Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 151 Three-legged Thunderbird Magic Crystal

The four of Ryan lived happily in the barbarian tribe, eating and drinking every day.

Everyone has something to do.

Bazel, a legend who only knows how to fight and kill, has nothing to do, so he seems a bit boring. I eat and drink all day long, and I am a little fat and have a small belly. Fortunately, Ren's strength has improved rapidly, and his recovery from injuries has also been extremely fast. The legend didn't complain.

Ren is now completely without a gas mask, and can breathe freely in the air with his airway exposed. And his fighting spirit has also soared to a new high, and three new "gang lines" have been condensed within a month.

This is an efficiency that was never imagined before.

The eight strings also made it extremely efficient for him to pull out the silver needles from Bazel's body, and the manipulation of the strings became more and more handy, and it became easier to chase those tiny silver needles that wandered around.

Complete removal is also within reach.

And Mrs. Canossa from the "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce" has completely disappeared.

The warriors of the tribe have also confirmed that they did not kill or capture her. I don't know if the lady returned to the wasteland, or where she went.

After Ren got acquainted with the Coleman people, he also rescued Uncle Sam by the way.

In fact, the "sacrifice to the gods" ceremony has always used high-level monsters, and now using humans is completely a punishment for the invaders.

After Uncle Sam was released, he didn't stay in the forest for long. He was sent out of the forest by the Warcraft knights.

Because he wants to continue to confirm the whereabouts of Mrs. Canossa.

As a condition for release, Uncle Sam, on behalf of the "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce", announced that all relevant forces under their command would no longer participate in this war.

Days passed by like this.

"Doctor Ryan, come to eat"


The tribe temporarily allocated a hut with a very good environment on the mountainside to the four of them.

But the mechanical madmen like Toust's grandson and grandson, once they start working seriously, they will forget to eat and sleep, and don't even need to think about where to sleep. The workplace is the "home" they will not leave for 24 hours.

And Bazel, except for finding someone when he regularly pulled out the silver needle every day, he was never seen at all on weekdays, and he didn't know where he went to fool around.

In the huge hut house, in the end, only Ren and Udo often lived in it.

Udo, the dignified high priest, was arranged by the Great Witch Festival to study with Ren. Now the two almost eat and live together, and are also responsible for taking care of his daily life.

Lunch is still barbecue and fruit.

The roast meat weighed more than a hundred catties. It was a hind leg of the first-order monster 'one-horned rhinoceros', and it was also the best piece of meat in the whole monster. The roasted golden yellow oil is placed on the huge banana leaves, and the smell of meat fills the entire grass shed.

Ren was aroused by the smell of meat, and said from his heart: "Wow, it's really delicious. Udo, your barbecue skills are really great."

Udo smiled in response.

Ren is now due to the rapid increase in the number of gang lines, and the practice efficiency of [Hercules] has also gradually increased. Rapid muscle growth requires a lot of energy, and I always feel hungry every day.

The rough eating habits of the Colemans are actually the most suitable food combination for growing their bodies.

Warcraft barbecue can provide a lot of protein for muscle growth, and various fruits can also provide rich calories and vitamins.

Ryan also has a huge appetite now. More than a hundred catties of barbecue and fruit are his and Udo's lunch.

Both are growing.

When it comes to the Taoist body, Ren also has to complain, the Coleman clan's physical growth talent is really good.

Udo also seemed to have reached the age when her height skyrocketed. In this month, he was sure that the barbarian chick had grown at least another five centimeters, and she was already almost 1.7 meters!

However, Ren himself was not bad either. He felt that breathing the black mist and combined with [Hercules], his height and body seemed to change visibly with the naked eye.

After more than a month now, Ren has also known many animals and plants that he has never seen before. Although he is not afraid of "food poisoning" after practicing [Divine Healing Technique], he does not dare to eat some strange fruits anymore. .

Especially the "elephant plucking fruit" is still fresh in Ryan's memory.

He still remembered the embarrassing scene at the bonfire dinner a month ago. Eat, drink too much, get drunk. After waking up, I inexplicably found that my butt was naked, and the high priest of Wuduo also helped to wipe and clean up the filth of vomiting.

The point is, after eating the "elephant plucking fruit", Ren himself became like an elephant plucking, arrogant and embarrassing.

But Wu Duo didn't seem to care at all, she just wiped it when she needed to, and wiped it when she needed to. She looked at the bare-bottomed Ren, which seemed to be the same as looking at the bare-bottomed children in the tribe, without any awkwardness at all.

Later, after Ryan got to know him slowly, he realized that the Colemans had very primitive ideas about gender.

They're still in that very primitive courtship phase.

fall in love? nonexistent!

If you see the right thing, come directly; if it doesn't work, the men will just knock the woman unconscious with a stick and drag her into the cave with thatched shed.

Therefore, only those who are powerful can decide to have the right to be a spouse.

This is the most primitive desire of human beings.

This is also the reason why you ask those barbarian kids why they want to be the number one warrior in the tribe. The reason for the most answers is definitely related to the right of spouse.

If it weren't for Wu Duo being a high-status priest, this chick would have been beaten countless times.

"I want to eat."

Ren was also polite, sitting on the ground, directly tore up the barbecue and began to swallow it in his mouth.

At this time, Udo, who was opposite him, handed out a small jar, and said, "Doctor Ren, the potion you want [Fate Umperor] Elder Fufa has already made it for you. His old man is from our tribe. The most powerful potion master can refine potions with the best efficacy. Well, according to you, the purity should be the highest."

"Oh? Refined?"

Ren wiped the oil stains on his clothes and reached out to take the jar.

Although the earth pot potion looks a little bad, but the "elder" made it himself, which is absolutely no worse than any senior potion master.

He smiled and said, "Thank you, Udo, and thank Elder Fufa for me."

It's not that he doesn't want to thank him personally, but Ren always feels that those elders are elusive, and he can't see anyone at all.

Having been together day and night for more than a month, Udo and Renn are already very familiar. She said without being polite, "You are welcome. The elders all said that your method is very useful, and it is very useful for the inheritance of tribal potions. And let me study hard like you."

Only potion masters can understand the difficulties of potion masters.

These potion masters of the Coleman family can advance to the level of the "six elders". The hardships they have suffered and the crimes they have suffered are absolutely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

They are very clear that this set of scientific learning and recording methods is of great significance to the benefit of future generations and the continuation of their Coleman civilization.

After a pause, Wu Duo said again: "They are tribal elders, and they are usually too embarrassed to follow along to learn, but they are actually doing these things seriously in private."


When Ren heard it, he understood.

After all, there is also a reason of seniority, no wonder those elders seem to avoid him on purpose.

Uh. It's really embarrassing to deliver it in person.

At this time, Udo asked again: "I heard that you want you to advance to the second level, and the elders also let me bring the best monster crystal core in the tribe. What attribute do you want to awaken?"

As she spoke, she took out a row of colorful monster crystal nuclei from a leather pocket.

The light shines in, like gems of various colors, dazzling.

Earth, wind, water, fire, metal, wood, and even the rarest element magic cores of light, darkness, and thunder!

Each one has a very high degree of purity, which is obviously the best product carefully selected among the magic cores.

Seeing this, Ren once again felt the enthusiasm of the Colemans. Things to treat friends are always the best.

A transcendent who practices fighting qi faces a very important problem when he advances to the second level of transcendence, that is, he needs to absorb the corresponding magic core to awaken the attribute of fighting qi.

Although the price of the first-order magic core is not particularly outrageous, the top-grade magic core in front of you is a rare treasure that cannot be bought with money.

In the business houses of the two empires, these are all things that are taken over by the high-ranking nobles. It is impossible for ordinary people to come into contact with it, and only the heirs of the top nobles can enjoy this pure magic core when they advance.

At this time, Wu Duo said again: "Master Wuji said that it would be a waste of talent for your advancement route to be healed alone. If you can, it is most suitable to choose the two departments of light and thunder. But with these two departments, it will be a little difficult to advance in the later stage Some."


Ren nodded.

This was actually something he had considered before.

The two elemental cores of "light" and "thunder" are indeed very suitable, but they are hardly seen in the world.

At first he thought of "wind".

Under normal circumstances, there are two main points to consider the attributes of fighting spirit: affinity and functional requirements!

Warriors are not like mages, who need to have such a high affinity for elements, on the contrary, the combination of attributes is the most important.

Generally, the Transcendence of the healing system will choose "wood system" or "water system".

This will allow their awakened Dou Qi to have stronger healing and recovery speed.

But Ren's "combat doctor" line is obviously not suitable, because this is not only a doctor profession, but also a melee profession.

Therefore, he needs to cooperate with some rough attributes to improve the melee ability.

"Light" and "Thunder" are both very good, each has its own advantages, and it is difficult for Ren to choose for a while.

Thinking about it, he asked, "Udo, what do you think? Which one should I choose?"

No matter what, Udo is also a high priest of Coleman, and her understanding of the magic core is much better than that of Ren. She said: "'Light system' focuses on healing, and its attacks have the advantages of speed and grudge penetration; while 'Thunder system' Fighting Qi has a slight paralyzing effect, not only suitable for healing injuries, but also suitable for increasing attacks, but it is more troublesome to advance in the later stage."

Ren: "So, you also think the 'Thunder System' is better?"

In fact, he himself prefers the "thunder system" among the two series of crystal nuclei.

The special effect with the paralysis attribute is highly compatible with his extraordinary ability "Gangxian". It has healing boost, damage boost, and control, which is not ideal.


Wu Duo nodded: "And this is the magic core of the 'Three-legged Thunderbird', which is a very rare elemental creature that usually only appears in thunderclouds. In ten or eight years in our tribe, we may not be able to Hunted one. If you use it to advance, you will have a high affinity for the element of thunder during meditation, and you may also inherit some 'element recovery' talents."

There is also a difference in the quality of the selected magic core, that is, the higher the quality used to absorb the advanced magic core, the higher the chance for the extraordinary person to inherit part of the innate ability of the monster after it was alive.

Although the "Three-legged Thunderbird" is another kind of monster that I have never heard of.

But when he heard that it was an elemental creature, Ren immediately thought of the "swamp lord" he met in the plague swamp. The ability to gather elements was really buggy.

The "Elemental Restoration" talent also sounds good.

Thinking of it, Ren didn't feel that there was anything to tangle with, and said, "Then choose the 'Thunder Element' magic core."


Hearing this, Udo took out the purple magic core from the leather case and handed it to Ren.

Suddenly she seemed to think of something again, and said to herself: "If the [Thunder Totem] of our tribe is still there, it will be easier to cultivate the Thunder Element."


Hearing this, Ren also raised his eyebrows without thinking much.

He also heard that when the Coleman tribe was the strongest, there were more than a dozen totems of divine power inheritance in the tribe.

But later the years changed, and there were only six kinds of power, rain, wood, insects, wind, and fire that were passed down.

Now that [Totem of Fire] has been snatched away, there are only five kinds left.

However, that kind of thing is not extravagant.

Not to mention that it has been lost for hundreds of years, even if it has not been lost, it is also an inheritance treasure of the elder level, so it is naturally not something that an outsider can covet.

Now that the potion and elemental crystal nucleus of [Usurper of Destiny] are ready, he will be able to advance to the second-order extraordinary immediately when his fighting spirit is overflowing.

Ren and Udo were eating and chatting in the room, and the atmosphere at lunch was very harmonious.

woo, woo, woo

But suddenly, a long war horn sounded in the tribe!

The two were startled at the same time, thinking that an enemy had attacked the Zhongting Tribe, so they hurried out of the house to check.

Looking at it, it turned out that it was a warcraft invasion.

And when Ryan saw the appearance of those invading monsters, he was very surprised and almost blurted out: "Isn't this a dinosaur?!"

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