Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 168 If I'm Here, You Can't Die! (Add more updates for the lord 'Ni Lanxuan Zh

"No, I have to find a way to open this bronze door."

Due to emotion and reason, Renn didn't want to see Kanosha die behind the bronze door in front of his eyes.

He quickly looked for clues on the bronze door, and then suddenly thought of something, and directly issued a task to the brain program.

[Smart brain! Search for clues that can open this door.]

A moment later, the system sent information feedback.

【Ding! After the detection is completed, the password password is 99%, and the other 1% system automatically searches for relevant matching passwords]

【Ding! The passwords are as follows: 'The Great Morogos is above.' 95%, 'The Sublime XXX' 83%, 'My Lord is above.' 71%]

【Ding! .】

The response speed of the intellectual brain is extremely fast, and in almost a second, it sorts out all the "passwords" that may be used to open the door in all the Monkel civilizations that Ren has come into contact with in order of possibility.

There are tens of thousands of possibilities here and there, and various increasingly complex "passwords" are still being derived.

Ren didn't delay at all, he just stood at the bronze door and started, trying again and again!

no response!

no response!

Still no response!

As the number of failed attempts increased, the cold sweat on his forehead became denser.

The system will automatically select the optimal sort, which means that the previous "passwords" are not correct, and the probability of being correct later will become smaller and smaller.

"No, there must be something wrong in some link. If this continues, the door will never be opened!"

While he was mechanically reading the words and sentences on the retina in "Munkel's ancient language", his mind was running rapidly.

"Don't worry, think calmly."

"Since the system has determined that there is a 99% chance that it is a password, then the method is probably correct."

"But the door is not opened now, which means that something went wrong"

"The system's intelligently arranged 'passwords' will not make mistakes. If the door is not opened, it is either due to other reasons, or something that exceeds the computing power of the system."


At this moment, he analyzed and ruled out all possibilities one by one in his mind.

Suddenly, he thought of something!

"By the way, things that are not captured by the system!"

Suddenly something popped up in Ren's mind.

Regardless of patterns, characters, or others, the "intelligent brain" can automatically recognize it, but it cannot understand "meaning"!

"Mean? Password?"

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Ren's mind, "That's right. The ancient devil's language!"

Thinking of this, he stopped without hesitation.

Clearing his throat, Ren stopped reciting the door-opening password in Monkel's ancient language, but changed to a low-frequency hoarse voice and recited the "password" from the beginning.

The "ancient demon language" was used impressively!

As soon as the first password was issued, the familiar sound of gears and clockwork sounded again, and the huge bronze door slowly opened a gap!

Ren was overjoyed: "It's done!"

For example, the "administrator password" of a computer has higher authority than the general "user password", and the ancient devil language obviously has higher authority!

He also understood that Kanosha must have triggered some special prohibition by stepping on the steps of the altar, which caused the previous "password" to become invalid.

Before he had time to think about it, after two breaths, the huge bronze door opened a gap enough for people to turn out.

Ren looked in through the gap, but the situation inside was extremely bad!

The golden figure hastily defended, with almost no power left to attack. Like a ball, she was beaten around by eight gargoyles

Even now that the bronze door was opened, that Mrs. Kanosha had no strength left, and rushed out under the siege of eight gargoyles.

Ren naturally knew his current strength. If he rushed in blindly, he might not be able to withstand the gargoyle's punch. It was wishful thinking to save Kanossa by force!

And at this moment, the "Intelligent Brain" automatically searched and listed all the keywords of the Gargoyle.

Then, Ren saw a sentence on the retina that he had seen on the mural before.

[The hell gargoyles that guard the temple, they only obey the orders of the demon god. 】

Originally thought it was just a narration, but now it seems that Ren felt that it might be the key to breaking the game.

It is also the only possibility of saving lives!

Without time to think about it, he shouted without hesitation: "Stop!"

This sentence is also used in the "ancient devil's language".

But with this loud shout, the eight gargoyles suddenly froze in place like robots whose pause button was pressed.

Ren saw it and was overjoyed!

But even if he was not attacked again, the golden figure on the altar was powerless to escape. On the contrary, because of this sentence, she loosened the string that had been tensed for too long, and the golden fighting spirit all over her body suddenly went out, and her whole body went limp.

Ren shouted again: "Go back to the stone pillar!"

This time, the eight gargoyles understood the "password" again, fluttered their wings and flew away without hesitation, squatting back on the previous eight gargoyles, the blood-red luster in their eyes dimmed, and they returned to the appearance of stone sculptures again.

"These gargoyles can actually listen to the devil language password"

Ren didn't have time to be surprised, and rushed into the temple.

This time, after he tentatively climbed the steps, the gargoyles didn't intend to attack him at all, and squatted on the stone pillar without moving, watching everything in the temple indifferently.

"Mrs. Canossa, how are you doing!"

no respond.

Ren hurriedly ran to Kanosha, who had turned into a blood man, and checked her breath. Although she still had a breath, her physical condition was really bad!

Her skin was as hot as a big red shrimp just out of boiling water, steaming. This is because the previous intense physical combat had caused a large amount of heat to be generated in the body, and the unbalanced heat metabolism system was instinctively regulating her body temperature.

Bones, meridians, nerves, skin...everywhere suffered severe injuries.

And worse!

Not only a large number of skeletal nerves were interrupted by external forces, especially the main muscle groups of the limbs, the number of tendon and muscle fiber ruptures exceeded 70%!

Ryan is a doctor, and he immediately understood what was going on as soon as he checked.

In the secret technique just now, the reason why Kanosha's strength increased so much was because she opened the "valve" of the upper limit of the muscle's tolerance, and used the limit force that exceeded the current limit of her own muscles to fight against the enemy, and the muscles were pulled apart by the "strange force" up!

Even the muscles near the heart are already very bad, like an ice surface full of cracks, which will burst and explode with a little force.

Ren didn't dare to delay, and directly took out a "powerful life-saving medicine" and injected it into his body.

Then he used [God Healing Technique] to forcibly hit her chest and brain. First, he had to protect the wounds on the two vital parts.

Fortunately, he learned [God Healing Technique] + [Threading a Needle Thread], the treatment is large enough and accurate enough. Otherwise, with this kind of injury, it would be impossible to save one's life with an ordinary third-level or fourth-level pure medical superfan!

Ren's current level is far from reaching the level where the great witch Ji Mafa can be cured in seconds.

After a full quarter of an hour, he repaired the wounds on Kanosha's heart and brain, temporarily out of danger.

Ren also breathed a sigh of relief, "I finally saved my life for the time being."

At this time, the heart resumed its normal blood supply, and the brain gradually became awake. Kanossa slowly raised her eyelids.

i'm not dead

Suddenly realizing something, a gleam appeared in her eyes, but it dimmed in an instant.

Kanosha's face was extremely pale, and she knew very well that after using the secret technique, her body was completely destroyed. The ancestral training of their Cloefeller family is very clear that after using this secret method, even if they are not dead, their muscles will be broken and their bodies will be completely destroyed.

Although it was a little unexpected that Ren would appear by her side, the first time she woke up, she immediately asked in surprise, "Where are those gargoyles?"

"Do not talk!"

Ren didn't stop at all, and yelled: "Your injury is serious. Don't distract me, it will affect the efficiency of my operation."

Canossa was a little surprised to see Renn's focus on healing, but she couldn't understand her injury very well, and there was no way to save her.

Even if one life is left, the muscle is broken, and it will be useless in the future.

She said in frustration: "There is no need for treatment. I know my situation."

Once the operation started, Ren was immersed in concentration. He didn't have any redundant pictures in his mind, only a dissected diagram of the human body with precise muscle fibers marked. His job at the moment was to connect those broken nerves and blood vessels!

But when he heard that the wounded had no desire to survive, as a doctor, he also knew what he had to say, and said, "With me here, you won't die! Besides, your body is not that bad, and the broken muscles are still very active. It can be fully recovered after it is put on. Although it will take a long time, I am sure to pick it up for you."

After a pause, there was no emotion in his tone, and he said seriously again: "Stop talking!"


Kanosha was dumbfounded by the training, and looked at the little doctor's focused side face with some surprise.

Her body was almost numb, and the torn nerves could not even transmit the pain. But the position where Ren's hand touched made her feel a slight cold and tingling sensation.

She knew very well that it was the tingling sensation of rapid cell division, wound healing, and new muscles!

"Hey, is this a healing technique?"

It was only then that Kanosha discovered that Ren's healing technique was very peculiar. Although it seemed that the amount of healing was not large, it seemed that there were tiny strands of air running through her body.

Then wherever you go, it is cool and cool, crisp and numb, it is a healing feeling that makes the body instinctively comfortable!

"Isn't he a surgeon? How can he know how to heal with spells? That's not right, it's the grudge of the thunder system."

Kanosha clearly recognized the slightly numb feeling as battle qi.

A fighter who is a surgeon sequence, but also heals?

Kanosha suddenly felt unable to understand.


At this time, she wanted to ask something.

But before he could say the words, he immediately thought of the scene of being scolded twice just now.

She sighed slightly in her heart: she is as serious as that old man.

Seeming to have thought of something, Kanosha didn't intend to speak anymore, and she also took what Ryan said just now as comforting words, and didn't take it to heart.

She is very clear about the sequelae of the family secret law. A ruptured muscle fiber, whether cured or surgical, cannot be restored to its original state.

It may be fine to live as an ordinary person in the future; but for a person who pursues the extraordinary, it is "disabled".

It's a bit frustrating to lose here even though you're only one step away.

But dying like this is really not reconciled.

Kanosha had a lot of thoughts in her mind, very contradictory, and felt very tired, so she didn't think about it anymore.

She looked at Ren who was concentrating on the surgery, her eyes became complicated, and seeing that serious and persistent look, some past events gradually emerged in her mind.

I'm going to be a useless person now, do you regret it?

No, she will never regret it!

Kanosha's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes due to the severe injury, and her vision was scarlet. But at this moment, she seemed to see the bloody scene when she was a child again.

"Kanosha, my brother won't be able to protect you from now on, you have to take care of yourself."

"My little Canossa, you have to learn to grow up in the future, and don't cry like you used to. You have to live bravely and strong, and live well with the blessings of your mother and brother."

"Brother! Mother! Don't die!"


Canossa thought about it, and her eye sockets became moist.

Since that day, I don't seem to have shed any tears.

Eh, such a bad mood.

She still remembers how powerless she was back then when she watched her relatives die tragically.

"Grandpa! I will definitely become a legend in the future! Please teach me the strongest secret method of [Very Demon God]"

"Kanosha, no one in the family has practiced this secret technique for hundreds of years. If it doesn't work, just give up."

"No! I won't give up!"


The past is vivid.

Even though the girl's stunned period had already passed, the belief in her heart still remained unshakable.

But now, he fell one step away.

What a pity

Canossa lay there, letting Ren operate on her body. She looked at the gargoyle on the stone pillar above her head, and was very curious, why did these terrifying alchemy monsters suddenly go back?

This little man is really brave, he will come back to save me

Thinking about it, she felt exhausted and closed her eyes wearily.

With super strong will, once Kanosha wakes up, it is no longer easy to fall asleep.

She just felt tired and wanted to close her eyes and take a break.

But when she closed her eyes, she felt more clearly the strange "fighting threads" wandering in her body. They were like needles and threads, repairing her body that had been broken into pieces, like Turned into an old garment full of patches.

This moment is the most relaxing time for Kanosha in the past few months.

The tense nerves were finally completely let go, and he didn't care about life and death, so he didn't have to worry about not being able to find the "divine power crystal", and he didn't have to be wary of the ubiquitous "tentacle monster" even when he was sleeping.

At this moment, she also had a clearer mind.


My body seems to be getting better.

Kanosha suddenly discovered that her body, which had completely lost consciousness, gradually began to feel.

Those hands were walking on his body.

The very professional surgeon's method firstly repaired the main nerve and meridians, so that her body would not be caused to be necrotic in a large area due to the lack of blood circulation.

But my body is really bad.

That kind of repair is very limited, and the "fighting silk thread" with healing ability is getting weaker and weaker.

Finally, the little doctor stopped.

She heard a weary gasp.

Sure enough, it didn't heal.

It was to be expected, but it was so frustrating to think about breaking irreparable muscles.

Hearing that the operation seemed to be over, Kanossa slowly opened her eyes.

She looked at the pale Ren, and forced a smile: "Thank you, Dr. Ren. You have done enough."

Ren glanced at her dejected eyes, and guessed what she was thinking, and said angrily: "Mrs. Canossa, I have said it all, I will help you connect the muscles, don't think about it!"

When Kanosha heard it, her expression remained calm, obviously thinking that he was comforting herself again.

But then, I heard Ren explain again: "My fighting spirit is still very weak now, and the precise muscle fiber suturing consumes a lot, and mine can't last long. It will take at least a day to fully connect the muscles of your whole body. One night. My battle energy is almost exhausted now, and I need to rest."

Huh. Is he serious?

Hearing Ren's serious tone again, Canossa was taken aback.

She suddenly had expectations, "Is what you said true?"


Ren nodded, knowing that she didn't believe it.

However, it is true that it is impossible for anyone to fully recover from this terrible injury.

Except for myself who knows [Threading Needles] and [God Healing]!

He said: "My Transcendent Sequence is originally a doctor! You should also feel it. I just sutured your main nerves and blood vessels with 'gang thread'. For the time being, your life will not be in danger. I will give it to you now." Take care of the trauma, and wait until the fighting spirit is almost recovered, and then I will continue to connect the broken muscle fibers."

Hearing Ren's firm words, the dead light in Kanosha's eyes lit up again.


Canossa wanted to say something.

But suddenly, I felt that thousands of words were not in my mouth, and my words were all light.

Life-saving grace?

No, if it can be cured, it is not a life-saving grace!

To her, this is a kindness that cannot be repaid!

Ren didn't know what Kanossa was thinking with that complicated expression,

He didn't hesitate, took out the surgical instruments and laid them in a row on the mat on the ground.

After looking at it, he still reminded first, "Madam, I want to operate on you, so I can't keep the clothes on my body."

Kanosha's thoughts were pulled back by these words, her eyes turned, but her expression didn't change at all, and she whispered softly: "En."

After getting permission, Ren was not polite, picked up the scissors and cut off the pieces of the cheongsam on Kanosha's body, until she was completely naked, and then began to clean up the trauma.

In fact, there is no need to ask more questions, her beautiful cheongsam is almost torn, from head to toe, the spring is hard to hide everywhere, and her graceful figure can be seen at a glance.

Open your mouth, just to be polite.

Ren also had to complain about some film and television dramas in his previous life. After fighting for a long time, the earth was wiped out, and the protagonist's clothes were still intact. Looking at it now, it's simple.

In this world, a slightly stronger Transcendent punch can crush rocks. The cheongsam on Kanosha was originally made of ordinary silk textiles, and it was not specially refined equipment, so it was impossible to withstand too much external force.

Especially once the body armor is broken, it can be smashed to pieces with a few punches.

It's okay not to mention the clothes. After saying this, Kanosha suddenly focused on her cool body, and her face was slightly strange.

It would be fine if she fainted, but in a sober state, she just watched a big man operate on her body up and down.

Although the other party was a doctor, he always felt that something was weird.

But looking at Ren's eyes focused on the operation, she also pursed her lips and let him go.


It seems that the eyes are not so focused.


Kanosha twitched beautifully, didn't feel anything wrong, and closed her eyes lazily.

Thanks to ‘leo627’ for the great rewards, I owe more +1=6; ask for votes on Monday, everyone, come vote! ! ! !

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