Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 178 A plan to kill monsters

Chapter 178 A Plan to Kill Monsters

Ren's exclamation also startled Kanossa beside him.

"Why are you so excited?"

She pursed her lips and smiled, thinking that Ren had this reaction because of what she said just now.

Unexpectedly, Ren's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he blurted out: "I think I may have thought of a way to let us get out alive. Maybe I can kill this hell creature!"


Kanosha thought she had heard it wrong, and after a little listening, she showed a disbelieving expression again.

At this time, what else can I do besides risking my life?

Moreover, even these legends felt that it was completely impossible to kill that monster. He actually said just now that it was possible to kill it?

As for what he said, it doesn't matter whether other people heard it clearly, but Bazel and Mafa the witch must have heard it clearly.

As soon as the words were spoken, the two of them immediately cast suspicious glances.

Knowing that Renn has always been prudent in his work, Kanosha also had a look of expectation in his eyes, and asked, "What method did you think of?"

Ren enunciated sonorously, and said: "The limb transplantation method of heterogeneous organisms!"


Kanosha was confused and cast a puzzled look.

"That's one of my teacher's research topics. Simply put, it is to transplant the limbs of another creature to one creature."

Ren knew that the principle of the biological subject was very complicated, and he could not explain it clearly in a few words, so he concluded: "It is probably equivalent to a special biological grafting technology!"

If not, Kanosha, a layman, was dumbfounded and didn't know what he was talking about, and said again: "And what does this have to do with the way you said to get out alive?"

"I'll explain to you later!"

The situation is urgent, Ren didn't intend to say more, and said: "Before confirming whether this method is feasible, I must first confirm some things!"

As he said that, he walked directly to the great witch priest Omafa, and asked a little excitedly: "Master Wuji, do you know the general body structure of this 'Moro Corpse King Flower'?"

Although Mafa also wondered why Ren suddenly asked this, he nodded and said, "I once heard my teacher describe the appearance of this hell creature."

"Then can you find out where its core location is?"

Ren just said it, and suddenly realized that his words were a little jumpy, and explained: "Now I have an idea that I need your help to refer to."

After a pause, he continued: "You know that there are a lot of dormant [nervous blood nematodes] in my body, which are also called 'devil worms' in the tribe."

"Yes, I remember you asked me before, whether our Colemans have a method of repelling insects."

As soon as these words came out, Mafa instantly understood what Ren wanted to do when he fell to the ground, and said, "So, you plan to use the 'Devil Bug' to suck up this hell monster?"

In a blink of an eye, he shook his head again and said: "This method seems impossible. The 'devil worms' can only grow by absorbing the nutrients inside the host, and will not absorb the nutrients from the outside. Even if you strip them out, there is little hope of re-parasitic. What's more, I can't get rid of that kind of bug."

"No! No need to peel it off!"

Ren shook his head, thought of this a long time ago, and said excitedly: "I have a better idea!"

A parasite can suck up a fourth-order monster in a blink of an eye. There are as many capillaries in Ren's body as dense "devil worms".

At the beginning, Irubek had already asserted that there was no known creature in this world that could withstand the sucking and devouring of the blood nematodes in Ren's body.

But it does not include this hell creature that has never been seen before, and its size is beyond the recognition of the world-"Moluo Shiwanghua"!

The nutrients in organisms are directly proportional to their size, which means that, theoretically, as long as these bugs wake up and start absorbing nutrients, even if they don't suck the monster dry to death, they can at least injure it severely.

At that time, the defense will weaken, and with the three legendary masters like Mafa, the possibility of rushing out will skyrocket!


This brings up another problem,

These ancient parasites are very strange, they only absorb the nutrients of the host body, and will not absorb any external energy.

Therefore, how to wake up those "devil worms" in the giant flower's body is the key!

Although there are a large number of strange insects in Ren's body now, not to mention Mafa, there is no way to strip them out. Even if they are stripped out, the method of transplanting insect eggs will not work.

Because parasitism requires a process!

For a powerful creature like "Morosi King Flower", its own immune system can kill almost all parasites. Maybe the eggs died before they hatched into larvae.

Therefore, there is only one way left, and that is "living parasitism".

Others can't use this method at all, but Ren can!

Because this involves a unique research topic of Irubek, that is - xenogeneic transplantation!

"Xenogeneic Biological Limb Transplantation Method"!

It was originally the deworming solution that Irubek intended to use for Ren.

He wanted to transplant a piece of Warcraft's limb tissue on Ren's body, just like plant grafting.

Then, through cultivation, let that piece of Warcraft flesh and blood tissue participate in Ren's body fluid circulation.

After reaching a certain level, those bugs will mistakenly believe that it is also a part of the host. Then use the "Hagers deworming method" to drive the worms to the attached piece of flesh, and then cut them off completely.

After repeated several times, the insect infestation can be completely eliminated.

Because Ren had some scruples about that technology, he never dewormed.

Now, those "bugs" left in the body seem to be of great help.

He didn't need to expel the bugs out of his body, but directly activated the awakening!

After explaining a few more words, Mafa also understood, and said: "So, you plan to fuse your own body with that giant flower in a special way. The worm directly sucks the nutrition of that giant flower?"

Although the great witch priest couldn't understand some of the theories related to the field of "biological science", he had a general understanding of the principles of Ren's method.

Just like "leech sucking blood", Ren is that leech, he will use the method of transplantation to assimilate his own body with the giant flower, and then die together?


Ren nodded and said, "That's why we must first understand where the core part of this monster is. The location chosen for transplantation must be a place where it cannot give up."

There are tentacles everywhere, but once these unimportant locations are selected for transplantation, the monster will sense the loss of life, and instinctively "broke its arms to save its life", and eventually it will fall short.

Therefore, a core must be found, a place where it cannot give up!

Ren also explained his thoughts in common language to Canossa and Bazel who were listening.

Hearing this exclaimed crazy idea, both of them showed the same shocked expression.

Kanosha couldn't help being a little worried: "Then after you assimilate with that monster, the worms will also absorb nutrients from your body at the same time. Will you be in danger?"

Ren also said bluntly: "There must be a certain risk! But at present, there is only this method, which will give us the greatest chance of surviving."

And when he said this, the faces of the three legends beside him were very serious.

They are not worried about the success rate of things, but standing at their height, they will feel that it is strange for a junior to desperately create for them to survive.

Ren looked at the expressions of the three legends, and explained: "My teacher has studied it, and it is theoretically said that those parasites will preferentially devour nutrients in high-nutrient areas. Therefore, even if my body is connected to giant flowers, After waking up, the insects will also give priority to absorbing the nutrition of the giant flower."

Kanosha said again: "Priority? Does this mean that bugs may still suck your body?"

Even if only one bug sucked him, it would be fatal.

"Yes! Although the possibility is very low, it is also possible."

Naturally, Ren would not die blindly. He could think of this plan to survive, so he would naturally minimize the risk as much as possible.

He said the best plan he had thought up, and said: "At that time, I will choose to graft my arm on this monster, and then do some insect repellent measures to drive those insects to the arm as much as possible. In case of life-threatening , you cut off my arm directly. Then inject the 'dormant potion', at least your life will be safe. And the bugs in the severed arm are enough to pose a fatal threat to that giant flower monster!"

This is the most reasonable solution!

Ryan might lose an arm, but it's better than dying!

What's more, he didn't take the risk alone, but three legends went together.

It's done, everyone lives;

No, we will die together.

Ren has already stated all the detailed plans, and everyone thinks that the feasibility is extremely high.

Canossa asked, "So, what are we going to do?"

Ren: "Now make sure that the core of the monster's body is about three kilometers above the temple. We need to rush out of the tentacles, then rush up to the location near its magic core, and find a suitable place for grafting .At that time, I need at least three days to complete the 'transplant culture'."

Persist for three days?

Hearing this, the three top powerhouses all showed a dignified expression.

It's not going to be easy, but it's worth it!

Thanks to "Qinglian Daoge" for the rewards, I owe more +1=3; tomorrow is 2021, I wish you all a happy holiday. By the way, please ask for the first wave of tickets in the new year~

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