Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 170 The Difference Between Apples and Grapefruits

Canossa was taken aback when Ren spoke, and asked in surprise, "Your territory?"

According to her understanding, Ren should not be a high-ranking nobleman. How could he suddenly have a territory?

By the way, the eldest princess!

Oh. Almost forgot about this relationship.

Compared with any "territory", it is clear that Kanosha feels that gossip can divert the tingling feeling of wound healing more than business.

She blinked, and asked with a playful smile, "By the way, Dr. Ren, what is the relationship between you and Ymir?"

"I'm a cooperative ally with her."

Ren didn't think much about it, and said again: "Exactly, this territory happens to be related to both me and her."

Kanosha gossiped again: "Just an ally?"

Ren didn't notice the weirdness in her tone, and nodded solemnly: "Yes."

"Is it?"

Hearing this, Kanosha's expression was full of joking, and her eyes seemed to be able to speak: Guess if I believe it?

What kind of ally would let Her Royal Highness, who is said to not like men at all, live in the same room?

She asked curiously again: "How did you meet Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess?"


Why ask this.

Hearing this question, Ren instinctively recalled the scene of encountering Ymir who was seriously injured in the wasteland.

How similar is it to now?

Thinking of this, he inadvertently glanced at the beautiful naked body lying a meter away, and said, "I treated her injuries."

Hey, hey, what does your gaze mean?

Ren's peeking eyes couldn't escape a high-level and extraordinary perception.

Kanosha just took a deep breath in her heart, but suddenly, she realized something.

Huh. Surgery?

She turned her eyes and blurted out: "You were the one who saved Ymir when she was attacked and seriously injured?"


Ren nodded.

Hearing this, he was a little surprised, and asked back: "Madam, aren't you a friend of His Royal Highness Ymir? She didn't tell you?"


A sneer flashed across the corner of Canossa's eyebrows, and she avoided the topic.

But when she heard what Ren said, she had almost restored the truth of the whole thing in her mind, and she couldn't hold back her gossip anymore, and asked in a slightly weird tone: "So, you were like this back then Have you performed surgery on that Highness Ymir?"

She bit the word "like this" very hard, and it was an obvious reminder: also naked like this?

At this moment, the beautiful lady suddenly didn't mind that peeping gaze so much.

She doesn't want to compare with anyone, so it depends on whom to compare with! She is also very interested in competing with the dignified eldest princess of the Omar Empire, who is recognized as "the double beauty of the Omar Empire".


The topic we talked about has nothing to do with this, right?

Ren saw the blazing fire of gossip in Kanosha's eyes, so he naturally guessed something, and said quietly, "Ma'am, I don't think that's important."

Sure enough, regardless of commoners or nobles, the romantic affairs of the royal family are always interesting to talk about.

He didn't want to say more on this topic, so he forcibly changed the topic: "I just want to say, I have a business question for the territory and I want to consult you."

But Kanosha didn't like this at all, and forcibly returned to the previous topic, and even asked more explicit questions directly.

She rolled her eyes and said with a light smile, "Who do you think is better in figure, me or Ymir?"


Listening to this question, Ren felt his head hurt.

But I instinctively made a comparison in my heart.

Without any subjective prejudice, both of them have excellent figures.

They are all walking the extraordinary route of the close combat system, and there is no trace of fat on their waists, thighs, and backs.

The smooth muscle lines will not look exaggerated like "King Kong Barbie" when there is no fighting spirit, but just right, giving people the aesthetic feeling of an athlete with tight and well-proportioned muscles.

This is not just a long-distance view, but a conclusion drawn by Rennes after getting started.

Moreover, the two of them usually wear thin powder, and their appearance and figure are impeccable. It is completely different from those ladies and ladies who need to squeeze the fat out of their waists with a strong waist, and cover up their body flaws with heavy makeup and pungent perfume.


To say that the biggest difference is that the charm of the two is different.

One is iceberg indifferent, workaholic, and strangers are not allowed to enter; the other is full of maturity and charm, charming and charming.

In the words of the previous life, a walking iceberg president is Gao Lengfeng, and a walking red lips is tall and charming Yujiefeng.

But regardless of the subjective judgment of people's temperament, it's really hard to say which one is good and which is bad.

If you really want to force a comparison, Mrs. Canossa will be more plump.


Difference between grapefruit and big apple?



Biologically speaking, the skin of the two people has high cell activity and can be broken by blowing bombs.

But there is another point, which may be a hidden difference that only Renn knows!

The pure strength of this Mrs. Kanosha is extraordinary, and her muscles are naturally several times stronger than Ymir.

As we all know, extraordinary people who focus on pure power advancement will lose a lot of hair because of their extremely high levels of body metabolism and hormone secretion.

So, you look at those big men with big backs and waists, most of them are bald.

The stronger you get, the balder you get!

This has almost become the external standard of weighing for the supernatural power of the power system.

Although I didn't understand how Canossa maintains such thick hair like a waterfall. But the skin on other parts of her body is indeed extremely shiny, like suet and warm jade

As far as the eye can see, it is extremely smooth.

At this time, Kanosha didn't know why Ren suddenly lost his mind, and the anger in his eyes flashed away. Obviously, that look was not thinking of anything good.

She urged again: "Hey, Dr. Ryan, I'm asking you a question?"

Ren pulled back Piaoyuan's thoughts, and he responded to a general term introduced by the book of scumbags in his previous life: "You are better."

Faced with this kind of problem, a bad response is to send a proposition.

Answering this way, although the other party will think you are perfunctory, at least you will not lose your favorability.


Sure enough, when Kanossa heard this perfunctory answer, she gave Ren a blank look, and she was not interested in asking further.

Then, she became interested and returned to the previous topic, lazily said: "What... what did you say before? Your territory?"

When she heard about territorial cooperation, the first thing she thought of was probably a small territory with a population of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands.

What's more, it sounds like it's still a new territory, maybe tens of thousands of people don't have it

She doesn't take part in that kind of light business on weekdays, it's all done by her subordinates.

But because it was Ren who spoke, she was interested in asking.

"It's not my private domain, but it has a lot to do with me."

Ren didn't know how to explain clearly for a moment.

He is indeed not a lord, but the city is closely related to him.

The wreckage of the mechanical city in the "Kalateva Basin" is not only the place where Ren plans to build a territory for Ymir, but also a new settlement for the surviving branch of Kallman.

This is what's on the contract.

The contract he signed with Ymir in the tent before was a cooperative development contract. One of them has an alliance clause for peacefully sharing the Machinery City with the Colemans.

Ymir's ideas are not like those old aristocrats' solidified thinking, she doesn't intend to monopolize everything.

It was an idea of ​​her "New Deal" to treat friendly allies equally, whether they were commoners or nobles.

Moreover, the new pass across the "Alcoron Mountains" is in that basin, and it is the best choice for the territory to be built there. But at the same time, the living environment there is harsh, and high-level monsters are rampant. Without absolute power, it must be untenable.

Ymir knew very well that it was very difficult for her to gain a firm foothold with her own strength alone.

Choosing to join forces with the Coleman warriors, a group of powerful allies who are better at surviving in the wild, is the best choice for a win-win situation.

Although Kanosai was a little curious, she still didn't have much interest in this "small business", and asked casually, "Doctor Ren, where is your territory?"

Having said this, Ren suddenly thought of something again.

He didn't rush to answer, but asked, "Mrs. Canossa, do you have a blank contract paper?"

Kanosha didn't understand why he suddenly asked this, and responded: "Yes. There are a dozen in that sapphire storage ring."

Sure enough, the high-level magic contract volumes of rich people are all about "beating", and they are still essential items like toilet paper.

Ren asked again: "Can I use it?"

Kanosha naturally had no objection, "You can do whatever you want."

Then, she watched as Ren took out a contract and wrote something rustlingly.

From the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of the content on the contract, and the expression on the face of the well-informed vice president of the Black Gold Chamber of Commerce became more and more surprised.

Is he going to sign a confidentiality contract?

But, does a new territory need such a serious confidentiality clause?

Then she thought about it, any new territory, once started, would immediately spread throughout the two empires, what's the point of these secrecy regulations?

But obviously, she didn't think Ren would do something meaningless.

Kanosha also vaguely guessed something, is it a very special territory?

Thanks to 'Qinglian Daoge', 'Fire Crow Hunter' for 1500 coins, 'Qian Shou Xuan' 1185, 'Bookworm Hui Kanshu' 985, 'Huho', 'Why am I so good-looking' 500, 'Joker 851215' 300 , 'Addicted to books, can't extricate myself', 'No Rhyme and Grass', '20201218092341964'. Thank you for your rewards, thank you.

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