Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 149 Thanksgiving Bonfire Fruit (addition for '95827')

It was almost evening after the craniotomy.

After chatting for more than an hour, when Ren walked out of the bamboo building where the great witch sacrificed to Mafa, it was already dark.

But as soon as he reached the stairs of the bamboo building, he was startled.

There was a mass of black heads in front of him, and those barbarians stared at him with wide eyes. Their forest-brown skin melted into the darkness, but the whites of their eyes lit up like light bulbs.

He grinned again, his teeth were all bright and white.

"What's the situation?"

Before someone from Lei woke up from his bewilderment, he saw a bonfire suddenly lit up not far away, and then the group of barbarian soldiers in front of him knelt down on one knee and hammered their chests with their right fists: "Coleman The warriors of the clan extend their sincerest greetings to friends who have come from afar.”





Someone made a start, and thousands of people followed suit like a wave, cheering.

These guys were full of energy, their voices were loud, and they shouted like the sound of a mountain torrent, which made the bamboo buildings tremble, which was particularly shocking in this night.

"Thank you for saving the high priest of Hela. Your kindness and generosity have won the friendship of our Coleman clan!"

"You are an eternal friend of our 'Fengshan Tribe', and also an eternal friend of our Coleman tribe!"


Especially the group of warriors from the "Fengshan Tribe" who sent the High Priest of Hela to heal their wounds, their faces flushed even more, as if they were excited to show their sincerity.

Ren knew that this was the highest etiquette for Coleman warriors.

But he was still an enemy during the day, so he could just kneel and salute at night. He was still not used to it, so he said quickly, "Well, you're welcome. I'm a doctor, and this is what I should do."

In fact, Ren didn't know why these Colemans reacted so strongly, but in fact, this was also the most simple side of the tribal people.

The last time Ren rescued Udo, no one witnessed it. This kind of favor is not too great. And from a certain point of view, it was also an exchange of benefits. Even, strictly speaking, Ren was actually an accomplice in the master's arrest of her.

But this time it was completely different. In front of the great witch priest Mafa, he saved a veteran high priest of the Coleman tribe who was supposed to die with his own medical skills.

It is completely two concepts.

In this primitive tribal culture, the priest is the witch doctor of the whole tribe, the potion master, the teacher, and the one who empowers the warriors with everything.

The high priest has a very high status in the tribe, higher than the lives of the parents, the chiefs, and even the soldiers themselves.

Therefore, when people knew that Ren had saved the high priest of Hela, everyone's hatred turned into gratitude, expressed in words and actions.

At this time, the High Priest of Hela, who was the rescued person, also came over, and said sincerely to Ren, "Doctor Ren, thank you for your action, you saved my life."

Ren was really flattered, he quickly helped up the high priest who was slightly taller than him even though he was kneeling on one knee: "It is a doctor's bounden duty to save people, not to mention, Lord Wuji has given me the best gift, everyone don't need it." Too polite."

High Priest Hela stood up, and at this moment, Udo also came over.

She is the most familiar with Ren, and she is not restrained, and said: "In order to welcome our friends of the Coleman family, there should have been a grand celebration dinner. But because there is a war ahead, today we only have a small dinner." Small bonfire dinner. Come on, feel the enthusiasm of our Coleman warriors."

"The enthusiasm of the soldiers?"

Ren's face twitched slightly when he heard this, probably because he had read too much bad information in his previous life, and the first reaction in his mind was a bunch of muscular men surrounding him hehehe. Enthusiasm.

He didn't know that the Colemans, both male and female, were called warriors.

Bonfires, barbecues, piles of fruits, passionate war dances

Renn didn't expect that when they came at noon, they were still "captives" locked in a cage, and now they became warmly entertained guests.

And he, the client, probably knows the ins and outs of the matter, and Bazel, the "captives" who are in a state of confusion throughout the whole process, is really surprised.

On this day, the legendary mood was like a roller coaster, with ups and downs.

In the evening, Bazel watched a group of savages approaching the wooden cage menacingly, and even opened his cage, but he didn't frighten the legend.

The inmates on the side have already learned about science, and there is only one result when opening the cage, and that is to kill the "sacrifice god".

Although Bazel knew his ending long ago, he was also angry: Even if it is a "sacrifice to the gods", it has to be arranged in a first-come, first-come order, okay? !

The few who came before have not yet had their turn, so why is it suddenly his turn?

As a result, when the legend was about to struggle with the [Magic Lock] for the last time, he found that the barbarians were surprisingly polite after they opened the cage.

Huh. Isn't it "sacrificing gods"?

Although he couldn't understand the language, Bazel also understood that those barbarians didn't intend to take him to "sacrifice to the gods" at all, but released him and unlocked the [Forbidden Lock].

Not only him, but also Mr. Carl and Toust.

Then, Bazel was brought here by a group of barbarians to eat and drink.

The legend also guessed that there would be such a drastic change in their treatment. I am afraid that Ren, who was raised in the cage before, did something terrible.

Now that he finally saw the Rennes, Bazel was full of doubts, but he couldn't find anyone to ask, so he would not let it go.

He asked eagerly: "Boy Ryan, what are you doing? Why do these barbarians suddenly want us to eat and drink?"

The decapitation meal is not like this, after all, Sam and the others in the next cage have never heard of eating meat.

Ryan explained: "I saved a wounded high priest, and then they regarded us as friends."


Bazel couldn't believe it, "You kid still has this ability? You saved the person who couldn't even be saved by the great witch priest?"

In his eyes, Ren is good, but he is not good enough to solve problems that even "Legend" can't solve.

"I performed a very tricky craniotomy on them. You know, their witch doctor has a supernatural legal system and can't handle too delicate surgery."

Ren shrugged, explained briefly, and didn't want to say more.

At this time, he looked around, but he didn't see the grandpa and grandson of Toust, and asked curiously: "By the way, where are the old man and the others?"

Bazel spread his hands and said, "I don't know, when they came out before, they were carried away by some guys who looked like wildling doctors."

And coincidentally, at this moment,

Mr. Toust and Karl were also surrounded by a group of barbarians.

Surprisingly, the old man was actually sitting on a chair!

This Rennes shocked Rennes.

As for the old man's physical condition, he couldn't understand it better.

The muscles of the old man's whole body have atrophied, and it stands to reason that it is impossible for him to sit up.

Now he's sitting on a chair

The only explanation for this is that the "mandolin blood paralyzing toxin" in his body has been completely eliminated!

Seeing that the old man looked better than ever, Ren greeted him, "Carl, Grandpa Toust!"

When Karl saw Ren, he ran over excitedly, chattering like a magpie: "Brother Ren, look. Look! They cured my grandpa's poison, and grandpa can sit up. He just now And move your fingers!"

Thirty years of high-level paralysis, the nerves have long forgotten the feeling of physical existence. Although the toxins have been cleared, it still needs a long recovery process.

However, being able to sit up is already a good start.

"Boy Ryan, thank you."

Toust also had complicated eyes, with a heartfelt and happy smile on his face.

But laughing and laughing, and some old tears.

He seemed to be speaking to others, and also seemed to be talking to himself: "I didn't expect that there will be a day in this life where I can feel the existence of my body."

A person with half a foot in a coffin has long looked down on life and death.

Even when he was captured by this barbarian tribe, he didn't feel too depressed. Dying here is no different from dying anywhere else.

But suddenly today, his toxin, which was determined to be irreversible by the top doctors in the medical field, was actually cured!

thirty years

He has never felt as comfortable as today, like an old goshawk who has plucked his hair and cut his beak. At this moment, he has gained a "new life" physically and mentally.

Toust is suddenly full of expectations for the future life. As long as he does not die, the countless ultra-complex mechanical designs in his mind that have not yet been realized will finally have a chance to appear in the world.

Blessed by the God of Steam

Oh no!

Not just the blessing of the God of Steam, he knew that all of this was the result of the hard work of the young man from Rennes in front of him.

That old friend of mine really took in a good disciple.

Ren saw that everyone was in peace, and smiled happily, "Haha, Grandpa Toust, you need to recover well. When you are well, I am still waiting for you to help me design the mechanical city."

The corners of Toust's eyes were moist, and he readily agreed: "Okay. What kind of mechanical city do you want?"

Ren said casually: "Can you fly?"

Toust also said solemnly: "Okay!"

At this time, Ren turned his face to Udo, who knew that all of this was due to this group of kind and simple Colemans.

He said sincerely in Coleman, "Thank you, High Priest Udo, and thank you to the witch doctors of your tribe."

A smile appeared on Udo's face for the first time, and he said, "You deserve it for saving Priest Haila. We, the Colemans, know how to reciprocate kindness. For the enemy, we have spears, bows and arrows." ;for friends, we have wine and barbecue"

The bonfire reflected on the young high priest's face, which was glowing red.

For the first time, Ren felt that this savage chick finally looked a bit like a "chick".

Coleman's men and women danced around the bonfire with enthusiasm.

Hey hey~ hey yo~ hey hey!

Deep shouts sounded rhythmically, and people stepped on drums and danced like wild beasts.

Ren was also pulled by Udora and jumped up around the fire in the crowd. The atmosphere was infected, he laughed and danced.

If there was no war, how happy would this group of people who are at peace with the world be.

Jumping and jumping, tired.

Sit down and eat some barbecue of unknown monsters, drink some fruit wine with low alcohol content, and eat a few mouthfuls of delicious fruits that cannot be named.

Looking at this group of simple Colemans called "barbarians", Ren suddenly felt complicated.

Suddenly, he asked Udo who was beside him, "Well... Mr. Wu Ji asked me many questions before, but there is one question that I have never dared to ask."

There was a lot of noise around, and Wu Duo couldn't hear clearly, so she put her face close, "What's wrong?"

Ren: "Haven't you thought about relocating the ethnic group?"

He knew very well that no matter how strong the individual fighters of the Coleman tribe were, in a large-scale war, they would always have an irreparable disadvantage in a frontal battle against the Mechanic City. What's more, there is the crushing advantage of that several times the number of people.

This war, in fact, was doomed from the very beginning.

Hearing this, Udo didn't answer immediately, her eyes reflected the raging bonfire.

"We Colemans have lived in this jungle for generations. This is our home. We are familiar with every plant and tree in the jungle. Where can we migrate? Besides, our duty is to protect the temple. As long as there is one Coleman fighters are alive, we will never allow the enemy to trample on the dignity of the temple"


Ren heard this and said nothing.

In fact, he had already guessed the result when he asked the question.

The more honest a person is, the stronger his faith will be.

The Coleman family had long planned to fight the enemy to the end.

Dull topics are not suitable for much discussion on festive occasions,

Ren has been hanging out with the hunters for a long time, and he has gradually acquired the mentality of enjoying the moment.

The Coleman soldiers were very enthusiastic, and they came over to toast one after another with wine barrels the size of their heads.

The fruit wine is very smooth and has a lot of stamina.

Have to say, the BBQ is delicious.

I don't know what kind of monster's meat it is. It is golden and oily, and the meat is fragrant in the mouth.

The fruit is also delicious and colorful.

As soon as I ate these words, I opened my stomach to eat.

But suddenly, Ren felt a strange reaction in his body, "Hey, I seem to be poisoned by eating fruit."

As a professional doctor, he knew very well that these reactions were not normal.

"This is the best fruit in the jungle. We only enjoy it on grand festivals. How can it be poisonous?"

Udo blinked, surprised.

Suddenly she remembered something, and said with a little contempt: "Oh, I almost forgot! Your bodies are too weak to bear it."

Ren: "Huh? Do you want to detoxify me? I don't feel very good."

"It's okay. The men in the tribe like this fruit very much, and I thought you would like it too."

"What kind of fruit is this?"

"Didn't you see its shape?"

"Moon fruit?"

"Elephant plucking fruit."


The spirit of alcohol is on the head, and the sky is spinning.

Before falling asleep, Renn did not forget to program the brain.

[Intelligent brain, set up a dream to learn the 'God Healing Technique'.]

Thanks for the reward of 11,000 coins from 'Ni Lanxuan Zhen', and the reward is still X4; I ask for a wave of tickets~

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