Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 154 Fog of War

Ren stayed in the temple tribe for several months, so he naturally knew that the temple of Mologos, the seventy-two knights of the Monkel civilization, was under the pit that day.

But even the witch priest Mafa said that no one came up alive after going down, it was a "dead place".

Ren also knew that Ymir was coming for the temple.

Not to mention whether His Royal Highness has a "divine power crystallization", even if there is, he feels that he should also persuade His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess not to die.

What's more, in this forest, no one can escape the perception of the Colemans.

Coleman's priests will not only domesticate monsters to become scouts, but also various bugs, plants, and even rain.

At that time, the "elder-level" masters will be dispatched, not to mention who wins and who loses, and the fight will definitely hurt both sides.

Both sides are allies, and Ren doesn't want to see them fight to the death.

Then, he volunteered to take over the task of "persuading him to quit".

Ren, Bazel, "Ghost Mushroom Elder" Dale and a group of Warcraft knights went to the area where the wave of "enemies" was found.

After two days of driving, they finally stopped in an area where the "fog of war" was obviously artificially arranged.

Obviously, Ymir and the others came and made sufficient preparations.

"Doctor Ryan, those people are in that wetland right now. But they are extremely alert, and they are all masters. We haven't determined their exact location"

"I see, then let Senior Bazel and I go in."

"Well, Dr. Ren, be careful. If there is any abnormality, take care of yourself first, and our soldiers will rush in immediately."


After a brief conversation, the Coleman soldiers of the brigade disappeared in the forest.

Ren walked into the fog.

"Fog of War" is an artificial fog, necessary for marching, and also the favorite method of assassins.

In the dense fog where you can't see your fingers, the Assassin Gate is like an erratic ghost, which can easily cut the enemy's throat. And for a werewolf like Bazel who is good at stealth and detection, this thick fog is also his best camouflage.

Obviously, there must be high-level assassins lurking on the periphery.

You don't need to take the initiative to look for it. Once the "prey" walks into the ambush circle, those assassins will naturally come to the door in the morning.

Ren didn't dare to be careless, and was afraid of causing misunderstanding. He directly put the coat of arms that Ymir gave him on his finger, and held it in front of him, so that no one would see it.

With Bazel, Ren was afraid that he would guess wrong. If it wasn't for Ymir, he himself might be in danger.

The reason why the Colemans were not asked to come in together was because their tall figures would definitely trigger a big battle if they met each other, and the two sides would never have a chance to negotiate.

Ren had received a year of professional assassin training, and he knew very well that assassins would not only lurk, but also lay traps.

Therefore, instead of touching it carefully, it is better to let someone come to him.

No matter how far he walked into the fog, he shouted loudly: "I am Ren Hermes, come to negotiate!"

He only reported his own name, but did not say the name of the eldest princess, because he was afraid that if he was an enemy, there would be room for maneuver.

And his move really quickly attracted a high-level assassin lurking somewhere.

Just when Renn was completely unaware, a dagger appeared at his feet.

Here's the warning: private camp, show your intentions, trespassers die.

Ren raised the ring and shouted again: "My name is Ren, if you know this coat of arms, please take me to see the owner of the coat of arms."

Ren didn't know if the other party could see it or not, so he specially lit the torch to make the golden rose ring shine brightly.

As soon as he said these words, he saw a slight surge in the mist not far away, and the mist quickly condensed into a human shape. Then in the blink of an eye, he turned into a leather armored assassin with a gray hood and a mask on his face.

"What a clever stealth method!"

Ren sighed in his heart, this extraordinary ability blending into the mist is really weird.

The assassin carefully looked at the ring in Ren's hand, his eyes hidden under the hood were slightly surprised, and he said in a low voice: "The friend next to you makes me feel very dangerous, I want to know whether he is who."

This is the perception circle arranged by others. Although Bazel is a legend, he didn't think it was possible to hide it from the other party.

He directly showed his real body, lifted the mask, and revealed the face of a wolf uncle with a big beard.

The assassin was obviously taken aback, he didn't expect to be one of the "Ten Legends".

But since we know each other, there is nothing to ask.

"Wait a moment, I will report."

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the assassin merged into the mist again

Hearing this, the two of Ryan didn't wander around anymore, and just waited where they were.

Bazel looked at the direction where the assassin disappeared, smacked his lips, and said, "A fifth-rank court assassin, the secret stealth ability of the Blackwater Terrace [Mist Shadow Body] is very strong."

Ren was relieved. Since the other party knew this heraldic ring, it must be Ymir himself.

And they were not long in the mist,

The assassin came back, with an erratic voice like a person who didn't know where he was, "Follow me, His Highness wants to see you. Don't step on it, there is a trap."

As soon as the voice fell, Ren's perception could no longer see people.

But Bazel identified a direction and walked in.

Ren could only follow behind the big guy's ass, stepping on the footprints carefully, learning the exact same footwork to walk in.

After walking about a kilometer or two, the fog began to thin out, and then they saw a bonfire.

Beside the bonfire, there are several marching tents.

Six highly armed high-ranking extraordinary were looking at the two of them curiously.

Warriors, mages, assassins, hunters and priests are standard expedition teams.

Several Rennes had seen the portraits in various announcements, and the "intelligent brain" instantly compared them.

Once the head of the First Mechanic Corps of Omar [General Storm] Baron Askpa.

Former Almatin Knight Commander [Magic Swordsman] Rhine Root.

Royal Abbey of Oma [Archbishop] Friedl.

Each one is the famous fifth-order extraordinary, and each one is very strong.

Although wearing a gas mask, Ren recognized Ymir's beautiful long golden hair and the palace rapier at her waist at a glance.

He walked straight over, made a gentleman's salute, and said hello: "Your Highness Ymir, long time no see."

Ymir was also surprised that he would see Renn here.

Out of politeness, she also took off her mask, revealing her delicate and flawless pretty face, and responded, "Long time no see, Dr. Ryan."

And the subordinates around her stared at Ren even more curiously.

They are the direct descendants of Ymir, so they naturally know a lot of inside information, and they have also heard of the existence of Ren.

Now that I see a real person, I can't help but be curious about how this seemingly ordinary low-level transcendence can make His Royal Highness the eldest princess pay so much attention to it.

What surprised them even more was that they would actually see a low-level transcendent in the depths of the "Forest of Ashes"?

Any animal or plant here can kill a mid-level or low-level transcendent.

But when they saw Bazel beside Rennes, a hint of caution flashed in their eyes.

They knew that the young man in front of them must be very difficult to let a "Top Ten Legends" be their guard.

Of course, Ren knew why these guys looked at Bazel with vigilance. After all, in Storm Lake, Bazel sneaked up on the eldest princess and almost killed her. This meeting, both sides are a little unnatural.

He quickly introduced: "Mr. Bazel is my friend. He followed me to ensure that I will not die in the mouth of the monster. There is no malice."


Ymir didn't say much.

After all, in the original situation, the two of them were the ones being plotted against, and it wasn't true that there was any unresolvable hatred.

Although when she was in Glory City, she knew that Bazel seemed to be protecting Ren for some reason. But now seeing a legendary man of his escorting someone to the depths of the "Korman Forest", Ymir was also quite surprised.

At this moment, she really had countless questions in her mind, so she asked Ren: "Are you here specifically to find me? And how do you know I'm here?"

Ymir's actions this time are top secret.

In the dense jungle where the trees are taller than the mountains, they and their group are as inconspicuous as the gravel in the desert. She didn't expect that someone would find the precise location directly.

Hearing this, Ren didn't immediately say why he came, but said to Ymir: "I have something to say to you alone."

Ymir Xiu raised his eyebrows slightly, and said lightly: "This is my most trusted subordinate, you can tell me directly if you have anything."

Ren was not afraid of offending people, and insisted: "I'm sorry, Your Royal Highness, the matter is of great importance, and I can only tell you."

He knew that Ymir was not really careless when he said this.

And this is the best choice from the perspective of the superior.

This kind of situation shows any distrust, and it is easy for loyal subordinates to have thoughts such as "His Royal Highness doesn't trust me", "There may be unsuspectable people among my companions" and so on

The team will not be easy to lead.

This kind of "black face" can only be played by an outsider.

After all, this visit is of great importance.

Although Ren knew that the ones that could be brought by Ymir must be her trusted subordinates.

But no matter who it is, he believes in Ymir, but he cannot trust others.

Last time in Storm Lake, Her Highness the Eldest Princess was plotted against, and she fled to the wilderness alone with serious injuries. Tangtang Princess made such a big mistake in the assassination, it's no wonder that the people around her didn't have any problems.

Not to mention that he is negotiating on behalf of the Coleman family, it is something that cannot be made public.

There is also Metternich's letter, which is also a very sensitive existence.

Ren also knows now that the "Clemens F. Metternich" who likes to play cards is from the line of the Queen and the First Prince, and is a political enemy and a mortal enemy with the eldest princess.

No matter what the content and purpose of Metternich's letter is, if a third person finds out, it may cause trouble for several parties.

Hearing Renn's insistence, Ymir glanced at him, didn't say much, got up and walked towards a tent behind him, and said lightly: "Come in and talk."

Ryan's "black face" has invisibly resolved a possible crisis of trust.

After all, he is an outsider and a low-level transcendent, so no one cares about it.

The few high-level transcendents on the side remained silent.

They also ignored Ren who followed into the tent, but set their eyes on Bazel who was not far away, and were faintly on guard.

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