Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 160 The Kuroshio Eruption (Subscribe)


Under the head-on encounter, the swordsman Carlo didn't get any advantage, and he didn't dare to make any more entanglements. His body suddenly retreated tens of meters, avoiding Mafa's punch made of steel and iron.

He looked at the two swords in his hand again, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Because the slashing of the bronze and gold body just now failed, the blade trembled slightly, and he was crying sadly.

"It's really a worthwhile trip"

Seeing his blow being blocked so calmly, the legendary demon hunter not only didn't have the slightest intention of retreating, but the fighting spirit in his eyes became more and more intense, and he murmured to himself: "Tsk tsk. Finally, I can do it happily and happily!" It's a battle!"

And at this moment, that great fighting master, Rocky Refar, also flew upside down. After smashing a big tree, he spewed out several mouthfuls of turbid blood, and then rushed the blood into his body. The strange power is eliminated.

After he spurted out a mouthful of stuffy blood, a sinister smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth: "This barbarian old man's bones are really strong enough. However, if he resists my punch, I'm afraid it will hurt a lot."

After a pause, he looked at the skinny old man on the altar, "Carol, have you noticed that the old man seems unable to leave the altar?"

The swordsman Carlo obviously also noticed this, and said coldly: "Then force him out!"

As soon as the words fell, the legendary man's fighting spirit soared, and he suddenly activated the state of magic solution.

"Magic solution, Garuda!"

In another moment, he saw a phantom of a demon god with a harpy body and a human face appearing behind him.

It is the god [Feather God] Garuda who ranks the 61st among the seventy-two gods!

In a blink of an eye, Carlo's aura soared several times.

Taking a closer look, a layer of hoarfrost had condensed on the famous [Frost Flower] sword in his left hand, while the [Green Ghost] in his right hand was lingering with a light blue cold light

The sword light overflowed by a foot, and the state was already at its peak.

But seeing his two swords in a cross state, he slammed forward in a charged slash, and whispered softly: "Ghost Song·Great Cross Glory!"

"Hehe, you actually forced you to use this trick in person?!"

Looking at the stance of the move, Rocky Refar on the side was not to be outdone, his whole body was full of fighting spirit, and his muscles were more like steel, overflowing with black streamer.

He slammed his feet on the ground, and there was a "pop" in the air, and the figure had disappeared in place.

On the altar, Mafa's whole body was shining with bronze and gold, showing no fear at all.

Facing the surprise attack of two powerful men, he holds a magic staff in his left hand to control the sky and the wind and cloud, and two top strong men of hard steel with one arm in his right hand. Take the sword blade with bare hands, the bronze and gold body resists punching wounds,

Fists and feet touch each other, ringing like a bell.

For a moment, the wind howled on the ring, and the sword touched the golden body, and the flames splashed everywhere.

But no one noticed that every time there was a crack in the altar under Mafa's feet, the black air in the pit not far away became more intense.

The Great Witch Ji Mafa was like a demon god descending from the sky, withstood the attacks of the two top supernatural beings with his own strength. This also brought some respite to the warriors in the tribe.

Not long after, the melodious sound of ocarinas sounded in the tribe, and under those thatched sheds, snakes, rats and ants in the caves came out one after another, rushing towards the enemies on the hillside.

Flower snake, red-tailed centipede, scorpion, poison frog, boa constrictor

The Colemans have the custom of raising these insects and snakes, and now they are all over the mountains and plains, making people's scalps tingle.

And the hair group on the cliff was not afraid at all, and all the spells were chanted again, and through the sky full of wind and rain, the torrential flood fell from the sky!

The high-level spells of earth, wood, wind, fire, thunder, and electricity exploded like fireworks, and the high-level magic group swept everything with an invincible posture.

At the time of life and death, even those Coleman wounded who were unable to fight did not give up resistance at this moment, but knelt down towards the altar defense line and prayed devoutly.

"The great god Mologos, bless my people"

With the support of the will of tens of thousands of people, everyone can see that the luster on the great witch Ji Mafa's body is getting brighter and brighter with the naked eye.

At this moment, even the most stupid people can see that the reason why Mafa is so strong must be blessed by some mysterious power!

But Bazel saw some tricks, and said in surprise: "This is...the secret method of belief? Impossible. Then the 'God Mologos' really still exists?"

Ren finally believed what Mafa said, "God's will is still there".

As far as his combat strength is now, he is still a mortal, not the power of a demon god, so it's strange!

And just then,

The momentum of Mafa's whole body has gathered to the extreme.

After "calling the wind" and "calling the rain".

Above the clouds, there seemed to be countless thunder snakes shining.

The High Priest Coleman seemed to have a faint feeling. He glanced in the direction of Ryan Bazel and shouted loudly: "Thunder!"

These words obviously imply something!

He's going to do his best!

"Tianlei", "Tianlei", "Tianlei".

Immediately after the mantra came out, the purple thunder and lightning in the sky became more and more violent, and the brilliant sky thunder actually condensed into a huge thunder snake with a length of one thousand meters, and it was about to fall from the sky in the next moment

"Boy Ren, let's go, the old man is ready to fight to the death."

Seeing this scene, Bazel also sighed.

On the battlefield, the high-ranking strongmen kill the low-ranking like nothing, and the hundreds of high-ranking guilds are like sharp knives, piercing the Zhongting tribe with holes all over, but no one can do anything to them.

In the current situation, the high-end combat power of the five major families of Glory City is definitely not something that can be stopped by the Coleman Grand Witch Festival alone. In the end, it may be a lose-lose situation for both sides, but the Coleman family must be wiped out.


Ren didn't speak anymore, and didn't watch the fighting in the tribe any more.

He silently followed Bazel and left quickly.

This was the plan that Mafa had told him at the beginning. Sooner or later, they would shed the last drop of blood in order to protect the temple.

Probably, it is today.

Dark clouds overwhelmed the city on the canyon where the temple tribe was located, and purple thunder and lightning poured down, crackling. High-level spells and powerful ultimate moves emerged one after another, and the battle between the two sides had reached its most intense time.

But no one noticed that with the retreat of time, the fierce battle impact had already cracked the white stone altar under Mafa's feet, and the black air in the tiankeng was getting worse and worse. full-bodied.

on the other hand.

Ren followed Bazel through the forest quickly, and they planned to go south to join Mr. Toust and the others.

The speed of the two was not slow, and in a blink of an eye they were already in the col a kilometer or two away.

But suddenly,

Bazel frowned, stopped, and asked, "Boy Ren, do you feel that the ground has become higher?"


It was only then that Ren realized that there was something wrong with this statement.

He has been on this road before, and it is obviously a flat road, why does it feel like climbing a hill now?

Although the angle was still unknown for the time being, the two supernatural beings with sensitive perceptions could tell it right away.

Then, as they talked, they discovered to their horror that not only was the slope going up, but the slope was getting bigger and bigger!

The tremor under the feet is also getting stronger and stronger, making people faintly unsteady.

Ren: "What's going on, an earthquake?"

In his mind, even if there was a fight over there, it would not be possible to affect so far, and only natural disasters such as earthquakes could cause such an exaggerated change in terrain.

"It doesn't seem like an earthquake."

Bazel's face was also full of doubts, and he was a little confused when he saw such a strange situation.

Walking well, the ground actually tilted up?

And in just three or two seconds, the inclination angle of the ground has risen from more than ten degrees to the current forty or fifty degrees.

Ren faintly felt that something was wrong, because the ground was not partially inclined, but the angles of all the ground that could be seen in the surrounding area were rising at the same time, as if they were about to stand upright and close in the middle.

The birds and beasts in the forest are the most sensitive to these anomalies. The moment Ren and Bazel just stopped to observe, they suddenly saw all kinds of birds in the forest fluttering towards the sky.

chirp chirp chirp

It was densely packed without knowing the number, as if something terrible was about to come.

Although he didn't expect what happened, Bazel's face changed suddenly: "There may be a big problem, let's get out of here!"

But it's too late!

At this moment, there was a sudden explosion like a volcanic eruption, deafening and deafening.

The eyes of the two of Renn were naturally attracted by the explosion, and they were in the direction of the "Eye of Hell"!

Take a closer look,

In the distance behind him, like a volcanic eruption, a puff of black air rose into the sky.

That black air is not like the usual thin black veil, but a kind of turbid viscous like asphalt that can be seen with the naked eye. In a blink of an eye, the black air spread like a tide, covering the sky and the sun in an instant.

The light between the sky and the earth dimmed in an instant, as if night had fallen.

Although puzzled, the two of them didn't stop.

While running, Bazel asked, "Why did the black air in that pit explode?"

When Ren saw this scene, a terrifying thought suddenly flashed in his mind, and he blurted out: "[The Kuroshio] broke out!"

Mafa said that the outbreak of the "black tide" was inevitable, and Renn had already been mentally prepared.

He had guessed before that since the prophecy handed down by the Coleman family said that the "black tide" was related to the seal of the "Eye of Hell", even if there was any movement, it was most likely related to the sinkhole black hole.

Looking at the inexplicable amount of black gas that spewed out of the pit that day, it is most likely that the Kuroshio erupted.

"What the hell is the Kuroshio?"

Ren had some bad premonition in his heart.

If he guessed it right, this is a sign of the outbreak of the [Kuroshio].

Does that mean the prophecy has come true?

So what kind of "great terror" is about to come to the world, is it coming?

What exactly is the "Great Terror"?

But what happened to the turbulence on the ground?

Is it because a large amount of black air rushes out and the negative pressure in the ground causes the local ground to collapse and deform?


Bazel's perception was much stronger than that of Rennes, and his deadly sense of crisis made him ignore anything, so he pulled Rennes and fled in the direction of the black air.

But it's still too late!

A more terrifying scene happened before him.

The ground, which was slightly angled just now, suddenly became more and more inclined, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

At first, the two felt like they were climbing a slope, but after a few breaths, they felt like they were climbing vertically.

They found that the ground that was supposed to be flat was erected at 90 degrees, and this degree is still expanding!

"Damn! This forest, his mother is a living thing!"

Bazel seemed to sense something, and the legend who had lived for more than two hundred years was also frightened to death.

He who had already turned into a werewolf cursed angrily, and his speed was already extremely fast. Even with the oil bottle of Renn, his figure was as fast as a shadow, spraying fast on the big tree trunks that were already 90 degrees perpendicular to the "rock wall".

"Living creature? My f*cking forest isn't a huge flytrap, is it?"

Ren finally understood, his face pale.

Although his field of vision was limited by the fog, he also saw that with the tiankeng as the center, the ground with a radius of tens of kilometers was erected, completely like a "Flytrap" hunting for prey!

But the great witch, Mafa, never said anything about it. Apparently, the Colemans didn't know there was such a big guy underground.

Things kept falling from the "sky", stones, leaves, and all kinds of monsters with panicked expressions.

Now, except for the birds on the edge of the forest that flew out, no one could escape without wings!

And Bazel's speed was also extremely fast, and he was about to rush to the edge of the high wall, but at this moment, countless spikes appeared in the forest, densely packed, like a mouthful of teeth, slowly closing together

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