Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 177 It's Not That You Can't Satisfy Your Little Regret

The sound of falling gravel can be heard very clearly in this empty temple.

The stones of the temple are all super-hard qinggang rock, which is completely different from the sandstone on the ground, and it is also blessed with magic patterns, which is very strong.

Even the fierce battle between Kanossa and the eight gargoyles before did not cause much damage.

Now it is squeezed and cracked everywhere?

Can you imagine how strong that external force is?

However, the only good news is that the sound of cracking bricks and stones suddenly stopped after a while.

The temple seemed to be temporarily supported, and was not immediately crushed and shattered.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But what to do now?

The people who hid in the temple did not have the slightest bit of luck for the rest of their life after the catastrophe, but their expressions were more dignified.

When desperate, faith will have a miraculous spiritual self-healing power.

Ren, Canossa, Bazel, the three of them had bitter expressions on their faces.

In contrast, those Colemans looked at the statue and calmed down one by one. Now that they were trapped, they were not idle.

"By the great god Mologos."

Mafa's expression was still extremely calm, and he led the clansmen to start their daily prayers again.

They crawled devoutly under the steps, chanting low prayers.

Ren finally understood what happened to the pile of bones under the steps before.

Those who can enter this temple are the Colemans who have strayed into this place for countless years. After they knew they couldn't get out alive, they chose to pray for God Morogos to the last moment of their lives in this temple.

Ren felt that waiting to die was definitely not a good idea.

He doesn't believe in gods, and he doesn't want to die here.


Then he rolled his eyes, suddenly thought of something, and took out the several-ton bone spear in the storage ring.

Because the spear was too heavy, with a "bang", it fell to the ground without holding it firmly.

This movement attracted the attention of all the praying Colemans.

Ren was a little embarrassed. It is impolite to interrupt someone's prayer, but now is obviously not the time to care about it.

He said cheekily: "Master Mafa, this is a weapon I found in the temple earlier. Do you think it is useful for our situation?"

When Mafa saw it, he really recognized the spear, and a wave flashed in his eyes, and he said, "This is [Mologos' Hunting God Spear]!"

With that said, he walked over. He stretched out his hand devoutly to pick up the spear on the ground, but when he started it, he felt extremely heavy and seemed to be struggling.

"Master Mafa, be careful, this bone spear is very heavy"

Ren reminded him, thinking that he would use the strange power of the [Hercules Demon God] to forcefully pick it up.

But he didn't want to, Mafa tried it again, it seemed that he changed the method, suddenly picked up the bone spear easily with one hand, and waved it lightly a few times.

Just a few times, the wind howled and made people's hair stand on end.


Ren was very surprised by the strange wind.

But surprised that Mafa could pick up the several-ton spear so easily?

Moreover, looking at the way the great witch Ji's muscles are being exerted, it doesn't look like he used "weird power".

Obviously, he has found the correct way to use it.

Mafa's muddy eyes were shining brightly, and he looked at the spear in his hand with emotion, and said, "This is the magical weapon used by Lord Mologos back then, and it is also the 'Treasure of the Town' of our Coleman clan. But It was lost as early as 3,000 years ago.”

After a pause, he said, "Unexpectedly, it was summoned by God and returned to the temple."

It really is an artifact!

Ren frowned, but it was expected.

This was the first time he had seen a "magic weapon" used by a real demon god.

Hearing Mafa's words, he didn't have the nerve to say that the bone spear probably wasn't summoned, but fell into a deep pit, was picked up by a Coleman ancestor, and brought into the temple.

Ren asked again: "Master Wu Ji, with this bone spear, will it be useful to our situation?"

Although he didn't see anything special about this bone spear other than its weight. But thinking, since it is a "magic soldier", it should be more than enough to kill the giant flower monster naturally.

Unexpectedly, this idea was immediately denied by the Great Witch Festival.


Mafa shook his head slightly, and said: "Not to mention that the mortal level cannot control the supreme rules contained in the divine weapon, even if you want to use it. The divine weapon has a spirit, and it takes a long time to warm up and sacrifice. Users who have been approved by the divine weapon , can really play a part.”

After a pause, he continued: "Although our family has the secret method of sacrificial refining inherited from our ancestors, it will take at least a year and a half to get the approval of the divine soldiers. At that time, we have all been corrupted into the nourishment of the corpse king flower gone."

An "artifact" is like a well-constructed musket. You must understand its rules of use in order to exert its true power.

If you can't master the correct method of use, you can only be used as an iron rod.

"Ah so."

Ren listened, and the little hope that had just been ignited was shattered again.

I thought it was a "magic weapon" that should be in the air every second of every day, so this is it?

Then, he took out the milky white totem bead again, and said, "Master Wu Ji, what do you think of this? I also found this in the temple before."

If not, the owner still needs to recognize his own things.

When Mafa saw this bead, he recognized it immediately: "This is [Totem of Beasts]!"

If they found the lost inheritance treasure of their Coleman tribe elsewhere, Mafa would be very pleased.

But here, the brilliance in his eyes just lit up, and suddenly went out.

Although he guessed the result, Ren still asked: "Master Mafa, is this?"

"also can not."

Before finishing speaking, Mafa shook her head.

He explained: "This used to be the strongest inheritance totem of our family, allowing people to understand the language of beasts. But the 'Morasi King Flower' is a hell creature without intelligence. It can only prey on instinct and cannot communicate."


Ren sighed.

If, as he expected, the offensive artifact like [Morogos' God Hunting Spear] couldn't break the situation, naturally, the totem bead, a treasure to assist cultivation, would also be impossible.

This made him lose the mood of harvesting the treasure in an instant.

I just got rich, and I'm about to burp in a blink of an eye, and I feel really fucked up.

Thinking about it, he rolled up his sleeves again, revealing the purple tattoo of [Thunder Totem], and explained.

As expected, the Mafa and Coleman clansmen didn't mind seeing Renn sacrifice the clan's inherited treasure [Thunder Totem]. His friendship with the Colemans, that was a small matter.

If it were done elsewhere, Mafa might say that the totem is no longer needed in the future and should be returned to their clan.

But now, all these words are omitted.

Anyway, everyone has to become the nourishment of the "Morasi King Flower", and everything is not important anymore.

An atmosphere of despair spread in the temple.

Although the supplies in the storage ring are enough for these hundred people to last for a while, obviously, this temple may not last that long.

After cracks appeared on the rock walls around the temple, a pungent strong acid smell also spilled in.

Don't think about it, you are the monster that has already started to secrete digestive juice, planning to digest the temple together.

Ren and Marfa communicated in "Coleman" throughout the whole process. Kanosha and Bazel on the side didn't understand, but they vaguely guessed something from the expressions on everyone's faces.

But at this time, Bazel saw Mafa and the Coleman warriors with sage-like indifferent expressions, and sat together under the steps in front of the statue, and started a new round of prayers.

He finally had a chance to ask: "Boy Ren, what did you just say? Why did they go to worship God again?"

Kanosha on the side also cast a curious look.

Ren sighed slightly, and said, "The Great Witch of Mafa said that we probably won't be able to get out."

Then, he roughly explained the conversation just now.

Bazel knew the strength of Mafa the most, and when he heard this, his expression became uneasy.

Kanosha didn't know Mafa, and she didn't know the extent of the situation outside, so she asked doubtfully, "Our concentrated strength is not weak, can't we rush out and try?"

Their combined strength is indeed not weak.

Marfa, Bazel, and Kanosha, the newly promoted legends, together with these two hundred elite Coleman fighters, are enough to capture many large cities.

However, he just couldn't deal with this monster that was said to grow in hell.

"The giant flower outside is the hell creature 'Morasi King Flower'."

Ren looked at Canossa, and gave her a general explanation of the monster's almost "invincible" ability

After hearing this, Kanosha pursed her lips, frowned, and fell into a long thought.

However, people who can stand at this height have not uncommonly experienced ups and downs in life.

She was in a good state of mind. After thinking about it to no avail, she shrugged her shoulders and said, "That's all. I also saw the scenery of the 'Legendary Realm'. Although there are still some regrets in this life, it is not bad."

As she said that, she looked at Ren again: "But it's a pity, I'm very interested in your 'new territory'. I originally planned to go out and fight with you, but now it seems that I have no chance."

Although Ren's mentality is not as good as that of a top boss who has seen everything, but he has been reborn once, and he can be considered open, and he responded: "Yeah, I also have great expectations for that territory."

In the distance, Bazel was not interested in standing there in a daze, and was knocking around the temple, as if he was bored and wanted to find something to do.

Originally, he didn't intend to listen to the private conversation between the two, but his ears selectively filtered out some words, and some keywords came in, such as: "go out", "with you", "have a big fight".

Then, the legendary face became very strange.

Sure enough, I could tell at a glance that there was something wrong with these two!

Hey, woman!

When can we change the low-level aesthetics that only look at the face?

The mighty and strong body of the werewolf, isn't he delicious!

With a pursed mouth, Bazel did not speak, but went to study the secret murals on the stone wall with great interest.

There were one or two hundred people in the temple.

But Canossa only had Ryan as a friend, so she naturally followed him.

In the past few days, the two of them had almost figured out the temple, and there was nothing to look at, so they found a step and sat down, silently in a daze.

Idle is also idle, there must be something to say.

Canossa said with emotion: "Dr. Ren, because of you, I can enter the 'Legend'. Even if it is difficult to get out alive this time, I don't have many regrets in this life. Thank you."

Ren didn't speak, and smiled a little bit reluctantly.

After a pause, Kanosha thought of something again, turned to look at Ren, and asked, "If we really can't get out, do you have any regrets?"


The picture in Ren's mind was fleeting, and he quickly recalled the nearly two years he had traveled through.

After finally coming to such a wonderful extraordinary world, just belching again like this, it seems quite a loss when you think about it.

He didn't know where to start, so he said casually: "There are a lot of regrets."

Canossa: "For example?"

Ren counted on his fingers, and said one by one: "For example, I haven't seen high-level and extraordinary scenery, I haven't been to the two imperial capitals to see the super big cities, I haven't figured out how big this world is, and I haven't seen it. I have seen the legendary dragon."

"I used to have many such ideals, and later they all came true."

Canossa smiled.

Suddenly she turned her eyes, and asked casually: "Does your regret have something to do with me?"

Hearing this question, an idea flashed into Ren's mind for some reason, and he said boldly, "Yes."

Kanosha was slightly curious, "For example?"

"Never slept with you."

The words came out of my mouth.

Ren didn't know if he had gotten used to the bold and unrestrained concept of gender in this world, or because of the desperate situation at this moment, he had no scruples.

As he spoke, for the first time, he sized up her beautiful face and her graceful figure hidden under the cheongsam with undisguised eyes.

Even if the plastic surgery technology in his previous life has been developed to the point where he can change his face, the Mrs. Kanosha in front of him can be regarded as the most attractive woman he has ever seen. This is an impeccable stunner regardless of temperament, figure, or appearance.

"That's it?"

Kanosha didn't seem surprised, she burst out laughing, and teased again: "Haven't seen enough before?"

She didn't show any strangeness on her face, and let the aggressive eyes look at herself. It seems that this is a trivial matter.

Anyway, the words were out of the way, and Ren didn't feel any embarrassment, "Yeah, I'm a normal man."

Kanosha covered her mouth and smiled without saying a word.

But she seemed to remember something again, and teased, "Don't you like corpses?"

Ren smiled bitterly, noncommittal.

And at this moment, Kanosha glanced at the people in the hall, raised her eyebrows, and suddenly said something out of the question, "Unfortunately, there are too many people here."

Ren was stunned for a moment, "What do you mean???"


Kanosha smiled sweetly, and said again: "There are not many men who can catch my eyes, you count as half of them, at least I don't hate them."

The world's view of gender is so bold and unrestrained, it's just that she can't take it seriously.

As she said that, she glanced at Ren, put her cheek against her, exhaled like blue, and said quietly: "It's a pity that there are too many people here, otherwise it's not impossible to satisfy your little regret."


Ren only felt that the cochlea was warmed by a gust of hot wind, making it crisp and numb.

Hearing her blunt answer, he was a little surprised, but he was also relieved.

Mentioning this kind of topic at this time is a bit like saying goodbye to life and death.

"Do you feel more regretful?"

Kanosha smiled, that kind of charming charm would always be inadvertently revealed in her smile.

Ren shrugged, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "Indeed."

But at this time, Kanosha suddenly seemed to think of something, smiled and said: "How about, if you can get out alive, you can ask me again? Maybe, I will promise you."

Regardless of whether others gave up on survival, but for her, she still planned to rush out and try.

As a businessman, it's not in her character to sit and wait for death. Even if death is certain, it's always a gamble.

Ren realized something and asked, "Are you going to rush out and try?"

Kanosha looked firm and said, "Yes. Do you want to come with me?"

Although it was not a good choice to bring a tow bottle, she still asked.

"I thought so too!"

Ren naturally agreed.

He never intended to give up, just reconsider whether there is a better way.

But racking his brains, it seems that there is only one way to break through.

This charge, but it is probably ten deaths and no lives.

Thinking about the headache, I don't want to.

Then, Renn didn't report any hope, and casually posted a task on the brain.

[Smart brain! Calculate the possible way to escape from the temple.]

After a while, the intellectual brain listed a series of options through known information.

【Ding! The calculation is complete! Option 1: Combine Bazel, Kanosha, and Mafa to forcefully break out, the probability is 1.5%; Option 2: Bring the Coleman warriors Option 3: Jump into the "Eye of Hell", the survival rate is 0.001%]

The expected solution.

In fact, the best solution is for the three top combat forces to charge together, with the greatest chance of survival.

Bringing Ren, a rookie, instantly dropped from 4% to 1.5%;

Then, with the Coleman fighters, it's only 0.1%.

Looking at it further, there is no plan that is really sure of survival.

I didn't intend to watch it anymore.

However, his gaze caught a plan without a reminder of the survival rate.

But it was this plan that made Ren's face stiff as if he had discovered a new world.

【Ding! Unknown feasibility plan: The host assimilates different species of organisms and activates the 'Neural Blood Nematode'. Insufficient reference data, the feasibility of the plan is unknown. 】

Seeing this, Ryan suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and a crazy plan popped up in an instant.

"Fuck, why didn't I think there was such a thing!"

There was a lot of movement in this voice, and everyone in the temple looked at him in unison

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