Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 156 The Wheel Grinds My Face (Subscribe)

In aristocratic circles, being romantic is not a rare thing. But a [Frost Sword Fairy] Princess Princess who had never been rumored before surprised them.

Naturally, Ymir's subordinates would not gossip about her private affairs.

Even if it is guessed, no one will ask, no one dares to ask.

But if Bazel is a muscular guy in his head, he doesn't pay so much attention.

Others can see Ymir's strange expression, but he, a legend, can't see it?

Not long after he left the camp, this guy couldn't bear the raging heart of gossip, and asked in a loud voice: "I said, Boy Ren, you are not the concubine of the eldest princess, are you?"


Ren rolled his eyes when he heard it. He didn't know why Bazel would ask this question, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Where does this guy see that he has an improper relationship with Ymir?

He himself doesn't want to work hard anymore, but others have to give that chance.

"Hiss~ You can do it, kid! The majestic princess Oma, you actually took it down?"

Hearing that Ren didn't quibble, Bazel felt that he had guessed right.

Immediately afterwards, I listened to this guy's serious analysis: "I said it was strange, last time in Glory City, she will rescue you in person. What kind of prince or princess do you want to change? Your Highness the eldest princess is so caring. So you two got together a long time ago?"

This guy was originally the leader of the strange thief, and he spoke without hindrance.

Bah~ It's too vulgar!


Ryan knew that he didn't want to hear about those complicated alliance plans, and he didn't intend to tell him.

He could only explain one sentence: "She and I are just allies."


Bazel gave him a look: Do you think I believe it or not?

Don't look at this legend, he still lived more than two hundred years old.

But he's just an old joker at heart.

He winked and said, "What were you doing in the tent just now?"

Ren didn't understand why this guy had a look on his face: "Discuss things, what else can I do. You know, I sent her a letter, and then advised her not to waste time in this muddy water."

Bazel: "That's all? Nothing else?"

Ren: "Otherwise? What else can I do?"

Bazel: "Princess!"


Did a wheel hit my face just now?

Ren was dumbfounded when he heard this, and suddenly understood what was going on with that guy's cheeky smile, and couldn't laugh or cry: "Senior, your language comprehension ability needs to be improved."

Bazel said quietly: "Hehe. Do you think we werewolves are not smart enough? Or do you think we are blind?"

Now that they are familiar with each other, Ren doesn't have to be scruples about speaking, and joked: "Senior, I didn't mean to offend. But my teacher has studied the blood of werewolves in depth. From the field of biological sciences, your first half sentence is not true. bug."

Bazel: "."

The two of Ryan walked out of the "fog of war", and the "Ghost Mushroom Elder" Dale and Coleman soldiers who were waiting outside also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Doctor Lane, how are the negotiations going?"

"What do the invaders want, are we going to war now?"


Several small warrior leaders riding monsters responded immediately. As long as Renn said something wrong, they would immediately attack into the mist.

Elder Dale also came over, with a solemn expression, and asked, "Are they coming for the temple?"

Except for Ryan and the others, he couldn't trust any "invaders" who invaded their homes.

"Yes, they did come to the temple before."

Ren said directly: "Those people are also my old acquaintances. After I told them that the temple is a 'dead place', they also gave up the idea of ​​going deeper."

Elder Dale also felt a little unbelievable: "Those people gave up so easily?"

Although he felt that Dr. Renn was a friend and shouldn't be suspicious, but the other party was the top power among the invaders, so he gave up if he said he would give up?


It is not easy for Ren to explain the covenant to them for the time being, so he directly said the result: "They will leave the forest immediately and will not go further. Moreover, I also told them that the soldiers will monitor them leaving the forest. There will be problems."

"That's it"

Hearing this, Elder Dale frowned.

If the opponent does not retreat, there must be a fight. But that kind of sharp-knife-like team is difficult to grasp completely. When the time comes to fight together, even if a few invaders are killed, the clansmen will definitely suffer casualties.

War, if it is not forced to help, is not what they want at all.

But now that he's committed to leaving, that's good news.

Thinking of this, Elder Dale said to Ren: "Doctor Ren, I have caused you trouble this time. You saved our tribe from an unnecessary bloody conflict."

Ren smiled, "I'm a friend of the Coleman clan."

Elder Dale nodded, and said to the people around him: "Remove the encirclement and traps in the direction of exiting the forest. Team Gar, you are responsible for monitoring those people leaving the forest. If you find anything unusual, report back immediately."

"Yes, elder!"

With an order, the monster knights in the jungle immediately took action.

The forest where Ymir and his party exited directly as agreed.

Ren and Bazel returned to the Atrium Temple tribe with the large force of the Coleman tribe.

Although the trip back and forth was delayed for a few days, the rewards were also great.

At least, Rennes has decided to leave a way out for the Colemans.

Regardless of the fact that the individual soldiers of the Coleman tribe are extremely powerful, they still have the advantage of the right time and place in the forest. But in a really large-scale war, backward equipment and population disadvantages will make it more and more difficult for them to cope, and the war will become more and more tragic.

This war dragged on to the later stage. After those "War Elephants" and "Beamon" mechanical cities invaded the forest, the monster mounts and a small amount of artillery could not hurt the mechanical city at all.

Apart from retreating steadily, the Colemans no longer have any qualifications to fight head-on.

At that time, it will be a matter of time before the large forces of Glory City invade the Atrium Tribe.

So, as soon as he returned to the tribe, Ren went to the bamboo house again and found the great witch Ji Mafa.

In the room, there were only Ren and Mafa.

The atmosphere is a little dignified.

Although Ren brought back the key to the mechanical box that locked the Coleman sacred artifact, Mafa said that it was too late.

The seal has been broken, and the [Kuroshio] outbreak is irreversible.

But in fact, no matter when the key is found, whether the "black tide" predicted by Coleman's ancestors will break out, the situation of the Coleman tribe is now at the point of life and death.

Ever since he got the offensive movement of some large troops in Ymir, Ren deduced it in his mind, and it became more and more clear that this war would be completely declared over within a few months.

He persuaded again: "Master Wuji, this is the conclusion I have come to. At most two months, the large mechanical city will invade the depths of the forest. The artillery on the large mechanical city, regardless of range or power, They are more than ten times what our tribal fighters captured! Moreover, there are magic towers on every mechanical city, which is a magical building that allows fifth-level magicians to have 'elder-level' combat power."

"Your Colemans have done me and my companions a great favor. I don't want to see my friends suffer. The ancestors' precepts cannot be violated, and the temple must be guarded. But I don't want to see the brave warriors in the tribe use stone spears and bows Go against the steel castle, use your body to resist the artillery, and make fearless sacrifices. The will of the god Mologos is above, and I think he is not willing to see his believers being brutally killed by the enemy."

"I don't think that the strategic retreat will blame the Morogos god's will. On the contrary, this is the continuation of the fire of civilization, the belief will continue to exist, and the will of the god will never die."


Last time, Ren also persuaded him once, but Mafa didn't respond to him.

Tribal culture is very primitive, very simple, but also very stubborn.

But faith is above everything else, tribal fighters will feel that the guardian temple is more important than life.

Ren knew that the old man in front of him must understand what he said before.

After listening to Ren's narration, Mafa's old face became even more lonely.

He walked to the window of the bamboo building, looked out, and saw the clansmen in the village. Once, this place was peaceful; now, it is full of wounded, old, weak, sick and disabled.

The wise old man watched, slowly closed his eyes, and fell into deep thought.

No one spoke for a while, and the silence in the room was a little scary.

Occasionally, only a hissing sound could be heard from under the bamboo building, it was a few giant forest pythons spitting out letters.

Ren felt that it was time for him to speak. He looked at the bleak figure by the window, took a deep breath, and then let it out.

The old man decided not to retreat, and all the warriors in the tribe would fight to the death until the last drop of blood was shed.

If the old man decides to move the tribe, then the family that guards the temple. The ancestral precepts that have been upheld for generations will collapse.

One side is the ancestral instruction, and the other is the life and death of the entire ethnic group. He is the supreme leader of the tribe, and the burden of choice rests on his shoulders alone.

It will be like a mountain, with pressure that others cannot imagine.

After a long time, still no one spoke.

Ren felt that this time he might return without success again.

But at this moment,

Mafa opened his eyes and sighed slightly: "That's all."

He turned around, looked at Ren, and said slowly: "It is indeed as you said, only if the fire of the Coleman tribe continues, the will of the Morogos god will never die."

When Ren heard this, he immediately regained his spirits. The old man finally figured it out?

In fact, he had long wanted to say that since the temple is a "dead place", let those guys go to die.

But this involves the field of "faith". The Colemans absolutely allow living people to break into the temple.

He didn't dare to say this.

"Doctor Ryan, you are right. The children in the tribe are still too young. They shouldn't die for this doomed war."

At this time, Mafa was talking, but suddenly changed the topic, and said: "But the temple must be guarded. If this is the case, let us old bones take care of it."


When Ren heard this, he vaguely guessed something, and frowned again.

But looking at Mafa's serious expression, it seems that this is the final decision.

Come to think of it, he wasn't talking either.

Thanks to 'Qinglian Daoge' 1500 coins, 'Teapot Cover' 500 coins, 'Ganli Niang', 'Bookworm Hui Reading' 300 coins, 'CCC1102', 'Wumengyun Resurgence', '20191028163619372', 'Midnight Crazy' Xiao Xiaolanggou'. Thank you for your rewards, thank you.

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