Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 176 Ren's circle of friends

The only ones who can open that bronze door now are those who can speak the "Ancient Demon Language".

So Ren can guess that the person outside the door must be the Mafa Grand Witch Festival.

Watching him fight to the death with the group of top experts from Glory City, Ren felt a little sorry for this top expert.

Now a giant flower suddenly popped up and swallowed everyone in, but Mafa survived, which was a blessing among misfortunes.

It's right to think about it, Mafa will master the [God Healing Technique], as long as you have enough fighting spirit, you can hardly die.

Seeing that Bazel survived, Ren breathed a sigh of relief, but it wasn't too surprising either.

The silver needles in this legend's body have all been drawn out, and his strength is outrageous.

Although the "tentacle monster" was a red-robed mage, Ren felt that a few tentacles would not be able to kill a legendary superhuman like Bazel who also had the same physics department.

He had thought before that as long as that guy was not too lucky and didn't fall directly into the bottomless pit leading to "hell", he should be able to survive.

Looking at it now, it really is.

And not only did Mafa and Bazel survive, there were also one or two hundred Coleman soldiers by their side.

The old and the weak, women and children were basically killed or injured in the previous battle, and they were swallowed by the "giant flower monster". Almost all the survivors were high-level warriors in the tribe.

One by one, with injuries, they rushed into the temple quickly.

"Quick! Close the door!"

Before the two sides had time to talk about the past, the bronze door was already closed.

Ren looked out through the crack of the door. There were scarlet tentacles densely packed like a snake's den, rushing in like a tide, countless, and it made one's scalp numb.

At the same time, he was also curious about what happened outside.

Obviously, those tentacle monsters seem to only be active in a specific area, and there are only one or two in number. Why are there so many of them suddenly pouring into the temple?


After the door was closed, the sound of relaxing breaths could be heard in the empty hall.

Bazel looked at the environment in the temple, let out a sigh of relief, and walked towards Renn quickly: "Haha, boy Renn, I knew you were not dead!"

As he walked over, he looked at Canossa next to Ren from the corner of his eye, and suddenly felt a little familiar.

Then he suddenly remembered, and said in surprise, "You are Canossa J. Clover from the 'Black Gold Chamber of Commerce'?"

As the former leader of the Great Phantom Thief, how could he not recognize this top business giant?

In the past, their "White Wolf Phantom Thieves Group" did not rob the Black Gold Chamber of Commerce. The two are not considered a major enmity, but it is definitely not a small grudge.

When the two met, they were naturally alert to each other.

Kanosha didn't expect that she would run into the thief leader [White Wolf] Bazel in the "Ten Legends" here, and she was shocked: "This guy is here too."

What she didn't expect was that Ren beside him actually knew the bandit leader!

And Bazel was also very surprised. To be able to survive in the temple, the method must be not simple.

Although the four guardians of the "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce" are very strong, I have never heard that this beautiful vice president is a superhuman.

But seeing her now, although the opponent's aura has completely restrained, no matter from her demeanor or momentum, this is a top-level extraordinary.

Even faintly made him feel a sense of threat.

The legend began to think about it even if he didn't enter into it.

Could it be that Kid Ren was hijacked by this woman?

not right

At first sight, the woman was still protecting Kid Ryan. No matter how you look at it, the relationship between the two is not simple.

Damn, could it be this kid's concubine again?

Thinking of this, Bazel's expression became very strange.

Ren also noticed that the atmosphere between the two of them was not right. He stepped forward and introduced to Bazel first: "This is Mrs. Canossa, my friend and ally."

Then he paused, and then introduced to Kanosha: "This is Mr. Bazel, who is also my friend."

"Another ally?"

Bazel didn't know why, but he always felt weird when he heard Renn say the word "ally".

This kid, I am afraid that the doctor is a side job, and the main job is Neptune?

There is an "ally" of the eldest princess, and a Coleman chick, and now there is an "ally" of the black and gold beauty vice president.

This kind of werewolf whose head is full of muscles doesn't think too much. Since Ren said he was a friend, he didn't have much hostility. He said hello: "It's my first meeting, I am honored to meet the beautiful president of the 'Black Gold Chamber of Commerce' Kano Miss Sha."

In the eyes of strange thieves, there are only two kinds of people worthy of attention, either the top extraordinary, or the rich.

Now, the woman in front of her has both.

Although Kanosha's expression was not very good, she also responded: "Hello, Mr. Bazel, it's an honor to meet you too."

Bazere was a vulgar person in the first place, so it would be nice to say "Hey, chick, give me a smile" without saying hello.

Now that I've made acquaintance with a few polite words, I don't pay attention to Kanosha anymore.

He walked over quickly and patted Ren on the shoulder, "Boy Ren, why are you hiding in this temple?"

The door is closed, dark, lonely and widowed.

Naturally, the first reaction of this rapper was those indescribable events. He winked and said: "You can do it, kid. I was worried about you before, and I searched for you all over the ruins. I didn't expect you to be happy here."

The two were already very familiar, and Ren was not polite, and revealed quietly: "You are afraid that I will die, and no one will pull out the remaining silver needle for you?"

Now there are few in his body, but it will be more difficult to pull out in the end.

It can be said that, except for Ren, even if the great witch of Mafa learned [Threading Needles and Threads], it would be impossible to pull out those remaining silver needles before he could condense dozens of "gang threads".

Bazel didn't explain much, he laughed.

At this time, the Mafa Grand Witch Festival also brought the group of Coleman fighters over.

They didn't speak first, but directly knelt down at the bottom of the steps with pious faces, and kowtowed to the statue of the Morogos general on the altar.

The three of Renn didn't dare to stand in front of them, so they quickly stepped aside and stepped back down the steps.

After the worship of the Great Witch Festival, Ren also took the initiative to go forward and greeted Mafa in Coleman: "Master Wu Ji, it's great that you are safe and sound."

Mafa was also quite emotional, but it could be seen that she didn't feel much joy because she survived.

Once the seal was broken, the beliefs that the Colemans had upheld in the era of the Coleman clan were also shattered.

And just when Renn greeted those acquaintances of the Coleman tribe.

Although Kanosha on the side looked normal, she was already speechless in surprise.

She had heard that Ren had a good relationship with the barbarian tribe, but now she saw him greet these barbarians warmly like relatives, and she couldn't believe it.

Before, she was a little worried that she would have trouble cooperating with "barbarians".

After all, she had personally experienced the fierceness of these people before. They killed each other when they met, and they couldn't understand the language, so there was no room for communication at all.

Although I didn't understand what they said, but now it seems that this "Coleman" seems to have a friendly side.

Kanosha was also curious, how did Ren fell to the ground and made friends with these primitive civilizations living in the forest?

What's more, when she paid close attention to Mafa, the skinny, black-skinned old man, her expression suddenly flashed a bit of solemnity.

Now that she has advanced to "Legendary", it stands to reason that even if she confronts Bazel, she will not be afraid at all.

But the higher the realm, the more you can understand the power of this state when you see this old man who has returned to basics.

Moreover, Kanosha herself is good at controlling her fighting spirit so that it does not leak out.

Looking at the old man again, he immediately understood that he seemed to be walking the same path as himself!

And when she looked at the old man again, the old man seemed to be swept away from the corner of her eye. At this moment, his wise eyes seemed to pierce people's hearts.

This made Kanosha even more sure that the skinny old man was absolutely ridiculously strong, and exclaimed in her heart: "Top powerhouse!"

This also made her feel that her understanding of Rennes had been refreshed once again.

It's fine that my ally has weird abilities, but who are the people around me making friends with!

Being able to call one of the "Top Ten Legends" [White Wolf] Bazel is a brother and brother, and also has a deep friendship with a "Coleman" who has a top powerhouse

At this moment, Kanosha suddenly couldn't understand.

Personally, the relationship between the two is already very close.

But Yu Gong, she felt, it was time to re-examine their previous covenant. If he can get out alive, the Black Gold Chamber of Commerce may have to increase the price of that contract.

However, these people who came in brought a shocking news!

Ren and Bazel had a brief exchange of the situation, and immediately realized how bad it was outside.

"So the tentacles outside are actually the 'mouthparts' of that giant flower? And we, including this temple, are actually in its belly?"

Ren thought it was the roots or tentacles of some kind of monster, but he didn't expect it to be the mouthparts in his body.


Mafa nodded, and said: "That's the 'Morasi King Flower', a legendary hell creature. I found some records about this hell creature in the above ruins. It should be specially designed by the ancestors. It is fed here, and the guardian and seal of the temple is called 'Bishna'. And for countless years, with the nourishment of 'Abyss Demonic Energy', it has grown to an unimaginable level."

After a pause, he continued: "Before it didn't wake up, it just hunted instinctively. Now that it wakes up, it will kill all creatures swallowed in its stomach."


Ren's scalp tingled when he heard it.

It turned out that he hadn't woken up before, so only one or two tentacles were instinctively hunting.

Now that it is awake, the tentacles are conscious and will attack all living things in the ruins.

And many years ago, when it was still a "baby", it was already so big that there were feeding passages all over the city.

How old is it now?

As for combat power

We can't just talk about "level combat power", its size has already exceeded the category of normal creatures.

To force Bazel and Mafa to retreat to the temple for refuge, one can imagine how ferocious this monster is.

And at this time, Mafa said: "Those tentacles are not impossible to deal with, but there are too many of them, and they can't be killed at all."

Ren also understood, and had a vague idea of ​​the monster's strength in his mind.

To put it simply, it is partially the combat power of a fifth-tier monster. But as a whole, it is probably the combat power of 10,000 fifth-order monsters stitched together!

It is impossible for any strong person to kill 10,000 Tier 5 monsters at the same time.

At this time, a High Priest Coleman also said: "We tried to rush out before, but found that the higher we go, the denser the tentacles, and there are a lot of spikes and mucus, it is impossible to escape. "

Ren's scalp was numb, and he suggested: "Can I go underground? For example, dig a tunnel, or break through horizontally?"

The Great Witch Ji shook his head, as if he was the only one who knew what the monster's body structure was like, and said, "Conservatively, the thickness of this monster's body is several hundred meters thick. Break open for thirty to fifty meters, but it will heal in a blink of an eye. If you want to rush out, there is still a long way to go. And once it hurts, those 'mouthparts' will gather together, and no living thing will escape at all Chance."

With a slight sigh, Marfa continued: "And, what's worse, it is awake now, and after eating on a large scale, it will start to release corrosive acid to digest the food. That liquid will digest everything in the stomach. Living things, Rocky soil, trees, even temples."

Ren heard his face getting darker and darker.

They seem to have fallen into a sealed "sulphuric acid bottle" now, are they dead anyway?

As if to confirm what Mafa said just now, just as he finished speaking, suddenly, there was a "click" and "click" sound of gravel above the temple.

As if being squeezed by some external force, cobweb-like gaps were cracked everywhere around the temple, and the sound of sand and gravel falling could be heard clearly in the empty temple.

Hearing this voice, everyone in the temple turned pale at the same time.

Thanks to '20170502131224838', 'Indifferent Andy' for 1500 coins, 'Missing You' 588, 'Ancient Mozhai' 500, 'Gan Liliang', 'Reading to Read Feelings' and 'Let's Talk'. Thank you for your great rewards Thank you for your support.

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