Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 167 Canossa's Extreme Combat Power

"They're all dead."

Kanosha glanced indifferently, but didn't find any vitality in these "people", so she made a conclusion.

There were hundreds of people under the steps of the altar.

Probably because the temple is sealed, these bones are still well preserved. Moreover, judging by their attire, these hundreds of people were not even from the same era.

But their postures were all uniform, facing the huge statue not far away, prostrating and prostrating devoutly.

Ren guessed: "This should be a follower of the Morogos general."


Hearing this statement, Kanosha also nodded.

This temple, if you don't know "Munkel's ancient language", you can't get in at all. What's more, judging by the appearance of these people, they must be believers.

And just then,

It was probably because the two of Renn walked in and generated some air currents. Suddenly, the bones closest to them collapsed, and in a blink of an eye they turned into tiny parts and dissipated in the air.

Although both of them were taken aback by the vision, they were relieved to see that there was no danger after watching for a while.

Kanosha's eyes didn't linger on the bones of the believers written here, but looked at the huge stone statue above the steps.

This distance is enough to have a panoramic view of everything on the altar. At this moment, she saw something and exclaimed: "That is."

At this moment, Ren saw her clenched fists and her delicate body trembling slightly, obviously extremely excited. This lady, who has always been gentle and gentle, suddenly became emotional as if she was boiling. What did she see?

"Divine power crystallization!"

Canossa finally exclaimed.

Isn't that why you took such a big risk to come to "Forest of Ashes"? !

Now that the legendary crystallization of divine power is in front of her eyes, how can she not be excited.

"Ah? Really?"

Ren's eyesight was far inferior to that of Canossa, and he looked intently after hearing her exclamation.

The most eye-catching is of course the huge stone statue, about a hundred meters high, wearing a battle helmet, wearing simple armor, and the arms are full of muscles, which looks like a burst of strength.

It is carved in stone with moiré stone feet, a spear in one hand, and a three-headed python with its bloody mouth biting ferociously in the other.

Ren has heard of this mythical story from the Coleman tribe. It is the story of the god Mologos subduing the three-headed snake "Banderas" and saving the believers from danger.

And in front of this giant statue, there is an altar, on which a bloody crystal nucleus the size of a fist is shining.

Legend has it that the ancient demon god would give his most devout believers his own "divine power crystallization" to help them comprehend the power of laws beyond mortals.

Kanosha was naturally so excited when she saw this blood-colored crystal.

Ryan still can't understand how mysterious this thing is, but in Bazel's words, this is a treasure that even the "Ten Legends" would risk their lives for!

And around the statue, there are eight finely carved stone pillars with a diameter of about two meters, and eight "gargoyles" squatting on the stone pillars.

It was a hell monster in myths and legends, naked like a vampire, with muscular and well-developed muscles. And behind them are huge bat-like fleshy wings, and a pair of small devilish horns on their foreheads.

They are not living beings. According to legend, they are alchemy products created by high demons to guard tombs or temples.

Moreover, not only the crystal, but also an ivory bone spear floating in mid-air on the altar!

Ren glanced at the crystal, then set his eyes on the bone spear, and then compared the posture of the god statue, he couldn't help being curious: "Could it be that the bone spear is the artifact used by the god general Mologos?"

And Kanosha's eyes naturally fell on the bloody crystal nucleus, and she couldn't move anymore.

But out of caution, she didn't immediately step up the steps.

Because, both of them discovered that none of the bones crawling on the ground stepped up the steps. I don't know if it was because of the awe of the gods or some special rules.

But the two turned around again, but found nothing unusual.

The blood-colored crystal was quietly placed on the altar, as if it was within easy reach.

If you want to get it, you have to step up the steps. Even if it is dangerous, you must try.

But Ren always felt that there was something wrong with this temple, but he couldn't tell, so he reminded cautiously: "Mrs. Canossa, be careful. I think there is something weird here."


Canossa naturally didn't dare to be careless, and nodded with a frown.

But having come to this point, she naturally cannot turn back.

"My family has been looking for this divine power crystal of the 'Mologos God' for hundreds of years, and now I have finally come across one. Even if I risk my life, I will not give up."

She changed her contemptuous expression before, and said this sentence with a serious expression.

Turning around, she said to Ren again: "Doctor Ren, go to the gate of the temple. In case of accident, you can run away by yourself, I don't want to hurt you."


When Ren heard this, he also knew that she had made up her mind and couldn't say anything more.

But he didn't expect that this lady, who was clearly a wealthy businessman, would be so persistent in the path of transcendence. Knowing that she had been in the pit for two months before, Ren guessed that she would never give up, even if her life was in danger.

That kind of persistence obviously has another story.

Although Ren doesn't know how strong Canossa is, but as far as she said she said before, she has already practiced the [Very Demonic God] secret method to the "spiritual level", so it can be speculated that she will definitely not be weak.

Before leaving the money, he said one last sentence: "Mrs. Canossa, if you have any problems, you can withdraw and make a long-term plan."

Kanosha nodded lightly: "Okay."

Ren didn't say any more, and withdrew.

But he didn't go far, but stood outside the bronze gate, where he could advance or retreat, and he had a choice if something happened.

Because a few magic light sources were placed in the temple before, it is no longer dark in the past.

Ren watched the delicate figure step up the steps decisively.

Afraid of touching the mechanism, she didn't dare to go too fast, and tried to step up step by step.

But at this moment, several pairs of red eyes suddenly appeared in the darkness!

Sure enough, the expected crisis appeared.

"not good!"

Ren saw it clearly. It was amazing that the eight gargoyles guarding the statue had come back to life!

"The legend is actually true?"

Ren's eyes trembled violently. He really thought that those things were dead stone carvings, but he didn't think they were actually living things.

And at this moment, it was obvious that Kanosha had already noticed this. In a split second, she planned to quickly grab the "divine power crystal" and leave the altar.

At this moment, the foot accelerated, and the figure turned into a phantom and flashed past.


The same black shadow was faster than her!

The gargoyle flapped its wings and flew so fast that no shadow could catch it, it pressed Canossa, who was as fast as a flash of light, to the ground with one claw!

With a "boom", one person and one monster fell heavily to the ground.

Ren watched Canossa being knocked down to the ground as soon as they met each other, and worried for her: "What a speed! According to legend, the gargoyle has an amazing speed, and its alchemy body is invulnerable to swords and swords, and can fly. This It's hard to deal with."

Moreover, this is just a gargoyle, and there are seven heads on it!

But obviously, Kanosha dared to explore the dungeon ruins alone for several months, and she still hadn't died, so she must have the strength to save her life.

The moment she was stopped by the gargoyle, Ren suddenly saw her fighting spirit burst out, and a burst of dazzling golden light illuminated most of the temple, like a big sun, scorching and dazzling.

Ren's eyes widened, and his heart was shocked again and again: "She actually has such a strong fighting spirit!"

This was the first time he saw Kanosha's fighting spirit overflowing, and it was also the first time he saw such a thick fighting spirit. It was stronger than the fighting spirit of any fifth-order powerhouse he had seen before!

Looking at it again, Kanosha's whole body after the outbreak of fighting spirit was like pouring golden lacquer, and every inch of skin exposed outside the cheongsam shone with golden and metallic luster.

"Sure enough! It turns out that this golden body is the 'Shen Gang Realm' of the secret method of [Vigorous Demon God]!"

Ren looked at Canossa's golden body, saw Mafa's bronze golden body before comparing, and immediately matched the number.

He never thought that such a delicate woman would actually take the extraordinary route of violence and hand-to-hand combat, and her rank was extremely high.

But seeing her golden body come out, Ren also breathed a sigh of relief. Although Kanosha's skin color is not as dark as Mafa's bronze body, at least it is definitely not something that can be hurt by ordinary fifth-order.

And at this moment, the gargoyle also attacked again, and one person and one monster fought fiercely together in an instant.

"Keng", "Keng", "Keng".

It didn't sound like the muffled sound of a physical body hammering, but it sounded like the clashing sound of two pure metal statues touching. Ren could only feel his eardrums quivering violently.

Under head-to-head encounters, Kanosha was not afraid at all, nor did she lose the wind.

But gargoyles cannot be killed!

Unless you have the ability to smash it, it is impossible to kill it!

Moreover, not one gargoyle, but eight!

Just at this moment, after watching a gargoyle do nothing to "invade", three more flew down from the stone pillar.

The situation instantly became one against four.

Although Kanosha still didn't lose the wind, it was obviously struggling.

There are still four monsters above her head, so she has no chance to get the "divine power crystal" in this way!

When Kanosha touched it, she obviously understood that as long as these iron and non-iron alchemy monsters could not be smashed, they would continue to attack them tirelessly.

In the end, after his battle energy is exhausted, he will definitely fall into danger.

With this second thought, she wanted to withdraw first.

But at this moment, two more gargoyles flew down.

This altar is easy to go up, but not easy to go down!

The six monsters completely blocked Kanosha's retreat, and did not give her any chance to go down to the altar!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ren finally realized how exaggerated Kanossa's combat power was.

But it didn't work either!

No one expected that the situation would take a turn for the worse, and it would become such a dangerous situation in a blink of an eye, and there was no chance for anyone to react.

The combat power of each of these gargoyles is not weaker than that of the top five extraordinary, the key point is that they are still immortal and tireless at all.

This kind of enemy, even if the "Ten Legends" come, they will probably be consumed alive!

The situation was at the moment of life and death. In a battle of six, no matter how fast Kanosha reacted, it was impossible to completely evade the attack.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom.

Punch after punch sounded like a bell, echoing throughout the entire temple.

Although those gargoyles couldn't break her golden body, the heavy punches on her body still caused her golden fighting spirit armor to vibrate violently.

She knew that if she endured it, she would definitely die!

And at this moment, Kanosha was also extremely decisive, she gave a coquettish shout, and suddenly the golden fighting energy all over her body doubled again, and when she looked closely, there was still traces of blood-colored steam mixed in the golden fighting energy.

After she got angry, Kanosha's power surged again, and the gargoyle, who had been fighting indistinguishably before, was able to fly tens of meters backwards with one punch and one kick!

"Is this a desperate secret?"

Ren can't see that Kanosha's sudden surge in strength has something to do with the red steam!

Even from such a distance, he could smell the strong smell of blood very clearly!


The gargoyle that was knocked into the air quickly stood up again, its speed, strength, and defense were the same as before, intact!

And at this time, it was clear that Kanosha also felt that there was nothing she could do. She hadn't smashed the gargoyle after she got angry, and she would definitely die if she continued to consume it.

Then she knocked away several gargoyles blocking the way one after another, and was about to rush out towards the bronze door.

Ren naturally saw it clearly, and Sa Yazi was about to evacuate.

But at this moment, a desperate scene appeared

Hearing a "click" sound, the huge bronze door was slowly closed!

Ren secretly said badly, he knew that if the door was closed, Canossa inside would definitely die!

And at this time, without hesitation, he uttered the prayer to open the door again in the ancient Monkel language.

But it didn't stop the bronze door from closing in the slightest.


Closing the door was several times faster than opening the door, and the huge bronze door closed again in a blink of an eye, tightly fitting, isolating everything in the temple, and making no one hear the slightest movement!

"Damn! Why did this door close suddenly!"

Ren tried many times, but the bronze door seemed to be locked with a password, and the original "password" suddenly became invalid.

what to do?

Ren's eyes flickered, and his brows were also furrowed.

Although I am safe for the time being, but now that the bronze door is closed, Kanosha inside cannot escape, and will surely die

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