Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 155 The Secret Tent Talk That Changed History (addition for 'leo627')

It has to be said that the luxury of the royal family is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Even the military tents are full of eye-catching designs.

Before Renn walked in, he could see that all the supporting metal parts inside the tent were shining golden, and the decorations inside were also extremely exquisite and elegant palace style.

After stepping into the tent, it is obvious that there will be a soft and just right rebound touch under the feet, which is a thick fine pile carpet.

The magic lamp shone a comfortable and soft light, and the whole tent looked very warm, not at all as simple as an ordinary hunter's tent.

And the most amazing thing is that there are blue magic lines on the top of the whole tent, taking into account all kinds of magic effects and dotted with dots, like the top of the starry sky. Let people lie in the tent, like lying under the starry sky on a summer night.

Obviously, this is Ymir's own tent.

In addition to a neat big bed, there are finely carved mahogany tables and chairs in the tent.

Ymir sat on a chair, pointed to another chair, and said to Ren, "Sit down."

After a pause, she said again: "There is a magic isolation device in the tent, no one can hear our conversation. You can tell me what you wanted to say just now."

As he said that, a hint of surprise flashed across the eyes of His Highness the Eldest Princess.

If I remember correctly, this man did not wear a gas mask from the beginning to the end. But the "poisonous mist" in this forest is so thick that high-level transcendents can't bear it. How did he do it?

However, Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess was curious for a moment, and she was not interested in asking about an unimportant matter.

"Is such that."

Ren didn't hesitate, and took out the letter directly.

There is no maid here, and no one to pass the letter, so he can only go forward and hand it to Ymir himself: "This is three months ago, a man named 'Clemens F. Metternich' The guy from the Plague Base found me and asked me to bring you a letter."

After handing over the letter, he was not polite, and sat down on the chair carelessly.

"Message delivery? Metternich?"

Although Ymir guessed that it must be a big deal for Ren to come to him here.

But she was still surprised when she saw the letter in front of her.

How could a political opponent who couldn't take the initiative to make good friends write a letter to himself?

Still using this almost "bizarre" way to bring people?

"That day, he came over with Master Kavo from the City of Glory, as if they were gambling for something."

Ren felt that it was necessary to tell Ymir about the situation of receiving the letter at that time, so that she could distinguish the authenticity of the content of the letter, so he described it in detail.

Except for the details of playing cards, the conversations of the basic few people were completely recounted.

Ymir also listened carefully out of doubt.

At first, she focused all her attention on Metternich, who gave her a very sinister impression, but when she heard that Master Kavo from Glory City had also come, she became even more curious.

There are not many people in this world who the eldest princess thinks are particularly important.

However, the two mentioned by Ryan are both.

So when she heard Renn speak, she didn't open the envelope in a hurry.

Ymir instinctively guessed again, what would be the reason for these two completely unrelated characters to meet together?

Originally, she thought that those two were the protagonists in what Rennes recounted, but after listening to it, she felt that something was wrong.

What she thought was the "central character" of the poker conversation, those two were almost the whole audience.

And this guy in front of him is the protagonist of the "Great Orator"!

What is the process of social development?

What about democracy, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law...etc.

A series of conversations made the eldest princess's scalp tingle, and the degree of shock was no less than when Master Kavo and Meret heard it at the scene!

The more they stand at the top of society, the more they can understand what a great sociological theory Contains in Ryan's "speech".

This is real "great wisdom"!

She also saw the shadow of her "New Deal" from Wren's theory on the development of civilization.

Moreover, the "ideal New Deal" she thought was just one of the links in the development of civilization?

It turns out that under this "semi-feudal and half-slavery" social system, the reforms of myself and my brother are doomed to fail?

Wave after wave of shock, Her Royal Highness, looked at Ren more and more strangely.

Her attention was drawn unconsciously, her pretty face showed a solemnity she had never seen before, and a strong desire for "knowledge" beyond cognition.

Hey. Obviously sending the letter is the key point, okay?

Ymir didn't expect that before she read the letter, Ren's phone call was like a blow to the head and she was stunned there.

For a long while, those words of Renn's words echoed in his mind like a "lingering sound", and those novel words appeared repeatedly. It's like it's engraved in my mind, and I can't get it off.

The world view was forcibly refreshed again, and Ymir's expression became very strange.

Is this guy a devil?

Why do people feel like a monster barging in every time they meet, trampling heavily on their own worldview?

always so unexpected

She felt that for a long time to come, what this guy said would echo in her mind repeatedly, even in her sleep.

At this time, Ren's narration is also coming to an end.

"I asked her at the time 'What if I can't find it', and he said, 'Then I can only blame the eldest princess for her bad luck, life is a process of gambling with fate'."

Spreading his hands, imitating Metternich's cynical tone, he finished the conversation.

He added: "This is almost the whole process. I think, Your Highness Ymir, you may need to know the situation at that time."


Ymir felt that his thoughts were messed up!

At this moment, she felt that she should sit down and think about it, pondering over the theory that shocked her just now.

But reality forced her thoughts back to reality.

Because the guy in front of him stared at his face again, and asked solemnly: "His Royal Highness, are you okay?"

Probably, I have been distracted for a long time?

Ymir slightly supported his forehead, and calmed down his thoughts.

After hearing those theories, she felt that it was time to rethink the "New Deal" she had conceived.

Turning around, she looked at Ren with a complicated expression, and asked, "Where did you learn those theories just now?"

Ren was taken aback: "What theory?"

Ymir: "Those social systems and democracy, freedom, equality... those theories."

This is not something that can be made up at will. She is sure that there is no staff around her who can reach that level of vision.

Even looking at the two empires, absolutely no one can deduce such a complete civilization development process!

Even the master Kavo, who claims to be eloquent and knowledgeable, has half the ideas, otherwise Glory City would not be able to achieve the current situation.


When Ren heard Ymir's words, he felt that his thinking was a little jumpy.

Huh. The key point of what I told you is this?

It's a letter, okay!

He didn't even think about it, and said casually: "Oh, I don't have any hobbies. I usually like to read books. If I read too many books, I like to think wildly. Don't pay attention to those words."

Ren is also not interested in blowing again.

After a pause, he forcibly switched to the main topic, and asked again: "That, Your Highness Ymir, don't you read what's in the letter?"


Hearing this, Ymir unconsciously twitched his eyes, and his eyes suddenly became very complicated.

Only then did she look at the "letter" in her hand that wasn't even sealed with wax.

Although Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess looked calm at the moment, her heart was full of passion. She felt that even if there was anything in the letter, she shouldn't be shocked.

But when she took out the letter paper and looked at it, her blue pupils suddenly shrank, and she whispered: "How is that possible!"


Ren didn't know what was written in the letter, which would make the ice-cold His Royal Highness Ymir show such a shocked expression.

But watching her eyes quickly sweeping left and right, presumably she was reading the content of the letter quickly, so she didn't bother.

After a few breaths,

After reading the whole letter, Ymir frowned.

She didn't speak, but rested her chin on her hand, as if weighing some important decision.

Ren just stood there quietly and didn't speak.

Another half hour later,

Only then did Ymir's brows loosen slowly, as if he had made a decision, he sighed softly.

"That's all."

Then, she looked at Ren in a blink of an eye, and asked again: "So, didn't Metternich tell you that I am here with divination?"


Ren nodded, and said again: "Sending the letter is just one of the things I came to find you."

After a pause, he moved on to the second topic.

"The second thing is, I want to tell you that the temple you're looking for is a 'dead place' and it's not worth the risk. So, I would like to advise Your Highness the Eldest Princess not to go."

To Ren's surprise, Ymir didn't ask him why he knew so clearly, but instead asked an inexplicable question: "Huh? Didn't you read the letter?"


Ren: "No."

Launching under conditions, he asked casually, "Is this information already written in the letter?"

Ymir suddenly felt that the conversation between himself and the guy opposite was a bit weird.

She felt that she had nothing to hide from her "allies", so she said directly: "What is written in the letter is that the five major families of Glory City and the Omar Empire have reached a secret covenant. Soon, Glory City will declare the founding of a country. And the eldest prince They are conspiring with the five major families to deal with me. If I don't respond, it is likely to bring a devastating disaster to my territory."


Ren's face froze when he heard that.

Infernal Affairs?

He instantly felt that the script was very familiar, and asked: "Is that Metternich the person Her Royal Highness arranged next to the First Prince?"


Ymir decisively shook his head in denial, with a puzzled expression on his face.

If it was really the hidden child left by her, she would not be surprised to see this letter at all.

But unfortunately, it is not!

Judging from the information she has investigated now, that Metternich is definitely "an enemy rather than a friend." Even when he was in danger many times, there was a shadow of this guy manipulating the conspiracy behind him!


When Ren heard it, he suddenly felt that his brain was not enough.

A political enemy came to send you information, leaking the other party's top secret?

What is this operation?

He instinctively wondered, "Could the information be false?"

"No, it can't be fake."

Ymir shook his head again: "The letter clearly stated some arrangements that only the five major families and Omar's high-level officials knew. Moreover, I have already obtained some clues about many of the contents above. The letter said, I have also confirmed that the information is true."

Ren was speechless.

Is it really like what that Metternich said, that he kindly wants to send Ymir a life-and-death information?

He suddenly felt that the circle of nobles was very complicated, and he couldn't understand the intrigue at all.

However, it didn't have much to do with him anyway, so he didn't think about it any more.

But after receiving this information, it is impossible for Ymir to ignore it anymore. In any case, she must personally preside over the overall situation.

She said: "If I didn't get this information, I might continue to look for the temple. But now, I have to leave the forest and make some arrangements."

When Ren heard it, he realized that it was no wonder that she had advised her not to go to the temple just now, but she asked herself "Have you read the letter?"

If he had known the content of the letter, he would have guessed that Ymir had no plans to go to any temple at all.

Compared with improving one's own strength, territory construction is more meaningful to the eldest princess.

At this time, Ymir was also curious: "Since Metternich didn't tell me to divine my location, how did you find me accurately?"

Ren said truthfully: "You are now surrounded by Coleman warriors. If you don't retreat, there will be a big battle"

Both Ymir and Coleman warriors are "allies" to him.

He didn't want to see his two powerful allies kill each other.

Moreover, besides "persuading him to leave" and "delivering a letter", he came for a more important purpose!

Ymir: "The Colemen?"

Ren: "It's the 'barbarian' in the mouth of the hunters."

"So... we are actually surrounded by barbarians now?"

Hearing this, although Ymir frowned slightly, he was not too surprised.

Once in the forest, they were ready to be attacked by barbarians at any time. But thinking about it, even if they meet, their team's strength can completely break through.

Instead, she asked curiously, "How do you know so clearly?"

Ren felt that for further in-depth cooperation in the future, it was necessary to disclose some necessary information to allies, so he said: "Because the Colemans are my friends. And the warriors in the tribe discovered your traces as early as two days ago, and then I guessed that you were here, so I came here to deliver a letter, and I advised you to leave by the way."

Ymir was very surprised: "Those barbarians didn't kill you, but regarded you as a friend?"

This is completely different from her impression: Aren't these barbarians bound to die when they meet each other?

"It's very troublesome to explain."

Ren organized his language, and said: "Simply put, I once rescued a priest of the Coleman tribe, and then became their friend. Of course. These are not important."

He felt that the process was not important, and said emphatically: "The important thing is that I think you are my 'ally'. I don't want you to take risks, and I don't want you to conflict with the warriors of the tribe. Besides, besides sending letters, I I have something more important to tell you today."

Ymir felt that his shock was about to run out, looked at Ren, and said in disbelief: "Is there something more important?"

Whether it was the previous "remarks" or the "letter", Her Royal Highness the eldest princess felt that it was an important matter that must be taken seriously.

I didn't expect this guy to say something "more important"?

Ren didn't speak in a hurry, but asked instead: "Your Highness Ymir, do you have a blank magic contract scroll in your tent?"


Ymir faintly felt that Ren was probably going to say something that would surprise her, "What do you want?"

"I think."

Speaking of this, Ren slowly exhaled a dirty breath, and said with serious eyes: "I will talk to you about a plan that may break the current 'Glory City Monopoly'!"

Speaking of this, he didn't continue talking about the sequel, but changed the topic.

"But before that, we must sign some necessary contracts. Because this is not only about my interests, but also involves the lives of many people."


Ymir didn't hesitate, and directly took out an advanced magic contract scroll.

Then he brought out the quill and the magic potion.

If there was no previous conversation, she would definitely think about it. But now, hearing the plan to "break the monopoly of Glory City", she immediately realized that this matter is not that simple.

Ren was also polite, and directly wrote down a few contracts about confidentiality and distribution on the scroll, and then signed his name.

Ymir didn't have any problems looking at it, and also signed decisively.

Ren didn't talk too much, and said straight to the point: "I looked through the map of the Coleman tribe in detail, and then found a top-secret route that can cross the Alcoron Mountains besides the 'Sounding Wind Pass'!"

If not, the opening is a blockbuster.

Even though Ymir's state of mind has long been calm, hearing this news, he was still stunned on the spot like an electric shock.


Her eyes trembled violently, and she came back to her senses after a while, and asked in an expectant and unbelievable tone: "You mean another pass?"

She is in such a difficult situation now, and she is being restrained everywhere. The root cause is that the "Xiangfeng Pass" is controlled by the people of Glory City!

If there really is another "pass", then not only her situation, but even the pattern of the two empires will be changed!


While the shock on her pretty face hadn't dissipated, Ren continued to throw the bombshell, saying: "Besides, I also got an accurate map to confirm the wreckage of the Flying Machinery City we are looking for. Near that pass!"

As he spoke, he took out the route map that he had drawn that was almost as accurate as a satellite map, and then pointed out the route he mentioned above.

At this moment, Ymir also ignored the princess's reserve, approached Ren excitedly, and looked at the map he spread on the table.

"This is the Alcoron Mountains? You."

Her slender fingers pointed to the long mountain range on the map, and her shocked body trembled slightly, "Your map is so detailed?"

Strategists can immediately tell the difference between this map and ordinary maps.

Even more accurate than their Omar military map!

Ren knew that she would be surprised, but he didn't want to let future "allies" stray into dangerous places because of the errors on the map.

He didn't explain the origin of the map, but said: "This is the 'Kalateva Basin', which is the coordinates of the wreckage of the airship I mentioned."

"Kalateva Basin?"

A completely unfamiliar place name.

Ymir has also studied the map in the relics of Baron Morin in detail long ago. Now that Renn has produced such a precise map, she can easily match the coordinates on the two maps.

She didn't feel her red lips parting slightly, and because the blood in her body was excited, her breathing became slightly rough.

She saw the strategic significance of this map at a glance!

If there is such a "pass", the most unfavorable conditions that restrict her from building the city will disappear in an instant!

Moreover, according to her previous thinking, no matter how hard she tried, she would only build a small territory that was much inferior to Glory City.

But now, she can completely follow her own ideas and create a "brand new city" that cannot be restrained by anyone!

this moment.

Ymir's heart was shocked by a huge wave, she didn't know how to calm down, and she didn't want to calm down.

She looked at Ren again, and suddenly felt that the clouds were blowing and the rain was blowing away, the future suddenly became bright, and her mood was like the sunshine after the rainstorm, which made people see endless hope.

And, it's not over yet!

Rennes also worked out a set of detailed in-depth cooperation plans.

"Moreover, I have a development plan. If it can be achieved, the new city will definitely be established quickly. However, the content of the covenant must be modified. After all, this is not only about my own interests."


"We do."





Not long after, the secret conversation between the two ended and they walked out of the tent.

Both of them had relaxed expressions on their faces.

"Your Highness Naymir, I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Well, happy cooperation."

"Be careful on the road. The tribe should send warriors to follow you out of the forest, but they have no malicious intentions."



Ymir was about to pack up the camp and head back home, and Ren didn't plan to stay any longer. The Coleman soldiers outside were still waiting for him to bring back news.

"By the way, Dr. Ryan, there is one more thing"

Before leaving, Ymir suddenly thought of something, and said to Ren: "Your teacher, Dr. Irubek, has been rescued by my people and is safe now."


Ren was overjoyed when he heard that, and the worries that had been hanging in his heart for a long time finally fell.

He looked at Ymir and sincerely thanked: "Thank you."

"Need not."

Ymir's expression was a bit complicated, "Compared to the help you provided me, I should say thank you to you."

Ren was noncommittal and smiled.

"Oh, and one more thing."

At this time, Ymir took out another long box and said, "The mechanical code you asked me last time, I got the key from the people at the Blackwater Terrace. Is this thing in my hand?" What's the use, I hope it can help you"


Ren got the key and turned around to leave without saying much.

At this time, Ymir hesitated for a moment, and rarely took the initiative to speak: "I got news that the five major families, Omar and Sid all have top experts, and it seems that they plan to invade the forest on a large scale recently. Be more and more careful yourself.”

During today's conversation, she was sure that Ren had a "big talent" and was an ally. In terms of emotion and reason, I should pay more attention to this sentence.

Ren heard: "Okay, got it."

After speaking, he followed Bazel and left the camp.

It was originally a simple care for the two before parting,

But it sounds different to other people's ears.

Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess who is as expensive as the royal family of Oma, actually took the initiative to care about a man? when? Who is eligible?

Although he didn't ask any questions, his heart became very strange.

How sharp is the high-level extraordinary perception?

Although Her Royal Highness the eldest princess still had a calm expression, her face was unusually flushed, and there was a slight reaction of shortness of breath, how could everyone not notice it?

The aftertaste is still there?


It shouldn't be possible.

They couldn't help but wonder, what happened in the tent that made this frosty princess so uncharacteristically?

The fire of gossip burned blazingly.

I am very grateful to 'Ni Lan Xuan Zhen' for the huge reward of 100,000 coins, I am flattered. The leader added 20,000 words.

Owing more ≈8.

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