Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 148 Second Tier 【Fate Umperor】


Hearing what Ren said, the expression of the Mafa Grand Witch Festival did not change.

He walked to a place like a study at the back of the room, and among the pile of animal skin literature neatly piled up on the high shelf, he accurately pulled out two, and took them over.

He handed it directly to Ren, and said, "This is the [Divine Healing Technique] secret method passed down in our tribe. There are also some follow-up formulas of the 'Mountain Doctor' sequence. I think you are probably also interested in seeing it."

It's a pleasure to chat with smart people, and they know what you want before I finish talking.

But this also surprised Ren a little.

A complete sequence of high-quality recipes can be exchanged for a high-ranking noble title no matter in Sid or in the Orma Empire. Those are all "top strategic resources" hidden as family heirlooms.

But now it was sacrificed by the great witch of Mafa, and it was taken out casually.

The benefit of the "tribal system" is here. They may not have many potion formulas, no silver, gold, or black iron.

But as long as the fit is high enough, every clansman can be promoted to the best potion sequence!

"Sure enough, it's the ancient Monkel language."

Ren can roughly understand the contents of the [Divine Healing Technique], but he can't guarantee that what he translated is correct.

But it's not a big problem.

After all, in addition to knowing Wu Duo, there is a top expert who is proficient in these characters and has cultivated this secret method to a very high level, and he can ask for advice at any time.

After seeing the efficacy of the secret technique, Ren also understood. No wonder the "human-shaped life-sustaining machine" Mafa was so powerful just now. Compared with the conventional "healing technique", this exclusive secret technique has almost abnormal healing speed and healing capacity.

With the same consumption, this [God Healing Technique] is several times more efficient than conventional healing spells!

Moreover, this secret method of saving people is still a secondary function, and the most powerful function is "self-healing"!

This is an exclusive medical skill that exists for combat!

Theoretically speaking, as long as the battle energy is sufficient and the body has enough energy to split new cells, no matter how serious the injury is, it can recover by itself, even reaching the level of "immortality".

"So it is!"

After seeing this secret method, Ren finally understood why these two secret methods are the exclusive skills of this "healing law sequence", not others!

Two exclusive skills, [Threading the Needle] + [God Healing Technique], the combination of the two exclusive skills, complement each other, is the real combination of magical skills, 1+1\u003eN!

It is roughly equivalent to planting trees in a desert where water resources are scarce, one belongs to "drip irrigation" and the other belongs to "watering"!

The amount of water consumed by the two is not at the same level at all.

The reason for this combination is because the combination of the two techniques also involves a very critical consumption condition - lifespan!

Lane has been in the medical field for some time now, and he also has a certain understanding in biological sciences.

At the same time, he also clearly saw the potential "disadvantages" of this secret technique.

His teacher, Irubek, has done in-depth research and reached a definite conclusion: human cells do not divide infinitely, and ordinary people probably divide fifty or sixty times in a lifetime. The number of splits is used up, which is the day when the life span ends.

Therefore, most of the methods of healing injuries that use supernatural abilities to promote cell division are actually advancing the lifespan of cells in advance.

It can lead to premature aging and even death.

And this [God Healing Technique] has a very strong life-saving ability and a very strong healing capacity.

But correspondingly, the more it is used, the more serious the injury and the shorter the lifespan.

Using [God Healing Technique] alone will cause the cells near the wound to split and heal the wound on a large scale, many of which are unnecessary splits at all.

This also led to the fact that the injury was cured, but it also consumed extra life.

And the skill of [Threading a Needle and Thread] enables the "Gang Thread" to suture the wound precisely.

With the combination of the two techniques, the "Gang Line" has a healing function, which means that unnecessary cell division will be reduced exponentially.

It is also because [God Healing Technique] involves lifespan.

Therefore, when Ren saw that the second-level advanced potion formula was called [Fate Umperor], he was not surprised at all.

The gene chain awakened by this formula is the ability related to "life extension".

According to the explanation of the efficacy in the formula, this second-order potion [Fate Umperor] is also super-high strength growth + five senses + toughness + high cell activity growth, and it is also the route to work miracles with great strength.

Properly from the same source, hand-to-hand combat is a nanny!

The new addition of this continuous growth attribute called "life extension" is to make up for the short board of "self-healing" that leads to the shortened lifespan.

This is why extraordinary people should try their best to choose the same sequence of advancement!

This is the optimal combination that people have tried countless times before. In the same sequence, the extraordinary abilities awakened at each stage are complementary and optimally matched!

In the blink of an eye.

Although the efficacy of the potion of [Fate Umperor] is understood, the ingredients in the formula make Renn overwhelmed.

The recipes passed down from the two civilizations are not the most original ones, but are the "special editions" of their respective civilizations.

At a glance, there were dozens of names of medicinal materials, which made Ren almost feel that his knowledge of potions was for nothing, and there were not many materials he was familiar with.

Moreover, this Coleman potion formula is simply too crude compared to the generic gene potion formula!

Not only are the names of most of the materials different, but the usage is also completely different.

The precise temperature control, reaction time, and even the amount of materials used are all not accurately marked.

Time is not measured in seconds, but in "how many breaths". Does God know how long your "one breath" lasts?

The amount used is not measured in grams, but abstract units such as "one stick", "handful" and "one punch" that the devil knows how much

It is said to be refining medicine, but it is more like making soup.

Seeing this, Ren was speechless and shocked.

The Colemans don't have any precision medicine instruments such as test tubes and beakers for refining potions. They are all clay pots and earthen pots. I don't know how they accurately grasp the measurement and purity. How can they succeed in refining medicine?

But the truth is, not only have they refined the potion, but their fighters are also very strong!

It is estimated that only potion masters with their unique inheritance can understand how to configure this formula.

No wonder the old witch sacrificed it out so casually. It is impossible for outsiders to understand this formula except for people of their clan!

After carefully looking at this formula, Ren's face became more and more strange.

He asked curiously: "Master Wuji, the formula is so vague, how can the potion masters in the nobles refine the potion according to the formula? I happen to be a potion apprentice and know some potion knowledge, but this I didn't understand the recipe at all."

The Great Witch Ji replied with a normal expression: "The potion masters in our tribe are usually witch doctors, and it takes a long learning process to successfully refine potions. Make potions."


Ren's expression was weird.

Hand in hand, taught by experience, no wonder.

It's no wonder that this method of inheritance is not lost.

Just this "rough" formula fell into the hands of those potion masters outside, and it would be easy to drive a few potion masters crazy.

Forget it, don't expect to practice it by yourself, and ask if there is any finished product later.

I showed them all the secret methods and formulas, and Ren didn't hide it, and took out the original text scroll of "Threading a Needle and Thread".

The great witch sacrificed a little, and said with emotion: "Sure enough, as the legend in the ancestor's precepts, this is a secret method that is difficult to learn."

Speaking of this, he took another look at Ren, and praised again: "Little friend Ren's talent is really extraordinary."

"You flatter me."

Ren, who is a jerk, can only smile modestly.

He knew that it was said to be an exchange of secret techniques, but it was actually a gift from the Colemans to their friends.

The atmosphere of the conversation is getting better and better, which makes people feel less restrained.

think about it

He casually asked another question that he was very curious about: "Master Wuji, I actually have a very confused question, please clarify."

As he said that, he looked at Mafa's calm expression, and asked directly: "I found some black substances in the fog in the forest, and after the Zhongting tribe came, I saw that the deep pit seemed to be black fog." The source of it. Moreover, I also found that the thicker the black mist, the higher the efficiency of fighting energy condensation, both of them."

Mafa was not at all surprised that Ren would ask this question, and responded: "That's 'Abyss Demonic Qi', you can understand it as the most quintessential energy, which is similar in nature to the energy contained in the elemental magic crystal of Warcraft, but the level It is taller and more violent. It also contains some substances that are harmful to your body."

Speaking of this, the old man pointed to the gas mask on Ryan's face again, "The one you wear on your face is called a 'gas mask', right? That's why you need this kind of thing to isolate some substances that your body can't bear."

"My lord priest, to tell you the truth, even with a gas mask on, I feel a little unwell now."

Ren didn't feel embarrassed and said it directly.

After entering the forest for two days, he inhaled a large amount of black mist. Now that he has come to the source of the black mist, it feels like burning charcoal in a closed room, making him feel like his throat is being scratched by breathing.

Once, he thought it was "toxin", but now he doesn't think so.

Even with such a dense black fog, the Coleman family breathed with their mouths open, and they were completely fine.

Moreover, here is several times, more than ten times faster than the wasteland outside. As long as the problem of harmful substances can be solved, it is an absolute "sacred place for cultivation"!

If you stay in this forest for ten or eight years, it's no wonder you're not strong.

Based on this alone, Renn was completely sure that it was the black energy that caused the Colemans to be so strong!

Now that the issue of "black mist" was mentioned, Ren could not help but look forward to it, and asked, "Master Wuji, is there any way to solve this toxin?"

Mafa: "Yes! Ordinary people can dissolve the negative energy accumulated in the body by drinking the soup a few times."

When Ren heard it, he had such an expression.

But after changing his tone, Mafa said again: "But you may be able to solve it without taking medicine."

Ren: "???"

Mafa: "If you learn [Divine Healing Technique], this so-called 'toxin' will have no effect on you, and it is completely within the scope of self-healing. Especially after you advance to the second level [Fate Usurper], Physical fitness has improved to a higher level, and at that time, you can breathe freely in the black mist like us."


Ren listened, his eyes lit up.

Before, he couldn't wait to leave the forest and get out alive.

But now that he said this, he immediately wanted to live here forever!

The fighting qi cultivation efficiency is several times, ten times higher than that of the outside world. Where can I find such a "sacred place for cultivation"?

Knowing that the black mist has such a magical effect, Ren is also more and more curious about the source of the black mist, that is, what is the black pit.

He asked again: "Master Wuji, what is that deep pit?"

Mafa: "As for that deep pit, our Colemans call it the 'Eye of Hell'. It is said that it is the place leading to hell."

"To hell?"

Ryan sounded a little shocked.

Although he knew that there used to be gods in this world, a tiankeng suddenly appeared on the ground and said to lead to the legendary "hell", which is very curious.

Marfa: "Yes!"

The topic of the two gradually opened up.

Ren lost his restraint, and he couldn't help worrying: "Will there be some horrible hell creatures that often come out of that pit?"

"No! No one knows if there are any monsters in hell. But the passage is indeed sealed, and this is just a small part of the abyssal devilish energy that overflowed."

Mafa shook his head and said: "And as you all know, there is an ancient temple in the forest, which is actually under the sinkhole. It is the temple of the great 'Mologos God'. And we Coleman The family is the family of guards who have guarded this temple for generations."

Oh, so it is!

Hearing this, Ren vaguely felt that certain clues were connected in his mind.

Anyway, I asked them all, and I don't care about asking a few more questions.

He suddenly thought of something, and asked again: "I once heard the legend of [Black Tide] from the mouth of the high priest Udo. She said that a 'big terror' would destroy everything. It is related to this 'eye of hell' Is it relevant?"


When it came to this topic, Mafa's expression became very serious, and he sighed again and again: "The sacred object was stolen, the seal was broken, and the occurrence of the [Black Tide] is irreversible. I think you have heard it, we will choose some powerful creatures The purpose of offering sacrifices is to delay the outbreak of the Kuroshio."

Ask again.

The holy object was indeed brought back by Udo, but it is still locked in the mechanical secret box.

The Coleman tribe doesn't even know how to make iron, so how can they open such a delicate box.

Ren suddenly felt a bit pained, and said again: "Master Wuji, what exactly is the 'great terror' in [The Kuroshio]?"

"no one knows."

Mafa said: "But that is a prophecy left by the ancestors of our Coleman clan: the seal is broken, the great terror in the black tide will come to the world, the living will die, and the dead will come out of the grave, The earth will perish forever in darkness."

"That's it"

Listening to the prophecy, Ren pursed his lips.

It's really hard to judge things like prophecy.

Just like the rumors of the end of the world in 2012 in the previous life, that is the prophecy deduced by the "prophets" of the mysterious civilization.

If it didn’t happen, it may be that it is a ridiculous legend; it may also be that the time is too long, and some unknown events have occurred, which changed the course of history, resulting in the destruction and disaster that should have occurred.

But [Kuroshio] interpreted literally, it sounds a bit like a black tide.

Or is this a natural disaster like the Great Flood? Or is it something that cannot be done by human beings like meteorites falling from the sky?

If it's that kind of natural disaster, there's nothing to worry about. Anyway, you have to die, so relax your mind.

But if it is a disaster like a beast tide. In the past, humans couldn't stop it, but now there is a mechanical city, no matter how powerful the beast tide is, it may not be able to destroy civilization.

Ren didn't think about it any more.

This matter is still to be considered.

The two chatted so much, Ren also felt that the Great Witch Festival was not just a simple gift.

Hands are short, but mouths are short.

He always felt that the old man's attitude towards him had changed a bit.

The tone is guessing, it is better to speak by yourself.

Ren blinked and asked again: "Master Wuji, you told me so much today, do you have any special instructions?"

Mafa's response was also very straightforward: "Nothing special. You saved little Udo and High Priest Hela, and this is your due reward. We, the Coleman clan, never treat friends badly."

After a short pause, he said again: "Of course, this is also the great 'God Mologos' guiding me to do this."

"God's revelation?"

Ren heard it, and couldn't help being curious. He thought it was just a mantra, "Gods still exist in this world? Oh no, I didn't mean to offend the great 'Morogos God' of the nobles, just Judging from the legends, the gods seem to have disappeared from this land."

"The god has fallen, but his will will always exist, protecting our Coleman family."

The way Mafa spoke at this time really looked like an elusive top powerhouse, "'Healing' I used to master the ability when I was a priest. After I became a witch priest, I have the ability to communicate with the will of the gods. ability."

Yes, to put it more simply, it is something called "forced grid".

Communicate with the gods?

When Ren heard it, this ability sounded super powerful!

Mafa looked at Ren's eyes and smiled: "It's not as powerful as you think, it's actually some divination ability to predict bad luck. God's will will guide us Colemans to make the right decisions at critical times." choose"

At this time, the wise old man said another inexplicable sentence: "Before you rescued the High Priest Hela, I saw the world was in darkness. But after you rescued her, I saw a glimmer of light."


Ren was confused.

He didn't feel embarrassed either, and asked directly with a cheeky face: "Master Wuji, forgive me for being dull, and I didn't quite understand what you just said. Can you explain clearly, what does that mean?"

"literal meaning."


Ren's eyelids twitched.

Sure enough, as soon as they acquired the ability of divination and foresight, normal people would turn into a bunch of chatterers.

Talking is completely guesswork.

Ask for tickets~

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