Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 158 Surprise Attack! Here comes a bunch of big shots! (add more for 'one')

During the day, Ren was helping the witch doctors treat the wounded from the front line, and at night, he went to the bamboo building to learn the "ancient devil language" from Mafa.

The days went by like this.

The fighting on the front line has become more and more intense.

The large mechanical city of Glory City gradually pushed to the edge of the "Forest of Ashes", and more and more peripheral Coleman tribes were slaughtered and destroyed.

A few days ago, the blue-tailed eagle sent the latest battle report, saying that there were large armies gathering in several directions outside the forest. It seemed that the five major families of Glory City were ready for a large-scale invasion.

After hearing the news, the remaining three elders in the tribe, Coleman's first warrior Habu, "Ghost Mushroom Elder" Dale and "Fengmo Elder" Mikhail took the warriors gathered from various tribes to Went to the front line to support.

this day.

No one expected that a group of uninvited guests wearing cloaks suddenly appeared in a mountain depression less than three kilometers away from the Atrium Temple.

Looking at the number, there are hundreds of people.

Looking closely, the cloaks on them are very strange, not textiles, but woven by living plants.

What's even more bizarre is that there are not only fresh green leaves on the cloak, but also blooming small flowers of various colors. Like a chameleon, it can change the color of the cloak surface according to the surrounding environment.

It looked like this group of people wore an invisibility cloak, and they were integrated with the surrounding forest.

Suddenly, the group stopped.

An old man took a look at a "compass-shaped" magic device with complex magic inscriptions on it, and pointed out a direction.

"It's confirmed! The place where the magic marks are concentrated is three miles to the southeast, and it should also be in that valley. It seems that there should be the lair of those barbarians!"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't hide their excitement.

"Finally found it?"

"Hey, those barbarians probably didn't expect that, we will surprise their courtyard."

"It's also thanks to the strategy of the city lord Kidd, who intentionally injured some barbarians and left magic marks on them, so we can track those marks and find them here. Tsk tsk, otherwise we really have to rely on the mechanical city to push them over, and we have to wait." For several months, the cooked duck might fly away.”


Looking from a distance, one can already see the little smoke in the valley, and the black mist thicker than any other place in the forest.

Everyone was delighted.

After walking for so many days, they really found the barbarian's lair!

"The effect of the scheme is insignificant, and I dare not take credit for it."

Being praised by others, one of the leading red-robed archmages shook his head with a smile, and then said: "The 'natural cloak' of the archmage Diya is the most important, otherwise we would not be able to avoid the detection of the barbarians. Sneak quietly into the hinterland of the forest"

The red-robed archmage who spoke was obviously Kidd Miller, the head of the "Miller Family", one of the five major families in Glory City.

The group of hundreds of people behind him, under the cloak, were almost all dressed in red mage robes of different shades. This is the high-level mage group of the five major families of Glory City!

And upon hearing this,

A sinister old woman's voice rang out, echoing in everyone's ears: "It's not just those barbarians who know how to control the power of nature, our lineage of wizards also comes from nature."

As she spoke, she raised her head, showing a bitter old wolf face, and said with a sneer: "That old kid Kipling Winster got the [Fire Totem], and broke through the great magister in a single leap." Tsk tsk. I didn't expect such a good treasure to be passed down in these barbarian tribes."

It is naturally not easy to use this elder's tone to evaluate the head of the Winster family, the head of the five major families in Glory City.

Anyone here would surely recognize this talking old woman as a well-known figure.

It was none other than [Dark Witch] Dia Banella, one of the "Ten Legendary Demon Hunters".

The most powerful wizard in the field of black magic!

The old woman said, rubbing the staff with her withered hands like chicken feet.

Seeing a gust of wind blowing, the plant cloaks on the group of people immediately flourished again. After casting the spell, she said again: "I don't care what you want, that [Wood Totem], but you must give it to me as agreed."

Hearing this, the patriarch of one of the five major families readily agreed, saying, "That's natural!"

At this moment, another strong man named Kong Wu in the front of the team also said: "The [Totem of Power] I, Rocky, are also very interested. After bloodbathing the barbarian courtyard today, I hope that several city lords will assist me in besieging and killing them as promised. That divine savage named 'Hab'."

The person who said this was none other than the only master of fighting in the Omar Empire, Rocky Refar! Although it is not a legend, its combat power is not far behind.

And at this moment, a lazy voice interrupted everyone.

"Hey, hey, let's talk about the loot after fighting! I'm only interested in the super expert among the barbarians you mentioned. Let's go, my double sword is already hungry and thirsty"

And the man who spoke was out of place.

He wears a bamboo hat, long oily black hair, beard, a sloppy swordsmanship robe, and a wine gourd hanging around his waist. On his bare chest, you can see a large area of ​​pink cherry blossom tattoos.

This person is not good looking, but he is one of the "Ten Legends", the famous founder of the Sid Empire's double-knife style, the curator of the Musashi Kendo Gym, [Frost Moon Swordsman] Carlo Gracie!

In addition to the ceilings in the fields of fighting, swordsmanship, and spellcasting, there are also some "big shots" in the team that cannot be underestimated. They are all top professionals who are well-known in the two empires.

In addition to the red-robed mage group of the five major families of Glory City, although the number is not large, it is definitely a force that can destroy everything.

Seeing that the crowd could no longer hold back, Kid Miller spoke again.

"Everyone, what we promised you in Glory City will definitely be done. However, I think that in this barbarian tribe, I am afraid that not only a few inheritance totems are valuable, but also more treasures. Please do your best in a while. to go."

"Yeah, according to the information we got from soul searching, the temple of the 'Seventy-two Generals' should be in the pit not far away. We'll kill all these barbarians, Maybe there will be more rewards.”

"Let's kill it first. The temple is not a good place to come. Whether you can find the 'divine power crystal' at that time, everyone depends on their own abilities!"


Everyone briefly chatted a few words about tactical arrangements,

And at this moment, that [Black Witch] Dia suddenly let out a sigh, "Hey, we must have been discovered by that great witch festival!"

"Yo? It looks really powerful."

Hearing this, [Shuangyue Jianhao] Carlo touched the long knife at his waist, his fighting spirit became stronger and stronger, and he said with an expression that suited me: "Then don't hide it, just go straight! Barbaric The elite of the people has been restrained at the outskirts of the forest, and they will not be able to return in a short while. Kill those barbarians in the valley first!"

"Hey. I'm also very curious, what treasures can be found in the Atrium Tribe of the barbarians!"

"Do it!"


Everyone was full of fighting spirit.

At this time, Kidd was also extremely decisive, and ordered: "Corp, prepare group compound spells. The fourth-level mages sing [Burst Flame], and cooperate with the fifth-level mages [Arcana · Rockfall] to fight for the first wave of range magic. Beat those savages!"

"Yes! Lord Patriarch!"

The group of mages took off their cloaks one after another, each with a solemn expression, and began to chant magic spells.

Hundreds of people chanted in unison, and for a moment, a frighteningly huge surge of magic power rushed straight into the sky!

At the same time, the "Temple Tribe" was almost completely unaware of the arrival of the group of uninvited guests.

Ren was treating the wounds of the wounded in the stockade.

And suddenly, Bazel's figure flashed beside him, and he shouted, "Something went wrong! Let's go!"

Without waiting for Ren to react, the legend grabbed his arm and led him out of the witch doctor's hut.

Ren's mind was still thinking about Bazel's "boom", but in the blink of an eye, seeing the surrounding environment change, he had already appeared on the hillside hundreds of meters away.

"what happened"

Just as Ren was about to ask something, when he turned around, Bazel beside him looked at the sky solemnly.

Seeing this, Ren's gaze froze immediately, and his expression changed drastically!

I saw hundreds of dense hexagram magic circles suddenly appearing hundreds of meters above the sky. Half of the flames were red, half of the soil was light yellow, and the patterns became more and more clear.

Ren also understood, and exclaimed in his heart: "Someone is casting a spell!"

At this moment, the rich elements of fire and earth had condensed over the tribe, and boulders the size of water tanks were condensed out of thin air in a blink of an eye.

Then, as soon as the surrounding fire elements were wrapped, they started to burn blazingly, turning into lumps of "flaming meteors".

"Is this a group spell?"

Ren was terrified. Although it was not the first time he had seen such a large-scale spell casting, but this time, it was completely different from the corporation he saw in the plague base before!

Whether it is elemental condensation, or the casting distance and range, it cannot be compared.

The sky at this moment is like a meteorite rain falling to the earth, which is terrifying like the end of the world!

Bazel on the side also showed apprehension, squinting his eyes and following the traces of the surging magic power, he found the source of the spell, and said, "This is a group that fits the spell [Meteor Fire Rain]. On the cliff to the north, there are at least two or three hundred Human high-level magicians are collectively casting spells."

After a pause, he said in a solemn tone: "The only high-level mage group with this scale is the City of Glory!"

"Has the mage group of Glory City attacked here?"

Ren's face also changed suddenly.

Although the battle on the front line was fierce, it was definitely not to the point of being directly forced into the nest.

"Tune the tiger away from the mountain!"

As soon as he rolled his eyes, he instantly thought that this might be a trick.

The massive gathering of troops in the forest before was to attract the main force of the Coleman tribe!

However, even if this calculation is known in advance, it is still unsolvable.

After all, there is an overwhelming advantage in numbers and strength.

If the clan doesn't send people out to go guerrilla, the mechanical city will invade the forest unimpeded. At that time, the only way left is for the Colemans to concentrate their forces and fight to the death.

That is also in the arms of those guys in Glory City.

Mechanical City has never been afraid of head-to-head encounters. They are worried that the tribes are scattered, and it would be better if they can hit a decisive battle together!

Although I didn't expect that the five major families of Glory City would surprise the Atrium Tribe, and I don't know how they escaped the detection of the Coleman warriors and went deep here.

But now, it's too late to say anything!

Looking at the number of high-level magic formations in the sky, it is obvious that the high-level legal groups of the five major families in Glory City have probably all come out!

At the moment when Ren's thoughts were spinning, the burning boulders in the sky had already condensed and fell to the ground like raindrops in a blink of an eye.


The flaming boulder rubbed violently in the air, making a whistling sound that made hair stand on end.

Falling from a height of several hundred meters, gravity accelerated the fireball to a terrifying speed. They were like shells fired from their chambers. The moment they touched the ground with a huge impact, they exploded with a bang, and the debris splashed hundreds of meters, easily penetrating a foot of wood!

Boom! Boom! Boom.

It fell like raindrops, and it was so dense that it sounded like a landslide.

How can these thatched houses in the tribe block the meteors that fall that day? It was smashed to pieces in an instant.

Those high-level fighters can also dodge some with their quick reactions, or crush them.

But... this meteor shower is too dense!

In the most densely built place in the valley, a fireball fell almost every square meter, and there was no way to avoid it.

But at this moment, of the nearly 100,000 people in the tribe, 80% of them are wounded, old, weak, sick and disabled, and they can't escape at all.

The fireballs were still falling, and the howling of pain was endless.

Woo. Woo. Woo.

The horns of war in the tribe have already sounded, and the soldiers began to gather.

They formed a formation with huge shields, trying to block the fire and rain from the sky and protect their people. But the high-level fighters can still hold on, how can those low-level fighters withstand this huge force?

Moreover, these shields are all made of rough iron skin, without enchantment for shock absorption. After several rounds of boulder impacts, the warriors holding the shields were smashed to pieces, causing heavy casualties.

Ren looked at the tragic situation in front of him, but there was nothing he could do.

This kind of group coverage spell is not at the level that human beings can resist.

The background of the top mage group in Glory City is really as horrifying as rumored.

This first round of spells may directly kill or injure tens of thousands of Colemans!

And Bazel, who was beside him, set his eyes on the cliff not far away, where the magic surged the most, his expression became more and more dignified, and he said: "Boy Ren, there are many top experts here, and there are at least two legend!"

bang, bang, bang

The meteor fire rain continued to rage, and the tide of despair and panic spread throughout the tribe.

At this moment, suddenly, the wind howled.

In the stockade, a gust of evil wind blew up!

call! call! call!

The wind was so strong that it directly blew out the flames of hundreds of fireballs in the sky, and even the stone rain was blown away abruptly.

Someone shouted: "Master Wu Ji made the move!"

Ren looked intently, and on the altar not far away, a crooked figure was dancing a strange dance there.

The totem on the old man was shining brightly, and he looked up to the sky and shouted: "Where the wind!"

The voice was as deep as a demon god, echoing throughout the valley.

Ren understood it, it was the ancient devil language!

He knew that it was the witch priest begging for the power of the gods again!

Mafa knew that a powerful enemy was coming, so he immediately activated his ultimate move.

Another series of big drinks.

"Wind", "Wind", "Wind".

The evil wind was getting stronger and stronger, and finally it was so big that it directly blew away the fire and earth elements condensed in the sky!

"The damn invaders are coming, soldiers, kill them with me!"

"God Mologos will bless us! Come on, kill all the invaders!"


The Coleman warriors in the tribe also had a respite and organized. The knights whistled one after another, summoned their monster mounts, and rushed towards the cliff where the magic power was surging.

"So strong! Among the barbarians, there is such a master!"

"It should be the great witch sacrifice. Heh, that old man's level is so high!"

"I'm afraid Master Bikawo is about the same."

"Tsk tsk, there is a strange power in the perception. Otherwise, no matter how high the level is, his spells will never have such great power. That altar should be something similar to our magic tower."

"It's a pity, the masters of the barbarians are all restrained at the front line. No matter how strong the old man is today, he has to die here! I still don't believe it. His magic power alone is comparable to our hundred-member guild. Prepare the four-ring group spell [Wheel from Fire], use the wind to burn these barbarians to death."

"Hehe, that old guy is indeed very strong. If he takes care of himself, we may not be able to do anything to him. If he still wants to take care of these barbarians, he is looking for his own death!"


Those people on the cliff were also shocked by this evil wind, but that was all.

They had expected resistance for a long time, but they were not afraid at all.

How can the most proud "mage group" of Glory City be so easy to resist?

Even if the top ten legends are gathered here, they absolutely dare not touch their edge head-on.

Years of cooperation made the spellcasting of this group of red-robed mages work seamlessly. With the raising of the hand, the magic spell has been chanted, and hundreds of flame wheels the size of wheels have condensed on the cliff. In the blink of an eye, he rolled away along the cliff.

And the next moment, a weird scene appeared!

The evil wind could blow away the boulders, but it failed to blow away these light elemental fire wheels!

Under the wind, not only did it not die, but the speed became faster and faster.

The place where the steamer passed was a piece of scorched earth!

On the altar, the crooked old man was still dancing the strange sacrificial dance, and his momentum was getting higher and higher.

And behind him, a majestic phantom of a general slowly condensed, which is the god of faith of the Monkel clan "Mologos"!

Seeing this, Bazel's pupils shrank sharply, and he blurted out: "This Mafa Great Witch Festival, the 'Devil's Body' is so strong?!"

PS. Brothers, if you can support the subscription, please support it. If there is no recommendation, it depends on everyone!

Thanks to ‘leo627’ for the great rewards, I owe more +1=8; brothers, let’s have a wave of tickets~

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