Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 146 Bringing someone back to life, Lei

An "aggressor" who spoke fluent Coleman?

And he just said, "Can he save?"

At this moment, except for the Great Witch Ji and Wu Duo, all the barbarians in the room thought they heard it wrong.

But after a moment of shock, the eyes of these people immediately turned into doubts.

The first reaction is, how is it possible?

No one can heal the wound that Mr. Wu Ji can't heal!

Or such a weak guy?

In the Coleman tribe, the level of witch doctors is directly proportional to their cultivation.

How could a guy with such a weak aura in front of him, that is, a very low-level witch doctor, heal an injury that even Mr. Wu Ji could not do anything about?

But Wu Duo, who is the only one who has a deep understanding of human civilization, has a complex expression on his face.

In doubt, but also with a hint of expectation.

She didn't perceive "lie" from Ren's expression.

She also knew that Ryan was a doctor.


With such a serious injury, can he really do it?

Although he was skeptical, there was nothing more important than saving a clansman. What's more, he is still the mainstay of the tribe, the "High Priest of Hela".

Ren knew that if he didn't care about his "nosy", this person would be dead.

And he himself will be kept alive by the barbarians and sent out of the forest.

But the result is that both Bazel and Toust's grandson and grandson will surely die.

Oh, and now there's an extra Uncle Sam.

So, he decided to give it a try.

From the present point of view, the Colemans are not arrogant and unreasonable, but they "repay their kindness". This is also the biggest reason why he intends to "show off" at this juncture.

Saved Udo before, in exchange for his own life.

Now if I save another "High Priest", maybe I can save another person.

Even, he has more possibilities for negotiation.

What's more, he was somewhat confident in dealing with the injury. This kind of brain penetration is also one of the most difficult situations in terms of surgery, and the risk of surgery is extremely high.

In other places, even if Ren himself has the "Gangxian", he would never dare to praise Haikou and say "can be cured"!

But just now, he witnessed the "humanoid life-sustaining machine" of the Great Witch Ji Mafa, and he immediately knew that the success rate of this operation would be very impressive.

With the presence of the Great Witch Festival, even if there was doubt or hatred about Ren's words, no one spoke.

At this time, the great witch priest Mafa also looked at Ren, thought for a moment and asked, "You just said that you can heal the injuries of my people?"


Ren nodded: "Our civilization has some very special treatment methods in the medical field. And I happen to have a lot of research on the 'surgery' for dealing with this kind of injury."

Now is not the time to be modest, the more sure the tone, the more likely the other party will let him try.

But even so,

Ren's words also made other barbarians still skeptical.

After all, he was too young and his cultivation base was too low.

It would be too terrifying to say that any such "weak" among the "aggressors" could heal such a difficult injury. They knew it was impossible.

The Great Witch Ji looked at Ren with his eyes full of wisdom and luster, without questioning, he said indifferently: "What are you going to do?"

He didn't choose to question Ryan because he was a foreigner.

Perception told him that the young man in front of him was trustworthy.

Ren said directly: "I need to perform a craniotomy and then take out the arrows. Of course, this process will have certain risks. If you can help me keep her alive with witchcraft, the success rate of the operation will reach 90%. become!"

"Ninety percent?"

When the Great Witch Ji heard this, a strange look flashed across his face.

The old man didn't feel the slightest embarrassment for helping a young man, but immediately agreed: "Okay! If you want to treat the high priest of Hela, what else do we need to prepare for you?"

There is another layer of deep meaning in these words: If you have the conditions, you should quickly mention them.

At this moment, nothing is more important than the lives of the clansmen.

Even if it is some excessive demands.

Ren didn't mention the "conditions" at all, and only said some things necessary for the operation, "I need the surgical instruments in my storage ring, and I need someone who can help me cut her skull smoothly, so that I can To take out the arrows"

It is more valuable when the clear transaction becomes a "favor".

There is no high-precision operating table or cutting machine here.

But obviously, such a small method as craniotomy is a piece of cake for these high-level barbarians. They are even better than cutters.

"Ah? Need to cut the skull of the high priest of Hela?"

Some equipment is needed, which is understandable. But those savages who never knew what surgery was, were stunned when they heard Ryan's "craniotomy".

Is this a doctor, or a murderer?

This statement immediately caused an uproar among the barbarians.

"Master Wu Ji, we cannot trust this invader, he is going to murder the 'High Priest of Hela'!"

"That's right, the human skull has been cut open, how can it be alive! This is not a medical skill at all, but murder."

"Aggressors are not to be trusted, my lord Wuji."


Even though they knew that they could do nothing about the injury of the "High Priest of Hella", they were unwilling to let an "aggressor" insult their clansman's body.

This young man is not to be trusted.

Hearing these words, Ren was not surprised at all.

It is absolutely impossible to accept the direct leap from primitive civilization to steam civilization, even if these are the strongest among the barbarians.

It's as if someone suddenly ran up to you and said: This is a fake world, come on, collapse at the temple, and you will return to the real world.

To truly survive, commit suicide first?

Hearing this, would you choose to shoot yourself in the head with the gun in your hand, or shoot the idiot who said this?

To everyone's surprise, the Mafa Great Witch Ji resisted all opinions and immediately agreed.


He waved his hand to signal the clansmen to be quiet, and said to Ren, "If that's all we need, we can start right away."

The Great Witch Festival has already been decided, even if some people have different opinions, no one will speak again.

Talking to a wise man is a waste of saliva,

Ren also said readily: "Okay! The operation requires a very quiet environment. I don't think anyone else will interfere with my operation except you and Udo."

In this way, a group of senior Coleman fighters were driven out of the bamboo building.

A dense crowd had already piled up outside.

The "High Priest" was the highest-ranking leader in the large tribe, and one of the few people with the highest status in the entire Coleman tribe. Hela's life and death affected the hearts of almost everyone.

The soldiers of the "Shanfeng Tribe" who sent the wounded before, went out of the bamboo building, and instantly spread the news.

Soon, everyone knew that there was a witch doctor in the "Invaders" who wanted to perform "surgery" on the high priest of Hela.

These savages have no concept of "surgery", and can only imagine what "craniotomy" is all about in a way they can understand.

This thought is completely nonsense.

The news spread to the end, and it became more and more mysterious, and then it turned into "smashing the head" and "sucking the brain". In the end, it will become "evil witchcraft".

Panic quickly spread among the crowd.

The savages, men, women, young and old, became extremely angry.

"The High Priest of Hela must be in danger. The 'invader' will come out in a while. Even if the Lord Wu Ji is punished, I will kill him! Avenge the High Priest of Hela!"

"Yes! Those invaders can't be trusted! Their hearts are more evil than the 'Resentful Crow' in the forest, and dirtier than the 'Slime Monster' in the swamp."

"The great witch priest must have been deceived. The high priest of Hela might be refined into a puppet by that 'invader'."

"Yes, kill him!"


In the bamboo building, the Great Witch Festival cut off the sound of the outside world.

Ren entered a state of concentration and began to perform a craniotomy in this crude environment.

Although he has no experience of craniotomy in vivo, he has already practiced handy whether it is autopsy or self-sanitary craniotomy in dreams.

This is a very magical combination, a perfect combination of witchcraft and modern surgery.

I have to admit that extraordinary power is much easier to use than machines in some respects.

The skull is one of the hardest bones in humans. Even with a cutting machine, there are more or less risks.

But under this great witch priest, it was as easy as eating and drinking.

Where Ren pointed, a wind blade passed over his finger, impartial, neither deep nor shallow, and the cut was completed just right.

Then, two savages, who had never seen surgery before, also had their eyes opened this time.

It is not a simple suture of the skin, but a "craniotomy" of hell-level difficulty.

And when Renn carefully separated the brain tissue to take out the arrow after the craniotomy, he did not need to use the "gang line" to suture some deadly nerves. His five fingers manipulated the five "gang lines" skillfully like playing a piano , and once again shocked Udo.

Even the Great Witch Ji, who had a calm gaze, showed a strange look when he saw the "gang line". It is no less than the first time they carefully observed the feeling of beating human brains

Only then did they know that this human doctor had such a heaven-defying means.

Cutting, suturing, cutting, suturing again, cutting the brain, suturing nerves, suturing blood vessels, suturing.

This series of precise surgical operations completely changed the attitude and impression of the Great Witch Festival towards Rennes.

Compared with Ren's hand, the Coleman's method of suturing with fishbone is simply...too crude.

Before he knew it, the old man looked at Ren again, his eyes changed from calm to a little more approving.

And Udo doesn't understand surgery, nor is she a healing witch doctor. She doesn't even know surgical instruments, and she couldn't even be a "tool man" handing pliers.

But she has a role that cannot be ignored.

"Wipe my sweat!"

At this point, although Udo had a strange expression, he also took the towel prepared in advance and wiped off the sweat from Ren's forehead.

It's not bad taste, but she is the only barbarian Ryan knows.

After he sanitized his hands, he couldn't wipe the sweat off by himself, so he couldn't let the Lord Wuji wipe it off for him, right?

Craniotomy is complex and has a high mortality rate.

Moreover, there are many nerves in the brain, and if there is something wrong, it may be a "vegetative state" after treatment.

Ren didn't dare to be careless.

Before the operation, there were other things in his mind.

During the operation, he was completely immersed in this exhausting operation, without any distractions.

This concentration made him unaware that the two savages in the room looked at him more and more friendly.

Finally, three or four hours later, the operation was over.

The arrow was taken out, and the High Priest of Hela survived. Because of Mafa's healing spell, the paleness on her face disappeared, and the vitality that belonged to the living became more and more intense.

Putting down the scalpel, Ren finally let out a long breath: "Huh, it's finally done."

When he finished the operation, he regained his thoughts from that state of concentration.

Looking up, I found that Wu Duo was holding a towel and looking at him, like a silly roe deer, dull, his eyes were no longer indifferent, and there was a slight streamer.

And the old man on the side looked at Ren and showed a kind smile for the first time, and said, "Thank you for your hard work, little friend Ren."

It was an acknowledgment that Ryan's name was called for the first time.

"I'm a doctor, that's all my duty."

Ren smiled, wondering if he had also developed an occupational disease, and he also felt that saving a person would make him feel happy from the bottom of his heart.

He was very satisfied with his operation, and at the same time, he was amazed at the "continuous healing" method of Dawuji's almost in-situ resurrection.

It can be said that without Marfa today, even if Ren's surgery is perfect, this "High Priest of Hella" is dead.

As soon as Ren's "gang thread" was sutured, and the healing technique caught up in a blink of an eye, the wound would heal immediately.

High-level witchcraft + surgery, which creates a perfect surgery!

And at the moment when they were talking, the "healing technique" of the Great Witch Ji had completely healed High Priest Hella's surgical wound.

The woman who had already declared her death slowly opened her eyes.

Thanks to 'leo627' for another ten thousand rewards, the ten thousand rewards of 'One' in the book city; I owe more X4. There is no manuscript, it is coded every day, and it can only be changed about once a day.

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