Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 145 Toxin, Great Witch Festival, Wounded

Those who can be locked in a wooden cage are all high-level and extraordinary.

In addition to Uncle Sam, there is one Sid, two Omar nobles, and the last one is the head of a large hunting group.

Without exception, they are all "prisoners of war" of the fifth rank.

The captives had almost no food except a little soup.

They were all wearing the [Forbidden Stone Lock], they couldn't escape, they couldn't die, so they waited to sacrifice to the "God Mologos" whom the barbarians believed in.

Among the seventy-two generals, the one ranked twenty-first is the legendary "God of Mountain Power".

Ren finally understood why Udo let the barbarian take care of him before he left.

Because these new "prisoners of war" will be taken care of by those old and young women and children who lost their relatives in the war, spit on them, and throw stones.

Although you can't die, it's just painful.

Ren was saved from a beating because of the little kid named "Obald"; while Toust and Karl, old and young, were unable to do much with those barbarians, women and children, and beat them. Not many.

The one with the worst ending was, of course, a certain legend. He was concentrated firepower and was thrown with stones all over his head.

Fortunately, the werewolf has rough skin and thick flesh, even with [Forbidden Magic Lock], this injury is still a minor problem.

Watching Bazel grin fiercely at those stone-throwing savages,

The Uncle Sam next door sighed slightly as if he had come here, "Senior Bazel, it's useless, the more aggressive they are, the more they will arouse their anger. After a while, they will stuff your mouth with monster feces .”

Hearing this, Bazel felt as if some unpleasant memories had been stirred up again, his face changed abruptly, and he stopped grinning. He turned his back to his body and let the stones hit his back.

Ren looked at the sturdy wooden cage, frowning.

The few around him, Uncle Sam, Bazel, and Toust's grandson. They are the few people he knows in this world who can be called friends.

His kindness for saving Wu Duo was only enough for him to survive alone, and he also thought, what method could he think of to make everyone survive.

Thinking in vain, suddenly,

Carl on the side shouted anxiously: "Brother Ren, my grandpa is dying! Can you think of a way?"

Ren looked over and frowned. Although he still had some emergency medicine in the folding space, he couldn't inject the old man now.

And at this moment, unfortunately, Wu Duo also walked towards the wooden cage.

Udo told the barbarian guards to open Rain's cage, as if to let him out.

At this time, Ren quickly said: "High Priest Udo, although we are captives, you can see that it is an old man who is dying and also a patient."

Before he finished speaking, Udo glanced at Toust, and said coldly: "He is poisoned. In our Coleman tribe, it is called 'Mandolin blood and flesh paralysis poison'. The poison swallowed his body." Flesh and blood, to live is torment"

The "muscular atrophy" caused by toxins is regarded as devouring flesh and blood in the perception of primitive civilizations such as the Colemans, which is also understandable.

But Ren was surprised that Udo actually said the name of this toxin in one go!

Mandolin flesh paralyzing toxin?

Now that they know the name, it means that they probably have research on this toxin.

A flash of joy flashed in Ren's mind, and he asked quickly: "Do you Colemans have a way to deal with this toxin?"

What he didn't expect was that Wu Duo nodded and said casually, "Yes."

It doesn't appear that this is a toxin that is difficult to deal with.

But she seemed to have guessed what Ren wanted to say, and poured a basin of cold water in advance: "The 'witch doctor' in this toxin family can cure it. But don't be paranoid, we will never detoxify an invader .”

Ren also knows that if he asks again, he may wipe out the little goodwill left by Wu Duo;

He could only make a last attempt, and said, "You know, I am a doctor of one life, and I don't want to see an elderly patient die like this. Even if I don't detoxify, can I give the old man an injection? Potion, at least to make him temporarily immortal. Don't waste your herbs, I have finished products in my storage ring."

Wu Duo thought for a while, his eyes were slightly embarrassed, but he agreed.

Turning around, she said again: "Come with me, the teacher wants to see you. I told the old man that you once saved me. As long as you don't say anything offensive, he should forgive you."

After finishing speaking, Udo added: "This is the maximum I can help you. After today, I won't owe you any favors."

Ren's face was calm, and he nodded, "Thank you."

Isn't Udo's teacher the mysterious "Great Witch Ritual" Mafa of the supreme leader of Coleman?

The wooden cell was opened.

The rope on Ren's body was also untied, and he followed Udo all the way through the barbarian tribe, and walked towards the largest building in the tribe, which was also a bamboo building decorated with beautiful bird feathers on the top.

Along the way, countless barbarians cast curious eyes on him.

Because they've heard, too, that there's a guy in "The Invaders" who speaks their Coleman language. Now, Mafa Grand Witch Festival still wants to see him.

Not long after, the wooden building appeared in front of us.

Ren clearly saw a few big snakes the size of a water tank under the thatched shed in the style of a stilted building.

When he followed Wu Duo to the bamboo building, the breath of strangers made the eyes of those big snakes light up, as if they saw food, they swam over.

Ren watched his eyelids twitch, and quickly followed Udo.

All kinds of dried herbs were hung everywhere outside the bamboo building, and a strong medicinal fragrance wafted from the nostrils. He was a pharmacist himself and was sensitive to the smells.

But in pharmacy, these medicinal materials are usually only taken from the parts with clear effects, which are ground into powder or extracted liquid, and few of them are preserved together with the rhizome in this way.

Although curious, I didn't stay too long.

Because he heard some rustling noises from some corners of the bamboo building.

Apparently, besides the big snakes underground, there are many strange "living creatures" in the bamboo building.


Wu Duo led Ren into the largest room in the bamboo building, and she said to the old man who was lying on the desk, writing and drawing on the animal skin: "Teacher, I brought him here. "

Ren's eyes fell.

"Great Witch Festival" Mafa is a gray-haired old man, and he doesn't look as good as the "elder" he saw before. His aura will overshadow everything around him.

He is more like an ordinary old man.

This made Ryan feel like seeing Master Kavo in the library for the first time, and it was also the same kind of back-to-basics state.

At the first glance, he knew that this was a very powerful person.

The wrinkles on Mafa's face were deep, showing the traces of time. The old one looks like a mummy crawling out of a grave. On his head was a headdress made of the skull of a Senbai ox, and the totem color on his skin was dulled by the bacon-like dark skin.

After thinking about it for a while, Renn took the initiative to say hello, made a general salute with his chest protector, and said, "Reyn Hermes, a doctor from a distant country, has met the respected Coleman great witch Ji Your Excellency. "

The Great Witch Festival was much more kind than expected.

He was still writing and drawing, without looking up, he responded with that old and hoarse voice: "I heard from little Udo that 'doctor' is the name for 'witch doctor' professionals in your civilization. It is also Among you, a kind and neutral group of people."

When Ren came here, he knew that although Udo looked indifferent, he had said a lot of good things to himself.

He immediately responded: "It is the duty of a doctor to save lives and heal the wounded. Indeed, as you said, a doctor is a relatively neutral profession."

At this time, the great witch priest seemed to have finished writing, and looked up at Ren.

At this moment when the four eyes met, Ren seemed to have a feeling of being "pierced".

What a pair of wise eyes, as if all the conspiracies in the world cannot be hidden under these eyes.

Ren shuddered slightly, but immediately returned to normal. I didn't do anything wrong, and I didn't dare to look directly at it.

But it is conceivable that if a person with ulterior motives stands here and is stared at by that stare just now, there may be a big problem.

"I heard from Wu Duo that you have a high talent for languages. Now that I see you, it's true."

The Great Witch Ji said, paused for a moment, and said again: "It's rare to have an enemy who can communicate, can you answer a few questions for the old man?"

Ren: "Please tell me."

The Great Witch Festival: "Our Colemans guarded this forest in the era of the world, and did not compete with the world. Why did your civilization want to massacre my people?"

Ren responded: "For an energy fuel, coal. The operation of our kind of steel castle requires a large amount of coal mine resource consumption. And someone found a rich coal mine in this forest."

"Is this it?"

And at this time, the great witch priest picked up a piece of high-burning coal that looked like a black diamond on the table.

Ren nodded: "Yes, the piece in your hand is a more valuable 'high-burning coal'."

Mafa sighed again: "For us, this thing is not very useful except to replace wood for fire. You think it's everywhere in the forest, you do it, right?"

Ren felt that it was time for him to pander to the old man and say "no".

But obviously, he knew that this kind of words was not what the other party wanted to hear.

Moreover, although resource plundering is bloody and cruel, it is almost inevitable to happen between different civilizations. From a certain point of view, the reason for launching countless wars in Rennes' previous life was actually for the reallocation of resources.

It's not a question of right and wrong,

It's human nature.

Thinking of this, Ren said: "The powerful existence has the instinct to conquer the weak. The law of the jungle is not only the law in the forest, but also the law between civilizations. Dear Sir, I have no respect for nobles. Disrespectful. Personally, I would prefer to form a friendship with the Colemans. But I am sorry, the war between the two tribes cannot be controlled by a small person like me."

Hearing this, the old man's expression remained unchanged.

This wise old man has already seen through everything.

This is not just a resource war, but a conquest of the strong over the weak.

The invaders were not only looking at the coal mines, but also all the resources in the forest, including them Coleman humans.

Unless the Colemans are willing to serve as slaves and sacrifice everything, they will never satisfy the appetite of the invader.

This war, from the start, was destined to end with a complete compromise on one side.


It is not very important to ask a few questions from the Mafa Grand Witch Festival, and Renn also answered them one by one.

Finally, it comes to the last question.

"Our Coleman family is a grateful family. Since you saved little Udo, in return, we will let you leave the forest alive."

Speaking of this, the great witch priest looked at Wuduo on the side again, and said, "Little Wuduo begged for you, she said that you and your partner are kind people, but you should understand that those who died innocent The wraiths of the Ermen need blood to soothe. Unfortunately, you cannot take your friend away."

Ren listened, and his heart skipped a beat.

Although the old man's words were calm, they gave people a kind of determination that had no room for maneuver. This made the speech he had prepared before completely lost the opportunity to speak.


Ren wanted to say something else, but the old man seemed to ignore his thoughts, and said, "Udo, take him out. Let the soldiers escort him out of the forest"

Udo: "Okay, teacher.

Ren's eyes trembled, unable to hide his anxiety.

He knew very well that this was his only chance to see the Great Witch Festival. If he didn't seize it, Karl and the others would be dead!

And just when he was thinking about what conditions he should put forward to impress this great witch priest.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the tribe!

It seemed that a large group of people were rushing towards the bamboo building.

Hearing the footsteps, Mafa and Udo in the room frowned at the same time. Obviously, the hurried footsteps would definitely be good news!

If not.

But after a few breaths, someone appeared at the door and shouted anxiously: "Master Wuji, it's not good, the 'High Priest of Haila' is injured! Not long ago, those damned invaders attacked the 'Fengshan Tribe' ’, Lord Priest was seriously injured in order to protect his clansman, and the witch doctors were helpless, please save him.”

As soon as this person reported the time, the door was full of people.

Now that the two clans are fighting in full swing, it is normal for the outlying tribes to be attacked, and casualties happen almost every day.

Ren took a closer look, and a group of people appeared in front of the attic door carrying a bloody female high priest.

Mafa, the Great Witch Festival, is not only the leader of the Coleman tribe, but also the most powerful witch doctor in the tribe.

Hearing this, he walked up to the wounded man with a serious face.

Udo didn't have time to pay attention to Ren, and surrounded him anxiously.

The savages were all tall, surrounded by one another, it was as if a row of "black bamboo forests" appeared before Ren's eyes.

Looking through a pair of long dark legs, Ren saw a female barbarian with an arrow stuck in her left eye, lying on a wooden stretcher.

The great witch priest Mafa checked her injuries, and Ren also saw clearly that the arrow pierced through the head, and a large part of the back of the head was exposed.

With this kind of penetrating injury, it is good luck to be alive. The ability to survive until now is entirely because those "witch doctors" used healing spells to forcibly maintain their vital signs.

But if you don't deal with it, you will die sooner or later.

Moreover, Ren's sharp eyes also saw that the arrow was not ordinary, it was a very vicious "Broken Gang Alchemy Centipede Arrow".

In addition to the arrow, there are centipede-like barbs on the arrow shaft. Once the arrow penetrates, no matter which direction it is pulled out, it will bring out a large mass of flesh and blood.

Now to penetrate the brain, it has to be pulled out hard, no matter how strong the "healing spell" is, it will not be able to save it.

The great witch Ji Mafa inspected it carefully, and also found the strangeness of the arrow, his brows became more and more wrinkled.

The Coleman medical system is still very primitive.

Ninety-nine percent of wounds are treated in the same way, which is to apply a lump of black, crushed herbs to the wound, then wrap it with leaves and wait for it to heal.

To deal with the kind of particularly large wounds, there are also some simple sutures, that is, take some small biological casings and suture them with fishbone needles as thick as sewing clothes.

Of course, this has something to do with the physique of the Colemans. In many cases, it is no problem to deal with it like this, but the infection mortality rate is not low.

They didn't compare, and they didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

As for "witchcraft treatment", that is only for very serious patients.

These "witchcraft" of the healing department are actually the same as the extraordinary of the priesthood department. The principle of the spell is to use extraordinary power to stimulate the activity of human cells and accelerate wound healing; or to forcibly stimulate the secretion of human hormones to maintain vital signs.

Many times, this is a very useful remedy.

However, if some special injuries are not completely eradicated, no matter how powerful the spell is, they cannot be saved.

For example, this one in front of you.

Ren is a doctor himself. When he saw the wounded, he would reflexively think about how he should deal with this situation.

Since his head was almost cut off and his fart was cut off in Glory City last time, Renn has spent a lot of time researching on life-saving first aid surgery.

Shots, knives, and arrows in the head... All these injuries, Rennes has carefully deliberated and practiced in his mind.

As long as he doesn't die suddenly on the spot, he will think about how to save himself.

Of course, if you can save yourself, you can save others.

As Ren expected, the Great Witch Festival was very powerful.

He held up a ball of green magic fluorophore in his hand, and pressed it on the wound of the arrow priestess. In the blink of an eye, the blood completely stopped flowing out, and all the wounds on her body healed up visibly.

In a blink of an eye, the blood scab fell off, and the new skin was intact. The healing effect was like a miracle.

However, the arrow stuck in the eye socket still hasn't been pulled out.

By doing this, he only temporarily solved the injury of the priestess, but the most fundamental problem has not been solved.

This kind of "centipede arrow" will die if pulled out, but it is impossible to cure it if it is not pulled out, which makes Mafa also fall into a dilemma.

After thinking for a long time, to no avail.

Looking at the expectant and anxious eyes of the clansmen, the old man sighed and shook his head.

With this sigh, everyone understands

Master Wu Ji can't do anything, this is already a death sentence.

No one in the tribe could cure her.

The expectations in the eyes of these barbarians quickly turned into tears and despair.

"Master Wuji, those invaders are too hateful, they have already begun to invade the periphery of the forest."

"Master Wu Ji, let's fight them!"

"Yes! Kill those people and avenge the tribe..."


Everyone was filled with righteous indignation, and their sadness instantly turned into hatred, which became stronger and stronger.

The atmosphere in the whole small building was very depressing.

But suddenly,

A strange voice came out.

"That. Master Wu Ji"

These words seem to have magical powers, making the air freeze in place.

The savages in this room turned their heads and looked over.

Things were anxious just now, and no one noticed that there was a white-skinned dwarf in the house, but now they noticed Ren.

Huh. A damned invader actually came to their most sacred place? !

Even Wu Duo was surprised, and the expression in his eyes was angry and anxious.

At this juncture, why don't you be quiet!

This time it's over and angered the clansman, even if she wanted to save her, she couldn't save her!

Ren's hairs burst from the eyes of this group of strong men who were so angry that they were about to burst into flames, and he quickly said the second half of his sentence.

"I mean, I'm a doctor too. I can heal this injury."

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