Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 172 The Blind Man Feels the Bone

There is no professional staff group, just Ren and Canossa, tinkering and listing a hundred and ten terms of the contract.

In this dark temple that has been silent for many years, they finalized a business cooperation that can be called the largest business cooperation in the business history of this era.

Moreover, what they signed was not an ordinary chamber of commerce settlement contract, but an alliance cooperation contract.

This contract completely bound that new city with the "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce".

One prospers all, one loses all.

As a professional businessman, Kanossa can better understand the influence of the government on the chamber of commerce. Although the bet is on the new city that has not yet seen its shadow, their chamber of commerce will spend a lot of resources in the early stage.

But for a businessman, venture capital is a gamble, especially for a business with a greater profit, the more it looks like a gamble.

Once this investment is successful, the benefits will be huge!

In the later stage, their "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce" will have a huge market connecting both sides of the Alcoron Mountains.

Moreover, the geographical location of that pass has given that city the potential to become the second Glory City. Now with the addition of her Black Gold Chamber of Commerce, the eldest princess and her team, and the amazingly powerful Colemans, everything is ready.

This is already countless times better than Master Kavo's innate conditions for building Glory City.

The future is promising.

After signing the contract, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Kanosha seemed to have thought of something again, and added: "So. The basis of our cooperation is that you must be the owner of the city! If you are not the owner of the city, this contract will be automatically torn up. And I will re-evaluate our cooperation and weigh it again. Will our 'Black Gold Chamber of Commerce' settle in that city?"

"No no no His Highness Ymir and I have no idea of ​​establishing a traditional private domain."

When Ren heard this, he was a little surprised.

The lady seemed to have a lot of confidence in herself.

He explained: "That city, our plan is a real 'free city'. Although theoretically, I own half of the rights of the city lord, there may be no private lords in that city. I am not, Ymir No. And whether it is the Coleman tribe or the eldest princess, they will also recognize the covenant I signed with your 'Black Gold Chamber of Commerce' as a representative."

"City of Liberty?"

Canossa didn't understand what kind of city Ren was describing.

Like Glory City, now known as the "City of Liberty"?

Hehe, the five major families didn't give her much favor.

However, she didn't ask in detail, because it still sounds like a "Utopian city" after all.

She still insisted on her point of view and said: "I don't know what kind of territory you want to establish. But if you are the city owner, I will do my best to support you in building the city according to the contract. But if the city owner is someone else"

After a pause, she said with certainty: "I will definitely re-evaluate the possibility of cooperation."

Ren was a little surprised: "Even if there is a city lord, it's not me, but His Royal Highness Ymir. She is not someone else, aren't you friends?"

Although Ymir has said that he will not be a private lord, in fact, even if there is a city lord, only the two of them have the qualifications.


Kanosha smiled and didn't explain much, "I don't care, it's just like this anyway."

The two signed the contract, and Renn's grudge had almost recovered.

Then he started to use the "gang thread" to help Canossa suture her broken muscle fibers.

This is a delicate job, there is no rush, and it takes a lot of time and energy.

It was also fortunate that Kanosha had an emergency magic core, which also saved Ren a lot of time in meditation to recover his fighting spirit, so that he could deal with injuries more efficiently.

Moreover, Renn is not yet a third-order extraordinary, and he has not yet reached the level where the grudge can be separated from the body. Therefore, in order to suture efficiently and accurately, you have to touch the lady's body inch by inch to find the location of the broken muscle, and then let the "gang thread" go deep into the epidermis to pull and suture the broken muscle.

Hmm. It's a bit like the feeling of "a blind man touches his bone".

However, almost all parts of the human body are covered by skeletal muscle.

This kind of "gang suture" is no more than a surgical operation of cutting with a cold scalpel. It's a bit embarrassing to do it yourself. After all, it's okay to have arms and limbs, but some positions are a little bit more private.

For example, the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor muscles that mainly exert force when punching

Hamstrings on the back of the thigh, inner collective

There is also the gluteus maximus known as the "human engine"

These are the large muscle groups that mainly exert strength in melee combat, and they are also the muscle groups with the highest degree of muscle damage on Canossa's body. They must be carefully repaired bit by bit.

"Mrs., I'm going to help you sew up the broken 'pectoralis major' now. It will go from the greater tuberosity of the humerus to your first to sixth costal cartilage."

Ren made a rough gesture on his chest about the direction of the muscle fibers, and tried to use professional terms to express the place he was about to touch, so as to dilute the indescribable embarrassment caused by the operation.

"Well, you are a doctor, you can do as you see fit."

Kanosha, on the other hand, behaved gracefully, still with a lazy and indifferent expression.

Then, Ren didn't hesitate anymore, and started directly.

Wisps of lavender "gang lines" lingered between his fingers, and he touched them lightly.

If this was on the operating table of a hospital, neither of them would feel anything wrong. But unfortunately, this is an underground temple with only two living people alone.

Moreover, the accelerated cell division and wound healing caused by [God Healing Technique] will cause a strong tingling sensation like ants crawling on the body.

Even holding back can occasionally make the wounded feel weird.

For a while, no one spoke, and the empty temple became extremely silent.

Both of them could clearly hear each other's heartbeat, fast or slow.

Walking and touching the skin with her fingers, Kanosha frowned from time to time, although the large-scale healing feeling of the whole body made people feel very comfortable. It's really itchy.

It seemed that she also noticed that it would be a little awkward if no one spoke, so she took the initiative to raise the topic.

"By the way, Dr. Ryan, why don't you wear a gas mask? The poisonous gas here is so strong"

"The Transcendent Sequence I am is a doctor. My ability can heal the toxins in my body. Moreover, this is not toxins, it is the 'Abyss Devil Qi'. Legend has it that ancient gods and demons cultivated in this environment. But these 'Black Qi' is too violent for the bodies of ordinary extraordinary people, so it is considered to be a toxin. But if the body can absorb it, it will be of great benefit."

"Oh, that's right. I said why those people from the Coleman family are so tall and ridiculously strong. It turned out to be because of this."

"Yes. My teacher has an in-depth research on this topic. He said that people's physique will adapt to changes with the environment. The ancestors who lived in this land did not have gas masks. Although the living conditions Bad, but judging from various records, their physical condition is much stronger than modern people."

"Oh, who is your teacher?"

"Irubek Nieto."

"Ah? Are you a disciple of Dr. Irubek?"


The two of them had something to talk about, and suddenly it was not so embarrassing.

In the end, Kanosha felt like she was having a massage again, and she enjoyed it quite a bit.

Mainly it was the feeling of being born again, which made her feel so good.

She, who was already heartbroken because of the rupture of her meridians and muscles, was actually rescued by a little doctor and regained her extraordinary path.

Although there is no clear concept of time passing in the temple, thousands of years seem to be in a flash.

But the intelligence brain showed Ren clearly that it had been more than ten hours since he finished handling the muscles in front of Canossa.

After entering Transcendence, the energy is also very strong, and it is not a big problem to stay up for a few days and nights.

He hurriedly recovered his fighting spirit, and then began to repair the muscles in his back.

"Okay ma'am, you can turn around, I'll help you deal with the muscles in your back."


Canossa turned around naturally, lying there, and asked Ren to deal with the broken muscles on her back.

With her back to the little doctor, she felt that she had something to say.

Thinking about it, she said with emotion: "Doctor Ren, if I hadn't met you this time, I might not have been able to open the gate of this temple at all, and I would have been stupidly looking for clues for a long time."

She suddenly felt that she was a little silly before, and after searching for clues for two full months, it turned out that all her guesses were wrong.

The bronze door is actually "voice controlled"!

This made her, a person who doesn't know "Monkel's ancient language" at all, trapped for a lifetime, unable to find the correct way to open the door.

Thinking about it, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Kanosha's mouth, and her words became more and more emotional.

"And even if it is opened, I will definitely die."

As she spoke, she looked up at the eight gargoyles that nearly killed her on the spot, and pursed her eyes full of resentment. The darkness concealed the gesture of her youngest daughter, and the playfulness flickered away.

Suddenly, she asked.

"Doctor Ryan, you saved me, how can I thank you?"

"Discount it."

"Ah, are you short of money?"

"Just kidding. If I didn't meet you, I probably would have died on the way to Glory City."

Ren didn't care about what he really wanted in return.

The cause and effect of the relationship on the train, like the "butterfly effect", also brought drastic changes to his fate.

If he hadn't met Canossa on the train back then, Ren would have come to Glory City with a strange hunting group, and maybe he would have encountered that beast tide GG.

And if it wasn't for Kanosha, he wouldn't be in love with Udo, he wouldn't be able to translate "Threading a Needle", and he wouldn't be able to save Bazel, and he wouldn't be in a relationship with the Colemans later.

If he hadn't met this lady, Ren might be like an ordinary low-level wilderness hunter, either huddled in the mechanical city, or died in the battle to open up wasteland.

The two chatted and suddenly felt very familiar.

Because the injury has not fully recovered, even though the "divine power crystal" is in front of her eyes, Kanosha has not gone to get it for the time being.

But before Kanosha's injury was fully healed, there was a movement outside the temple.

She frowned and got up quickly: "Someone is coming!"

Renn took a closer look, but there were a few guys wearing red mage robes, tentatively walking in from the bronze door of the temple.

Less than X4. Ask for a wave of tickets at the end of the month, brothers~

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