Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 171 The business plan is finalized

Not long after, Ren finished writing the contract and signed his name.

Although this may seem a little disrespectful, but for the safety of his allies, he still decided to put the villain first and then the gentleman.

He handed over the contract, and explained to Mrs. Canossa who was full of doubts: "Madam, although this is rude, it is indeed of great importance. Please forgive my offense. But I can guarantee that if we can cooperate, This is a very important deal for the 'Black Gold Chamber of Commerce'."


If it were someone else, Kanosha would definitely not pay attention to this rude behavior.

Negotiations haven't started yet, and no information has been disclosed, so an agreement is about to be signed?

What, are you trying to establish a country secretly?

But the little doctor in front of her was the guy who made her unable to complain at all. After all, he saved his own life.

After reading the contract, there were no special terms. She held the pen with her newly healed right arm and signed her full name.

Then, Canossa squinted at Ren, and said angrily: "Okay, now I have signed. Can you tell me what happened to your territory?"

As she spoke, she did not forget to complain: "My dear Dr. Ryan, you are so mysterious, don't tell me you plan to establish a country."

She really didn't expect that her complaints would actually become a prophecy.

Ren looked at the magic lines on the contract and measured it, and he also breathed a sigh of relief.

He expressed his thoughts in the most succinct way: "I have discovered another pass that can cross the 'Alcoron Mountains', and then I plan to build a pass there with Her Royal Highness and the Colemans. It is a brand new free territory that does not belong to any faction. Therefore, I would like to consult Madam, and use your businessman's professional eyes to see how to plan the future business of our territory."

This is very polite, and it is said to be a guide, but it is actually a hint of the feasibility of cooperation.

Now the mainstream business of the two empires is dominated by official chambers of commerce. Even if Rennes and the others do business, they will definitely be restrained by the nobles everywhere.

But if the "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce" can be brought on board, it will definitely bring a qualitative leap to their territory construction.

"A new pass? Are you really planning to build a nation?"

When Canossa heard this, her expression immediately became serious.

She also knew about the Eldest Princess Ymir's plan to establish a principality. But judging from the current situation, if she wants to build a city west of the Alcoron Mountains, it is impossible for the five major families of Glory City to give her a chance to gain a foothold.

But now, they actually found another way and found another "pass"!

No wonder Ren was so cautious, it turned out to be the case.

This is indeed a "big secret" worthy of careful treatment!

But at the same time, she turned her eyes and saw the difficulty.

Establishing a brand new territory is still in a place west of the Alcoron Mountains where large machines cannot pass through. This is a hundred times more difficult than building in the two empires!

"But... if it's just a new pass, the geographical location is indeed there. But there is still a long way to go before building a city. You want to ask, can my chamber of commerce help you build a city?"

Canossa said, looked at Ren.

She would never refuse this life-saving offer no matter what, even if it seemed like a risky deal to her chamber of commerce.

She frowned in thought, and murmured: "In that case, it's not that I can't help you, but..."

A new "pass" means that a second city of glory may be created.

But it's only possible!

After all, the two empires will never sit back and watch the second glorious city beyond their control grow up.

But if you want to build a city, the movement will be huge. It is not easy to hide it from others.

But she didn't expect that Ren's words dispelled her worries before she said them out.

"If you want to build a city, madam, you don't have to worry too much. We already have the foundation of the mechanical city over there. As long as we can stand firm, we should be able to build a territory that can accommodate more than 100,000 residents in no time."

Ren didn't go into too much detail about the wreckage of the airship, but said: "What I want to discuss with my wife is how to develop business in our geographical location after the completion of the Machinery City. In this regard, if you are a professional, if you can, We also want to cooperate with your 'Black Gold Chamber of Commerce'."

"Ah, you have already built the mechanical city?"

Kanosha only felt that it was impossible. If there was such a big movement about building a new mechanical city, it was absolutely impossible for him not to hear any news.

Because, if you want to establish a new territory in the wasteland, even the smallest one, you need to use an extremely exaggerated amount of manpower and material resources.

What's more, it is west of the mountainous Alcoron Mountains!

This point, even if the prince Omar took the initiative to use the resources of the royal family, he would definitely not be able to do it.

This made Kanossa even more curious, where is the mechanical city they chose? It actually took shape quietly?

She asked curiously, "Where is your territory?"

Ren took out a map and pointed out the location of the "Kalateva Basin".

"Here it is!"

Kanosha naturally saw the advantages and disadvantages of the geographical environment there at a glance, with a face full of disbelief, she exclaimed: "That is a very dangerous foggy area in the Sid Empire, how did you find that pass?!"

"This is very complicated to say, and I will explain it to you in detail in the future."

Ren didn't dwell too much on this issue.

But now that Kanosha has expressed that he can cooperate, he is not polite, and said directly: "Now my allies are already in this basin, and they should have established a firm foothold. So I think I need a strong business partner .”

Hearing this, Kanosha did not rush to answer, but asked solemnly in a dark color: "Doctor Ren, are you serious?"

Ren nodded: "Yes."


Hearing this, Kanossa frowned slightly, and said nothing, thoughts racing in her mind.

Now their "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce" is being coveted by the veteran nobles of the two empires, and the situation is indeed somewhat difficult.

Moreover, if you want to develop business on the west side of the Alcoron Mountains, you have to look at the face of Glory City.

Now it looks like City of Glory has colluded with Omar. In the future, this piece of fat will definitely fall into the mouth of the "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce", and they will never give it to the Black Gold Chamber of Commerce.

But now... this issue has taken a huge turn!

If, as Dr. Lane said, that pass really exists, and a mechanical city that can stand firm in that dangerous area has been established, then

It also means that all shackles will be broken!

This is not just as simple as expanding a new market, but also gives them a crucial breaking point for the "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce".

Relying on the strength of their "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce", there are some powerful allies and that unique geographical location.

She is very confident. In a few years, maybe she will really be able to develop into a second city of glory!


With their "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce" fully attracting capital injection, not to mention other aspects of strength, but at least in a short period of time in business, they can catch up with Glory City, or even better!

"I plan to trade freely in the territory, but I definitely need to attract some trusted trading houses in the early stage."

"I can't trust others, so."


Ryan roughly talked about his plan, but he is also a business layman, and he is not sure about the feasibility of his idea, so he asked again: "So, ma'am, do you think we can reach a cooperation?"

The cooperation idea he proposed was still in its infancy. Although he thought of some aspects, it was definitely not as comprehensive as the professional Kanosha thought.

Upon hearing this, Kanosha responded decisively: "Of course!"

"Oh, that's great."

Ren was overjoyed and heaved a sigh of relief.

He pointed to the map again and said, "Of course, that pass is within the Sid Empire, so it might be a little troublesome."

Hearing this, Kanosha shook her head and did not agree with the statement: "No, no, no! This is not a trouble, but a convenience."

Ren looked at her, slightly puzzled: "???"

Kanosha responded with a smile and explained: "Compared to the Omar Empire, Sid is the focus of our Black Gold Chamber of Commerce! The pass is in that position, and all the materials for the development of your territory can be transported more conveniently for us."

When Ren heard it, he thought she was acknowledging his favor, "Thank you so much."

Kanosha smiled: "No, I agreed to cooperate not only because of you. This is also a win-win choice for our 'Black Gold Chamber of Commerce'."

When the words were said here, the keen intuition of the professional businessman had already excited the lady faintly.

The geographical location of that pass is very superior. If this territory builds a city, their "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce" will also have a real safe haven.

At that time, no matter how much pressure the two empires of Sid and Omar put on, there will be a way out.

Therefore, once she went out to confirm the authenticity of the matter, she even planned to move the headquarters of the Black Gold Chamber of Commerce and all the centers of gravity of the future chamber of commerce to that "new city"!

This is not only a favor, but also a huge benefit.

For Kanossa, both Ren and Her Highness the eldest princess are ten thousand times better cooperation partners than those greedy veteran nobles.

At this time, Ren thought that once the trade was established, a new territory with the same strategic position as Glory City would definitely threaten the interests of the five major families, and Sid, Omar and other forces would definitely not sit idly by. ignore.

He hadn't thought about the level that Kanosha was considering, and asked a little worriedly: "Then if we cooperate, will it bring unnecessary trouble to your chamber of commerce?"

"If we don't cooperate, won't those guys come to trouble 'Black Gold'?"

Kanosha smiled disapprovingly.

In order for Renn to clearly understand the strength of the "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce", she said: "Actually, as early as a few years ago, I was wary that those veteran nobles would swallow our Chamber of Commerce as 'fat meat'. After all, you know , Unless you are a top veteran nobleman, no one can keep such a coveted wealth. Therefore, our Black Gold Chamber of Commerce has been keeping a low profile these years. But the business has grown bigger and bigger, and it has attracted some people's attention. "

Ren looked a little serious when he heard it.

Greed is human nature, especially for those high-ranking nobles who are used to controlling everything, they will never allow ordinary people who are richer than themselves to exist.

A chamber of commerce that is incomparably rich and without any political foundation is simply a piece of "fat" that can be squeezed at will.

Now fattened, just waiting to be killed.

Kanosha continued: "Although I have spent money to buy a few high-ranking titles over the years, it is still not worth mentioning to those old-fashioned aristocrats who have been entangled with each other for thousands of years through marriages and interests. You can't break into the core aristocratic circle at all."


Ren didn't speak, but fell into deep thought.

He was also surprised that Kanosha, a businessman, had already considered all these aspects.

This world's aristocratic class has solidified, and he is deeply aware of this.

High-level nobles such as dukes, princes, and various lords are almost hereditary titles, and they pay attention to blood surnames.

Even some poor and down-and-out high-ranking nobles are more arrogant and noble than even low-ranking nobles who are a hundred times richer than them because of their noble surnames.

Marriages between high-ranking nobles are also within a closed loop. They will never intermarry with civilians, or even low-level nobles, in order to preserve their so-called noble "pure noble blood".

The upper class rarely intermarries with the lower class, which also led to the concentration of almost all resources in the hands of a few top nobles, and the humble family would never have a bright future!

This is also one of the root causes of increasingly irreconcilable social conflicts.

That is not a few families, but a huge chain of interests.

Emperor Omar's reform failed, and the most important resistance was here.

He moved the interests of the veteran nobles, in fact, he moved all the beneficiaries in the entire interest chain!

But now, isn't the "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce" facing the situation of being completely encircled and suppressed by two empires?

A top businessman like Kanosha has obviously realized the stakes of this "closed circle of nobility".

Breaking is impossible, so she also thought of a good way to deal with it.

Kanosha said again: "So... I have spent a lot of money in the past few years to secretly change some of Sid's laws to make it serve our chamber of commerce. I also tied up a group of local veteran nobles On the Chamber of Commerce Chariot"

"What? You secretly changed the law?"

When Ren heard about her method and thought about it carefully, he was really shocked.

Spending money to tamper with the law?

Bind local lords to profit chains?

Damn it, Mrs. Canossa's method is so high-end?

No wonder Kanosha talked so disdainfully about the "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce" before, so it was already prepared!

The status of those local lords was originally equivalent to that of the "Emperor of Earth".

It is said that they are loyal to the imperial power, but they are actually like vassal states. Once their vital interests are damaged, these lords can do any crazy things!

The old aristocratic circles are unanimously external, that's right, they are aimed at people like Spurgen XV who want to touch all the cakes of their aristocratic class.

But if there are no external contradictions, they are not monolithic internally.

Interest is the best method of internal differentiation.

After all, business is also local.

The "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce" gave up its interests to some local nobles, and the cooperation was a win-win situation.

At this time, some high-level nobles in the imperial capital want to eat the Black Gold Chamber of Commerce, which will directly damage the interests of the local nobles.

You are a noble from the imperial capital, why do you want to cut off the wealth of my local nobles directly, who will give you face?

The conflict between merchants and nobles was directly transferred to the conflict of interests between nobles and nobles.

This method is really brilliant!

He also secretly rejoiced that such a powerful figure was an ally, not an enemy.

Obviously, Kanosha also regards Renn as the most important partner of their "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce" in the future. When it comes to business, she is becoming more and more serious.

The two hit it off and began to discuss the details again.

"The mountain road leading to that pass is very steep, and transportation is a hassle"

"The Colemans are good at domesticating monsters, so that's not a big problem."

"Then are those Colemans worthy of trust?"

"completely fine."

"What about Glory City?"

"Although we don't want to fight, whether I, Ymir, the Coleman clan, or the five major families of Glory City are sworn enemies. What's more, they will never let us grow up."

"Oh, that's fine. I'm going to settle with those backstabbers, too."

"Then this agreement?"


"By the way, I'm sorry to ask again. Will the president of your 'Black Gold Chamber of Commerce' agree to such an important decision?"

"The president is my father."

"Oh, that's all right."

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