Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 152 The last piece of the puzzle (adding more to 'SSGO')

Not only the two of Ryan, but the entire Coleman warriors in the tribe rushed out of the house when they heard the horn.

Looking around, on the other side of the valley, outside the gate of the tall and sharp wooden village, a group of about thirty large monsters appeared. They howled and ran towards Sa Yazi in the stockade.

Bang, bang, bang, the ground trembled violently.

Obviously, the warriors in the tribe are already very experienced in dealing with this kind of Warcraft invasion.

As soon as the horn of war sounded, someone picked up a bow, arrow and spear and rushed out.

"Those damned earth dragon beasts are coming again!"

"Hunting team, follow me!"

"Don't let them rush into the Horde, quick!"

"The artillery uses the artillery that Mr. Toust taught us!"


After seeing clearly that the monster "Earth Dragon" was attacking, what should most people do? Obviously, this is not the first time they have encountered this situation. The clansmen knew very well that those intruding monsters would naturally have the soldiers of the hunting team to drive them away and not kill them.

Udo also frowned, and said to Ren: "Let's go, let's continue eating. Those are earth dragons that came out of the 'Kalateva Basin' in the south. They occasionally get lost and come to the forest to hunt."

"Ah Earth Dragon?"

Ren was not very calm when he saw those monsters, because the appearance of the monsters was almost exactly the same as the "dinosaur" in his impression.

Aren't the screaming and fierce two-legged earth dragons in the lead the same as "Tyrannosaurus rex"?

Behind it, there are "Traceratops", "Tyrannosaurus" and "Savage Dragon".

His current feeling is similar to the feeling of going through "Jurassic Park".


And at this moment, the leading black Tyrannosaurus Rex let out another groan, and the sound waves visible to the naked eye instantly swept across the entire valley, making hair stand on end. Looking again, the monster mounts under the chasing Coleman warriors were also a bit unbearable, hesitating, and seemed to have a kind of coercion and fear in the blood of those dinosaurs.

Udo watched Renn staring at those dinosaurs distracted, thinking that he was curious about seeing this kind of monster for the first time, so he introduced: "The ground dragon beast is the black dragon on the'Akron Mountains' that bred with ground lizards. They are descendants of mixed blood. They have a bit of dragon blood, so they have blood pressure against other monsters."

Speaking of this, she simply introduced it in detail: "This kind of earth dragon is very fierce, and their combat power is at least half of the level of ordinary monsters of the same level. Don't look at the leading earth dragon, which is only level 4, and the average level of monsters of the same level. What's more, it's not just those that run on the ground, those that fly in the sky, and those that swim in the water. There are at least a hundred species of these strange and eccentric sub-dragons in the 'Kalateva Basin' in the south."

What the hell?

Dinosaurs are hybrid offspring of black dragons and ground lizards?

Hearing this statement, Ren suddenly felt that he had learned a lot.

He asked curiously: "Udo, there are many kinds of sub-dragons in the 'Kalateva Basin' you mentioned?"

"Yes! A lot!"

Udo said: "The hunting team in our tribe once went to explore, but the 'Kalateva Basin' is very large and there are many powerful dragons, so we didn't explore it deeply, and no one knows the exact number. But they rarely go out of the basin, and occasionally some get lost and come to the forest.”

When Ren heard it, he also called out "good guy", that black dragon created a large group of dinosaurs by himself!

How many alien creatures did the black dragon overpower to create a huge group of three-dwelling sub-dragons in water, land and air?

If it was normal, it would be fun to watch, but now there are more things popping up in Ren's mind.

Because his teacher, Irubek, has done a thorough research on blood genetics.

Without reproductive isolation, it means that the blood gene chain is richer!

If these huge numbers and various groups of dinosaurs were really created by that black dragon in these thousands of years, that means that it has no reproductive isolation from many monsters!

Then it means that the blood of the black dragon is very pure, and even the direct descendants of those dragons as powerful as gods in myths and legends, it is possible to have such a complicated gene chain!

It is said that dragon eggs can be left in a certain environment for countless years before hatching. This world has never heard of the second dragon, so it is very likely that it is a dragon egg left in an ancient era, which suddenly hatched in this era.

Thinking of this, Ren couldn't help asking curiously: "Is that black dragon still alive?"

He felt that if his teacher Irubek was here, he would definitely not be able to stop him from slaying the dragon to study the genetic chain combination of the black dragon.

Even Ren himself, the heart of the "Dragon Slayer" has sprouted.

Udo: "Should be alive. But no one knows where it is. The ancestors of our Colemans once saw it fly through the forest five hundred years ago."


Ren looked at the vast mountain range at the end of his field of vision, his eyes gradually deepened.

How many secrets are hidden in this "Alcoron Mountains"?

Huh. South?


Ren looked at the Alcolon Mountains in the distance, hazy in the thick fog, and a thought flashed through his mind that made him feel excited!

His eyes rolled, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he might have thought of a "shocking discovery"!

He quickly asked, "Udo, how far to the south is the 'Kalateva Basin' you mentioned? Can you point me to the specific direction?"

Udo didn't know why Ren suddenly became so excited. He pointed to a big snow mountain at the end of his field of vision and said, "Did you see that snow mountain over there? We call it 'Gabala Mountain', and it's further south , is the Calateva Basin."

Ren asked: "How far is it?"

Wu Duo thought for a while, and said, "My snow mastiff would normally run for seven or eight days."

The distance measurement unit of the Colemans is not kilometers, but the distance of riding a monster for "half a day" or "one day".

"That is 15 degrees south of the west of this place, about 10,000 kilometers away?"

Ren roughly estimated the speed of the snow mastiff in the jungle in his mind, and came up with an approximate location.

Then, the gleam in his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he exclaimed in his heart: "It's really a match!"

The reason why he was so excited was because that coordinate almost overlapped with a coordinate in his mind!

This foggy world is vast and sparsely populated, and it's easy to lose your way.

The sense of direction is very strange to other people. Except for the extraordinary of the perception system, few people can tell the exact location of them on this land.

But for Ren, who has a "smart brain", it's not a problem at all.

He doesn't need to distinguish, all the routes he walks will be automatically recorded and positioned.

Moreover, the "intelligent brain" will automatically recognize all the maps Renn has seen to form precise positioning.

Just like a satellite map, as long as there are enough reference objects, the system can automatically correct the scale of the map to precisely locate his current location.

He had seen a detailed strategic map of the two empires in the study of His Highness the eldest princess before, and he already had a clearer concept of the territory of the two empires and the foggy area of ​​the Alcoron Mountains.

Now, with this comparison, he found a problem!

According to Udo, the "Kalateva Basin" to the southwest of this forest indeed belongs to the "unexplored foggy area" that is not marked on any of the maps of the two empires.

But that coordinate point is very close to a place again.

That is. Baron Morin recorded in his diary, the place where the wreckage of the airship they encountered in the wilderness hunting group!

As soon as the system locates the map, the line described by Baron Morin is extended, and Ren is almost sure that the "airship wreckage" is in the dinosaur basin!

Moreover, this discovery is not just as simple as coincidence.

Ryan also discovered a very critical point.

That was when Baron Morin's hunting team set off from the northeast of the Sid Empire, got lost, and entered an "unknown foggy area" where they didn't know the coordinates.

If this "unknown area" is the Calateva Basin, it means that they have found a way to cross the "Alcoron Mountains"!

Because this basin is on the west side of the mountain range!

As we all know, the Alcoron Mountains run vertically from north to south. This is a natural barrier that separates the two empires of Sid and Orma from the east side of the mountains.

So far, humans have only discovered one place that can successfully cross the Alcoron Mountains, and that is the "Sounding Wind Pass" controlled by the City of Glory!

It is precisely because of this choke point that Glory City has a geographical advantage that no city can match.

Wilderness hunters who want to hunt wilderness west of the mountains, and caravans who want to do business, must pass through Xiangfeng Pass to collect taxes and pay entry fees!

The fundamental reason why it was so difficult for Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess to build the city was because this vital route was choked by the Five Great Records family of Glory City, and all the resources she needed had to come from that "only" road. In the future, whether it is business or the relocation of the people, it must be approved by the five major families!

Obviously, Glory City didn't intend for the eldest princess to build a city here.

If there is no large-scale mechanical city to protect the people, all of Ymir's New Deal plans will be on paper, and even in this dangerous land, even survival will be a problem!

but now,

Not the only one anymore!

If Ren's conjecture is correct, then in the Calateva Basin going south along here, it is very likely that there is a throat that is the same as the "Sounding Wind Pass", which allows people to directly enter Al from the Sid Empire. West of the Colon Mountains!

This broke the strategic monopoly of Glory City!

If the eldest princess wants to build a city, this is definitely the best entry point to break the situation.

Moreover, the wreckage of the airship is also very likely to be in the Calateva Basin, and it is entirely possible to build a second Glory City on the spot at that location!

With this idea together, the thoughts in my mind are flying like uncontrollable.

He has even vaguely seen a "city of hope" that is about to rise!

But suddenly, Ren thought about it, and frowned again: "Hey, I heard what Udo said, there is a dinosaur paradise, and there are groups of high-level monsters. It doesn't seem to be a good place to build a city. Moreover, that airship It is obviously a product of a higher mechanical civilization, if it is not a mechanical failure, what can knock it down?"

Thinking of this, the ferocious appearance of a black dragon came to mind unconsciously.

"It can't be that black dragon, can it?"

Ren suddenly felt a bit pained.

If those sub-dragons are generally half a rank higher than the same level of monsters, how much higher is the pure-blooded black dragon?

There is no need to assume that if this kind of overlord-level monster can really make the airship fall, it is estimated that if the "Ten Legends" go together, they may not be able to beat it.

Udo, who was on the side, watched Ryan's face fluctuate, and asked curiously: "Doctor Ryan, what's the matter?"

Turning his thoughts back to reality, Ren turned his face to look at Udo who was bewildered, and then looked at the Coleman warriors in the tribe who were driving the dinosaurs away, and suddenly another idea came to his mind!


But that idea was obviously not mature enough. He needed to confirm some things first, so he said, "Wuduo, do you have a detailed map of the vicinity in your tribe?"

"Map? Yes"

Wu Duo said: "All major tribes have drawn hunting maps. However, the most complete ones are still in Teacher Wu Ji's bamboo building."

When Ren heard this, in order to confirm his previous conjecture, he quickly asked, "Can outsiders see the map?"

The map stored in the "intelligent brain" is like a jigsaw puzzle, which has been put together in sevens and eighties. Now he only lacks a piece near the "Forest of Ashes", which can connect this large piece of land.

Udo blinked puzzledly, and said, "If it's you, it should be fine."

Before he finished speaking, Ren grabbed her wrist, "Go! Take me to the map, I want to confirm something."

Udo: "Ah? Haven't eaten yet?"

Ren: "I'll eat later."

Not long after, Ren saw the map of the Forest of Ashes drawn on the animal skin in the bamboo building.

Not only the whole picture of the forest, but also the plague swamp, red rock canyon, and poisonous miasma wetland. These peripheral landmarks are also marked in great detail.

Although the scale of the map is not very accurate, the correction of the "intelligent brain" according to the reference object is enough for Ren to determine the "Kalateva Basin". This is the place where the wreckage of the airship was found!

Finally, seeing the map, he was sure that everything he had speculated before was correct.

Not long after, Wu Duo left the bamboo building, and there were only two people left.

Mafa looked at Ren with a serious face, and asked with a smile: "Doctor Ren, do you have something to tell me?"

Ren looked at the wise old man seriously, and asked, "Master Wuji, I am not offending, but I want to ask, do you really plan to let all the tribe members be buried in this war?"

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