Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 159 Bronze Body (for Subscription)

[Wheel of Lihuo], a four-ring esoteric-level spell, can't be scattered by the wind, and is good at facing the wind.

In the blink of an eye, more than a hundred wheel-sized fire wheels released by the mage group on the cliff became bigger and bigger, and instantly became the size of a windmill. This fire elemental wheel has a super high temperature that can split gold and crack rocks, like a cutting machine, it can easily cut trees and hay sheds in half.

If it is a single wheel, it is not difficult for the Coleman fighters to dodge. But these hundreds of fire wheels are connected together, like burning logs, everything they pass is scorched black.

On the hillside in the distance, Ren looked at the fire wheel rushing towards the place where the tribal buildings were densely packed like a flood of flames, his face became very ugly

Even at such a distance, he could feel a wave of heat rushing towards his face. It can be seen with the naked eye that the air near those steamers is even more burning, the light and shadow are distorted, and the temperature is obviously extremely high.

And just then,

On the altar, the deep voice of chanting mantras from the mouth of Mafa, the great witch priest, became more and more terrifying, and it made people's hairs burst.

The phantom of "Magic Jie" behind him gradually merged with the thin body, and a coercion as if the body of the demon god descended on the world was released from his body.

Ren couldn't understand what this meant, but felt that the pressure was so strong that people dared not look directly at it, as if there was an instinctive fear of lower creatures looking up to higher gods.

But Bazel's eyes widened, and the more complicated he looked, he said to himself: "The old man Mafa has actually understood the 'magic solution' to such an extent, the ancestors of the Coleman clan really passed on some Unbelievable stuff."

In this moment of crisis,

Suddenly there was another shout like spring thunder: "Call the rain!"

Mafa raised his head and stared at the sky suddenly, a ray of black light shot out from the eyes of the phantom of the demon god behind him.

But at this moment, the situation suddenly changed, and a thick layer of dark clouds formed in the sky in an instant.

"Call the rain", "Call the rain", "Call the rain".

The little old man Mafana danced on the altar with his staff, chanting the devil's language in his mouth.

Every time he uttered a word, the black clouds in the sky thickened. In just a few days, there was lightning and thunder in the sky, and the torrential rain had poured down.

Obviously, this is no ordinary rain!

Before the gust of evil wind had not dissipated, it swept across the air. The previously invisible wind, because of the existence of rain, makes people finally see where the wind is.

"That's... a waterspout?"

Ren was stunned, and he couldn't take his eyes off this extremely stunning fighting technique.

The wind whipped up the torrential rain, forming three water dragons in the sky, rushing towards the steamer tide not far away.

The contact of water and fire instantly extinguished the menacing wheel of fire elements.

After the impact, the waterspout surged up the hillside and slammed towards the hundreds of wizards!

The spinning waterspout continued to spin at an accelerated speed, and countless crystal raindrops shot out like celestial maidens scattered flowers.

Take a closer look, where is the raindrop falling, it is obviously "a bullet"!

Where the raindrops fell, a hole the size of a bullet was punched out of the hard rock, and in the blink of an eye, a boulder was punched into a hornet's nest full of holes.

And this is just a prelude, waiting for the waterspout to sweep past, the entire mountain top, no matter the vegetation or the rocks, will melt like a melting iceberg!

"Singing the group three-ring spell, Arcane Earth Barrier!"

On the hillside, the group of hundreds of mages did not hesitate at all.

Watching the wind and rain hit, each of them did not support themselves with magic shields at all, but quickly condensed elemental magic, condensing a layer of earth element barriers shining with crystal luster on the top of everyone's heads.

This fit is seamless.

"This old man is a bit fierce. The altar must be a treasure like a holy weapon, otherwise it would be impossible to make him so powerful."

"Indeed! This celestial-level compound spell can be overridden by one person. This barbarian's inheritance is indeed extraordinary. Everyone, work harder and kill this old man, and those barbarians will no longer be a threat."

"Hmph! A barbarian can have the blessing of a magic weapon, but we really don't have one?"

And the patriarchs of the five major families in Glory City saw the waterspout coming fiercely, and they didn't hold back anymore, and took out the belongings of the clan one by one.

The "City of Glory" has opened up wasteland in the Alcoron Mountains for decades, but how few treasures have been obtained from various ruins?

[Moon Crown Scepter], [Great Elemental Ring], [Fire Spirit Pendant], [Saint Storm Hammer]. Each of them is a well-known ancient "magic holy weapon".

As soon as these magic tools were released, the aura of the several patriarchs skyrocketed again.

Against spellcasters, melee threats are deadlier.

At this moment, Carlo, the "Frost Moon Swordsman" of the "Top Ten Legends", squinted his eyes, and the sword momentum accumulated on his body was surging to the extreme.

He squinted his eyes at the old man on the altar in the distance, and said, "If you don't kill that guy immediately, it will be very troublesome. You losers restrain the barbarian, I'm going!"

As he said that, he didn't turn his head back, and his figure had already rushed down the hillside.

But at this time, those Coleman monster knights had already charged up the hillside and bumped into him head-on.

"Kengcha", only hearing the sound of a sword being drawn out of its sheath, and in a blink of an eye, the Coleman warrior who rushed over was chopped into two pieces with a single sword.

In his hands are a pair of white and green swords, which are the famous weapons [Frost Flower] and [Green Ghost]!

(Note: A single-edged sword can be called a sword or a knife.)

In Carlo's eyes, there was no one else, only the crooked old man on the altar.

When he swings the knife, there will be blood, and everything in front of him will be cut in two!

In terms of fighting spirit, the great fighting master Rocky Refar on the side is no weaker than this swordsman.

He watched Carlo rush out, and his face was also not to be outdone, "Hey, that guy Carlo can't steal the limelight by himself! It's rare to be able to fight against such a master a few times in this life."

While speaking, I heard a "click" and "click" sound from the bones all over my body.

But seeing the muscles all over his body throbbing and knotted like a dragon, his body suddenly grew two feet tall. The sound of the brocade robe being torn was heard endlessly, and it was torn apart with a loud bang. In a blink of an eye, the energy and blood were filled to the extreme, and he became a muscular man like a bull.

Then he just left his upper body naked, facing the raindrops cut like a knife, and rushed away.

After the two of them, the high-level professionals who followed the mage group rushed towards the barbarian warriors rushing up the hill without any delay.

It was a tragic battle for a while.

"These two guys are here too."

Bazel looked at the swordsmen and fighters rushing down from the mountain, with a serious expression on his face.

One is a legendary swordsman who is as famous as him, and the other is a half-step legendary fighting master. No matter who these two were, it was not easy for him to deal with them. It is not easy to really decide the outcome.

Now there are no elders in the tribe, and there are not many people who can deal with this level of masters.

It's not that Bazel is unwilling to make a move, but he knows that even if he makes a move, it won't change anything.

Because although this battle was a surprise attack, the ending was already doomed.

Whenever the time comes, these Colemen will shed their last drop of blood to protect the temple.

Whenever the great witch priest Mafa has the slightest idea of ​​retreating, Bazel will step forward to help. If you unite the warriors in the tribe and fight and retreat, at least some people will survive.

But if it's a deadly battle, even if Bazel helps, it won't be able to change the ending of the annihilation of the whole army, but will involve himself in it.

However, even so, he intends to look for opportunities to see if he can give the Colemans a chance to win!

And at this time,

The swordsman and the master of fighting had already crossed the entire village at an extremely fast speed, and no one could stop these two top transcendents who were heading towards the altar!

But at this moment, the High Priest Mafa on the altar didn't seem to notice it at all, nor did he have the slightest intention to back down.

His thin body seemed to fall down in this precarious wind and rain at any time.

Seeing this, Ren exclaimed in his heart: "Be careful!"

There is no bells and whistles in the contest between top experts.

Just when the eyes of others were too late to follow, the swordsman Carlo drew another sword from his waist, and he already had two swords in his hands!

The speed has already reached the extreme that is difficult to catch with the naked eye.

Ren just looked at the man who was still on the hillside just now, and in the blink of an eye, the guy had already slashed at Mafa who was a knife away.

Even though Ren didn't know the way of swordsmanship, he still recognized this move. It was the ultimate ultimate move in the way of swordsmanship.

The two cold blades, one green and one white, seemed to split the air, wrapped in a thick white sword energy, and killed both with one sword.

If these two knives were cut down, the hill would probably be split in half.

It wasn't just Ren who saw it, but everyone in the tribe broke into a cold sweat for Mafa.

The old man didn't seem to notice it at all, even though the pair of knives were slashed in front of his forehead, he didn't seem to dodge at all, nor did he have the slightest intention to stop casting spells.

Everyone understands that Mafa is overriding the wind and rain at the moment, so where can he be distracted?

The swordsman was also sure of this point, so he chose to attack and kill at close range.

And at this critical moment,

Suddenly, the old man moved!

There was no wave in Mafa's eyes, and he raised his hand directly to block in front of him, looking like he was planning to use two tough knives with that flesh and blood!

Bazel was the first to see this response, but he also exclaimed at the same time: "How is it possible!"

Even a warrior in heavy armor would not dare to take these two sabers. How could this old man be so arrogant?

Is it too late to react?

Obviously, no!

Ren's perception was much weaker, and he couldn't catch that thrilling moment. When he saw the sword hero draw out his sword, the blade had already touched Mafa's arm.

And at the moment of this touch, there was a "crack" metal touch sound.

It seemed that these two knives were not aimed at the flesh and blood, but at an indestructible lump of gold.

"King Kong is undefeated!"

Ren was a little dazed, this move looked like the [Abstruse King Kong] in their fighter sequence!

But even with that move of body protection, no one dared to resist the slash of a legendary swordsman with flesh and blood!

However, this pair of saber cuts was useless.

Taking a closer look, at this moment, Mafa's dark complexion, which was originally like that of flesh, suddenly shone with a bronze-colored metallic luster. That thin body didn't show any trace of flesh and blood, it looked like a bronze body, even the eyes were full of metallic luster.

And just after Mafa calmly blocked the double-sword slash, the heavy fist of the master of fighting, Rocky Rafael, just hit, and the straight fist of Bending Mountain made explosive sounds in the air again and again.

Renn understood this trick, the six-style esoteric method of fighting [Cannon Fist]!

This punch accumulated the strength that the great master had accumulated during the time when he rushed down from the mountain. With one punch, it was like a cannon fired, unstoppable!

And seeing this menacing punch, Mafa also did not dodge or evade.

But seeing him holding the staff in one hand, after parrying the double knives, he squeezed his fist violently, turned around and punched, without any fancy, and went straight to hit the attacking fist head-on.


When the two fists touched, the violent fist wind shock wave exploded centered on the altar, flying sand and rocks.

It's like two artillery guns fired at each other, and only the strong wins.

The great fighting master flew out with a bang, flying out with a mouthful of blood!

Under the rigidity, the two sides bear the same strength, and Mafa is obviously not easy. He took a few steps back, stepped on the altar, and finally poked a spider web-like crack on the stone plate with the sole of his foot, and then stopped. Did not fall off the altar.

With his own power, the Great Witch of Mafa defeated the 100-man guild, and even withstood a melee attack from a legendary combat force. Although this time, touching both sides didn't seem to bring any benefits, but this time, blocking a punch was enough. Shocked!

Not to mention the position, but the excitement of this top-level extraordinary battle is definitely an eye-opener.

Ren's eyes were full of splendor: "It turns out that the high priest of Mafa is so powerful."

He thought that Mafa's skinny and skinny body didn't have the slightest melee ability at all, but it turned out that not only did it have it, but it was also ridiculously strong!

Received the legendary sword slash with bare hands, and even gave back the [Cannon Fist] of the fighting master, how strong is the golden body?

Bazel was also taken aback, his eyes were full of disbelief: "This is a dual practice of magic and martial arts, Mafa is really a freak!"

He originally thought that this Mafa would surpass the control of the sky and fight with the hundred-member legal group, and he would not have the energy to deal with these two close-up surprise attack guys, and the defeat should be a matter of seconds.

Unexpectedly, this is the result.

There is a specialization in the art industry. In theory, the legal system should be crispy.

The more powerful the caster sequence, the more vulnerable it is!

This is determined by the Transcendent Sequence. When the spellcasters chose the awakening of the genetic potion, they chose a high burst of extreme legal damage, so they must give up some things, such as the power of the body.

But this Mafa, witchcraft and physical skills are all so strong that it is unimaginable

Thanks to 'Qinglian Daoge' for 5,000 coins, 'Yue Duzui 2' for 5,000 coins, 'leo627' for 1,500, 'CCC1102', '20170105033405640'. Thank you for your big rewards, happy~

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