Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 175 (addition for the lord 'Ni Lanxuan Zhen')

Ren didn't dare to touch the bones that were crawling in front of the steps before, for fear of triggering something like the curse of the wraith.

But he didn't expect that after those red-robed mages from Glory City broke in to deliver a wave of equipment, they accidentally knocked and destroyed these bones, which made him get the [Thunder Totem] by accident.

Reaping the treasure, Ren was in a great mood.

Well now, the bronze door is closed, and there is no need to worry about someone breaking in suddenly.

The gargoyle above his head also obeyed Ren's orders, and it seemed that he didn't have to worry about it at all.

Kanosha suddenly felt very relaxed, laid out a thick cashmere cushion, and crawled on it naked with a natural expression, enjoying Ren's treatment.

She looked at Ryan's red face and panting, and said in a small voice: "Doctor Ryan, is the harvest very good? I see you smiling so happily."

Although she was asking, she could hear her tone, but she didn't want to find out what kind of spoils she had harvested.

Ren also felt that there was nothing to hide, and shared his joy with a smile: "Yes. I found a treasure that is very important for my extraordinary advancement."


Canossa listened and smiled slightly.

Needless to say, the patriarch of the "Miller Family", one of the five major families in Glory City, must have a treasure in him.

What's more, there are two strange beads found in the ashes of the skeleton before.

But no matter what it was, even if it was an artifact, Kanosha was not interested in asking. She felt that it was what Ryan deserved, something that belonged to him.

And thinking of this, she looked at the blood-red crystal under the statue again, her eyes were a little complicated.

Without Ren, she might never see this thing in her life, let alone get it.

Thinking about it, she finally couldn't hold back, and said, "Dr. Ren, I have something to discuss with you."

Ren, who was sewing her waist muscles, was taken aback for a moment. His tone sounded too polite, and he was a little uncomfortable.

He asked, "What's wrong?"


Kanosha seemed to find it difficult to speak, hesitated for a long time, and then said: "Can you give me the 'divine power crystal' for a few years first? I will return it to you when you need it."

After a pause, she explained again: "That blood crystal seems to have a high concentration, and it is very likely that it is a 'gift from God' that has never been passed on."


Ren didn't expect Kanosha to hesitate for a long time, but actually said this.

Don't look at the door opened by himself, the gargoyle was also controlled by him with the devil's language.

But if it were him alone, there would be no chance for him to try some demonic language to control the gargoyle, and he might not even dare to enter the temple. Even if he came in, as soon as he went up the steps, he would come down from that monster casually, and he would have to send him to meet the demon god with one punch.

It is also impossible to harvest the complete seventy-two body training diagrams of [Hercules Demon God], and there is no loot from the next wave of great mages, and it is even more impossible to find the [Totem of Thunder] hidden in the pile of bones.

He felt that Kanosha deserved a "divine power crystal" according to the contribution of the team.

Kanosha was not sure what Ren's "ah" meant, and suddenly felt a little nervous.

Although "stepping into the legend" is her lifelong dream, she can't do that kind of ungrateful and bottomless thing.

And, while she had once thought of the little doctor only as a funny passing visitor, now she saw him as an ally, and a close friend.

Ren's fingers were still on the lady's slender waist, and he clearly felt her tense moment just now, and smiled heartily: "That's what you deserve, madam, why are you asking me?"

Kanosha's eyes lit up when she heard this, but she felt embarrassed again: "But...it's obviously because of you that I can survive."

"Without you, madam, I might not be able to live now."

Ren shook his head with a smile, and said, "Besides, I don't need such high-end things for the time being."

He didn't mean to be polite, but the truth.

Things like "divine power crystallization" are still too far away for him, and it is not certain whether he can use them in this life.

High-level transcendence cannot be advanced with genetic potions.

Especially after the third level [Demon Hunter], it takes a great opportunity to break through a gene chain. Ninety-nine percent of the low-level transcendents were blocked by those thresholds. Many people are trapped in the first and second stages all their lives.

Not to mention whether Ren can advance to the fifth level of extraordinary in this life. Even if there is no bottleneck along the way, no matter how evil the talent is, it will take about ten or twenty years before the fifth level is completed and the level of comprehension of "magic solution" is reached.


Canossa was also right.

I really hope that one day he really needs it, and that thing can really be returned.

"Divine Power Crystal" is a consumable item, but it cannot be consumed all at once.

Whether it is excavated from the ruins or survived, it is actually the "crystallization of laws" condensed by the seventy-two demon gods themselves.

That kind of thing is like a candle. When it is lit (in the state of magic solution), it illuminates the darkness, and how much of the illuminated world you can see clearly depends on your own comprehension.

If the candle is not burned out when you die, you can pass on the remaining piece to the next person.

Ren once heard Bazel say that a complete crystallization of divine power can be passed on for more than ten generations, thousands of years.

And the "divine power crystal" can absorb the divine power in other crystals to prolong the "ignition time".

So this is the reason why the "Top Ten Legends" have already crystallized, but they are desperately trying to grab this kind of thing.

Although Ren didn't quite understand the purity of this thing, but looking at the blackened blood crystal, it is very likely that it is really a "first-hand product" that has never been passed on.

Even if Kanosha spends her whole life studying it, it might not be able to consume much.

And, don't say it doesn't count as "borrowing".

In Ren's mind, since she was able to "ask", she obviously regarded herself as an equal friend.

Emotionally and rationally, there is nothing to worry about.

Kanosha didn't expect that Ren would really give up the "divine power crystal" to herself without hesitation.

But she feels that she has always had a good eye for seeing people. When you are friends, it is natural for you to come and go.

She didn't twitch too much, she smiled knowingly, and said softly, "Thank you."

Ren also smiled, and the sewing action in his hand didn't stop at all, as if he didn't care.

Then, Kanosha realized that her "ultimate goal" was about to be achieved suddenly, and her mood became even better.

She turned her eyes and asked curiously: "Doctor Ren, you not only saved me, but also helped me so much, how can I thank you?"

The two are familiar with each other, and they can also make some jokes.

Ren said casually: "Either. A promise with your body? Then you don't have to be so alien."

Hearing this, Kanosha was naturally not to be outdone, and jokingly said, "For money, or for sex?"

Ren half-truth and half-false: "Dutu."

"Yo, my heart is not small."

Kanosha covered her mouth with a chuckle, and said deliberately: "Uh, it's not that you can't think about it. It's just that you are a little younger. After all, you call me 'Madame'."

Ren didn't think she took it seriously, and the words were obviously "don't care about flirting or burying".

With the same indifferent expression on his face, Youyou replied: "Actually, it's not small."

Canossa was taken aback for a moment, then spat again.


Ren laughed. After being teased all the year round, he finally won back a victory.

It took about forty hours for the suture operation to completely suture Canossa's broken muscles one by one.

After recovering from her injuries, Kanosha felt that she was in excellent condition.

Then they naturally set their sights on the "divine power crystal" on the altar and the bone spear.

After careful observation for a long time, I still didn't see any obvious danger.

After all kinds of preparations were made, the two of them still used the most stupid method - hitting the mine with their bodies.

Ren was still hiding in the distance, and Kanosha was even ready to risk her life to get the crystals.

Then, after a breath-holding slow-motion test, she found that there was no danger at all, so she easily took the crystal in her hand.

It seems that from the moment they step up the steps and walk to the altar alive, they are eligible to get those things.

Of course, what was harvested was the bone spear that weighed several tons.

Kanosha harvested the blood crystals and was satisfied, not interested in the bone spear at all.

Ren guessed that it was a "magic weapon", but it was difficult to even lift it, and he could only stuff it in the storage ring.

Now, everyone is happy.

Kanosha intends to absorb the "divine power crystal" on the spot, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

And Ren also felt that the underground ruins, which was said by the great witch priest Mafa to be "in and out", had a little more strength and a chance of saving his life, so he also began to integrate [Thunder Totem].

Anyway, they have sufficient supplies and are not in a hurry.

With the door closed, it lasted for several days.

"It's done!"

Renn's integration with [Totem of Thunder] went very smoothly. It was originally a piece of foreign equipment, and there was no need for a threshold of comprehension.

Direct blood fusion, let the totem blend into the body surface.

During that process, it felt like stabbing a big flower on the back. The thick purple dragon patterns in the totem beads seemed to come alive and printed on the skin.

Moreover, what made Ren quite satisfied was that this [Totem of Thunder] did not cover his face, it was just below the collarbone, and it was found on the entire upper body, buttocks and legs.

Before, he was a little worried that the totem would affect his handsome face, but now it was just right.

Putting on clothes, others can't see anything unusual.

With the totem on his body, he immediately felt the pleasure of "opening up" cultivation.

The thunder elemental totem runs automatically, endlessly.

In this temple where the "devil energy of the abyss" was originally very strong, Ren's cultivation speed was three to five times faster than outside the pit, but now with the blessing of the power of the totem, it has skyrocketed several times!

Moreover, he obviously felt that Elemental Lei was much "closer" to himself.

Even if he doesn't take the initiative to meditate and absorb, the thunder elements wandering around will still walk towards him kindly. Run "Thunder's Breath" again, the whole body is flashing with thunder, and it looks like an electric man.

Ren is very sure that with this speed of cultivation, the second-level battle energy will be overflowing, and it will be just around the corner.

And for his extraordinary road, the car was changed from a small eDonkey to a jet plane.

And two days later,

Canossa also suddenly burst out with a majestic pressure that made Ren feel breathless.

Her eyes shone brightly, and a phantom of a god and demon appeared behind her, which was exactly the same as the stone statue of the god on the square.

Canossa, successfully entered the "Legendary Realm"!

And as it happens,

Just when Rennes and the others were going to stay for a few days to stabilize their status.

Suddenly, the closed bronze gate of the temple slowly opened.

Renn didn't expect that someone could open the gate of the temple that needed the "Ancient Demon Language" from the outside.

Thinking again, he immediately stopped Kanosha who was about to strike violently.

As soon as the door was opened, a loud shout was heard.

"There is a smell of blood! Everyone be careful!"

This highly recognizable loud voice is obviously an old acquaintance Bazel.

Then, those people who came in from the outside saw that there were two big living people in the temple that had been dusty for countless years, and they were also stunned.

"Senior Bazel? Mafa Grand Witch Festival?"

"Damn it, Kid Ryan! Why are you here?!"

Before the people on both sides had time to talk about the past, there were dense and terrifying movements outside the door.

"Quick! Close the door first! Don't let that monster break in!"

Reward owed X3; ask for votes at the end of the month, brothers.

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