Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 183 The Kuroshio Change

[Kuroshio] In fact, when everyone first came out of the giant flower's stomach, they were terribly frightened.

After all, there are countless "living corpses" drilled out of the soil, and they can't be killed even if they are killed. This is really scary.

But later, after everyone rushed into the dense forest area, they found that that was the case.

Especially for Ren and his team with a high average Transcendent level, as long as they don't encounter too many high-level "living corpses", survival is not too difficult.

The combat effectiveness of those corpses resurrected by the "deep devil energy" was not exaggerated to the point of being invincible.

Originally, they thought that those corpses that existed in ancient times would come back to life, and there might be existences that surpassed the "legendary" rank.

But obviously, no.

Except for the oversized "ancient living corpses" in the mist in the distance, they deliberately avoided. Generally, "living corpses" around the fifth rank are already the top combat power in the corpse tide.

But this can't stand the hammering of the three legends and two hundred elite Coleman soldiers.

After the fight, it was discovered that this "corpse wave" is actually not a big threat to this kind of sharp knife team.

Of course, the premise is that they don't stay in the same place for too long, that will attract more and more powerful beings to form an encirclement, and the mud will sink deep.


After killing more, everyone gradually gained experience, and they discovered that those "living corpses" were not unkillable.

Whether it's the lowest-level skeleton monster or the fifth-level living corpse, after they are smashed, a black crystal can be found in their bodies.

The stronger the monster, the bigger the crystal.

But just like the magic core of a monster, it's just around the head, heart, or near the sea of ​​air.

After the "magic crystal" was taken out, the corpse completely hiccupped.

And the black "magic crystal" that drives the resurrection of the corpse, Ren and the others also discovered that it is actually a kind of energy treasure!

Mafa was very familiar with the "Abyss Demonic Qi". When he saw it, he confirmed that it was a very pure crystal of Abyssal Demonic Qi.

And after some experimentation, Ren and the others also discovered that this crystal can be directly absorbed by a transcendent like a magic core, enhancing their fighting spirit. It can even be used as magic material, alchemy and enchantment, and make some one-time props such as magic circles and magic scrolls.

This time, Ren suddenly changed his mind about the [Kuroshio].

He suddenly felt that this "corpse tide" was not only a crisis, but perhaps also an opportunity!

Although this mutation will definitely kill many people.

But at least the large area near the "Forest of Ashes" has a super strong "Abyss Demonic Qi". For those cultivating in this black mist, the growth of battle qi will be several times that of other places.

Of course, the premise is that the negative effects of violent demonic energy on the body can be resolved.

And although the effect of the "magic crystal" taken from the corpse is worse than that of the "magic core" taken from the body of the monster, it is a real energy crystal core.

Moreover, the most exaggerated thing is that every corpse can take out a piece!

Compared with the probability of hunting hundreds of monsters to produce a "magic core", this is simply picking up money.

It is foreseeable that this kind of energy spar will definitely become the mainstream hard currency in the future!

Especially for wild hunters, as long as they can gain a firm foothold in the hell covered by the [Kuroshio], those "living corpses" are not only trouble, but money everywhere!

Moreover, Ren and the others discovered another interesting place along the way!

That is the relic!

Because after the corpses in the deep soil were revived and climbed out of the ground, they brought out a lot of funerary objects that were not from this era, or even unseen civilizations.

What does it mean to have a dead body?

There are ancient ruins, ancient cemeteries, and ancient battlefields.

There are dense bodies, what does it mean?

It means the remains of a large ancient city, a treasure of civilization that has never been developed!

The previous hunters who opened up wasteland basically only looked for ground relics. Because those buried deep in the ground are difficult to find, and time-consuming and labor-intensive.

That was the extent that it was impossible for wild hunters to dig hard before.

But now, there is no need for them to explore and dig. The distribution density of those "humanoid living corpses" can directly tell them where there are ancient ruins and where there are treasures.

Looking at the funerary objects brought out by the corpse, you can know whether the underground ruins are rich and worthy of deep excavation.

When Ren thought of this, he could already foresee many things.

In the future, this large piece of land west of the "Alcoron Mountains" will definitely become a real "sacred land for hunting wilderness", and countless wilderness hunters will rush in.

Moreover, after the supernatural beings discover the benefits of the "devil energy of the abyss" for practice, this black mist area will no longer be regarded as a "poisonous mist area", but a real "holy place for cultivation", setting off a frenzy of cultivation for the whole people!

And at that time, the value of "black crystals" dug out of corpses will become higher and higher, and the supply will even exceed demand.

Those "living corpses" that make people desperate for a while will become the most important source of wealth for wild hunters in the future, and they will compete to hunt and kill them.

In this way, it is certain that, as the only "City of Glory" currently connecting the east and west sides of the Alcoron Mountains, it will definitely benefit greatly.

Once the five major families declare the founding of the country, they will be able to attract countless wild hunters to join them in a short period of time, and their power will skyrocket!

Even, it is not out of the question to become the Third Reich alongside Omar and Sid in the future!

There will even be a large population loss in the two empires, and a new order will be established soon.

Of course, this advantage also applies to the new territory planned by Rennes in the "Kalateva Basin".

That geographic location, once the news gets out, will also become the second City of Glory, or even better!

Ren and his group of two hundred people shuttled through the mountains and forests.

Even if they encountered very difficult high-level "living corpses", the three legends could solve them in an instant. The group did not encounter too much trouble and quickly broke through the siege of living corpses.

Moreover, they gradually discovered the pattern.

Not all places have a large number of "living corpses". For example, in those mountains with shallow mud or rocks, the number of "living corpses" wandering around is very small.

After the team traveled hundreds of kilometers south, the sky gradually darkened, and they chose to spend the night in a valley full of exposed rocks.

The number of living corpses here is very small, and there are no high-level existences. At least they can last until they rest until dawn, and there won't be too many monsters attracted.

The Coleman people lit a bonfire and roasted the prey they hunted along the way.

After spending so many days of despair in the belly of that giant flower, the survivors all showed expressions of relief.

The Coleman tribe, who are good at singing and dancing, danced around the bonfire. It is used to pay homage to the dead, but also to celebrate their survival.

Marfa had a high status in the tribe, and only friends of the Coleman tribe, such as Ren, Bazel, and Canossa, could dine with the old man.

The crackling of the bonfire dispelled the boundless fear brought by the darkness.

The roasted golden crispy Warcraft meat has a strong meaty aroma in the mouth. After eating dry food for so many days, they finally knew the taste of meat, and everyone ate it up.

They kept running away just now, and now that they are free, they also began to recall their previous experiences.

They still had lingering fears when they thought about the unbelievably large "Moluosi King Flower".

I once thought that I would definitely die, but I didn't expect that they could come out alive.

And the biggest hero is naturally Ren.

With a large piece of roast meat in his mouth, Bazel asked inarticulately: "Boy Ren, what is the bug that you used to almost suck up that giant flower? No matter how I feel, it's very strange."

"That's called 'nervous blood nematode'. It is said that it is a parasite that evolved from the blood vessels in the corpse of an ancient mythical beast. I don't know if it is true."

Ren briefly introduced the origin of the "devil self-worm".

Now that this topic was brought up, he was also a little worried.

Although it is said that in ancient times, there was a powerful transcendent who did this in order to obtain the power comparable to that of the gods.

But the legend has been around for so many thousands of years, who knows if it is "spreading rumors".

Right now, there are three well-informed legends in front of them, and they may see something.

Thinking about it, Ren asked, "Seniors, the insects seemed to have matured after absorbing the nutrition of the giant flower. But I couldn't sense where they went, as if they were completely integrated into my meridian flesh and blood. You guys Can you help me see if those bugs are harmful to my body?"

Hearing this, the three legends were naturally willing to help.

Mafa, Bazel, and Kanosha all pinched and felt the pulse on Ren's body, and after various tests, they seemed to find no trace of the bug.

Ren looked at the few people shaking his head and pursed his lips, "Seniors, don't you see anything?"

Bazel shrugged and said: "From the current point of view, those bugs seem to be integrated into blood vessels and muscles as you said. And I checked just now, and your muscle strength is indeed much higher than before. I I also suspect that this may be a process of continuous feedback. It may take a while before you can slowly notice changes."

Ryan: "."

Kanosha on the side also asked: "Ren, do you feel different?"

Ren thought for a while and said, "It feels like it's more resistant to beating?"

He thought about the fact that the machete didn't cut off his arm before, and it seemed to be a special place.

After a pause, he said again: "Oh, and. It seems to be more edible, and the digestive system is more efficient."

Thinking about eating more than a hundred catties of barbecue just now, I should be full on weekdays, but now I don't feel much.

Kanosha smiled and asked again: "What about the meridians? According to what you said, since the bug may have integrated into the meridians, this difference should be the biggest."

Ren was taken aback when he heard this, "Meridians? I don't think there has been any change."

"Oh! I almost forgot, you are only at the second level."

Canossa smiled and shook her head.

As she said that, she took Ren's arm with her slender hand and said, "Then let me try the strength of the meridians for you. If you can't stand it, just tell me."


Ren nodded.

Then he felt a warm current pouring into his meridians from Kanosha's hand.

That kind of comparison instantly made him feel that the "stream" in his body was washed in by the "big flood".

While inputting fighting energy, Kanosha said, "I will input fighting energy slowly, if you feel that you can't take it anymore, just say it."


Ren nodded.

Then, after counting interest.

Canossa frowned and asked, "You haven't felt it yet?"

"What does it feel like?"

Ren looked puzzled, and said again: "I don't feel anything."


Hearing this, Kanosha turned her crystal eyes, vaguely guessing something, and then she increased the amount of battle energy input.

In the next moment, Ren suddenly felt that the "flood" pouring into the meridian became bigger.

But. It seems that there is still not much feeling.

Canossa asked again: "What about now, how do you feel?"

Ren was afraid that something might go wrong with him, so he said truthfully, "I think you've put in more grudge."

Kanosha's expression was a little strange, and she asked, "I mean, you don't feel any tingling pain in your meridians, do you feel any pain?"

Ren shook his head and said with a puzzled expression: "No. I feel warm and comfortable."

If I really want to describe that feeling, it is probably like a shriveled balloon that has only been inflated a little, and it is still too early to burst.

As soon as he said this, the three legends understood something, and their eyes became very strange.

Then Canossa didn't try again, and withdrew her hand.

Ren was stunned: "Mrs. Canossa, did you find anything?"

Canossa smiled slightly and responded, "Good thing."

Bazel on the side obviously understood, and said with emotion: "Boy Ren, you got a great deal."

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