren would be caught here alive.

"Mrs. Canossa and Aunt Susan, have they been caught too?"

"When I came, Susan was still alive. But now, she has been killed by these barbarians to sacrifice to the gods. But the president. I heard from Susan that she should not be caught by the barbarians. They were in the battle was washed away."

Hearing that the lady was fine for the time being, Ren felt relieved for some reason.

At least that lady treated her pretty well, and she didn't want to hear the news of her murder.

And at this time,

Bazel, who was on the side, was more concerned about his upcoming fate, so he interjected and asked, "What does that boy Sam mean by offering sacrifices to the gods?"

In the eyes of this werewolf who has lived for more than two hundred years, Sam is naturally a "boy".

Sam didn't care about the name. He was going to die sooner or later anyway, so he explained, "Hey, did you see that sinkhole over there? Let the blood out and throw it down."

As he spoke, he looked at Bazel and sighed slightly, a "legendary", it would be a pity to die here.

Hearing this, Bazel and Ren coincidentally looked down the small slope.

At the end of the field of vision, through the woods, I saw a "black hole", which was so black that it felt like a big hole where the space was pierced.

It is about several thousand meters in diameter, and it is bottomless.

If you look closely, it's not that the pit is black, but that there is a very thick black mist continuously overflowing from the pit.

"Hey, the black air is coming out of here!"

Moreover, although the field of vision was blocked by the fog, Ren immediately determined that the black fog in this forest came from that sinkhole!

Here, it seems to be the source of the black fog in the forest!

Thank you for the 1,500 coins from 'Love Butterfly', 500 coins from 'Mengjin Looking Back', 'Du Porridge', and 'Jiandie 12354'

, 'Dust Jade G'450, 'Tea Tea, Egg', 'Gan Li Liang', 'Secondary Yuan-Maple Rainy Night', 'Why am I so pretty', 'Five-flowered horse, three catty ball', 'Orange Orange', 'CCC_1102', 'The Cold Moon Falls into the Setting Sun', 'Bei Zhi', 'The Bloodthirsty Attack of the Seven Deadly Sins'. Thank you for your great rewards and support, happy~

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