Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 169 Setting up a chamber of commerce is just a side job, right?

"I have some high-level magic cores in my storage ring. If you need to restore your fighting spirit, you can use them. Of course, I can't move my whole body now, so you can only take them yourself."

"Eh, no."

"You took it wrong, that is my daily necessities storage ring. The magic core is in another purple gemstone ring"

"Oh. There are clothes in this storage ring. Shall I bring you some clothes and put them on first?"

"Is it convenient for you to treat with clothes on?"

"Not too convenient."

"Then don't take it, let's talk about it after you finish it."


Since you can't hold it, you can simply see it at a glance.

Kanosha's frankness made the atmosphere less embarrassing.

And her injury was healed in an orderly manner because of Ren's super healing ability.

After seeing that her broken muscles could be completely repaired, this beautiful lady was no longer depressed at all.

The common healing method is to roughly heal the wound in large areas.

But for the broken muscle fibers, that level of healing can allow her to stand up again, but both strength and strength will be several grades worse than before.

For a top transcendent, this is absolutely desperate news.

And Ren's miraculous healing "gang thread" can re-sew those muscles together in a delicate way, and it can be restored in a blink of an eye.

This is what surprised Kanosha so much.

But suturing muscle fibers is a very time-consuming and energy-intensive job.

It took most of the day for Ren to heal at the beginning.

It was only a matter of time before Kanosha's injuries fully recovered.

After the worry of being "disabled" was gone, the mood of this beautiful lady became better and better.

In addition to needing to concentrate and not disturb when suturing muscle fibers, when Ren rested and recovered his fighting spirit, the two of them could also chat without saying a word.

This encounter made the relationship between the two suddenly become very close.

It seems that because of the relationship between the two of them, they are no longer considered outsiders. For the first time, Kanossa also opened up about many topics that have never been discussed with others.

In this dark underground palace and temple that has been silent for countless years, their words can be heard with each other, and they can also be heard with those murals and dead bones.

No, after a few hours.

Renn has almost treated all the injuries on Mrs. Canossa's body that may leave future troubles, and there is no more urgency. For the rest, it will be no problem to sew one by one in order.

After talking, the two chatted about their extraordinary cultivation experience.

Ren was also stunned by this chat.

"So, ma'am, you established the chamber of commerce for the purpose of cultivating this [Very Demonic God] body-training secret method?"

"Yes! As you know, this secret method requires a lot of fighting energy consumption. If there is no special opportunity, it will be stuck at the threshold, and the extraordinary level will stagnate; and the later the stage, the greater the need for fighting energy .That's why I need a lot of money to buy the magic core, and then use it to practice the secret art. Then I got a side job."

"That...'Black Gold Chamber of Commerce' is just a sideline in your eyes?"

"That's right. A businessman is just a means of earning a living, and extraordinaryness is what I want most. The more money I need, the more I want to think of ways to earn more. Then, I got some from all walks of life."


It was only then that Ren knew why Kanosha's golden body was so high.

He once had this kind of conjecture, using the magic core to practice kung fu forcibly.

But the magic core consumed by this method is definitely an astronomical figure that makes even high-ranking nobles daunt.

I took a shortcut with the "gang line", but this lady used the "money ability".

In her own words, the money Kanosha has spent on advancing to the extraordinary in these years is probably the income of the two treasuries of Omar and Sid for a decade or two.

And from the tone of voice, it seems that it is just a sideline for playing around, and they have created such an exaggerated super business empire.

After listening to Canossa's own story, Ren suddenly felt that this might be the real protagonist template.

But when we talked about the topic of business, Ren remembered something again, and said, "Oh, Mrs. Canossa, I almost forgot to tell you. Now Omar has set up a 'Sunflower Chamber of Commerce', which seems to have already established a relationship with Glory City. An agreement has been reached. In the past few months, they have almost completely squeezed out the market share of your Black Gold Chamber of Commerce in Glory City."

"I already guessed it."

When Kanosha heard this, she was not surprised at all, and a look of disdain appeared on her expression.

"Before we encountered the attack of the 'Black Skeleton Phantom Thieves' on the wasteland, I guessed that the two empires were going to fight against us. But I didn't expect those guys to be so stupid, thinking that they could directly rely on the barbaric 'robbing' method, Can you take the market share?"

When she said this, she did not hide her contempt for that barbaric behavior at all, and she was also full of confidence in her business skills.

"Those old aristocrats still want to monopolize all the circulating markets in their own hands? It's ridiculous! Those aristocratic gentlemen who are high above the people probably don't even know how much a piece of black bread is for the common people at the bottom. How could they understand? Real business? It’s nothing more than playing with resource monopoly, and the others. Ha ha.”


Ren didn't know much about the rules of business operations, but listening to Kanosha's tone, he didn't seem to have anything to worry about.

But the "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce" brought her some troubles after all. Kanosha pursed her lips again and said, "However, this period of time will indeed be a bit sad. But they can't make a difference."

Ren doubted: "Can't it be a climate?"

Kanosha has long seen through the essence of the "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce", shrugged and said: "The official chamber of commerce seems to be large in size and has a lot of resources. But in fact, it is useless except for cultivating moths. Whether it makes money or not, In the end, the 'Sunflower Chamber of Commerce' will collapse due to uneven distribution of spoils."

Ren: "Oh?"

Canossa: "The integration of resources in the early stage will quickly turn them into a behemoth. But in the later stage. Because the nobles who control the chamber of commerce are not a family, there are too many people who want to share profits, and they must be inconsistent. I dare It is asserted that there must be someone who will use his position to enrich himself, and that will be a huge hidden danger for the collapse of the Chamber of Commerce."

The two chatted without saying a word, and Ren also roughly understood the operation mode of the "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce".

Obviously, this Mrs. Canossa has extremely strong business acumen and intuition, and she already has a way to deal with it.

Suddenly, he also thought of something, and said: "Um, madam, I don't know much about the operation of the chamber of commerce, but I have something I want to consult with you."

When Kanosha heard this, a slight smile overflowed in her eyes, "Say it. Why are you so polite all of a sudden?"

Ren said: "I have a territory that is under construction, and it will need to be traded. If possible... I would like to ask you to refer to the future business plan."

In the past, he was alone, and the whole family was not hungry after eating by himself.

But now it’s different, suddenly there’s responsibility.

After all, the surviving members of the Coleman tribe went to dangerous places like the "Kalateva Basin" to build new settlements because of their own proposal.

And Toust, Karl, Udo... and those familiar Elder Coleman soldiers. Whether as a friend or as an ally, he naturally has to care about everyone's safety there.

Oh, and Ymir's ally who helped him a lot.

If the mechanical city territory can be successfully established, then more things need to be considered in the later stage.

For example, trade.

But building a territory requires resources.

It would not be enough to rely solely on the resources brought by Ymir or Coleman.

Even if a city is built, it is just a pool of stagnant water.

The development of a territory cannot do without commerce, industry and some daily necessities.

Such as coal, textiles, minerals, equipment, food, daily necessities.

It is impossible for them to be self-sufficient in everything, and the closed country will only fall further and further behind.

And the circulating business will inject great vitality into the development of the territory, and at the same time bring huge wealth.

Ren is very clear about this, and the history of his previous life has taught him enough lessons.

There are many high-level monster resources in the "Kalateva Basin", and it can be predicted that they will have a lot of monster material resources in their hands in the future.

However, the value of a large number of the same resources is very limited in the hands, and the value will skyrocket when they are circulated.

It will also be like a snowball, making the territory richer and richer

And this Mrs. Canossa in front of her is the best business partner!

When Kanosha heard this, she raised her eyebrows: "Oh? Your territory?"

Afraid of harmony, the number of words is slightly shorter. It will be closed, and the loss will be smaller o(╥﹏╥)o

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