Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 150 The War Factory in the Forest (Subscribe)

[Divine Healing Technique] is much more difficult to get started than ordinary esoteric level spells, but compared with [Threading a Needle and Thread], it is only quite satisfactory.

With the help of "intelligent brain" learning, Ren mastered this secret technique within a few days.

However, proficiency still needs to be improved.

The healing volume of the newly introduced [Divine Healing Technique] is like a small mountain spring in the thumb, and it takes a long time to accumulate battle energy to reach the healing volume of the great witch festival.

But because of the cooperation of "Gang Line", precise treatment, there is no waste of grudge. This is also enough for Ren to deal with those negative substances that cannot be metabolized normally due to the inhalation of the "black mist".

Then, Ren took off his gas mask and breathed in the air with thick black mist.

Even when he was meditating, he dared to run the "Thunder Breath" with all his strength, causing thousands of pores to breathe out.

Just like a long drought and heavy rain, the body has an almost greedy demand for this super-rich "devil energy of the abyss".

Even if he was breathing normally, he could feel the fighting energy growing automatically.

On the edge of this black filled pit, it is really a holy place for cultivation.

The dou qi in the sea of ​​qi rises to a new high, and the amount of dou qi increases, and new "gang lines" can be split again.

Staying in the tribe, with ten times the growth rate of Dou Qi, he was sure that he would be able to reach the level of "Full of Qi" in a short time.

The potion is available, and the magic core is not lacking, so he can try to break through the second gene lock when his fighting spirit is full, and advance to the [fate usurper].

At that time, the strength will skyrocket again.

And Ren is out of practice on weekdays, and is also embarking on a very important task, which is to unify the "weights and measures" in the tribe!

The Colemans have amazing "pharmaceutical experience". Many pharmaceutical formulas, treatment methods, and secret techniques are fields that have not been touched by the modern medical field.

Although the priests don't understand what is the effect of the substance on the microscopic level, its efficacy/medicine effect may not be able to reach that level in the medical field for many years. For the study of medicinal properties, this embodies the great wisdom of the ancestors of the Coleman tribe.

It's a pity that their "word of mouth" and "teaching by hand" method of inheritance is really backward.

Ryan intends to unify the "weights and measures", and then turn the "experience" mastered by the technicians in the tribe into classics that can be read and inherited.

He wants to help the Colemans to accurately measure the amount of "a handful", "a lump", and "a little" of those solid materials that they have passed down for countless years, to the nearest gram.

Determine the number of milliliters in "one bowl" of "three bowls of water boiled into one bowl" in the liquid volume.

For others, this probably requires a very large team to complete.

But for Ren who has a "smart brain", it's very simple.

Ren just needs to watch those high priests and elders refining one side of the potion, and then explain it again. The system will automatically record it, the timing is accurate to the second, and the temperature is accurate to the degree

Then all the required materials were weighed separately and recorded in detail.

At the beginning, it was difficult for those veteran priests to understand. They don’t need teachers to teach them for ten or eight years, and they can prepare potions just by weighing them.

No matter how you look at it, this method feels like a fantasy.

But later, after Ren used this method and used sophisticated pharmacy instruments to copy some simple formulas unique to their Colemans, those elder priests really believed that the inheritance of potions could be like this.

A potion master can also hold a completely unfamiliar formula and refine the potion according to the "precise measurement" on it.

Before this, it was completely unthinkable.

Because the potion masters of Coleman's lineage are all passed down from generation to generation, and they are all brought out by their teachers.

It can be said that for the types of potions that the teacher has not taught, even if the formula is in front of them, they don't know how to make it.

Because the heat, reaction time, and the amount of materials used all depend on the teacher's hands-on demonstration again and again, and then they can understand the concept of "can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words".

It’s hot, you can’t touch it, and it’s red hot. This is the temperature control;

The smell is pungent, burnt, and smoked. This is the control of time;

It's all about feel.

But potion science is a subject that is very difficult to get started and requires very rigorous data. The more complicated the formula, the lower the error tolerance rate. That kind of rough refining technique will cause apprentices to waste a lot of materials.

Fortunately, the "Forest of Ashes" provided them with inexhaustible potion materials, otherwise, the great inheritance of "Witch Doctor Potions" might have been broken long ago.

Correspondingly, inheritance depends entirely on "metaphysics", which requires apprentices to have higher talents.

The reason why there are so few potion priests in the tribe is that not everyone can understand the amount of the teacher's "knowledge" level.

But I have to say that among the Coleman tribe, those who can become potion masters have both "savvy" and "memory".

Of course, all of this was strongly supported by the Great Witch Ji Mafa.

The wise old man demanded that the entire tribe, from the warriors down to the elders, must cooperate with Ren.

Because he also saw that this battle exposed the shortcomings of their "oral inheritance" method immediately.

After a large number of high-level priests were killed in battle, there was a knowledge gap immediately.

Many newly promoted priests simply don't understand the exact meaning of the "technical terms" recorded by the teacher.

This was almost a devastating blow to the rigorous discipline of Potions.

The death of the priests in battle was a traumatic injury.

Once the precious potion formula passed down by those ancestors is "lost", for the Colemans, it is the real loss of their blood-forming ability.

And Udo, the high priest, did not run around.

She followed Ren all day long, helping him organize and record potion formulas, and coordinate the deployment of tribal personnel.

At the same time, there were also a few young and intelligent priests who also began to learn the "common language" from Ryan.

If you lag behind, you will be beaten. This is a lesson learned in blood.

Coleman's "witch doctors" also took an interest in "surgery."

But everything has to start from scratch.

And on the other hand.

Grandpa Toust is also very busy.

Originally, those witch doctors thought they just saved an ordinary old man.

Although the Coleman warriors were polite enough to the two of them because of Rennes. But for this group of natural fighters who fight against nature and monsters, the concept of "the strong will be respected" has long been engraved in their bones.

At first, almost no one paid attention to the old and the young.

Because no matter how weak his body and breath are, he is so weak that even any child in the tribe can kill him.

But after one incident, the people in the tribe changed completely.

The toxins that had plagued Toust for more than 30 years were cleaned up, and those witch doctors helped him recuperate his body. The old man also wanted to reciprocate and give some gifts to the tribe.

He is good at machinery, but it is too early for these warriors of primitive civilization to get in touch.

Therefore, he planned to start with weapons and armor.

The weapons of the Coleman family, whether arrows or daggers and long knives, are very primitive. They are either made of the bones of monsters, or they are polished from the hard stone they call "black cloud stone".

Although there are enchantments, the effect is still reluctant.

However, compared with metal equipment, its plasticity, defense, penetration, toughness, and other aspects are much worse. Finally, there are a few rare ironware, which were found in the ancient ruins in the forest, and they don't know how to maintain them. After wear and tear, one piece is used less.

The old man thought about it, and ordered a few sets of metal enchanted armor, handy weapons, and hand crossbows for the children of those witch doctors' families.

And because of these equipments, a certain little barbarian warrior survived a hunt.

This made the barbarian warriors who usually wear underpants and at most wear leather armor when hunting feel the role of equipment for the first time.

With the "Alchemy Steel Wire Crossbow Arrow", the strength of an ordinary child can even shoot deadly arrows with a penetrating power comparable to that of an adult's hard bow.

Later, when they saw the octopus mechanical arm of Mr. Toust, those people understood what the "power of technology" was.

The equipment made by the grandfather and grandson immediately became the object of enthusiasm among the warriors in the tribe.

Kindness is something that becomes stronger and stronger as you come and go.

It can be said that Mr. Toust was able to regain his life because of the favor of the Coleman family. In return, he naturally devoted himself to it.

The Coleman warriors also gained a lot of spoils in the war, but except for a very few of those metal armors and swords that can be used, most of them are not in line with their super long arms and heights.

Moreover, they do not have the technology of smelting and forging, so they cannot make secondary modifications to these inappropriate weapons and armor.

This also resulted in piles of loot piling up in warehouses, completely useless.

Now these trophies are immediately available because of Toust's grandson and grandson.

Although there is no large-scale smelting equipment, there are inexhaustible coal mines in the forest, as well as "high coal burning"!

Toust's grandson and grandson taught the Coleman warriors how to build earthen kilns for steelworks. They used high-burning coal and witchcraft extravagantly to create a steelmaking furnace with a temperature high enough to melt most metals.

Because there are too many "high-burning coals" in the forest, like mushrooms, you can pick up a few pieces whenever you go.

In the beginning, Toust and his grandson just helped the barbarian warriors make protective gear and weapons, and then gradually turned into making large-scale equipment.

Not only human equipment, but also Warcraft mounts.

Although there are no iron ore resources, there are still a large number of steel plates, gears, rivets, pipes and finished artillery removed from the Machinery City in the warehouse of the Atrium Tribe!

Sophisticated artillery cannot be forged without a large lathe, but there are ready-made ones here.

Those steel plates are also qualified forging materials after a little smelting. Although there is no condition for manufacturing large steam boilers, it is enough for the old man to assemble some equipment and armor suitable for large monsters.

In the mechanical city, large-caliber artillery is a fixed city defense equipment.

But among the Colemans, there is an inherent advantage.

Their mounts can almost carry several tons of artillery, and they run fast. All it takes is forging a few suitable fixtures to make a mobile turret.

Whether it is a mount or a warrior, with the equipment and protective gear, there is no need to use flesh and blood to resist the enemy's muzzle.

For the first time, the Coleman people learned to use "hot weapons" such as cannons and muskets, which can threaten adults even from children.

In this way, the small clay kiln in Coleman's atrium tribe gradually became a "war factory" for the entire tribe to equip armor.

PS. The protagonist has no camp and no nationality. To put it bluntly, he is a hunting refugee begging for food in the wasteland. Don't bring in any national traitors, people from the five major families of Glory City? Is the main character? They are all human beings, and there is no difference between human beings and orcs, so just understand it as two territories;

PS.2 The protagonist and Guanghui City are like tenants and landlords, who give money to live, but don’t have money to leave; it’s not like renting a name and then listing it in the house book; now the new landlord is life-saving and friendly, and the old landlord and the new landlord are fighting So, to help the new landlord is to eat inside and outside?

Thanks to 'CCC1102', 'Hunho', and 'Qinglian Daoge' for their big rewards of 1500 coins. Special thanks to the ticket king "Xiaoxinhu" and the monthly ticket benefactor "Qinglian Daoge", thank you for your love!

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